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OCTOBER 20, 1979 20p

Another yearolder
ta-alittl’e bit bolder
2 Record Mirror,
October 20,1979

I and
1 ttsy“"’

I I'm
I ¡ns Fred's Taxis/J^
I Mulligatawny's pn?dh

I " was from a Du»a berS'

I Claimed, those am? ana' 'he report
I more extrove” than hi° ous an<<B

feting nttfe g„ish9 e°'u,lon that's I The oigMo^Tony"^ Tony James

I 9lrls 10 swoonP?«rhn,,y caused

¿ndL ,d ln his shois Th! slun,< O" ¿espectab e. The Rpur "’ey become
ended lour all Miih*' The match have been inv Pea?» P9 s'°nea 9
chance of growing ,hem a 'air I I whatever that i s i ?.a Penally next year. The groin n»y ln Chma
frivolous 9 °* 9 up suitably you have to stand b'?k "'a when to the offer and “id yes
the ball while the COrner to kick six major cities Mfckd|i° play ,lve or
Shl^^'"0 'heir sho?toi'ea7’ ""es * lo visit the People's fil B99r P'a"S
I pyl"9 heihi^^ho has admitted
«nil, i m »oirt thn^"orts m place A"?hias^«APeU^Jeds ,
f kept outside enounh? wasn't ™oney tor a charit^Som0'8 01
bsd boys really y' So 'hey aren't »'th the Chin»«»9«9 9’ a meetina

I name ioraSbovalIam Pal0'’ (silly I

lovely boy Phi In'o that ,?!? iPch ridiculous*^!.??.'hjmself I
J"» one tha.p,yOu Hnow.
Quadrophenia' h!?® ,ead <n
film called •Breaki^ ® making a new

■ are anything like .kQ Sc and if they '"'^'Phicplac^’^^ce

I sent, mean! h! promo shot I y
I h^benea,h six vards^Z9 ,aken
"owing runs ii/k.TL"19 *
I bee keener^' hot/®rds of net, two tubby Tanfwiiyh^ her or
sma|NNpyanFINGERs, "“I
middle of all those^1^ "> me
This" hm^ by0"/^^^^ winding sheets | do2u i’ arma and
I '““l/g'S^e9 » «'9 manufacturer pyiama
know that I won't know, but I
cJh""e Wh° "nobws9w!>"S nef' h'm
yearyouTiaii'h»fk?y next Crab would do to a cLl? , a B°ston
to bed « ,, ?9able to go Prepared coiffure?3 Cae,uky
one. The ' J d.9ar "«Ie
ar®notStMi?hae|aO,Urers THRILLING EVENT«: o
1 Hung ?he oftond?fó"AoPener, he ...

Fo<>tball team I John MliesEhas%«nhown blonde, member was o^al their Fro9
having SuchSfUmann,hnll,n9 despit™
go to South Africa to aske? to
hunk«to Pa^9'he cole ' fears s0ap co ™a ojudge a Miss
Lydon and Billv mSi ok* J<mmy organisers were^ifu °n' 'he fee the
most of the ih ' Wh° spent y e|ephant! At t%! . !9',n? »as an
=•«3=2?.. I meant that the n^^k^reak'n9 class I rocks even Balham90^00^1 that
desk top and thrmS- $ 1 against a I
I’membe'°™ nlgh't. I
aure if he's ooino S?9 J°,'n isn't
elephant th» m 9 0 tske the
box" '"•"’e money or open the



F YOU are a mountaineer you would have loved the Reeve flew up the stairs with his pants on his head). My reflective surface available.
friend overheard Superman bewailing: “My gawd, I went

Three Degrees party at London's CoCo's. My God Oliver Tobias, the star of such epics as ‘Sinbad' (was it
darlings, T thought I was going to have to ask for an to this restaurant the other day and they had to move me Slnbad? Well, one of those Arab types) and the Stud,
oxygen mask there were so many stairs to climb. My upstairs... the women were going insane. I mean, they was revealing that he's been horribly ripped off and is
little tootsies were positively palpitating and with the were trying to kiss me." Actually, his accent is rather not wildly rich, despite all his efforts on screen. Still, the
exertion of grappling with my crinoline dress and like an extra from Oklahoma but I can't write that too lucky boy is sharing a house with the delightfully nosey
fighting with drunken potted palms I was exhausted. well. How can a girl be expected to know all these Steve Strange, who could keep anyone in order.
Only one thing had gone a teensie bit wrong at the intriguing local dialects? The Degrees were not only celebrating their
Degrees concert earlier In the evening. The girls had Talking of local dialects, one particularly rivetting one appearance at the Albert Hall but it was also Sheila's
been told where Superman Chris Reeve was sitting. The belonged to Therese Bazar, the girl from Dollar. It's a birthday. Sheila is the big, healthy looking one who has
trouble was, Chris’ girlfriend, who Is very pregnant, got delight to see a girl who hasn't made any particular effort been known to make Giorgio Moroder drop his drum
rather hottiepoos. So the gallant Chris moved her up to a to change herself now she makes singles. So natural, as loop at the sight of her singing a few “shooby doo
box. But no-one told the Three Degrees and when they my Nanny used to say. doos."
announced that Superman was in the audience a “Mr David, will you get me a drink immediately, “ she In honour of the event they had 30 wives, brothers,
spotlight went to the seat that Big S had occupied. But demanded. sisters and parents flown in from the States to enjoy
horrors, now It was taken by some bald fellow. Murmers ‘ ‘Mr David, can you hear me? Get me a drink.'' their scrumptious cake. At four in the morning BA
from the audience could be heard and someone said Mr David looks browbeaten and staggers off to fill Robertson was still reeling around with half a bottle of,
“ooh, he looks a lot older off screen, doesn't he?" Therese's glass, which he plonked next to her. by now, flat champagne, offering his services to all and
Superman waved valiantly from his new position. “Mr David, when task you to fill my glass I haven’t got sundry. I was beginning to think he should understudy
At the lig a chum of mine, who had his ears firmly eyes In the back of my head. Will you in future tell me for Oliver Tobias sometime. A jolly good time was had by
Sellotaped to the pillars listening to everyone's when you do something forme." most, even if a few people passed out due to the
conversation (I was too busy palpitating in the ladies loo Poor Therese, it must be so annoying. All these combined assault of free booze, low cut dresses and
at this point and wouldn't even have noticed if Chris interruptions and trying to look at one’s blow curl In any those blasted stairs.
Record Mirror. October 20.1979 3

Roberto is swashbuckling his way Costello-produced debut was really

through Britain and Clarissa is. as nothing more than an assortment of
usual, fighting off the attentions of
her many admirers while wandering rARWOOD old live mix-ups, but those rumours
were all mixed-up themselves.
around the house with her pink From all accounts, this naughty
polka spotted Hoover, vacuuming
the pot plants and the cat with STARE record is (I haven't heard the proper
one) something like a light year
alarming frequency. So, all the fans WHY IS it these Los ahead of the studio workings. The
of ‘Cold Wind' are going to have to Angeles types all have live thing Includes such heart­
wait a couple of weeks before they this pseudo Kim Fowley stopping moments as 'Monkey
get another thrilling episode of the stare they adopt Man'. 'Concrete Jungle', ‘Night
epic, due to the fact that nothing is whenever there’s a Klub' and so on and so on. It
happening in that neck of the photographer around cdbldn't have arrived at a more
Common at the moment. them? In this picture, inconvenient time (for 2-Tone).
taken after John Hiatt’s Also finding its way into certain
gig at the Starwood, one necks of the woods is a French­
DECCA’S FIRST recorded lig for packaged double attribute to the
Camel was held at the same club is led to wonder where
Jimmy Pursey’s hand Is horn-rimmed midget Costello
that held the bash for Gary Numan. himself. Titled '50 Million Elvis Fans
The food, a topic that usually grips Can’t Be Wrong’, it squashes a
my imagination with vice like discovered. You just
never can tell I suppose. mammoth 34 tracks into its long,
fervour, was interesting to say the long needle time-span, the first two
least. That was until the stew arrived Still, it’s nice to see that
Jimmy's remembered to sides constituting a number of bare­
in a couple of buckets. Several bones demos recorded for Radar in
people felt somewhat pooey after wear his wrist
strengthener. the Year '77. Definitely that year's
this and the buckets didn't look too model. The other two sides are
hot either. squishy, distorted live things from a
Cleveland live appearance of the
I WAS suitably touched at Herman same year.
Brood's wild romance gig at the Finally, wnen it was almost time for Until next week, Love and kisses. release of the proper Specials There are three different
Lyceum when they played 'Knocking ariverdercis and stuff, Lene did PAULA XXXXXX. album comes a blank-sleeved, approaches to 'Watching The
On Heaven's Door’ for Herman's board the coach to ask everyone to blank-labelled live bootleg of Detectives’ and an encyclopaedia of
drummer's Daddy who had died the behave. But to no avail, an unknown SPECIAL BOOTLEG supreme quality, recorded straight literally everything up to and
day before. The drummer had to Scots skinhead, popularly known as from the mixer and before an including the second El Pea.
race back to Holland to the funeral Jock, fell unconscious on the floor DON’T ASK me, mate, I dunno audience of sloganeering rowdy You will find these documents . . .
and then back for the gig. Herman and didn't return to the land of the where it came from, but . . . Sieg Heil types. somewhere. But don’t ask us for
didn’t expose himself or fall over or living until the coach reached A week before the o-so-official It was rumoured that the E directions. — L EAGLE
do any of those smutty things. I was London. Ahh, the joys of these
expecting all of that after seeing merry little expeditions.
some unfortunate pictures of his
shrivelled bits and pieces in the LUCKILY, THIS weekend I was not
bath with the delicious Lene Lovich banished once again to the
sitting on the edge looking like she Himalayan heights of Caister and
was being asked to kiss a toad. another of their three day disco
events. I covered the last one earlier
this year and only recently
BOSTON, THAT merry band of
recovered from the damned
mountain yaks, are having a thrilling
poundino of those infernal drums).
time in London. Not only did I spot
After the last three dayer I
them in Mr Chows' restaurant the
was shocked into about 20 minutes
other night as they valiantly
solid silence. That was after the last
attempted to be noisier than Rod
Chris Hill extravaganza where about
Stewart's table, where Roddiepoo 10 young men whipped out their
was serenading his wife in a very
naughty bits right in front of the
loud tone. He was obviously getting
stage. At this weekend’s one
in practise for the Scotland footie
reports have filtered back to me to
match that's coming up. A couple of tell of the athletic (titter) Hill walking
nights before, having my dinner in the holiday camp in drag and being
Tramps, Ringo Star was to be found thrown into a swimming pool in his
lurking around, heaving sighs of
dress. As an intimate friend of his
relief that Boston hadn’t come
closest companion, I feel it's now all
down. For all you non-Boston fans
right to reveal that it took her three
(golly, I ask myself, is there anyone days to find a shop that had a big
not intrigued by these mountain enough wig in stock for the noble
men) The Beatles are their absolute Hill's head.
idols and if a member of Boston had
spotted Ringo he might easily have
DEBBY BOONE, the young lady who
wet himself.
had a very big hit in America with
'You Light Up My Life’ and has a
THE PARTY that were sent on a father who is like a sort of singing
scenic bus journey around the Billy Graham, certainly comes out
country to see the wonderful Lene with some whoppas. "I'm not saying
Lovich and Jane Ayre couldn't tell homosexuality is the ultimate sin I
me anything coherent about their can think of but it is a sin, just like
trip into the unknown. Except to say sex before marriage is a sin to me."
that they were all drunk. Andy All I can think is that she must have
Murray, the Stiff press officer, was been incredibly relieved to get
made to buy a four pound peach tart married last month.
at Watford Gap when an irate shop
assistant informed him to stop I'VE LITTLE else that Is likely to set
fingering the goods (typical Stiff one’s trousers alight with
behaviour if you ask me). The tart excitement, except to absolutely
wasn’t eaten. You guessed it. it deny that that was me in the photo
ended up sprayed over several on the front of one of the dailies last
peoples’ brand new togs. (No doubt week. I've decided it was Rosalind
bought for the special event in case Russell dressed up as me and I’m
they met Miss Lovich in the flesh). sticking to that.

Nights in White (Satin

The Moody Blues
29th October — Glasgow Apollo
31 st October — Stafford. Bingley Hall
1 st November — Stafford. Bingley Hall
3rd November — Wembley Arena
4 th November — Wembley Arena
6th November — Brighton Conference Centre
DM 161
4 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

Daytime: 01-8361522
Evening: 01-8361429
Rosalind Russell
John Shearlaw
Graham Stevens
Mike Nicholls
QUEEN JIMMY PURSEY will be appearing for two nights at the
London Nashville with ‘Pursey's Package', on October
26 and 27. The package includes the following five acts:
Bob A Lewie, Jimmy Edwards. Long Tall Shorty, Kidz

Next Door and the Low Numbers.
EDITORIAL The Kidz have a sinnle out on Nov 9 titled ‘What’s It
Ronnie Gurr All About', also on Nov 9. the Low Numbers release
Simon Ludgate ‘Keep In Touch' and Long Tall Shorty's single 'By You
Robin Smith Love' is out on Nov 16. Jimmy Edwards' single ‘Twen­
tieth Century Time' is out this week. All the singles are
Daniela Soave QUEEN UNDERTAKE their first British tour in out on Warner Brothers and were produced by Pursey.
Chris Westwood three years this autumn — and it ties in with the
release of their single 'Crazy Little Thing Called
EDITOR Love' which came out last week. SQUEEZE: rushing to their first gig. BO DEBUT
Susanne Garrett The tour kicks off at Cork City Hall on LITTLE BO Bitch have their debut LP out on October 26
November 20 (tickets £5). It continues at Dublin on the new Cobra label. They will be promoting it on
CONTRIBUTORS RDS Simmons Court 22 (£5. £6), Birmingham NEC
Barry Cain
Mike Gardner
24 (£4), Manchester Apollo 26/27 (£4.75, £4), IT'S ON (PART 3) their new tour.
The dates are: Burton On Trent 76 Club Oct 19, Shef­
field University 20. Doncaster Romeo & Juliets 22, Up-
Glasgow Apollo 30/Dec 1 (£4.75, £4), Newcastle SQUEEZE, WHO had to reorganise their UK tour
Philip Hall City Hall 3/4 (£4.50), Liverpool Empire 6/7 (£4.75, because of recording commitments, have now an­
minster Windmill Hall 24, Hull Wellington Club 25.
James Hamilton £4), Bristol Hippodrome 9 (£4.75, £4, £2.50), nounced the revised dates.
Dudley JBs 26, Liverpool Metro 27, Ipswich Traceys 29.
Alan Jones London Notre Dame Hall 30. Bradford College Nov 2,
Brighton Centre 10/11 (£5, £4, £3). A London date They kick off at Exter University on November 13 and
Manchester Fun House 5, London Marquee 6. North
Susan Kluth has still to be announced. go on to: Plymouth Top Rank 14, Swansea University
Devon College 8. London University Students Union 9,
Tim Lott Tickets for the Birmingham Exhibition Centre 15, Cardiff University 16. Dublin University 17. Belfast
Northallerton Sayers Club 10, Redcar Old Kent 12,
Mark Manning gig are available by post nowand by personal ap­ Queens University 18, Colerane University 19, Shef­ Aberdeen Ruffles Club 14, Edinburgh Astoria 15,
James Parade plication from November 1. Tickets by personal
field Limit Club 20 (two shows). Malvern Winter
Dundee University 16. Manchester Poly 17. Leeds Poly
Kelly Pike Gardens 21. Blackpool Tiffanys 22, Manchester Apollo
application from November 1, from Cyclops 20, Shrewsbury Cascade 21, Aberavon Nine Volts 23,
Paul Sexton Sound Birmingham, Mike Lloyd Music Shops, There will be a major London date before the band
Middlesbrough Teesside Poly 26, Norwich Cromwells
Robbie Vincent Coventry Theatre. Oxford New Theatre, go to Europe, but it has still to be announced. Squeeze
27, Retford Porterhouse 30.
Paula Yates Leicester De Montfort Booking Office, HMV would like to apologise to their fans who have been left
IN AMERICA shops at: Birmingham, Coventry, Derby, out on this new date list but say they will fill in the other
Jim Green
Leicester, Nottingham, Wolverhampton.
Queen have ¡ust bought the recording studios
towns on the next tour.
They will be leaving for the States in December, but
In Montreaux where they recorded the ‘Jazz’ should have an album out in the UK in January. THIS WEEK Record Mirror’s UK Album chart comes up to
LOS ANGELES date. Previously the chart was printed a week late. This was
Mark Cooper album. due to printing schedules and the time to compute the chart.
MANAGING DAMNED CHANGE This week the chart printed on page 46 is the new up to date
chart computed from last week’s sales. But in order not to In­
Jack Hutton
THAT'LL THE DAMNED have reorganised their tour that was
altered because of recording commitments — their
album 'Machine Gun Etiquette' will be out on
terrupt continuity the chart based on sales for week ending
on October 6 is printed below.
ANO LEARN. Elkle Brooks. A&M; 33

Novembers. 1 - REGGATA DE BLANC. Police.
PUBLISHING The new dates are: Leicester De Montfort Hall Nov A&M; 2 1 EAT TO THE BEAT. Blon­ 43 SKY. Sky. Ariola; 39 - I M THE
MAN. Joe Jackson. A&M; 40 27
die. Chrysalis; 3 2 THE PLEASURE
Mike Sharman 22, Cambridge Corn Exchange 23. Peterborough Wir- PRINCIPLE. Gary Numan. Beggars STORMWATCH. Jethro Tull.
rana Stadium 24, Cardiff Top Rank 25, Plymouth Fiesta Banquet; 4 7 THE LONG RUN. Chrysalis; 41 63 FACADES. Sad
ADVERTISEMENT VIRGIN RECORDS are being sued by American Ex­
26, London Rainbow 30, Glasgow Apollo Dec 4, Brad­ Eagles. Asylum; 5 3 OCEANS OF Cafe. RCA Victor; 42 49 KENNY
MANAGER press. the credit card company. In case you haven't FANTASY. BONEY M. Atlan- ROGERS SINGLES ALBUM. Kenny
seen the ads for the Sex Pistols' 'Rock ‘n’ Roll Swin­ ford St Georges Hall 5, Derby Kings Hall 6, Coventry tiC/Hansa; 6 4 THE RAVEN. Rogers. United Artists; 43 26 A DIF­
Steve Bush Harris dle’ EP. it has artwork which looks like a credit card. New Theatre 7, Wolverhampton Civic Hall 9. Man­ Stranglers. United Artists; 7 5 FERENT KIND OF TENSION. Buzz­
DISCOVERY, Electric Light Or­ cocks, United Artists: 44 50 HERE.
ADVERTISEMENT American Express are suing for “breach of copyright, chester Apollo 10. chestra. Jet; 8 8 STRING OF HITS. Leo Sayer, Chrysalis; 45 45
REPRESENTATIVE trademark infringement and I or trade libel injurious Slaughter and the Dogs are support and more dates Shadows. EMI; 9 6 OUTLANDOS SHOOTING STARS. Dollar. Carrere;
have yet to be confirmed. D'AMOUR. Police. A&M; 10 11 OFF 46 41 DREAM POLICE. Cheap Trick.
falsehood."They have obtained a tempory injunction
Carole Norvell against Virgin until Friday, when there will be another
THE WALL. Michael Jackson. Eplc; Epte; 47 55 THE BEST OF THE
DOOLEYS, The Dooleys, GTO; 43 42
Geof Todd hearing in court. Virgin have to withdraw all copies of
11 18 PARALLEL LINES. Blondie. TUBEWAY ARMY. Tubeway Army.
ADVERTISEMENT the single from their shops, and cease supply to other ROCK FOR Chrysalis; 12 10 UNLEASHED IN
THE EAST. Judas Priest. CBS; 13 9
Beggars Banquet; 49 31 BAD
GIRLS. Donna Summer. Casablan­
PRODUCTION shops. ca; 50 53 WE ARE FAMILY. Sister
Michael Hitch The case continues, as they say. ABORTION Richard. EMI; 14 20 BREAKFAST IN
AMERICA. Supenramp. A&M; 15 13
Sledge. Atlantic; 51 65 THE KICK IN­
SIDE. Kate Bush. EMI; 52 30 JOIN
MR JOHN Corrie gets it from all sides as two benefit HANDS. Siouxsie and Thé Ban-
TELEPHONE Polydor: 16 12 IN THROUGH THE shees. Polydor; 53 59
SALESMANAGER PARKAS PULL OUT gigs come up, to support the fight against his bill to
restrict abortion rights.
OUT DOOR. Led Zeppelin. Swan
Song; 17 17 REPLICAS. Tubeway
M. Atlantic/Hansa; 54 - THE
Eddie Fitzgerald THE MERTON Parkas pulled out of their gig at the Lambeth Against Corrie have their benefit gig at
Army. Beggars Banquet; 18151AM,
Earth Wind & Fire, CBS: 19 22 CRACK. Ruts. Virgin; 55 36 COMING
Chelsea College on Saturday night, just half an hour UP FOR AIR. Penetration, Virgin; 56
GREATEST HITS 1972-1978, 10cc,
PUBLICITY/ before they were due to go on. The band say they’d on­
Goldsmiths College New Cross on October 26. and the
Mercury; 20 24 VOULEZ VOUS, Ab­
38 DART ATTACK. Darts. Magnet:
PROMOTIONS bands playing will be Prag Vec, Poison Girls, the Au ba, Epic; 21 5 ANOTHER KIND OF
ly just discovered that a lot of their fans couldn't get in Pairs and the Leopards. Admission is £2, or £1.50 for SAYER. Leo Sayer. Chrysalis. 58 51
DIRECTOR because of the college "union cards only" rule. the unemployed.
BLUES. UK Subs. Gem; 22 14 THE
BRIDGES. John Williams. Lotus; 59
Brian Batchelor A spokesman for the Parkas said they would never Camden Against Corrie put their benefit on at the BOYS. Sham 69. Polydor; 23 47
Jones. Warner Brothers; 60 67
have taken the booking for the gig if they'd realised it OUADROPHENIA. OST. Polydor; 24
RUMOURS. Fleetwood Mac.
PROMOTIONS was for students only. They refunded everyone that
Hope And Anchor in Islington on October 28 — the 19 SLOW TRAIN COMING. Bob
Dylan. CBS; 25 16 NIGHT OWL.
Warner Brothers; 61 56 OUT OF THE
EXECUTIVE same day as the mass rally against the Corrie bill — BLUE. Electric Light Orchestra.
was already in and have promised to put on a free gig in and playing will be the Transmitters. Admission will be Gerry Rafferty, United Artists; 26 32 Jet; 62 6i LIVE KILLERS. Queen.
Angela Fieldhouse London for the fans as soon as it can be arranged. It
£1. less for unemployed.
MANILOW MAGIC. Barry Manilow,
Arista; 27 21 MIDNIGHT MAGIC.
will probably be in mid - November. Spyro Gyra, Infinity; 64 60 COM­
AMBBr Commodores. Motown; 28 35 THE MUNIQUE. Dire Straits. Vertigo; 65
Morgan Grampian Ltd.
Meanwhile, London fans can catch them at The BEST DISCO ALBUM IN THE 44 CUT. Slits. Island; 66 - NOT
1V7», Calderwood St,
Lonoon SE18 6QH.
Venue on Oct 24. or the Crystal Palace Hotel on Nov 2. DONNA NEWIE WORLD. Various. Warner Brothers;
29 52 LOVE HUNTER. White Snake.
67 - RISQUE. Chic. Atlantic; 68 -
United Artists; 30 25 MANIFESTO. DIRE STRAITS. Dire Straits. Ver­
DONNA SUMMER has a new album out on October 26 Roxy Music. Polydor; 31 28
Registered as
newspaper at the Post
EXTRA SNAKE SHOW titled 'On The Radio — Greatest Hits Volumes One And WELCOME TO THE CRUISE. Judie
Tzuke. Rocket; 32 29 WAR OF THE
tigo; 69 68 STREET MACHINE. Sam­
my Hagar, Capitol; 70 — JOE'S
GARAGE ACT 1. Frank Zappa. CBS;
Oiflce. Published by WHITESNAKE HAVE added another concert at the Lon­ Two’. This two record set of greatest hits, contains, WORLDS. Jell Wayne's Musical 71 - ENTERTAINMENT. Gang Of
Spotlight Publications don Hammersmith Odeon as the previously announced curiously enough, two new tracks: No More Tears Version. CBS; 33 23 STREET LIFE. Four. EMI; 71 37 INTO THE MUSIC.
Ltd.« 40 Lona Acre.
show — scheduled for October 28 — has already sold (Enough Is Enough)' and 'On The Radio'. Crusaders. MCA; 34 - SURVIVAL. Van Morrison, Vertigo; 73 — TOP
London, WC2E ÖJT. and A seven inch version of ‘Tears' is being released by Bob Marley & The Wallers. Island; PRIORITY, Rory Gallagher.
printed by South Eastern out. The extra show will be on October 29. 35 40 BAT OUT OF HELL. Meat Loaf. Chrysalis. 74 69 THE GREAT ROCK
Newspapers Ltd.. Lark­ The band have an EP released on October 26, the ti­ Casablanca on October 19, but a longer version (which Eplc/Cleveland International; 36 33 AND ROLL SWINDLE, Sox Pistols,
field, Maidstone, Kent. tle track of which will be ‘Long Way From Home' — a is on the album) which is a duet with Barbra Streisand LAST THE WHOLE NIGHT LONG. Virgin; 75 - CITY TO CITY. Gerry
ME208SG. is coming out on 12" on October 26 through CBS. James Last. Polydor; 37 34 LIVE Rafferty. United Artists.
track taken from their ‘Lovehunter' album.
Record Mirror, October 20,1979 5



supporting After the Fire
on their tour, have a new
single out this week titled
ANGLETRAX: (as guests of Fischer Z) Norwich’
Cromwell Oct 23, Ashford Stour Centre 24, Ipswich
Gaumont 25, Newcastle Poly 26.
'Two Lovers'. It's on Epic SLADE: extra date London Music Machine Oct 20.
PENETRATION will be splitting up at the end of their Records.
current UK tour. ROCK HORROR band BASTILLE: Ingatestone Youth Centre Nov 9. Tilbury
Nightmare (Britain’s after - Railwaymen's Club 15, Southend Scamps 22.
In a phone call to RM, Pauline Murray explained that thought answer to Alice SLEDGEHAMMER; London Rock Garden Oct 23.
the break - up had been decided early in the tour. Cooper?) have signed to Bicester Kings Head 25. Slough Alexandra’s 28, Oxford
PVK Records and have a Corn Dolly Nov 1, Taunton Market House 2. Redruth
“We brought It all out in the open," she said, single released titled London Hotel 3. Torquay Pelican 4, Guildford Wooden
“because otherwise there would've been a hell of a 'Great Balls Of Fire'. To Bridge 6, Coventry Climax 14, Halesowen Tiffanys 15.
row on the tour, and we didn't want that to happen. It promote their tour and Bicester RAF 17, Plymouth Clones Dec 6. They've
was getting to the stage where all the risk and excite­ single, the band are cancelled the gig at Basingstoke Magnums which
ment was going out of it. We just felt that so many travelling with a hearse should have been on Nov 24.
bands get past that stage and don't even realise it — and coffin (yawn). THE PSYCHEDELIC Furs have signed to Epic and PSYCHEDELIC FURS; Winchester King Alfred College
and we didn 't want to get into a routine. We had to rush LOCAL OPERATOR have have their debut single out on November 2, titled ‘We Oct 19, Southampton University 20. Ipswich Traceys 22,
the album (‘Coming Up For Air’) and then we were ex­ their second single releas­ Love You'. High Wycombe Nags Head 24, Retford Porterhouse 25.
pected to go back to the States again later in the year. I ed on Virgin, titled ‘Law
SHOWADDYWADDY have a new single out on Friday Manchester The Factory 26. Dudleys JBs 27.
didn't want to do that. ” And Order'. Loughborough Town Hall 29. Stafford Top of the World
ORCHESTRAL titled 'A Night At Daddy Gees’f and it’s from a for­
thcoming album which is out on November 2. titled 30, Chesterfield Fusion Nov 1. Cheltenham Tithe Barn
She said that no future plans had been made by the MANOEUVRES In The
'Crepes And Drapes'. To promote the album, the band 2, Bristol Granary 3, Taunton Camelots 5. Plymouth
members of Penetration, but that she and Robert Dark have signed to Din- Clones 6. Leicester Scamps 7, Leeds F Club 8, Liver­
Blamire, the bass player, would more than likely con­ Disc. Their single 'Elec­ begin a nationwide tour on November 10.
They kick oft at Leicester De Montfort Hall on Nov 2 pool Erics 9.
tinue to work together. tricity' which was orginally
released on Factory and continue at: Hull City Hall 11. Birmingham Odeon CLASSIC NOUVEAUX: London Music Machine Oct 19,
The split was first announced at Newcastle City Hall 12. Southampton Gaumont 18, Oxford New Theatre 19, London Nashville 23. Farnborough Tumbledown Dick
Records, Is being re-
during their appearance on Sunday, but the remaining released on Din Disc. Bradford St Georges Hall 24, Scarborough Futurist । Hotel 30.
half of the tour — running up to the London Electric DESTROY ALL Monsters ’Theatre 25. Stockport Davenport Theatre 26. Newcastle ZORRO: Chiswick John Bull Oct 19. Gravesend Red
Ballroom, November 4 — will be completed. — CHRIS have a single out this Fri­ City Hall December 1, Sheffield City Hall 2, Liverpool Lion 20, London Windsor Castle 25. Gosport John Peel
WESTWOOD day titled ‘Nobody Empire 3, Coventry New Theatre 4, Preston Guildhall 7, Club 26. Bolton Goldthorpe Club 27. Doncaster Stain-
Knows’. They’re at Lon­ Derby Assembly Rooms 8, Bristol Colton Hall 9, forth Club 28. Thorne White Hart Club Nov 8, Doncaster
don Dingwalls tonight Bournemouth Winter Gardens 10 and Brighton Dome Askern Club 9, Retford Porterhouse Club 17. Clay
(Thursday). 11. Rockwell Club 24, Norwich Cromwell Club Dec 18. Gt
SECRET AFFAIR have a Yarmouth Garibaldi Club 21.
REGULAR MUSIC is to begin a series of concerts in

COMPETITION new single out on October

26, titled ‘Let Your Heart
Glasgow, beginning with the Revillos at the Pavilion on
October 21. Regular will be promoting concerts at the
pavilion and at Tiff anys.
The first Tiffanys gig will be on November 11. with the
CROOKS: have added a show at St Andrews University
on Oct 21. They’re supporting the Merton Parkas.
MODERN ENGLISH: Norwich St Andrews Hall Oct 23,
Peterborough Focus 27. London Notre Dame 29.

WINNERS their debut album, 'Jellied

Eels To Record Deals', on
October 29 at a price of
£3.99. The album includes
Specials. Madness and the Selector.
Glasgow has never had a regular club venue — the
Apollo is in the big league of concert halls — so it's
Coventry Lancaster Poly Nov 3.
BUZZCOCKS: two extra dates at Bangor University Oct
18 and Loughborough University 20.
KORG! COMPETITION hoped this venture will attract regular supporters.
material spanning their PUNLILUX: have cancelled the Marquee gig on Oct 30
Q GIVE THE NAME OF THE TWO KORGlS? entire career, from their and have added Sheffield Limit Club on Nov 1.
‘19 And Mad’ single to six TEN POLE TUDOR, who featured in the Sex Pistols
A JAMES WARREN ANO ANDY DAVIS ■Rock n' Roll Swindle', join The Undertones for the D NOTICE; West Ealing The Old Hatte Oct 24, Clapham
Q WHICH GROUP DID THEY PLAY IN BEFORE tracks recorded for Radio Two Brewers 30. Kingston Grove Tavern Nov 2.
1 John Peel sessions. final leg of their UK tour. Along with his band, Gary
FORMING "THE KORGlS"? Long (drums). Rob Kingston (guitar), Dick Crippen ORPHAN: Stratford Green Dragon Oct 19, Bromsgrove
A NEW single from Gary
A STACKRIDGE (bass), he joins the tour in Aberystwyth on October Stars Night Club Nov 2, Birmingham Barrel Organ 4.
is released by MCA on Oc­ 20(h. and continues at Cardiff 21st, Liverpool 22nd, Bir­ Stratford Green Dragon 24. Birmingham University 30,
A YOUNG 'N' RUSSIAN mingham 23rd, Lougborough 24lh, Portsmouth 25th, Coventry Dog & Trumpet Dec 8.
tober 19. Featuring Moore
himself on vocals, it is the Bournmouth 26th, Bracknell 27th and London Rainbow CHORDS: Birmingham Underworld Oct 19, Portsmouth
Miss P Westley, Teddington first solo release since the Poly 27, York University Nov 2, London Marquee 19.
successful ‘Parisienne Birmingham University 30.
UK SUBS, currently in the British album charts with
RUNNERS-UP Walkways'. SQUIRE: London Marquee Oct 27.
A VIRGIN Front Line com­ their debut GEM album, ‘Another Kind Of Blues', begin
Katrina Harrison, Leeds: Steve Britton, Stoke on an American tour at New York's Hurrah Club on GONZALEZ: London Venue Oct 26 (a special Cancer T
Trent: Michail Duncam, Banff; W Dodd. Rowley pilation, 'Front Line III' is
released on October 19, November 25th, before which their current Uk single Mike Patto benefit). Trent Poly 30. Leeds Warehouse
Regis; G Smith, Leicester: Bob Tingle, Abingdon: ‘To - Morrow's Girls’ is given Stateside release. 31, Middlesbrough Reflections Nov 1. London Music
featuring tracks by
Maureen Anne Daly. Fulham; Lesley Flanagan. Bath; Machine 3. Stoke Tiffanys 6. East Grinstead King
David Heath, Bournemouth; N Stewart, Stevenage: Gregory Isaacs. Sly Dun­
bar, Culture, Prince Far I, MICKEY DREAD'S 'Evolutionary Rockers' album is to be Georges Hall (10), Ilford Town Hall 12, Southend Tots
Simon Jones. Walsall; Wendy Campbell, Lancaster. released in Britain on Trojan under the title 'Dread At 13, Maidstone Oakwood Tech 14.
Glyn Faithful. Walsall; Bob Watson, Barnsley; Eddy The Abyssinians, U-Roy, I-
Roy, The Twinkle Brothers The Controls’. To promote the album. Trojan will be br­
Allaway, Swindon; Mark Trewartha, Goole; Sean Daly, inging Mickey Dread to Britain from Jamaica, where he
Ashford; Gary Lewis, Tenby; Paul Murrell. East Ham: and The Mighty Diamonds.
It retails at £2.15. works as a DJ for the Jamaican National Broadcasting
Jeremy Hawes, Cleethorpes; David Cooper. Company.
THE TV Personalities
Sheffield; Paul R Clark. Edinburgh; Martin Elworthy,
single, ‘Part Time Punks’ I
Manchester; Jonathan Wyke. Liverpool; G J Lucas, SQUIRE will headline at the London Marquee on Oc­
'Where’s Bill Grundy
Ivybridge; William Rollason, Kidderminster; Glenys tober 27. Their single 'Walking Down The Kings Road'
Now’, originally on Kings
Powell, Walsall; John Hutton. Birmingham; Mark has just been released and they will be promoting it
Road Record, is to be re-
Blair, Newport; John Allan. Condorrat; Steven with a short tour of the Midlands and Scotland but
released by Rough Trade
Sinclair. Rugby; Kieron Finlay. Tilbury; J Turnbull, as part of their "Golden dates are still to be announced.
Cleveland: Stephen Oliver, Kettering; Andrew
Classics Of Our Time"
Stephen, Fife; Martin Smith. Boston; Neville Edgar, JET Records have signed heavy metal band Girl,
Leicester; Diane Baguley. Chesterfield; Wayne whose first gig is at the London Music Machine on Oc­
Cooper, Walthamstow. tober 22. Their single 'My Number’ is out this week.
cond album, entitled
‘Easy’, is released by
Bronze on October 19. Sal­
ly is currently forming a their first single 'She Doesn't Love You Anymore' SPECIALS TWO TONE TOUR: changes and additions;
Q IN WHAT YEAR DID KISS MAKE THEIR FIRST band for a series of new released on October 26. Their debut album will be out Nottingham Kimberly Recreation Hall Oct 25,
TRIP TO EUROPE? year appearances in Bri­ early next year. Blackburn Golden Palms Oct 30 (was previously Nov 1),
A 1975 tain and Europe. Manchester Apollo Nov 1. Malvern Winter Garden Nov
Q WHAT IS THE TITLE OF THE KISS FILM? STIFF RECORDS, who’ve THE GANG OF FOUR have cancelled their gig at 30. From Nov 15, Madness leaves the tour and is replac­
A KISS MEETS THE PHANTOM OF THE PARK recently switched distribu­ Dundee Art College on October 19. ed by Dexy’s Midnight Runners. One more date to be
Q WHO WROTE 'I WAS MADE FOR LOVING' YOU? tion from EMI to CBS. will added.
A PAUL STANLEY, VINI PONCIA AND DESMOND be releasing an album and NO DICE are to play The Venue on October 20 and the
CHILD single from Madness — London Music Machine on October 27. CLIMAX BLUES BAND: London Marquee Oct 25/26.
both titled ‘One Step CARAVAN; Colchester Essex University Nov 3.
FIRST PRIZE WINNER Beyond' — on October 19. ORIGINAL MIRRORS: Liverpool Erics Oct 19, Reading Preston Poly 5, Birkenhead Hamilton Club 15, Lincoln
Colin Turner. Wirral First 10,000 copies of the University 23, LSE 24. Kirklevington Country Club 26, Drill Hall 22. The gig at Leeds Grand Theatre, schedul­
album will retail at £3.99, Keele University 27, London Nashville 28, Swindon ed for Nov 26. has been cancelled.
RUNNERS-UP after which it reverts to the Brunel Rooms 30. London Marquee Nov 1, London City
Miles Corner. Bath; Linda M Spark, Hoddesdon; University 2, Warwick University 3, Birmingham the BRAKES: London The Venue Oct 25, Liverpool Erics 26.
normal retail price of £4.78. Sheffield University 27, Manchester Poly 28, Birm­
Paula Vickers, Broghton Brigg; David Copley, Forthcoming Stiff Underworld 9, Dudley JBs 10, Swansea Circles 12, Lon­
Wakefield; Ross Fulton, Livingston; Alistair Dreghorn, don Marquee 15, Dundee Tech 23. ingham Digbeth Civic Hall 29. Newcastle University 30.
releases include singles
Kilmarnock: Stephen On. Brixton;.Clive Turnball, by The Pointed Sticks, The TEENBEATS: Camden Electric Ballroom Oct 26, Lon­
Hartlepool; Stewart Cook, Malton: Mark Thomas. Duplicates, Michael MOTELS: London Venue Oct 25, Liverpool Erics 26, don Rock Garden 28. Weybridge College of Catering
Chinnor. O’Brian and Rachel Sheffield University 27. Manchester Poly 28. Digbeth Nov 2. Manchester University 7, Manchester Mayflower
Sweet. Civic Hall 29. Newcastle University 30. 9, Redditch Traceys 14, Nottingham Sandpiper 24.

You'll heartheir Album CATCH THE EIFFELTOUR

Oct 17th-YORK-Pop Club
Oct 19th - K IRK LEAVINGTON - Country Club
Oct 20th - DERBY- Bishop Lonsdale College
and Single Oct 21 st- BRADFORD - Royal Standard
Oct 23rd - SHEFFIELD - Limit Club

7th HEAVEN Oct 24th - LON DON - Music Machine

Oct 25th -HIGH WYCOMBE - Town Hall
Oct 26th - BURTON ON TRENT - 76 Club
Oct 27th - EAST RETFORD - Porterhouse
Oct 30th-LEEDS-Fan Club
6 Record Mirror, October 20.1979

Rats have had before. But then, they've humour, but now I’m finding I have to explain
OB GELDOF won’t forget his
Interview probably got a lot more money than they ever

everything like that. When I say onstage
27th birthday in a hurry. Not had before. Perhaps some people (writers ‘we’re so rich and famous we can afford to
by just because he got fab
presents like a snorkel and
more than fans) think that trappings like this
widen the gulf between the band and the
s + + + on our audiences’ I certainly don’t
mean it. it’s a joke. In New York I made a joke
ROSALIND goggles (the new LP is called ‘The fans, but hell, that gap appears the minute
they start playing at Odeons rather than pubs.
about ‘Rat Trap’, saying it was better than
anything Bruce Springsteen could do. and the
Fine Art Of Surfacing’) from support
RUSSELL band Protex — or any iced chocolate
Number one bands are not private property
and street credibility don't sell no records.
next day the papers were all full of ‘who do
you think you are'. So you have to decide
cake — made by Paula — which Right? whether to go on, or whether to shut your
came up from London with an armed What really matters is that the Edinburgh mouth and say nothing ever again."
Odeon — like every gig on the tour — was
guard (me, have arms, will carry). sold out within hours of the tickets going on TOTAL shut down on communication

He'll remember it, because that's when the sale. Each one of the Rats was presented would be impossible for Geldof. Did
Boomtown Rats backlash started. That’s when with a bronze plaque commemorating this he expect limitations of this sort to
he read the reviews slamming into the Rats' event by the Odeon management. Backstage come with success?
new tour. And that, said Bob, was the worst was choc-a-bloc with admirers . . . including, "Limitations? Yes there are, but not
day of his life. curiously enough, that fat chap that plays the ones I expected. I have to consider far
Despite the fans roaring approval at the Eddie Yates in ‘Coronation Street'. Suppose more what I say now, and what I do. In
gigs — proof, if any were needed that the he's got nothing much else to do at the Newcastle the other night, I took my jacket off
people who matter are still behind the band — moment. and the whole place went bananas. While it’s
Geldof is still hurt by bad Press. He Back at the hotel, a party got into swing to very flattering for this to happen, in just two
mentioned the reviews during the gig at the celebrate Bob’s birthday, and co-incidentally, years, it’s strange.
Edinburgh Odeon, but I think it went over the Richard Jobson’s 19th birthday. The Skid was ‘‘I don't want to get too serious about this.
heads of the audience. They don’t care noticeably overwhelmed by Bob's gift of a For instance, I don’t want to push all the new
particularly to hear about tribulations when harmonica (or it might have been the drink). songs down their throats, so we play 60 per
they’re enjoying the triumphs of the show. Leaving the rest of the party to get totally cent of the new album and the rest off the
Laugh and the world laughs with you. and all legless on buckets of Blue Lagoons others. I’m sure people want to hear the
that old rubbish. (composed mostly of bright blue Curacao and songs that have been hits too. When I read
• Much funnier was the discomfort of our absolutely lethal) Geldof got down to the some of the music papers, I thought I’d made
smoothie photographer Denis O'Regan, after possible reasons behind this not totally a serious mistake by not doing the whole new
Bob dragged him on stage during 'Having My unexpected swing against the Rats and their album. But I think it's arrogant to do that."
Picture Taken'. Denis dodged round the success. I agree. I wasn’t the only one.that walked
stage, trying to keep out of the way of the "It wasn’t the band that was criticised." out of Wembley a few years ago. when I
guitar leads, until the end of the song when said Bob. "It was personal vitriol against me realised Elton John intended to play the
Pictures he discovered his place in the pit had been
filled by 50 squashed bodies — he had to
and that’s what bothers me. It's when you get
called a + + + + in front of a potential
whole of the 'Brown Dirt Cowboy' album (then
just released) and knickers to all of us that
by dangle in limbo until they finally made room
for him. brought the house down.
audience of a million people. It’s when you
have some •+ + + + come up to you in a pub
wanted to hear the hits. But what of the
criticism of the actual stage rig, the
DENIS It's true that the stage set. with its giant
climbing frame and naughts and crosses
waving a copy of the review in your face...I
hurled my drink over him.
playground frame and the strip lights?
"I think it’s a shame that in our moment of
O'REGAN lighting is more elaborate than anything the "In all our songs, the humour is ironic glory we weren’t allowed our bit of excess.
Record Mirror, October 20,1979 7

Bob Geldof may never

EAMER open his mouth again —
Threat or promise?
Do you think he's a
complete idiot or do
you agree with him?
Either way he ♦
couldn't care less

“Now I see a hyperactive rock and roller with a

jack o’lantern grin, a spiky haircut, black drains,
white sneakers and a highly excellent jacket.
Behind him areThe Kinks!’
“But anyway... onstageThe Kinks are giving em
anarchy with order. InNew York I saw two straight
nights of The Clash on superb form (somebody
else will tell you about that) supported by Sam &
Dave and The Undertones, and even after that
The Kinks are undeniably putting on a dynamic,

“To^ght^TheKinks haul themselves out of the

rock history books and elbow their way to the

centre of 1979’s rock and roll stage.

” i neyeariui ---------- u i
and retreats into alcoholic evocations of a mythical
past have fallen from about his shoulders.
Ray Davies is Born Again, and for the first time in
too many years The Kinks are a group who can be
We only use that scaffolding twice in the set. the kids go away feeling like they've had a
loved for their latest work rather than for their
' Obviously we are hurt by the criticism. good time. A lot of them know the words to
We'd weighed up the pros and cons in the songs, but they don't need to think about greatest hits of the ’60s?
advance and thought this was the best way of them. Charles ShaarMurray,
doing the set. We haven’t toured in Britain "Take ‘Mondays’ — some of them thought
since ‘Rat Trap’ and we have a whole new it was just about waking up with a hangover
audience. The Rats do not need that and having to go to work. That’s OK." 6.10.79.
scaffolding and the lights. We came back after About 'Mondays’: it was due out in the
eight months to do Loch Lomond and we States last week, but there's still a row going
stole the show without any tricks. The on about it, as the lawyer defending the girl
Stranglers had parachute toys dropping out of it’s about is trying to have it banned.
the sky, the Average White Band were the "The song is a hit everywhere else in the
homecoming heroes. world. It irritated me that the lawyer tried to
"The band’s ideal of rock ‘n’ roll is have it banned. The record companies refer
essentially the same — it's just that there are to things like that as an ‘annoyance factor'.
different ways of achieving it.” There’s a lot of pressure on the record 1HIDGET
OK, but attracting a Press hammering is a company to bury it."
sign that you've finally made it. Nobody ON ALBUM:
bothers to take swipes at people that don't S IF all this wasn't enough to worry “The barely subliminal message may be about the

make news. It’s not much of a silver lining, him at the start of the tour, there's
lowering of standards, but my impression is that
but it’s there. It comes with all the more also the smokescreen thrown up
following certain remarks about the The Ki nks have perceptibly raised theirs.
exciting trappings of success.
"Yes, I realised on this tour, for the first Tory party. By the time the quotes Mark Williams,
time, that we are a very big band in Britain. make it to the streets, it sounds as if Bob is
putting his shirt on Maggie to take Britain into Melody Maker.
We don’t just sashay through a set and say
‘there's another few bucks in the bank’. a brighter future. Not quite what anyone 29.9.79.
“Ray Davies is writing great songs again!’
We're not like that. I tell you, the Record
Mirror review (a good one) was such a balm of “‘Low Budget’ is actually worth spending money
relief after the others. What’s important is that CONT. OVER PAGE on, even in these El Skinto times. A miracle, yet.

Charles ShaarMurray,
The Kinki’ Current Single.. MOVING PICTURES. ARIST joe

The Current Album is LOW BUDGET

SPART 1099.

8 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

expected of this man of the people. By the bus stop after a gig. they were sobbing
coincidence. Maggie and Bob were both and shaking. I went up and said hello, but you
interviewed for the same TV show which was feel a bit of a slob. I don’t feel that the
being beamed to Japan from London. ultimate goal is there."
“I was on a boat on the Thames while these
fishermen were putting sacred carp into the UT what is next? How much farther

river. They all turned belly up the minute they can you go, beyond being as rich as
hit the water. Maggie Thatcher wasn’t there, Paul McCartney — and it can’t be that
she was interviewed from her home. I didn't much fun after your first million
meet her.” (pounds, not records.).
Would he like to meet her, I asked. "I don't have any more ambitions, to get to
"No.” Number One — that’s the ultimate ambition.
The defences were up and the air around To get in the bus or the tube and hear
me dropped by several degrees, or I felt it someone whistling your song, that’s a dream.
did. So why the freeze treatment? I may not have any more ambitions, but I still
"I’m allowed to believe what I want to dream. If you don't have dreams, you’re dead.
believe. I didn't stress admiration for the Tory I don’t give a damn if we break in America. I
party, just reluctant admiration for Margaret would like it. but it's easy to achieve an
Thatcher. I don't necessarily support the ambition. But a dream rs like a rainbow. You
government. By nature I feel that left and right think you have it then it slips away from you."
are equally as stupid. The unions are But what is there left to fight for, what
yesterdays men in more ways than one. dreams remain?
They're reactionaries. I never believed in the "I’d like a bit of credibility, less
dignity of labour: there are far more dignified dismissal of me as a complete
things for human beings to do. idiot. You like to be recognised HyA
"We’re undergoing a social change as by your peers. I have other
significant as the industrial revolution. The dreams., my songs. Like
unions will have proved to create a new class. journalists wanting to write a
You don't just kick against one institution, book. I want to write the classic
you kick against them all. song. But I’m not interested in immortality.”
“I don't vote at all. The Tory, government is Earlier in this conversation, Geldof
just as senseless and ridiculous as the last mentioned something about being ruthless.
one. I don’t see why I should be embarrassed Because of the speed he talks, the lateness
for saying that." of the hour and slowness of my pen, I missed
Being a public figure. Bob Geldof’s words getting the exact sentence, But the word
obviously carry more weight for you, than if stuck in my mind. There was something
they'd been uttered by your teacher, your ruthless in the way the Rats fought their way
dad, your next door neighbour. That’s some to recognition and acceptance, no easy thing
responsibility to carry, if the bearer thinks for an Irish band (at that time) in the UK. Did
about it at all. And Geldof is very aware of the Geldof see himself as ruthless?
impact his words will have. He doesn’t "Yes, I judge everything as competition.
bounce out his opinions without having some You have to be ruthless, especially with the
idea of where they're going to land and take big record companies..."
root. That wasn't what I was thinking about. Early
"There's a wider audience, and because of in the Hats' career, tney supported Tom Pelly
that, there's more people who think I'm a and the Heartbreakers on tour — and on the
complete idiot and m^ybe a bit more who'll whole, came off best in the fight. Petty found
agree with me. One way or the other, I himself singing through his set to the o * o
couldn’t care less. But I'm not as naive as not accompaniment of Rats’ propaganda leaflets
to think about what I’m saying. I don’t think floating down from the balcony. At the gigs he
there's anything irresponsible about what I found his posters covered by Rats' posters,
say. People think that because rm not left, I he was bewildered when the markers onstage
must be right. There are other politics. were moved and the band found themselves
"I keep saying — but I don’t think it’ll do standing in the wrong place for the spotlights.
much good — that they take me too seriously. All jokes (of course), or at least, could be
People should weigh things up for taken that way. But all guaranteed to make
themselves." the audiences remember the Boomtown Rats.
Right, we’ve established that success All fair in love and war? How would Geldof
brings you the money to indulge yourself a bit feel if Protex pulled stunts like that on this
(a new stage set), it brings the satisfaction of tour?
people enjoying your music so much they "We wouldn't let support bands do the
come to see you and buy your records. It puts same. It’s a guerilla war, you scramble your
you in the situation whereby your every word way up and you don’t know you're there until
is analysed with the careful precision of a everyone's gunning for you."
biologist. It also puts your picture on the The Rats have shown the way and it's
bedroom wall of almost every teenage girl in heartening to see how many other Irish bands
Britain and makes you fair game for the have crossed the sea to fight their way up.
potshots in the papers. It’s a lot to handle. "That’s very complimentary and you believe
"In Newcastle, six girls were standing by it for 10 minutes. I think we were a catalyst, in
the same way as the Ramones were in
America, the Saints were in in
Ireland it was the Rats. I think it revived the
rock 'n' roll dream for a lot of people, the
dream is enough...and there’s a 100 more

SQUIRE bands waiting in the wings."

OWNSTAIRS, the party is still afloat,

as are most of the participants. Pete
Briquette is in the middle of some
improbable story concerning one of
his 64 cousins, the ubiquitous
Ratsperson BP Fallon is concentrating on
standing up. Paula's fine cake has been
THE NEW SINGLE polished off and amazingly, the top of her
strapless dress is still Sellotaped to her
chest. Richard Jobson, having failed to see
down the front of the dress (a longtime
ambition) hands his prized harmonica to Willie
"Geez a chune Wullie!” roars the inebriated
one and the company descends into mournful

THE KING’S ROAD Celtic song, as is usual in a Scots/Irish group

in the small hours of the morning.
The following day, someone asks what I'm
doing in Scotland. I mentioned the Boomtown
SEE 2 Rats.
"Oh yeah. Bob Geldof. He's that punk, Isn’t
he. Tell me. is he really smelly?"

l-SPY Smelly? The only thing I smelt was

RECORDS the sweet smell of success.
Record Mirror. October 20,1979 9

Reviewed by PAULSEXTON

JOE EGAN: 'The Last WINDS OF CHANGE: on the small labels if they someone bust don’t
Farewell' (Ariola). It's 'Sneakin’ Up Behind You' can continue to produce know yet. Snatches of
always seemed unfair to (EMI). Unknown band (If the odd unlikely morsel lots of other songs, and
me that Gerry Rafferty indeed they exist) who like this; Nothing very lots of other singers,
should take all the come to the attention via abnormal about Misspent form the whole, and the
success and
- ---------------- J Egan the large words Youth, but some resu moaning
next to none. m the "Produced by Jeff interesting freshness on treat |ht rock
two formt ers of Wayne" on the sleeve, this EP, my fave being
Stealers ’ we such this If chiefly an Bag 'Optimistic
similar styles Egan Ts < Instrumental, very to see the TRE FRESHMEN: ‘You
Demaos gencraTv dependent on some 3 to find WOI s to rhyme Never Heard Anything
gentler. The Last SBKy saxophone work with that ti 3: sadjstic. Like IC (Release). Getting
Farewell' is emphatically B^thus reminds me of mystic?^ more ant imlikely
NOT Roger Whittaker's the Average White Band. exhibition! :. All very all the wl is is good
hit. it's an acoustic-based realistic.
midtempo example of JOHN HIATT: 'Slug Line'
Egan s capabilities. Forever' (Sequel). Good (MCA). Light rock from OVER PAGE
To You Rudy' (2
Rico on

to boot. A pleasant,
boppy rhythm, less
aggressive than
Gangsters', and you'll be
singing the chorus all day
tomorrow. A hit in rather
less time than their last.


^fOMPSON: 'Georgie On
^Bysalis). In terms of
it could be now or
^^fcr for the Thompsons,
^B Georgie On A
100 lNî ^Ke' is one of the most
^Kable things they've
fOONDOV^ ■one. and the theme from
^ome Beeb soapie called
"Kiss The Girls And
Make Them Cry'. It's a
backstreet, hop-skip-and-
jump type tune while
'Civilisation' features
Richard on shadow vocals
and a heavier air, but
both are very Richard,
very Linda and very good.

'Together Again' (EpjA
How the hell does
player make a
commercial instrt^^M
record? Stanley will be
able to tell you:
knows, he was th^^^
soldier. That twanging
bass sound of his is
KIND OF really succulent and it
BOY YOU works its way around a
CANT spirited tune and meaty
FORGET" beat.

‘This Night Won't Last
Forever’ (EMI America).
Johnson is one of my pet
MOR beneficiaries. He
performs perfectly
unassuming, easy
listening tunes better
than most others who
aren't ashamed to try,
and has a voice of
romantic smoothness to
help his cause. Which is
a lost one in terms of
record sales.


JOHN Matter Baby; (Epic). ‘We
HtATTj Belong To The Night'
never seemed to get a mazers® ay LOU Yi'OLLU
look in anywhere — I [ Ongnal sounctratA afcum avallatile on W E A Recoah and tapes j
reviewed it on my last
singles shift and that was
only four weeks ago. But
•>gether more L 1078 Piumoni Cowtoo» *■ “«Vi ««»->•<! A P<lu.o
ial and
s: more
and rocky than
Themm t^llhwyvu idling
orish 'Night'
s hook line (and
id Ellen's FROM OCTOBER 18 ABC
ly attacking
- vocals. Powerfully
21 Ml AND
produced by Ian Hunter
and Mick Ronson from
the 'Nlghtout' album. Sep. Progs. Daily 1.10 3.35 6.00
8.30 Late show Fri.Ær Sat. 11.15
10 Record Mirror, October 20.1979

FROM PAGE 9 RESERVES SHAM 69: 'You're A sound like Racey two or hungry, shall we say. His did themselves justice on poppy thing by the
Better Man Than 1' three years on. Acoustic- gruff style lends itself record, and this at las! is appropriately named
fun cockney rock. Not
(SECOND AND (Polydor). They’re dead ish chorus and a mock­ better to faster songs, a good taste of a band Shoblzz on Capitol called
quite Chas and Dave, but THIRD TEAMS) but they won't lie down, rock chorus. They often times; this is no doing a few worthwhile ‘Do It In The Dark'; and a
with tongue easily visible or something like that. needed a confident 'Don’t Leave Me This experiments with rock. new one by Anita Ward,
in cheek. THE STRANGLERS: From the 'Hersham Boys' bubblegum return and Way' but Gamble and They've always used sax who deserves to
'Nuclear Device (The farewell epic, this is this is it. Huff ha^e done worse. intelligently and it resurface with ‘Don't
STREETBAND: 'Mirror Wizard of Aus)' (UA). As Pursey the Preacher once punctuates this tune well. Drop My Love’ now all
Star’ (Logo). The usual 1 haven't the again, but on an almost JANIS IAN: ’Fly Too High' 999: 'Found Out Too Late' her bells have been well
comparison is obvious: faintest idea what they're folky, certainly quiet and (CBS). 1 had Lo sit down (Radar). Can this be? 999 THE SUTHERLAND and truly rung.
it's Streetband’s most rattling away about, and if acoustic number. Never and take a few deep singing a song which BROTHERS: 'First Love'
commercial thing since 1 had rd probably find understood why, if Jimbo breaths when 1 seems lo have blood ties (CBS). The brothers have
the accidental. this quite sinister. As It is sincere as 1 know he is discovered that Janis to 'Banks Of The Ohio’. been breathtakmgly
unfortunate 'Toast'. They is. here’s another action- ' — it’s more apparent Ian’s new co-writer and
Catchy, no question, and unexciting lately, and
never really meant that. It packed Stranglers single, from these lyrics than producer is Giorgio they're proving ARRIVALS
was originally a B-side. gang: less poppy than ever before — he has to Moroder. Is nothing presentable thing they've consistent — here’s
so why not forgive and 'Duchess' but equally affect an American sacred. 1 thought? The another song with a SPARKS: 'Tryouts For
ever done.
forget? ‘Mirror Star’ is beaty, with ol' Hugh accent. Part of the "biz". results. I'm relieved to paunch, almost MOR. but The Human Race'
much more their style: positively scowling 1 guess — but doesn't he say. are nowhere near as THE MANHATTAN pleasant and good radio (Virgin). Produced by old
heavier rock than you'd vocally on the chorus. despise that? Anyway, bad as they might be, and TRANSFER: 'Blrdland' material.
imagine, with some something different from the poppy disco tune is (Atlantic), this took some from th' ilbum again,
strong vocals and a good THE ISLEY BROTHERS; Sham, for which much »SXUer.lrst electronic again. As
'■Turn me up mi your 'It's A Disco Night (Rock thanks. interesting as Sparks can
Don't Stop)' (Epic). (CBS). Another
radio” hoot horns. ever hit. then, but I’m still be these days. ^BM
Sometimes 1 think that MOON MARTIN Rolene' sad Janis had to resort to another rocv ‘ ' nieced
SUBSTITUTE the Isleys are really (Capitol). Perhaps th» THE GIBSON BROTHERS:
together ! ro/n lpts of
TRYING to make formula most absurd >k ; - 'Ck 'Que Sera Mi Vida (If You
PHOBIA: What Will You others audanother racy
disco re< »rd:,. Thank star of 'em all. Moon too. A good Idea, 1 (Trust
Do' (Varulven). Not quite meWdy tfatcopw go?::* Should Goy (Island;
goodnes it dJesn I quite Martin looks like JANET KAY: ‘Closer To admit, fed then it s a w Another tormula record.
good enough for life first work and there’s always a something that’s given great tuhe. It's just a pOintT: exactly in the
distinctly- <md infectious awayÁFi a packet or You' (Arawak) "v
phobia includes vocafsby quality at out th.,? dance Gam^i wasjii silly tune, T shame jhat they re going THE/METEORS; ‘My Balls
-sanie direction as 'Cuba'
ipne Melody ChishomgaS breakfast cereal. Shucks, to walklaway with the and ‘OotrWhat A Life
tunes. This was always thougw^^it's an upper Ache (EMI). 1 don't
and perhaps thanks^BB I’m/sorry Moon: you've tune and leave old Joe Therefor« Infuriatingly
the most popular made a useful record. to find that 'Closer To sup pos e^nBMWn commercra^and ¿Wother
that sound a little like the ®awin»:l wondering what
track from their double You' is altogether more allowed toTW^Wat 1 hit. M
Shirts or somesuch. 'Wtnne|Takes All’ album ’ TALKING HEADS: ‘LifeA interesting a piece of just typed, but this is a
There’s a nice light. ’Qa with itsjthunderpus lightweight reggae, and fairly serious little tune,
During Wartime’ (Sire).Hh RONNIE LANE: ‘Kuschty . BACK TO ZERO: ‘Your
twangy, garage ¿handmaps. Evemf ft is a .that Janet wrote it as much as possible.
Talking Heads stoutly Rye’ (Gem). He’^back, Side Of Heaven’ (Fiction).
atmosphere about this, liIHe repetitive, it’S their ' . refuse to be commerc^M kherself. still associatin^Mh Pete Rocky, too, But that title
which could make it Whisper it, but 1 can't tell
best chance of a hit from as such. But there's httE FLIRTS: 'He's The Townshend, — perhaps Susanne can much difference between
invertedly fashionable. the LP. Bertain mystique abo^^l help.
playing the ccnBB these and the Chords.
Of Boy You Can't
fhem which could be|H squire better t^Man Another heavy modular
attractive in the righlBI Anderson. This is almost PAT BENATAR: 'If You single.
^6ng. 'Take Me To Tlkh EgEland. whom 1 once sat folky and has some nice Think You Know How To
River' really should have
K to on a plane, on the accordian (1 hope), not for Love Me’ (Chrysalis). JIMMY BUFFET: 'Fins'

L La' 1I
been a hit: ‘Life During««
My to Dublin to see the the first time from Ron. Fairly standard reworking (MCA). Could be the
Wartime', from 'Fear Ot^ of Smokie's hit, but
lb Music’ is less friendly,
but moves along a bit
□and her husband
manages, the Darts. She THE MARVELS:
'Sh’Boom' (UA).
delivered with enough
vocal aggression to make
much-ignored Mr
Buffett’s best shot at a hit
has to do something since 'Cheeseburger In
with a steady pace. Pat’s album worth
while the old man's away. Sh'boom, sh'boom, life Paradise' or even
There's nothing to latch could be a dream, but 1 hearing. Her looks alone 'Margaritaville'. Good
1 suppose, this is a pure
on to and it isn’t exactly don't suppose you almost do that. contemporary folk, 1 think
good fun record, really
instantly memorable, butearly sixties in approach, remember. This was a hit you could say.
it’s probably better for for the Crew Cuts in 1954. The best disco records of
even the song's an oldie,
that. well before I made my an appalling week for the DAN HARTMAN: 'Hands
and it gets the full
league debut, and the genre (wasn’t that great Down’ (Blue Sky).
1 V SMOKIE: ‘Babe It’s Up To
You' (RAK). This, on the
Chiffons treatment.
Marvels have cut a light
reggae alternative. It still
all round) are, 1 think the
ambitious, smooth
Shameless simulation of
his own ‘Instant Replay’,
other hand, is Smokie, so 'Do Me' (Philadelphia swings. 'Expansions' by Lonnie which makes it a jolly
it IS instantly memorable. International). A little bit Liston Smith (RCA): disco tune but totally
A year’s absence doesn't to the left, indeed. SORE THROAT: 'Seventh Teenie Marie's follow-up, unoriginal, and at this
seem to have made much Teddy abandons the Heaven' (Hurricane). a discofied ‘Don’t Look point the singles reviewer
difference, they still ballads to get a little About time Sore Throat Back' on Motown: a blows the whistle.





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Record Mirror. October», 1979 11

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12 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

THE QUALITY of life first encore in they say that they really to t^lk about the violence

Newcastle.” didn’t know what Protex of Ireland, and not the
on the road — and meant when they chose music. But though they
The obvious
the success of the comparison between the the nane — and I didn't say they came because
gigs — for a support two bands is of course know until some smart of the Polydor contract,
band depends more that they're both Irish — Alec told me just before I they also say the amount
the Rats from the Dublin went off to Edinburgh for they signed for was not
than some on the area and Protex from the tour and I'm a bit excessive.
attitude of the Belfast. Even more . . . more than 18 (don't say it "We are under no

headliner. Protex now live in the Ed). Let me enlighten delusions about the
So far, Protex, who are Chesslngton house that your innocence, too, If advance having to be paid
opening for the was once home to the you didn’t know that back. So we took the
Boomtown Rats, have no Rats. Protex is apparently smallest amount we could
complaints. They've been "The doctor that owns some kind of manage with. There's no
contraceptive. point Tn getting £100,000
pulled up from the it has always rented It to
relative obscurity of small groups,” said Paul. “We didn’t know what and end up owing it all to
clubs, to appearing at "Genesis used to live it meant.” said Paul. "We the record company. We
some of the biggest there before. We can chose it because of the don't want to owe them,
venues In the country. rehearse there you see, Clash song ‘Protex Blue’. we want them to keep
And once they got over and if we had to rehearse When we found out, we pushing for us.”
the initial fright, they somewhere else it would thought people might It's just as well these
found they were enjoying cost-a lot. We like living think we were just trying innocents had a manager
it . . . more so when they there. I wouldn't want to to be punky. But we who could keep her head.
discovered they were so live in London, I think it really admire the Clash. Her? They're one of the
well liked they wrestled can be a very lonely When they first came to very few bands to be
encores from the place to be if you’ve Belfast, the gig had to be managed by a woman.
audiences. nowhere to go.” cancelled, but they came Mary-Carol Canon.
"The tour came as a back and did it. That's "I suppose it is
Paul came over with the
welcome shock," said why they've got a big unusual.” said Paul.
band in June. The rest of
bass player Paul Maxwell, following in Belfast. "She used to work for
the line up is: Owen
unaware that the seat he There were more bands Mainman (Bowie's
McFadden (drums), David
was sitting In was formed that evening than company) and she knew
McMaster (lead vocals,
beginning to smoke. We any other I think. It just the ropes better than we
guitar) and Aidan Murtagh
moved It away from the gave people the will to go did. I don’t think it makes
(lead vocals, guitar). any difference being
electric fire before the They'd already had a on and do something.”
hotel staff had any other managed by a woman,
single out on a local It certainly gave Protex she can be really heavy
reason to get snotty with independent label, Good the incentive to get
us. Any other reason, when she has to be. She
Vibrations. The single going, and eventually has a better way of
that is, other than the fact was called ‘Don't Ring come to London,
we were all under 70 and getting round people,
Me Up'. It was because although they’re glad though I'm not saying
weren't rich American of this single that Polydor they got their early
tourists. Some of those she'd strip in front of a
sent over an A&R man to apprenticeship In Belfast. publisher!”
quaint old Edinburgh check them out. Protex "It was better for us to Maybe she should ...”
hotels have strange recorded their first single be isolated to begin with. laughed Owen.
priorities. I fielded the for Polydor last Easter — In London there are A&R
napkin thrown at me by Later that evening, in
it was called ‘I Can't men milling about every the bar, Paul came up
an aged retainer and Cope'. day seeing bands. There
asked Paul how he felt scowling.
"Good Vibrations was a weren't many in Belfast. "Somebody’s just said
the tour was goino. real independent, run on It’s hard to keep going
"Well, we only found to me 'I'll bet you're
a shoestring,” said Paul. there, though, with hardly bored talking about the
out we'd got the tour a "But it was a comment any gigs and coming
couple of weeks before it troubles back home, but
on Irish groups that nine home on the bus with tell me. what's it like
started. A lot of groups of the bands that had your amps. We came
were in for it, but it living in Belfast’ . . . It’s
singles on Good because we were offered like saying 'I know this
happened that our a contract, not because
Vibrations got signed up THEY'RE JUST young Innocents bores you, but I’m going
manager knew the Rats’ by bigger companies.” we wanted to get out of
manager. The Rats have to bore you anyway'.”
right. side, the groups were innocent.” Belfast to dodge the But they're just rubber
been great, very helpful. In my ignorance. I've
"There's a vast much older, a lot of them Innocent? Well, Protex bombs and bullets.” bullets . . .
That first night in tended to see the
renaissance of Irish difference between imitating the Rats, trying are all 18 years old which Like any other Irish
Liverpool, I was terrified
Belfast and Dublin to be very punky. The is a fairly innocent age band, Protex get irritated ROSALIND
as we'd just done clubs musicians as a blanket
before, then we got our event, but I've been put groups. On the Dublin Belfast bands are more for some I suppose. And by people who only want RUSSELL



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Record Mirror, October 20,1979 13

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14 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

Boney M's Liz Mitchell gets a bit
overdone. Daniela Soave cooks it

IZ MITCHELL staircase, followed by a this fashion till the end of needed anyone for a
long thin body and a coffee or chocolate

the year, with dates in
took one charming warm smile. Germany, Holland. advertisement. Imagine!
mouthful of Mmm, Ms Mitchell Switzerland and Italy, to “They had this wild
the calf’s liver certainly do have taste, say nothing of television idea that white women
which the head yessir. appearances. I’d heard couldn’t imagine
Having asserted that rumours of dissent within themselves in the same
waiter had just the liver was fit only for the group, especially clothes which the black
delivered to her God knows what. Miss concerning Bobby, that girl had modelled, so it
suite and promptly (Boney) M summoned the they were getting tired of was a dead loss to use
spat it out. waiter and demanded the Frank Farian's Svengali black girls. And that was
situation be rectified. Two like handling. Was it true the end of my modelling
“Eugh. it's hideous! omelettes and not too they wanted more career before it had even
Taste that and see If you runny either. Finally she control? begun."
agree," she shuddered, turned to me, the cuisine "For me,” she
handing me a piece of having taken enough of answered quickly, "I
the offending organ on a her attention for the time don’t care where I am. I he omelettes
fork. I shuddered myself,

being. “It’s always like don’t even bother to stop were now
Liver at any time makes this." she sighed, raising and think what town I'm finished, the
me retch, but this - this her eyes to the tastefully in. Everything is coffee cold. Yet
was worse than worse. decorated ceiling. "Every organised and I just get another call to
Not exactly the best tour, every city, no matter up there and sing. It's room service for a fresh
way to start one's day, where we are you can’t true that any schedule as pot. My stomach was
even if it was early heavy as ours is bound to beginning to rumble with
even be sure you’ll enjoy
afternoon, But Liz had even the simplest of become a drag at some hunger - not. you
just risen and was in menus. And I was SO point and yes. I do get understand, that Liz and
need of sustanance, and looking forward to that sick of singing the same Thomas hadn't asked me
it was obvious the calf's liver. Still . . .’’ She old songs. In fact, by the to join them in some
liver would not provide it. shrugged, leaving the time we’d rehearsed and omelette, only I find it
“We need a third sentence unfinished but recorded the new songs I difficult to concentrate on
opinion," she declared, nevertheless understood. was sick of them too! knives and forks and
and called for Thomas - It transpires that Liz "But somehow, you scribbling notes all at
her husband of several and Thomas are not so have this FEELING for once. But unless I wanted
months - to come and fond of eating but of good your fans, you feel very, to let my stomach think
see what he thought. Two food. Which made me very close to them and my throat had been cut, I
long thin legs appeared think that behind her you suddenly want to knew I would have to
BONEY M’s Liz Mitchell and husband Thomas at the top of the spiral glamourous public image sing that song for them. move fast.
there might lurk a “So I have to say, yes. So, what now for Boney
contented cook - and It I'm happy the way thing M. after the end of this
turned out I was right. are. even though I don't year? How would they
"I just LOVE cooking! get that much time to march into the eighties?
When I was about 13 my myself." She paused fora "Russia. We’d like to
mother would call me into moment before adding: play Russia again." Liz
the house and while all "Sometimes you do feel said. "I liked Russia very
my friends were playing too much is expected of much. Red Square had a
outside I was being you." real feeling about it,
taught how to cook. All Funny really. Most though we didn’t really
the girls in my family people - including me - see half of Moscow's
could cook - my mother are under the impression beauty. That was a real
made sure of that. She that life for a Boney shame. We were filming
said it was our legacy. Emmer must be a bit of a in woods and through tne
But the trouble is now dawdle. Come on. it's streets of Moscow but
Thomas and I don’t have true. Nice plush limos, because it was snowing
the time to enjoy it. Only stage costumes, heavily everything was so
this hotel food , . . ." assistants, nice hotels, white that you could
She mashed the liver with heaven compared to what hardly recognise
her fork and sighed. most groups have to go anything.
"You know, you think if through. Yet Boney M “We were worked to
you stick to omelettes have a lot of other death, you know." Liz
and steak you can’t go far pressures which make up told me. “We did two
wrong but I’ve learned for the few they lack. concerts a day which was
they can even invent new Ones we don’t even think totally exhausting but
heights in destroying a of. Such as clothes, strangely exhilerating at
steak. Besides which, Yeah, really. Stage the same time. The
such a limited diet clothes, the continual Russian audiences are
becomes very boring." impetus to look flashy at very warm, very
At this point the all times, Pressures generous. We all enjoyed
omelettes arrived, and Liz which maybe only Shirley ourselves so much."
and Thomas tucked into Bassey and Liberace And somehow, finally,
their brunch at last. might understand. the subject came back to
"God, I’m so tired.” she It's some entourage the food . . . “Russian food
exclaimed, between group carry round with was THE worst,” she
mouthfuls. "Thomas and I them, including a German grimaced. “To say the
went out last night - first girt called Linda. She catering was not efficient
to see ‘The King And I’ makes sure their clothes would be an
and then to a show, at are always clean and in a understatement. The food
the Venue. state of good repair as was boring,
"But we’re paying for it well as always fitting unimaginative, and was
now. Do you know the properly. Then there's never there when you
phone started ringing at the dressmaker in wanted it. I don't really
eight am, when our heads Germany - Dagmar think the Russians had
had hardly touched the Engelbrecht - who thought it out properly,
pillow? Mornings are designs the more maybe because they
about the worst thing in outrageous and elaborate didn't have much
touring. I find it very of their costumes, ideas experience of touring
difficult to. urn to . . . for which are usually groups. But there wasn't
breathe.” she explained, provided by Liz. a canteen in the big hall
expressing the lack of "Mostly we shop in where we were playing,
space with her hands. Italy nowadays, but our with the result they could
"They're always so last big spree in Rio and only lay on cold food for
hectic." Mexico will take some us. And it was so cold
beating," Liz told me. I’d anyway that we really
have loved to have been missed something hot
a model," she admitted. and nutritious. We lived
t's a schedule which “I just can't express how on boiled eggs and

is not all that different great I feel when Boney sausage the entire period
from any other M are on the cover of we were there.
successful band, but some magazine. I enjoy "Still, that’s one thing
perhaps because posing. I feel like I've you have to get used to if
Boney M appeal to a bettered Vogue, even. you're a member of
much wider audience “You see. when I was Boney M. Meat and eggs,
they are more in the younger I went along to your staple diet."
public eye. Certainly this one of those modelling All of which made me
year they have been agencies looking for a very glad I wasn’t a
slogging away constantly, job. I was told that there member of Boney M, I
touring and recording were no jobs for black contemplated as I went in
'Oceans Of Fantasy’ - and girls, but they'd get in search of a McDonalds.
they'll continue to work in touch with me if they Very glad indeed.
RecordMi^oc<ober20.I97q ,5


Taken Ffom The New Album
t pUz'


(Previously Unreleased)
In A Special Full Colour Bag


16 Record Mirror, October 20,1979


11 ili

2 GLASGOW Apollo
3 ABERDEEN Capitol
5 BRISTOL ColstorrHall
6 MANCHESTER Free Trade Hall
Assembly Rooms
8 COVENTRY New Theatre
9 LANCASTER University
With Special Guest TREVOR RABIN University
Tickets available from box offices and usual agents; City Hall
prices £3, £2.50, £2 except London £3.50, £3.00, £2.50, £2. Empire
October 13 WOLVERHAMPTON Civic Hall
HANLEY Victoria Hall Odeon
LEICESTER De Montfort Hall Dome
SHEFFIELD City Hall Gaumont
17 LONDON Hammersmith Odeon
Record Mirror, October 20.1979 17

LIKE IT or not, mods are here commercial but somehow they Today'.
to stay. They are not a media still manage to retain a fresh, Squire recently split company
creation. In fact most of the original quality. Over the top with their original drummer and
maybe, (Yes, Ed) but let me say second guitarist, bringing in
major modern mod bands
that their first class songs make Key on drums. They are now
were playing their tuneful up for a rather ordinary stage settled as a three piece.
music long before the Press presence. "The split was a step forwards
even realised that you could Squire are a three piece band for us," said Tony, "It's made us
still buy button down shirts. , with the concentration on subtle a tighter more efficient unit and
When reviewing a mod band rhythms and full harmonies. That our songs have gained a lot in the
most journalists fall into the easy leaves little time for dynamic simplicity of the arrangements.
trap of tearing 1979 mods to visuals. The two frontmen, Tony, "When I joined the band they
pieces. Journalists are not giving and Enzo on bass remain at their were playing a set consisting
mod music the open-minded mikes for most of the set dazzling mostly of covers. I wrote some
appreciation is so obviously the audience with their multi­ basic originals which were quick
deserves. coloured blazers and tip-top and catchy. Now my songs are a
If you like simple pop songs vocals. On drums Kevin Meynell, bit more involved. We only do the
you'll find it hard to resist Squire Tony’s kid brother, thrashes his occasional cover these days,
Out of all the current mod bands kit with Moon-like enthusiasm. which is generally the Supremes
they make the most melodic Squire have been together for 'Back In My Arms Again'. We
music, and they have a set full of about four years, with Enzo being
SQUIRE on the right road? want to keep the set uptempo so
potential bright-eyed hits. Their the only remaining original that people can dance. We’ll start
music is lightweight and founder member. The line-up has to do slow ones once we’re more
singalong with hooklines aplenty. changed while the name has loyal following. Though Squire lime spent on the production side established as they take a few
Fab music from a modern beat stuck. Tony joined the band a aren’t really one of the big name of the 'Mayday' album. We were listens to get into. At the moment
group. couple of years ago and his bands, they are the sort of band only doing seven gigs a month we’re bringing new songs into
"When I write a song I want songs pushed the band into new that most London mods would go then, now we’re doing a gig every' the set all the time and scrapping
people to be able to sing it in the territories. In July last year their and see. other night," said Tony. old ones which keeps the set
bath. At the end of the day big break came when they The historic 'Mods Mayday' Since the album Squire have fresh."
commercial songs are always supported The Jam at Guildford album contains three teasing had ‘Kings Rd’ out as a single on Squire are on the fast escalator
remembered." Squire’s Civic Hall. Squire tracks: ‘Kings Road’, ‘B-a- l-Spy Records, produced by Ian to success. They perform zippy
songwriter / lead vocalist I Squire finally hit London in b-y Love’, and ‘Live Without Her Page and Dave Cairns of Secret tunes which can’t be forgotten. I
guitarist Tony Meynell told me. March this year, gigging Love’. Affair. Squire's next single will be think their music speaks for itself.
Meynell's songs are blatantly constantly they’ve now built up a "There could've been more the equally catchy 'Face Of Youth PHILIP HALL

The Nashville Cowboy (West Ken)

GREAT MOMENTS IN POP were torn off etc. etc. Then one day
HISTORY 1 Mr Levine, who by then had joined
Rotten’s band of merry men, was in
WAITING in a Wimpy Bar for the Virgin offices when he
a singer with a name straight overheard Ken’s tape. His
out of an Andy Stewart TV enthusiasm prompted further Virgin
Hogmanay Show is bad investigation — and Ken was
enough — but not knowing "I was ambiguous when it came to
what he looks like is worse. what I wanted to do. But I knew I
I caught a glimpse a few months didn’t want to be In a group. That
ago through a haze at The Nashville would Involve too much work. Far
but, as you are all well aware, pub too many people to cope with. Far
memories are apt to go into too much equipment."
liquidation. So Ken formed a group.
Still. I figure a singer is bound to "I had to. That's what Virgin
stand out amongst the afternoon wanted.”
mush hour of pensioners and greasy What can you do when you're
moustachioed homburger hulks. young and in love but obey your
Wrong. No sign. record company?
Around the corner I stand outside
a telephone box while a tall, grey So, the Ken Lockie Band, or
suited, rather suspicious looking Cowboys International ("I wanted
character dials. Beside the phone one name that meant one thing and
he has placed an evening paper one name to mean a totally different
opened at the Flats To Let page and thing and combine them") was born.
that's covered with 2p pieces. First single ’Aftermath’.
Suddenly, he smashes the Unfortunately, although one of the
receiver down, punches the box and best singles released this year, it
storms out. "F------ phones. All the bombed.
same." I then enter, comforted by The amorphous line-up didn't
the acumen of my observation. I help. Ex-Clash drummer Terry
knew all along he was a down and Chimes helped Ken pick the original
out, hoodlum etc. . . band, which kept changing.
The phone doesn’t work. Back at Eventually a concrete line-up was
the Wimpy Bar I decide to wait obtained — Terry drums. Jimmy
another five minutes. I sip some Hughes bass. Evan Charles pianos.
coffee and glance around. The guy Rick Jacks guitars. Ken vocals.
from the phone box wanders in and COWBOYS INTERNATIONAL Ken Lockie
takes a seat. I break out into a And that’s how it appears on the
London during the Roxy (and I don't it for a better one." then I started to write." debut album ‘The Original Sin'.
sweat. No. surely not. Not him. It But why a saxophone?
mean Music) scene and would, for His songs were very melodic,
can't. . . "Some people go and play darts ‘The Original Sin' is a succinct
want of a better phrase, hang out. thanks to the saxophone monotone
Excuse me. are you, by any every night. I just fancied a synopsis of the current state of play
Then one day he saw an ad in a training, so he committed them to
chance, er, Ken Lockie from saxophone." of pop. While manicured spacemen
paper — "For sale, one saxophone. tape, with a little help from old
Cowboys International? "Oh. you In his own words Ken got pretty rave about the new extra-terrestial
£60." Despite the fact he couldn’t friend Keith Levine, now of Public
must be Barry." silicon chip sounds as they press
play a saxophone, or indeed slick at the sax. Image fame.
anything else of that matter, young “I wanted to write tunes but it was "I knew these tapes weren't bad creases into their one piece zoom
Ken bought it. a bit difficult ’cos I could only play so I started to hawk them around to suits a band like Cowboys quietly
GREAT MOMENTS IN POP And from that day on he never one note at a time. So I part companies. I desperately needed conveys the durable, innovative,
HISTORY 2 looked back. He never looked exchanged the part exchange sax the money to get a flat." reliable side of music. In other
Ken Lockie looks like a cornet. A forward either. Just looked up the for a piano." Companies were interested, but words, the ONLY side of music.
long lean body with a dollop of black saxophone. And blew. Now it's quite difficult to get an they didn't quite know what they Cowboys International will be
curly hair sploshed on top of his "I used to practice in the upright piano into a bathroom, even could do with this neophyte without supporting Steve Harley at
long, lean head. bathroom," says Ken. "My brother’s though it may be your brother’s, so a band. So they didn't pursue the Hammersmith Odeon on the 20th of
Started life as a jejune Geordie. bathroom in Clapham. It took me six Ken learnt how to play it in more matter. this month. Watch them get ’em up
Brickyard lackey, grinder watcher, months to figure out the conventional places. A year passed.Leaves turned to and move 'em out into the eighties.
skiver. He often came down to transposition then I part exchanged "I picked it up pretty quickly and brown, snow fell, calendar pages BARRY CAIN
18 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

Buy it
Give it a spin
Give it a miss

keyboards and thumping


Can you be
Like most modern
American bands The A's
remain rather faceless and
lack a distinctive sound.
However, they make up
for this deficiency with
their first rate commercial

brainwashed? melodies.
The band are all leather
jackets and criss-cross
harmonies, with ‘Nothing
Wrong With Falling In
Love’ superbly showing
Thom Bell and, now Germany.
off their teenbeat talents.
ELTON JOHN: ‘Victim Of One gets the feeling that Elton feels
When The A's tour the UK
Love’ (Rocket HISPD 125). he has absolutely nothing to prove,
it will be hard to ignore
and. rather than’ make embarrassing
them. + + + + PHILIP
rewrites of his previous
'VICTIM OF LOVE’ can either be HALL
meisterwerks he is prepared to
regarded as the work of a rich, perform in new fields. A;progressive
simpering dilletante or as a behemoth, quite a turn up, éh kids?
progression towards the eighties. On first firing the album is, to say
Whatever, what is clear is the fact the leasts unconvincing^ the version
that the name ‘Elton John1 on this of Johnny B Goode', is frankly,
album is merely a sales point of the pointles?. Being the opening track it
highest order. Sneak down and over gives a' wrong impression of its
to the bottom of the back of the bedmatost The'standard drags on
sumptuous sleeve, find the words far too long and despite sporting the
'Pete Bellote' and discover the true . benefits of being Muniched up. that
essence of ’Victim Of Love'. is to say a monstrously fine bass /
Pete Bellote has written every bottom.sound, the overall effect
track here bar Chuck Berry's smacks, oLJedious failure. Perhaps MIKE BATT AND
■Johnny B Goode' which we shall due to this insipid welcome the FRIENDS: 'Tarot
write off later Pete Bellote is / album fads to grab one's immediate
Giorgio Moroder s right hand man attention. Suite’ (Epic EPC
and in every sense of the word he Stick,at It and the insidious facet 86099)
has produced' this work In case of the genre becomes apparent. As
you hadn't realised our Elt has taken Roh and Russell Mael. I think said, HEY UP, here's a deep
a back seat, in composition terms the new disco is totally subversive. one. Mike Batt goes ex­
and has. gasp, gone disco; Happily Given thé plans the material here, perimental. and good luck
he has chosen the quality end of the especially ‘Born Bad’. ’Spotlight to him. I suppose he was
spectrum Bellote. as well as Street'.. ‘Boogie’ and the current getting tired of his reputa­
sharing production duties was single ’Victim Of Love' will lodge in tion for out-and-out com­
responsible for much of Donna' one’s consciousness and with mercialness — wombles.
Summer's best material, proof of bls successive plays the rippling 'Bright Eyes’ and all —
fine pedigree, be you a subscriber synthesiser fills, the sturdy bass and he's really gone to the
to the Moroder equals genius theory progressions and the typically other extreme here.
or not. So the newly paled Dwight brilliant paused segues will That's not to say that
trips over to the home of the hits. successully brainwash a large ’Tarot Suite' won't sell,
Musicland in Munich and keeps crossover audience. but it's certainly taking a
moving on. \ Not a great album, then, more few more chances than
Earlier this year we had his neat and healthy, and probably usual.
creamy soul work with the Detroit Bellote s and John's biggest for Obviously the concept is
Spinners whereon he handed quite a while. + + + % all about the tarot cards,
EL TON JOHN: neat and healthy himself over to ace Philly producer RONNIE GURR about which the sleeve
gives so much
background that I almost
Walter Williams make it to singles through a notable
THE O’JAYS: ‘Iden- feel obliged to review that
three stars straight away, lack of variation. as well. But I know nothing
tify Yourself’ because they do have a lot Recorded in Nashville about the subject and I
(Philadelphia Inter­ of vocal talent and en­ (where else?) with the fine can't always see the con­
RECORD national 83666).
thusiasm. but there's no
progression from that. I'm
a diehard for ballads, and
musicians one has come
to expect, including ex­
Cricket Sonny Curtis on
nection between the cards
ahd the songs. There are a
SO. YOU hadn't forgotten lot of grandiose titles like
there aren't enough of guitar. Buddy Spicer on 'The Valley Of Swords'.
the O’Jays, as I thought violin and Lloyd Green on
them here. + + + PAUL ‘The Night Of The Dead'
you might. It's about a
SEXTON steel guitar. Slow ballads and its sequel — three
year since they were in
like 'Beyond You,' 'Too guesses, it’s ‘The Dead Of
the charts with 'Use Ta Be
Deep For Tears’ and The Night'. Six of the 10
My Girl' and ‘Brandy’, two
'You'll Be Loved Some­ tracks are instrumental,
of their most sensitive and
T-SHIRT BARGAIN attractive songs for years.
So that in itself
day' are fine vocal por­
traits, but messy up­
often featuring the London
Symphony Orchestra, who
tempo work-outs that just
This week: GENERATION X represented quite a com­
eback. Sing A Happy
don't work such as 'Time
seem to be freelancing
these days. The orchestral
Song' didn't sound much Will Prove That I'm Right passages are often
spoil what could have classical and even gothic
like this year’s O’Jays hit
Offer Price £2.25 to me, but it's made the
Top 40 already. And it’s
been a good, not great,
album. Crystal Gayle is
in parts, such as 'Introduc­
tion (The Journey Of A
capable of much, much
(Normal shop price £3.25) quite typical of the 1979
better. + + + PETER
Fool)'. In fact the mood of
"happy" O’Jays model. CRYSTAL GAYLE: experimentation on the
you save £1.00 There are happy soul
songs and happy soul ■We Should Be
album puts it somewhere
in between the Alan Par­
Colour transfer on black cotton songs (God, I'm deep Together' (United Ar- THE A’S: 'The A’s’ sons Project, particularly
sometimes). Now 'Love tists UAG 30256) (Arista NEW3). their often-gothlc first
in sizes: small/medium/large album ‘Tales Of Mystery
Train' was full of
brightness, but that was ■WE SHOULD Be THE KNACK. The Pop. And Imagination', and the
Send off to: T-Shirt Bargain, refreshing. On ‘Sing A Together’ disappoints The Motels. Cars. etc. etc, •War Of The Worlds’ set. If
Record Mirror, P.O. Box 16, Harlow, Essex. Happy Song' and too because ever since the and now The A's. The you take the band title
many others of this album, sad. sad charm of 'Don’t It latest in a series of flashy literally, then Mike Batt’s
it’s a worn-out sort of hap­ Make My Brown Eyes post-punk US pop bands. Sot a lot of famous friends:
piness, an empty kind of Blue’ touched me, I’ve At least it proves that im Cregan. Rory
emotion. And when you held a place in my heart America have finally Gallagher, Chris Sped-
get a happy disco song, it for Crystal Gayle and woken up to late seventies ding, BJ Cole, Ray
only makes matters truthfully there's not one trends. But are they too Cooper, and, vocally. Col­
worse, because then it song here to touch it. late? in Blunstone and or gravel
sounds not only empty, Blessed with the looks The A's prove to be a guts, Roger Chapman on
but secondhand as well. of a movie star and a rich highly competent, highly the single ’Run Like The
So 'Get On Out And Party’ voice that always sug­ recommended beat group. Wind'. Batt himself does a
and ‘So Nice I Tried It gests a warm, graceful They are capable of real ‘Bright Eyes’ job on
Twice’ go-out of the win­ strength, Crystal has — for writing sharp melodies ‘Lady Of The Dawn'.
dow. the last few years at (east which are full of sparkling It’s hard to see this do­
‘Identify’ Isa reasonable — been a beautiful head energy. ing a 'War Of The Worlds'
hustling number, with a and shoulders over her 'After Last Night.' the — which is STILL In the
"halt— who goes there ” contemporaries in the band's excellent single, album charts — perhaps
chant. But although all this cross-over country/pop and ’CIA', open the album because the concept Is
is still distinctively the O'- field. 'We Should Be highlighting The As more of a specialist sub­
Jays, there’s too much ag­ Together’ is a pleasant, superior songwriting ject. But it’s been careful-
gression, and thus bland­ competent enough album skills. Both tracks are ly and graphically
ness. about it. Sammy that fails to reach tne uplifting slabs of whining translated into music.
Strain, Eddie Levert and usual excellence of her pop music, with trashy + + + ’/2 PAUL SEXTON
Record Mirror, October 20.1979 19

‘Joe's Garage’ (CBS
S ’ BACK nice and quiet
n w for Mr Zappa is about
tc tell you a story in his
nice. deep, soothing
voice. You've never
heard of Mr Zee. much
less his famed deep
voice? Ah well, let me
CORN there’s no pause for
refreshment with 'I’ll Get
clarify things a little. He Even With You’. Another
is. I'm afraid, in­ ridiculous title that I'm
comparable to current sure Foreigner must laugh
tiands and frankly, if you about all the way to the
want comparisons. Mr bank.
Zappa’s records have Unfortunately Seven­
holes In middle and teen' is just another song
describe circular mo­ FLEETWOOD MAC
about the temptations of a
tions. but that's about as young nymph and it rather
far as it goes.

stretches old ideas. But
Back to the story, then there's the title track
which is rude, or at least — a neat bit of near throm­
will offend and embarrass ANGLETRAX: bosis after the raging
the offendable and em­ 'Angletrax' (Ariola pulse of the earlier parts
barrassable. Frank goes which is closer to the ‘Rumours' mood and therefore
through the motions and
AHAL8009) of the album. ‘The Modern FLEETWOOD MAC: ‘Tusk* (Warner Bros what I wanted to hear.
Day’ again features K66088)
sexual innuendos with HAVE TO confess that I • 'That's All For Everyone' was similar, but lacked
tasteful subtle control with
descriptive ease, prod­ the haunting beauty of 'Storms'. However, compared
was expecting much underplay. On to the WELL, IT'S different. My mother used to say that
ding all the normally sen­ to the first and fourth tracks on this side, it was a
Angletrax, with their token worried about the about any new hairdo I outfit I used to come home
sitive areas with his world thing with 'Blinded gem. What’s come over them? What's with all this
cynical humour. Through Acklam Hall school of with, when she was struggling for something nice to heavy footed drumming, this plodding discordance?
music, to appear on By Science’. Ho hum. say about it. That’s how I feel about ‘Tusk’.
every inconceivable ‘Not That Funny' is diabolically tedious and is
Fear not. things mightily it’s nothing like ‘Rumours' — and for those of you
event, the police raid on Deptford Fun City, or at improve with ‘Do What another of the songs I feel has been used to pad out
sighing with relief, let me say here and now that I the spt. Maybe I missed the joke. The length of time
‘Joe's Garage', the ever least Radar. However •You Like' a ponderous cy­
watchful eye of the ‘Cen­ loved ‘Rumours' and if I play it in the privacy of my they've taken to do this, they could have chucked out
Ariola’s the answer, cle ride down a gentle own home, what's it to you? Anyway, to start at the
tral Scrutinlzer’. the who pretend that gold half the material and come up with a good single
slope. Y'know. they’re beginning. . . .
perverse ‘Catholic Girls' album.
lame was never in­ just romantic old sods at To come ty this double album, you will need eight
(snigger), the roadies heart + + + + ROBIN There’s a long run into 'Sisters Of The Moon' and
groupie song 'Crew Slut', vented as they drum quid and a Meccano manual. The problems of
SMITH 'Nicks’ odd, mystical voice which gives the album *
all loosely linked by the out appropriate quan­ assembling :his many-sleeved cardboard nightmare
are paramount. You may get it apart, but some saving grace. Thank God.
antics of Joe and Mary, tities of art school art­ THE POINTER reassembling it is a long term project. It must have And thanks too, for 'That’s Enough For Me' which
the central characters in work and four days in SISTERS: 'Priority' brings some urgency and life into the album (side
the plot. Who we are told cost a bomb . . . what a waste.
the studio. three, track two). It's short but it goes like the
are being led into the (Planet K52161) To the ins de story: side one was fairly
Angletrax can script a unmemorable until ‘Sara’, the last track and the first clappers and creates a bit of necessary tension, a
depths of depravity by the neat lyric or two, WHEN YOU'VE a talent raw edge to the music. I was glad of it.
evil music. Mary is forced of the album to really let Stevie Nicks loose. As her
notably the jumble - that's mainly i n- voice is (for me) the best part of Fleetwood Mac, I It's hard sometimes to progress with a band,
by circumstance to enter
sale gloryhole homage terpretative, it's easier for was rather disappointed. ‘Sara’ is a pleasant song, accepting their experiments when you've got used to
a ‘Wet T-Shirt' competi­
to hobbies, 'Things to people to knock you. At good build up etc, but not a stunner. Getting to side one style. But Mac have taken so long to come up
tion. 'protruberances' he
Make and Do' and the least when you write your two: ‘What Makes You Think You’re The Only’ was a with this, they can hardly be surpriseo we’ve (I've)
calls them. Whilst Joe
winds up with 'Why Does short, sour, astute own songs, you can disjointed, noisy affair with tackety boot drums and got so entrenched in my view of them. There are
It Hurt When I Pee?' defend yourself with that an arrangement that sounded as if it was put some tracks I really like — ‘Beautiful Child’ is simply
story of 'Monica'.
Someone described together by a one man band from the Leicester superb — but I don't think there will be as many
Against which, to some fact. Square cinema queues. I’d have given up in disgust singles pulled off this double set as there were off
this as the first ‘porno ears at least, tales of But when you cover
concept album' I always if Nicks hadn't cruised into the next track ‘Storms’ 'Rumours'. + + + ROSALIND RUSSELL
white coats in the other people's material,
thought it was 'bout his asylum may seem as you can get slagged for
tenth. Throughout, Zap­ having no talent of your
pa's guitar and band are well - worked by now as
moon in June. own, covering the wrong
brilliant. + + + + +
Angletrax' music is a songs, taking the easy
bit like their name. Fine way out and the rest. But
furtive synth (Jerry then along came the
WILD WILLY BAR­ Minge) and an occa­ Pointer Sisters there, as
RETT: 'Call Of The sional kazoo (???) Fluff Freeman would say,
Wild’ (Polydor 2383 and the one called, um,
serenade Wendy Her­
541),_______________ man's Black & Decker 'Priority'.
It's an important release
WILD WILLY Barrett! array of vocals. To
for the sisters Pointer,
‘Go's 'ee? Well. I'm sure some ears again, the
since they made a few
you remember he and mode may seem on the
nicks into people's
John Otway enjoying way out, but doubtless awareness with
chart success with the the feedback gained
'Everybody Is A Star',
comedy - rock song '(Cor from this debut platter,
Baby. That’s) Really Free' 'Fire' and to a lesser
plus the opportunity of extent 'Happiness' from
a couple of years back.
more studio time, their last album. Also
Unfortunately. Willy
Barrett is not so wild on should reap a few good because sister Bonnie is,
this self produced album. harvests in future to coin a cliche, making it
In fact, the-only track years. + + + or more. in America with the hit
resembling ‘Really Free' SUSAN KLUTH_________ single 'Heaven Must Have
is the slightly humorous Sent You'.
'Let's Play Schools', a FOREIGNER: ‘Head The sisters' strength lies
possible single perhaps? Games’ (Atlantic in that they more often
‘Call Of The Wild' con­ K50651).___________
tains an unusual selec­ than not make the right
tion of numbers, varying "YESSSSS!" he scream­ choice when they lift
in style from reggae, as ed from a building In the songs; hence another
on the instrumental heart of London's bursting tight, distinctive album
‘Nigel Pringle’ to the metropolis. "Yesss! here. 'Blind Faith' — first
country sounds of the came the reply from done by Stealers Wheel
slowie ‘Take Me Back’ thousands of Foreigner on their 'Ferguslie Park'
and the cotton - pickin' fans ranged below. set — is an unlikely
‘Ole Slewfoot' which At 9.30 on a Monday choice, even more so
features some furious fid­ morning, the Foreigner ef­ Richard Thompson's
dling from WWB. fect is like taking a dip in 'Don't Let A Thief Steal
Side one opens with the cold pool of a sauna.
'Late Night Lady', a plea­ Into Your Heart', but both
Utterly invigorating.
sant. catchy song but for They're still the cham­ get the Pointers' rock-soul
me Willie’s most credible pions of the current stable treatment. And they can
tracks are the Floydian of American mega groups. rock: Ian Hunter's 'Who
‘Eye Of A Hurricane' (this Who else could get away Do You Love' and Bob
would go down a storm in with lines like “I been in Seger's 'All Your Love'
Florida) and the heavy-ish trouble since I don’t know both bite down hard, and
'Temptation'. 'Heartbeat when and I know with the added soul touch
Of The City' is a moderate somehow I'll find trouble come out well.
mandolin melody, whilst again”, featured on ‘Dirty The sisters also know a
'Close Encounters' is the White Boy'. good thing when they see
third of its kind, namely Undoubtedly this album
an instrumental. it — their cover of
is another masterstroke
The record sleeve from the Foreigner Springsteen's 'Fire' went
depicts a scene from powerhouse. Once again, Top Three in the States, so
Alice in Wonderland with there's that iron fist pro­ back they come with
Wild Willy portrayed as duction, that makes even another of Brucie's best,
the made hatter holding a the most mediocre of '(She’s Got) The Fever',
joker card. The joker in- songs (yes they and give it a good going
cidentally. looks sometimes write them) over, • one that most
remarkably like John Ot­ sound good. Springbok afficionados
way. The aforementioned would tolerate. Every time
This is an OK offering 'Dirty White Boy’ sinks its they lay their voices on a
from the Wild one but alas spirited teeth into your
song they give the im­
it's unlikely to get anyone ankle and simply won t let
hairing round to their go, sweetened by just a pression that they're
local record store, unless kiss of keyboards. Mean­ Voing to make it theirs,
of course, they happen to while ‘Love On The hey've done that nine
be the Mad Hatter! + + Telephone’ is a lilting times on this album. + +
NORMAN SMITHERS piece of near melody and + + PAUL SEXTON
20 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

Parkas past their peak?

ly of one tone. He often because it’s produced by Unfortunately some go
MERTON PARKAS: sounds as if he’s a tenor John Leckie (Bebop, XTC) overboard and become
‘Face In The Crowd’ being forced to sing who I would’ve thought just too conscious of their
(Beggars Banquet baritone. might have showed a little garment and some get
BEGA11). You may think I'm nit­ more judgement, but the slagged for their looks
picking — the Parkas will whole thing sounds about when really all we should
I WONDER, was it definitely think I am, but I as inspired as the Greater be considering is the
deliberate, this biscuit tin hope I’m right in my London Council. music.
sound? Did someone assessment of them as I'm sorry to be nasty to a Oh the music, yes, well
think that the technical in­ jolly nice chaps that can young lady but it seems it's basically the same. It
fancy of the sixties resist the temptation to the old adage really is doesn't particularly offend
should be absorbed slug me in the kisser the true. Hippies never go me. It's not particularly in­
along with the beat of the next time they see me. away do they? They just teresting and I find it soft,
time? Whatever, the Peak I’d say it was a go on, and on and on. How alluring and very assured,
Freans drumming took all passable debut album, I wish they would stop. + it’s so cosy
the depth out of 'Tears Of but to go on to anything JAMES PARADE
more immortal, they're Here their harmonies
A Clown' and I can't say seem to be pretty intact,
the arrangement did a lot going to need songs of a
more memorable quality. they have a nice choice of
for the song either. I'll songs, the production is
leave that quibble for the In fact, they may just have
produced a genuine six­ almost immaculate and
time being, because it's they still sound like the
always easier to find fault ties' type album.
Because who remembers ‘Millionaires' on a ‘Dia­
with a cover version as mond Dogs' session.
you have a preconceived every Small Faces/Who
motion of what it should album track as being •Birdland' is very clever
sound like. classic? I don’t. It was and should be another hit
I've almost always en­ their singles that lingered single, Tom Waits’
joyed the Parkas live and on. Long may you linger. 'Foreign Affair’ is a stand­
hadn’t given much Parkas. + + + ROSALIND out with its lush double­
thought to the problems RUSSELL tracked harmonies.
of transferring their gig ‘Whacky Dust’ is very 'thir­
THE MANHATTAN ties' and ‘Twilight Zone’
atmosphere to record. On THE DOLL ‘Listen To very synthesised.
the whole, they’ve stuck The Silence’ (Beg­ TRANSFER: ’Exten­
to their fairly simple for­ I don't care much for the
gars Banquet BEGA sions’ (Atlantic group or their develop­
mat, but (fickle person
that I am) I'd hoped they'd 12)_________________ K50674) ment but it has a nice
have something in cover if a little bit forced
reserve. The ability to YOUNG MARION Valen- UNLIKE SOME. I've never style-wise and the music
show off just a bit. tine is The Doll. Well, I been prejudiced against is just as neat. ManTran
They've 'done that on mean she’s not really my something called ‘style’. will go on and sell a lot of
‘Silent People', tricky lit­ idea of a doll but she’s I’m not talking about records and take over
tle guitar runs, a bit of taken the risk of putting anything as effete as or as where Andy Williams left
tousled spirit. her name on this plastic fey as the Skids or the off. Anyone with a broad
I liked it, I i&as quite im­ and she’ll no doubt get the clothes and guitar gleam­ Unfortunately the cover as much passion as is Rats: I'm on about real mind could enjoy this. It’s
pressed. Danny Talbot blame for it. This is awful. ing and glistening in that is a taster of the sound in­ displayed by someone style. People who wear surprisingly good. Maybe
has surely been hiding No tunes, no invention, no perfectly tacky way that side. Poor Marion can't watching 'Soap' on TV and and think It without ever we could send all these
his guitar playing ability idea, no direction. Suzi Quatro's used to. Do decide whether she's sup­ are trying to be having to worry about it. space-suited groups off in
under a small shrub, Marion stands there in a Beggars Banquet posed to be Debbie. Kate monotonously modern. With 'pop' being 80 per Explorer Nine or
which is odd, as it’s typical stereo-typed deliberately go for the Bush, a Camden punkette We can do without it my cent fashion it's always so something and put them
somewhat belter than his eighties space-stare with worst album covers in or just a poor little nobody. dear. difficult to disconnect the all out of their misery.
vocals which are uniform­ her retouched make-up, rock'n'roll or what? The band play with about The sound is OK look with the music. ♦ + +'/? JAMES PARADE
Record Mirror, October 20,1979 21

The song also shows his entry finale, ‘When The Night Comes’.
into the area of risque lyrics with Beginning with some sumptuous
the line "Snap Me In Your Breach/I Spanish guitar from Gerry Cott, The
from cloud nine Want To Be Your Bullet." This is Rats manage to sound like an
at the end of his rock 'n' roll days. obviously the result of excessive amalgam of The Rumour and the E-
the BR's; I'm sure he’ll find a suitable niche association with a certain bishop's Street Band in their wild and
— even if it’s only a TV chat show daughter whose bad influence may innocent days. This indicates they
with deaf mutes as guests! prevent this track from being a hit are as open to influences as the Big
So, as well as Bob the family The curious 'Wind Chill Factor', single. G whose words to the song can be
THE BOOMTOWN RATS: entertainer, we also have a man easily the most unusual song he’s A fate unlikely to befall 'Diamond seen as either ’Surfacing', ‘Rat
‘The Fine Art Of Surfacing’ revealing gathering paranoia and written, shows another kind of Smiles', another of his superb Trap' or a suburban Springsteen
(Ensign ENROX 11) exposing his hang-ups to the world. neurosis — the desire to go out and portraits a la ’Eva Braun'. Telling living the straight life.
This is evident from the first track. get lost in the crowd. Quite the tale of a high society suicide, Except here the hero isn’t
THE SECOND anniversary of their 'Someone's Looking', where he. of uncharacteristically the song its fine production, pacing and sweating it out on the streets of a
ship coming in on the crest of the all people, worries about the world portrays Geldof fearing his freedom Fingers' keyboards all arouse an runaway American dream, but rather
new wave and what have they done? coming ablaze with "a thousand and individuality, a matter which is excellent atmosphere of tension. choking in the air-conditioned heat
Well, unlike proverbial rats, they dropped names" and makes an likely to go down a treat with Because, rather than in spite of. of some chrome ’n' glass office. As
haven't deserted since like their live introspective allusion to his "Save amateur social psychologists. its gruesome theme, it is the with 'Diamond Smiles', superb
show, the music is still awash with The Whale’’ appearance in Hyde In such vinyl circumstances the perfect follow-up to ’Mondays’, a attention is paid to detail and ‘When
dynamically extrovert raw-powered Park. following ‘Having My Picture Taken' modified version of which gets side The Night Comes’ is another
extravagance. Introspection becomes is a spot of lighter lyrical relief, two rolling. landmark in Bob’s ever-improving if
On the other hand, Geldof never selfishness on 'Nothing Happened being the recorded edition of the Elsewhere it’s back to inner still somewhat derivative song­
did want to be like you, you or you Today' as he complains about his number where he drags any turmoils and introspection. ‘Sleep’ writing.
and this third batch of songs shows own personal boredom before available photographer on stage to deals with the universal problem of And ‘The Fine Art Of Surfacing?’
an increasing pre-occupation with showing a sudden realisation that snap the audience. lack of it and finishes with a great Well, according to a line from ‘Wind
his own psyche. outside his own world there are 'Keep It Up' is again pretty aural display of mental confusion to Chill Factor’ it’s all but dead, but if
Hardly surprising, really. He’s had people dying and going insane. The whimsical, dealing light-heartedly match lyrics like “I’m Jumping it’s anything to do with getting to
quite a year. A three month song is also a hint that having with impotence while also Fences, counting sheep/l’m fencing the top, there's no saying he’s not
American trek including an feasted on the limelight, he finds presenting it as a problem. This is, jump-suits in my sleep". trying to revive it. Not a perfect or
exhausting (even for him) life out of it rather hum-drum. By of course, the ace Geldof trick: any As with the anti-clerical ‘Nice ’n* even the definitive Rats album, but
nationwide blag round every radio extension, he’s perhaps also weakness is brought into the open Neat' the music is in complete then is it not still early days yet? It
station followed by the maximum concerned about the temporary and sent up by himself before contrast with the seemingly serious is useful to be able to tread water
exposure which accompanied his nature of his present lifestyle, not anyone else can. Attack is the best lyrics, with plenty of stop-start before attempting a channel swim,
band’s long chart-topping sojourn that there's much chance of him form of defence, rivals are put on wheezing and booming drums. after all. + + + +
does not for a tranquil mind make. leaving the public eye in a hurry — the spot and so on. Which leaves us with the grand MIKE NICHOLLS
22 Record Mirrar, October 20,1979

Want To Make Those Eyes the moment — but it’s The Hippies attempt. I
VARIOUS ARTISTS: At Me For’ and Mark about the nearest he don't know who it's gonna
‘Down At The Club’ Wynter — 'Go Away Little comes to those particular appeal to though. Certain­

(Flash Backs FBL Girl’. She tells me she was riddms on this light, poppy ly not his legions of fans in
in a record club where she collection. their duck hats, and the
1002) paid off 1 shilling (5p) a Eddy Grant can certainly suave pieces of plastic
VARIOUS ARTISTS: week all the year round call this his album. Just who gyrate to Chic won't
‘Junior Saw It Hap­ and every time she liked a about all the vocals and in­ be very interested either.
pen’(FBL 1001) record she could go in and struments are his own, How many more albums
get it. Neat eh? and they’re all well polish­ will Virgin allow Steve to
VARIOUS ARTISTS: The Stax record is a bit ed. The pounding syn­ make? Are his sales really
‘Stax Gold The 20 of an oddity for me and thesisers of Grant's hit worth the investment?

RISE Greatest Hits’ (Stax perhaps it shouldn't really single run riot on He's been out of step with
STX3013) _________ be reviewed with these 'Frontline Symphony', the The Times for so long
other two. I never got into flip of the 45 which segues now. Steve, you should
HE'S GOT a nerve that soul music and the person with it here. It's a totally have resigned yourself to
boy. Mike "ee up, I remember most is Otis synthetic symphony, brown rice. Alignment
where're the boilers Redding. tongue-in-cheek I'll bet, of with James Pursey won't
then?” Nicholls reckons I'm sure, if you are a the 'Frontline' theme, and help, nor will a revamped
I’m the only one in the of­ soul fan, these will be it works a treat. But image nor will chic at­

fice that will remember all great artists for you — there’s even more urgen­ tempts at American dance
these tracks. Booker T and MGs, Rufus cy about the current crazes like this.
I was a late developer, Thomas, Eddie Floyd, single, 'Walking On Sun­ This is very lazy, un­
my musical education Isaac Hayes. 14 artists, 20 shine’, again with that off­ thoughtful music. Not pro-
didn’t really start until 1962 tracks. They do nothing beat reggae mood but perly arranged and
when the Beatles came for me but if you didn't get without the specific without much inspiration,
along. Before that, my into them in the first place, rhythms. it meanders nowhere and I
sister Doreen bought all what do you expect? Side two ventures fur­ would think that the only
the records in our house. I’ll give 12 stars for the ther into popdom with airy, spiritual guidance here is
THE BEATLES: She was into Cliff and three albums, you can happy sketches such as Virgin’s up front advance.
the group’s Aryan Lesser-known classics
apprenticeship. various other wimpy divide the rating into the 'My Love. My Love' and The band play around
1 “Rarities” ’ (EMI amongst these Include
singers. period you prefer best. ‘Just Imagine I'm Loving with time signatures while
So much for the actual 'Rain', always better than
PCM 1001)_________ rarities, what about the For me ‘Junior Saw It ALF MARTIN You'. Grant’s obviously re­ the guitars echo
its 'Paperback Writer’ A-
IF IT wasn't for the others? If you thought the Happen' is the best of tained his ear for the com­ McLaughlin and Fripp and
slde and 'You Know My
Inverted commas, there early Fabs were just a these three albums which mercial melody from his it all adds up to a little
Name (Look Up The
would be a case for this bunch of boy-next-ddor includes Joe Cocker's days with the Equals something which is entire­
Number)’ a Lennon weird (remember them, kids?
album keeping the wimpy types, wrap yer one that came out of the 'With A Little Help From ly disposable. No hit
enforcers of the Trades lungs around Larry My Friends’, the Yard­ ‘Baby Come Back' and all singles and no cerebral
back of ‘Let It Be’ but
Descriptions Act In Williams’ ‘Bad ‘Boy’, not birds’ 'For Your Love' and. that). So don't call it reg­ love affairs either.
which might have been
business. All but 3 of the to mention 'She's A ‘Shape Of Things'. Small gae, call it commercial. Rumours abound of Virgin
off side four of the white
17 tracks have always Woman’, 'I’m Down’ and Faces. 'Tin Soldier' and And whenever he's ready, offering Jake Riviera bags
double album. I'll hear Eddy again.
been freely available, and 'Long Tall Sally'. They Best of the rest? The ‘Lazy Sunday’, Move’s of pound notes to revamp
they are just different might only have been 'Flowers In The Rain' and + + + + PAUL SEXTON Hilage's, er, "image”.
rhapsodic ‘I Call Your
versions of well-known playing through Name', the only Lennon- ‘Blackberry Way’. 20 Now I understand why
classics. telephone-size speakers McCartney composition tracks all together, some Jake turned them down.
average but mostly What we need is Good­
Like 'Across The
Universe’, appropriately
complete with wild-life
sound effects, since it
। in ’64/’65, but they didn’t
'alf rock out, mum.
Then there’s the even
earlier 'Thank You Girl'
amidst the four tracks (all
here) which comprised
the 'Long Tall Sally' EP
Nice touch on the back
of the cover, by the way.
EDDY GRANT: 'Walk­ •PEN times mister.
If Virgin would spend
some money on some of
and originally given to
The original reviews of the
ing On Sunshine' their new acts like Jane
originally came from the where there’s no way you Billy J Kramer (remember
World Wild Lite can't keep off the edge of 'Little Children'?) tracks are printed. They (ICE ICE4) _____ Aire and Cowboys Interna­
compilation album. Then your chair as John and Which along with Hugh might be ancient now but tional, both of whose
there's 'I Wanna Hold Paul strain to stay in they are certainly still I'M QUITE partial to the albums are excellent in­
Fielder’s comprehensive
Your Hand' and 'She tune. TH Get You’, good, fresh pop songs. idea that just because Ed­ stead of going cheapo on
notes just about wraps it
Loves You’, sung in another personal fave, The wife, a bit older than dy Grant is black, wears them (the Cowboys didn’t
up. If you're a person
German but with still sounds remarkably me (but such a nice girl), dreadlocks and looks like even get a proper sleeve)
reknowned for doing “the
started llstenina to music a reggae singer, he and putting the profits into
Liverpool accents.These contemporary, classed up right thing” dash out and
doesn’t have to play reg­
were the two singles with a touch of harmonica buy it, providing that is, earlier and prefers 'Down dead music like this they
which established The At The Club'. She gae music all the time, or 'Open'(Virgin V2135) might see some returns.
while those voices are as you weren’t one of the
Beatles as a world-wide sweet as ever. This In remembers going along to indeed any of the time. I Give the young’ns a
suckers who shelled out STEVt goes disco.
phenomenon at the back fact was the flip of ‘She Leyton Baths on a Friday don’t know what you'd call chance. We haven't
fifty-odd notes for last ‘Living On The Frontline' Everyone has to prove that
end of '63 and were Loves You’, and eight of year's boxed set just to night and actually listen­ forgotten that already
released back to back In ing to people like Emile — pop reggae, perhaps, of they can make a good have we? + JAMES
the other cuts are also B- get these “rarities”.
GdFmany as a tribute to sldes. Ford — What Do You which there is so much at disco album and here is PARADE

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Record Mirror. October 20.1979 23

New album
Out now
in a very limited edition V2138
Also available on cassette TCV2138
Contains hit single "Charade"
The tour...
Winter Gardens
October 19 LIVERPOOL
Mountford Hall
October 20 St. AUSTELL
New Cornish Riviera
October 22 GREAT YARMOUTH Tiffanys
October 23 MANCHESTER Apollo
October 24 SHEFFIELD Top Rank
October 25 BIRMINGHAM Odeon
October 26 CAMBRIDGE Corn Exchange
October 27 NORTHAMPTON Cricket Club
October 28 BLACKBURN
King George's Hall
October 29 NEWCASTLE
City Hall
Civic Hall
October 31 BRIGHTON
Top Rank
November 2 LONDON
November 4 CARDIFF '
Top Rank
Winter Gardens
November 7 HANLEY
Victoria Hall
November 8 PERTH
City Hall
November 9 GLASGOW
November 10 ABERDEEN
Special guests:
W «41'W >*qo*x) ICUJIW (UOMH
26 Record Mirror, October20,1979


o 1979 A&M Records Lid AH Rights Reserved
Record Mirror, October 20,1979 27

No, but I can understand the

iven the choice as country bumpkin bit. As has been

opposed to the bill, widely publicised, XTC are from the
which would you railway town of Swindon, whiclyk
am reliably informed, lies 80 miles
prefer — A Japanese west of London on the road to7
banquet amidst the plush \ Bristol.
plutocrats of the Kensingtoh "It’s ridiculous, all this août us
Hilton, or a dull curry in \ •being from there," Cham) srs
complains, “I mean there’s no big
some grubby West London^' deal about it. Everyony comes from
Indian eaterie? somewhere," he ad< IS profoundly,
The Nipponese grossWt. right? “It’s not aè^if we'n frying to turn it
Not XTC, which probably says as into an Akron^ at ! COVENTRY
much about them as anything. that’s the latest ph ice, isn’t it?" he
Simple lads they are. not into doing enquires sarcastici
anything flash, and certainly no Whereas Mdulding^qd Gregory
opportunists. Then again the ‘Taj are relativel/tranquil chaps and
Mahal’ is more adventurous than a Partridge is dryly jovial, Chambers
Wimpy, even in Shepherd's Bush. occasionally gives the impression
Terry Chambers gives a fair that he's had a raw deal out of life.
explanation for the band's Though an admirable quality in a x
unanimous decision: "It’s not that drummer (it makes 'em hit harder, y’
oi’m against troi'in’ new grub," he understand), this is hard to
begins, his agricultural accent reconcile with the fact that at 24 he’s
immediately arousin (Ehjoyed a fair amount of success.
the opposite, aaacuta In two years XTC have sold more
oi’m orl in favour, it's just than 100,000 albums and become
'ad raather a gutful recently darlings of the critics. Not only that,
The drummer is, of cour but even now as we speak, they've
refering to his band’s rec just finished being filmed for
Japan, which caused al ‘Crackerjack’.
members a certain agfljunt or How on earth did they blag that
consternation, notwithstanding
several successful sold-out gios. '•fiunno really," says Terry,
~_£oHnMoulding, about to sink his seenTs the producer saw us on Top
terïïfiT^TTdeeû-kLglever lays, or nr Of Thevops, liked it, so booked
some equally horrific >tic, us..." \
makes his/personal standagainst “Actual^ The SkldSMjre
The Orient Colin only sounds like a orignally of ared the sdwf”
farmer wtien getting worked up. interrupts Coho.
“I fount i the language very "Yeah, but let: /hot make an
frustratingJ," he confesses, “and Issue of it,” Cha? ibers continues,
for this b( jsiness of having to take “they’re quit^a decent bunch of
your shotis off in restaurants, well fellows. "Lx
tell you J 'ad to buy six pairs of More^pnificantly, XTC have
socks iQ)ause orl the ones I recently visited Australia, on a tour
broughtnth me ‘ad ‘oles in 'em! which proceeded the Japanese
And the company would insist on junket.
taking us to these traditional places. So how were opr cousins down
Oi troid to like the national dishes, under, then?
but in the end oi just kept thinkin’ “Well, they’re gradually gettin' it
“f— me, wot oi’d do for a bag o' together,” replies Moulding,
chips!"” “especially film wise. The TV’s
Which might give some iTMight atrocious, well, y’know, no worse
into why we’re sitting in ttVlow than ‘Crossroads', but they've got
rent ruin ordering "food” Horn a lots of channels. Only thing is, it's
dusky geriatric with the unf xtunate like America, commercial breaks
habitat gargling phlegm. Miking M up every five minutes. TQn twice an
the Qiy are XTC manager an Reid. hour some morale-bobving jerk
an old Sandhurst boy, don' you comes on shouting (adopts Aussie,
know, and Linda Gamble, p ess lady accent, no different to his^win«
at Virgin Records, not to mention a one) "We doun't want Aust>ey4 lia to
mother figure for scores oKLBst and be a fail-ya!” Ugh!”
lonely journalists in London and a “Trouble is” ChambeaXpoinl out
well-known flasher of credit cards. "they've got a poo^ lion of
Lighting up the room of gloom is a themselves, they tn! they're
garish tartan jacket. This belongs to second-rate — a white race out on a
one Andy Partridge, guitarist and limb in the Southern Hemisphere.”
lead singer with the group. A Not that this in any way affected
slightly absurd figure at the best of the band's popularity there.
times, ibly he is ‘‘Some hipsters called us Pommy
al SO. w ês. This bastards” confides Colin, “but the
might hive explained why he general reaction was great.”
thought II looked like Chris Stein out “Yeah” rejoins Andy with his
of Blondie. usual enthusiastic quirkiness," out
Why tie shades, man? Rock ‘n‘ there it’s like health, efficiency,
roll paranoia, all of a sudden? surfing, boozing — and us.”
"No, live just got poor eye-sight," Not a bad combination, while fame
he replied with hardly any trace of and acclaim appear to be something
an accent at all, "he/ey try ’em on." the group have a yen for. Make no
Squinting through wW amounts to mistake, XTC want to be pop stars.
being a qouple of tinteci milk bottle What kind of stuff do they listen to
bottomsjl hear the sadXale of themselves?
Andy’s Ojpia. \ "Anything we can nicl if Virgin, I
“The trouble was, as a Yid I used suppose," replies Chay irs, with
to sit too close to the TV,'\he grins unashamed wit. /

engagingly. “I mean I was \ "Yeah, that’s whavit amounts to,”
fascinated by It. My parentsYould Colin agrees, “an< dhe hit parade. I
never drag me away." \ reckon we listen U the hit parade as
“Onlychoild, y’see," b'.irpsJTerry 'much as anyonerelse, ” he
through an onion bajeeX^poilt, 'e cbudnues, reluming his use of that
was. Now taike me-Ortised to get mosbquaint of names for the Top 40.
dragged away from-me telly an' its there'sXloVof good songs in it,
iarticularlroyer the past two years.

me bruvver an' sister who wear
glarses!” hat's why wbqvanna be up there.”
Astonishing stuff, eh? Perhaps of Fair enough. Anv, er. plans for
more interest is the fact that Andy how tp<go about it
has finally shaken off his age-old “Well, at the momenKReal By
trouser problem by purchasing his Re^T is being re-adjusteo^nd re­
first pair of denims in years. Set mixed for the next single,” repeals
against this, however, is the fact Terry. “I’m, adding certain thin^^
that he reckons he's going bald, as
does Chambers, not that either>Y
them give a damn:
“Oi’m not gonna bother witty
MIKE ICHOLL visits which If I'd known about at the tiW
would have gone on the album. But
then you never do, do you?” he
bleats wistfully.
transplants or the drummer What about the other guys?
asserts, "not loW^lton John. Mind “Well, Andy’s doing a dub
you. 'e's a short-arse^as yre'1- ‘e recording of 'Drums & Wires', a bit

really ‘as got problemsS¿ like the 'Go +' which came out with
Someone else with arpa >lem is the second album, and of course
Dave Gregory, the fourth member of we’re all working on new songs for
XTC. He suddenly leaves the Sapm the next LP.
to shoot up. Shooj up insulin, that Already?
is, since the poWchap’s a diabetic. don’t recall him speaking a word Moulding, possei^ considerable were avant-garde or something, and
\“Yeah. It won’t be recorded until
“Aarrr. not a well chap, our and his nameqoesn't even appear degree of empathy. Their similarity we don’t want thaaat,” he shudders
is such that ev/n for the r\xt summer, but if the material is
David,” sympathises Terry. on the ‘Drum: iWires' album) the distastefully.
—-Eeok&DK to me. _ n February of this discriminating/XTC buff, it is difficult prepared now, we'll be able to give
guitarist joine The ironjUs that some people
“That'sbec3U5e(^'s ill," replies year, replacing keyboards-man Barry to establish w io has written each It a live airing be fora going into the
think that aJd already are avant- studios. That wayM’ll get down on
Chan- irs with curious logic. Andrews. song. I
Andrews, d n the other hand, garde. | record eXactly^ymat we want.”
Eh' It appears that the departure of
lat I mean is, because 'eXrt1f< Ttee latter was due more to musical threatened td take the group’s “Oh yeah? admits Terry “on the So, it's mainly Nigel XTC have
'e h< to be careful what he e/ts an’ •than personal differences. As I music in a totally different direction, one ‘and yop get those who think been malting plans for — they’ve
drinl an' that. So because ‘e's ill, pointed out when reviewing the which appear* L not to have met we’re a band of arty farty also matte one or two for
'e ends up lookin' 'ealthy, if thbre's album, which has yielded the with Terry’s a| jbroval. intellectual^, and on the other, thei selves, including another
any sense in that" \ sublimely eccentric hit, 'Making “We couldn'vafford too many country bumpkins with straw asC lit on the USA in the new year.
Ed, yeah, sure. Anyhow, easily-tt! Plans For Nigel’, the band's bloody styles orrrecord, could we, 'angingLOut of our mouths. I can’t As good a way of, ah, currying
qi^st member of the band (in fact songwriters, Partridge and otherwise people would think we see 'oyr we can be both, can you?” favour as any, I suppose.
28 Record Mirror, October 20,1979


summer holidays. parents may contain an ly and his ex-girlfriend
Is it We talked for ages the element of truth, you says he’s just using me

They all jealousy?

off me just because I
haven't got a hairy chest,
and the same thing hap­
first night we met and I got
the feeling she didn't real­
ly like her parents, as she
said her dad was a bastard
and her mother is a whore.
When I saw her again that
week, my mates were
might care to consider
whether she runs down
everyone she knows in the
same way. Your family,
although they're being
equally short - sighted In
because all he thinks
about is sex. Other people
have said the same, and
I’m beginning to wonder if
they're right.
Stephanie, Edinburgh
pened with two other their attitude towards her. •Don’t be influenced by
there she went over the are only reacting to what the comments of a jealous

laugh atme
girlfriends before her.
When I see men with hairy top. telling them she made they’ve heard through her ex-girlfriend or so, quick
chests in the street. I feel porno films and slept with personal seamy broadcast to go along with what
so jealous. What can I do? older men. She was dif­ system. other people may say in
ferent, quiet and shy, You know there's the way of idle gossip. If
Gerry. Hartlepool when we were alone. another side to her and ac­ you're personally uneasy
•Not being the proud My parents told me not cept that she may not be about your renewed rela­
possessor of a hirsute tor­ to see her again when exactly what she tries to tionship with this boy, try
EVERY time people of my own age Even within a circle ot close so doesn’t sound like the they found out I’d been project on the surface. to analyse why you're wor­
see me they make noises, call me friends, there's usually someone underlying reason for drif­ talking to her and said Fair enough. When and if ried. Believe in your own
names and laugh at me. Now people who's a joker. Try not to take yourself ting apart from past she's a slut. Although she you do see her again, why judgement. You’ve known
are doing it outside the house at night so seriously — turn the tables by girlfriends. Maybe you Just comes down every not have a friendly word in your boyfriend for a long
so I'm getting it 24 hours a day. I feel throwing humour back in the faces of got bored with each other, weekend now to babysit her ear and suggest that time after all, and should
like the town idiot. the people who are getting you down. or weren't close enough for her sister, she doesn't she thinks before she have sussed him out fairly
to stay together after all. want to know me now as speaks for a change. well by now.
I'm due to start a one - day release
Whatever you do, don’t show how Sustaining a relationship she overheard a remark You'll probably bump into As you’re back together
at college very shortly and most of
much you’re taking these jibes to doesn't depend on your my brother made about each other again again it's reasonable to
the people that do this are at the her. I don't want to let her
same college. heart. Accept that not everyone has height, weight, the sometime, so there seems suppose that you have
unfriendly intentions towards you. amount of hair on your go. but my family seems to no point In forcing the something more than sex
I’ve ignored them, called them chest, the size of your car hate her even though they issue. in common. There is no
names back, hit out and tried to be Shutting yourself off from people and or bank balance — it relies know nothing about her. point in bottling-up what
friends. My parents tell me to ignore rebuffing every friendly approach is on a basic rapport and I'm not shy with her as I Alone again may be unfounded fears
them, but this is virtually impossible. I the worst move you could make. feedback between two am with most girls. and suspicions.
want to live my life without people people. Find yourself Les, Yorkshire I’VE RECENTLY started to Have a serious talk with
forever kicking the hell out of me. At college, you'll have to summon another girlfriend. go out again with a boy I your boyfriend about your
What can I do? your courage to brave the initial sl­ • Bad news travels fast. By was engaged to three worries,
John, Lincs. ings and arrows. But there’s bound to Not what shouting her mouth off on years ago. when I was six­
be at least one other person there all manner of subjects, teen. I could never forget
•It's a fact of life that some people do who'll feel equally out of the social she seems once too often, this girl him and he's said he loves
Skin deep
tend to end up as a target for other mainstream and who’ll like you I MET a girl I really fancy has managed to create the me too. We went out for OVER THE past few mon­
people's misplaced sense of humour. enough to be supportive. Check-out two months ago. She’s 15 worst possible image of two years before and ths horrible blackheads
This often happens if you're naturally any college activities that interest you and goes to school a tew herself, and her family. broke up when he started have been appearing on
a loner or you don’t happen to share and gradually you'll build-up a new miles away, and was stay­ While her somewhat sex­ seeing another girl. my nose and chin and my
the same Interests as everyone else. set of friends. ing with a friend for the ist judgements on her I sleep with him regular­ skin looks really greasy



Record Mirror, October20,1979 29

even though I've been What has caused this? home a couple of years
washing twice a day with Baldness doesn't run In ago. He refuses to get a
plenty of soap and water. my family. What can I do? job. but won’t pay my mum
I've tried squeezing them Max, London more than a couple of
out but my face just looks •Eczema, a blistering and pounds a week towards
a mess. inflammation of the skin food.
usually accompanied by it­ My mother is getting
Dave, Sussex ching, may be caused by a very depressed and has LP202). 1973; ’El Dorado'.
simple allergy to pollen or talked about having him (JET LP203). 1974; Face
•Plain soap and water various types of food and evicted. Can she do this? The Music’. (JET LP201),
won't remove blackheads can have its roots In Life is getting totally 1975; 'New World Record’.
however hard you scrub. general worry and stress. unbearable with him living (JET LP200), October 1976.
They're not caused by Once a doctor has analys­ here. 'Out Of The Blue'. (JET
dirt, but by waxy wastage ed the nature and extent DP400). double. October
from the sebaceous of the condition, creams Dave, Gloucester 1977; ’Three Light Years',
glands which block the or lotions to reduce the it­ (JET BXI). boxed set of
pores beneath the skin. chiness and combat In­ •You have one main ad­ three albums. December
There are many products flammation and infection vantage your brother 1978; ’Discovery' (JET
on sale to clear this kind of can be prescribed to treat — safety in numbers. So LX500), June 1st 1979.
spot, but you'd be better the symptoms, although far. it sounds as If he's Collector of esoterics P
advised to see your doctor each course of treatment been allowed to rule the Lapington of Urmston
who can show you the may only work for a short roost and get away with it. demands to know what
best way to remove them. period of time — six mon­ but that doesn’t have to be Jeff Lynne has recorded in
Meanwhile, change to a ths ora year at most. the case. Stand up to him his own right, and Jane
medicated soap, contain­ Your hair is falling out next time he tries to bully Walker of Liverpool also
ing the bacteria killer hex­ simply because you are JEFF LYNNE seeks info on solo
you. and suggest to your
achlorophene, available scratching to combat the mother that if he refuses releases by the Individual
from any chemist itching, not because of its to pay his fair share ELO band members. Jeff
length or the eczema towards household ex­ Lynne, one single only
itself. It will grow back releases Doin' That Crazy Thing',
Hair worry quite naturally. Having
penses she should refuse
WE KICKOFF this week on (JET UP 36281), July 1977.
to provide him with meals.
I'VE HAD eczema on my your hair cut short again If reasonable discussion a voyage of discovery with Mick Kominsky as Violin­
scalp for about a year now might be an advantage doesn't help — direct con­ solutions to a trio of ski had a succesful chart-
and my doctor has refer­ simply because it’s easier frontation is your only posers from ELO fanatics. ster with 'Clog Dance’.
red me to a specialist who to handle a dally wash and course of action. From the multitude of (JET 136). January 1979.
is difficult to understand, treatment. Once your brother gets DOWN plastic produced by the followed by a second
usually has a long queue As you're not too happy the message, and he will If 1 Latest American singer - band, what’s still single ’Save Me' (JET 146).
with the specialist you've 1 Bill Loveday's tribute to songwriter to hit Britain available, asks Sarah and an album 'No Cause
waiting and doesn't seem everyone resolves to Bob Marley oerhaps
been seeing, it's well (5.9) Cooke of Prestwich. For Alarm’. (JET LP219).
that interested in my case. freeze him out, he'll either ( 2 British No 1 single in 1971.
He has prescribed stuff, worth having a second opi­ agree to compromise or Singles: Rock Aria', April 1979, and cellist
6 The Commodores High (7) hit in America under the
including coal tar, to put nion. For a list of hair may simply leave home title Bang A Gong (3.2.2) (JET 100), released Melvyn Gail has just
7 He was Squeezing Out
on my scalp at night and specialists in your area, again of his own free will. Sparks (61 3 AbbaLP(7) January 1977: 'Telephone released a single ‘I Wanna
wash off in the morning drop a line, including a If he's such a bully that 8 Ms Plain (8) 4 Imagine thousands of Gary Line', (Jet 101), July 1977; Stay', (JET 156), as Wilson
but that only works for a stamped addressed he's likely to become 11 Rod telling us his romantic Newmans (8) Turn To Stone’, (JET 103). Gail And Co. Jeff Lynne
short time. But. every time envelope to The Institute violent, there must be at feeling’s (4,4,1.51 5 LP that brought us Justin October 1977; 'Mr Blue has also been working on
of Trichologists, 228 least one male relative or 12 A battle for Abba'8) Hayward’s Forever Autumn Sky', (JET 104). January the music for the up *n
I wash my hair some of it 15 What Manfred Mann’s (3.2,3,6)
falls out, I've lost a large Stockwell Road, Brixton, friend of the family who’ll 1978: 'Wild West Hero'. coming movie 'Xanadu'
London SW9. clown said (2.2) 9 Buddy Holly classic (4.2)
amount in the last year, be willing to come around 18 Medicine prescribed by Dr 10 Half of duo who were Up (JET 109). May 1978; starring Olivia Newton-
and. although the doctor and sort him out on the Feelgood (4,3.7) Town Top Ranking (6) ’Sweet Talkin' Woman’, John.
said it would grow again, it My brother's same terms. 19 She told us the story of 13 Genesis had a Trick Of The (JET 121). 7-incher •Competition time folks!
hasn't. If your brother is 18 or Chuck E fallino In love . . .(41 September 1978, limited First two readers to tell us
(6,3.5) 14 The Electric Warrior (4) edition 12-incher October the fax on the last major
The longer my hair a bully over, he can be evicted
16 Joni Mitchell 1978; ‘Shine A Little Love'. band line-up change, plus
grows, the more it seems from the house by means LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 17 Bowie single (4)
to fall out. Would it be bet­ A FEW week ago. my older of a court order. ACROSS
(JET 144). May 1978: ’The details of which soccer
ter if I had my hair cut brother came home after Your local Citizens Advice 1 In Through The Out Door. 6 DOWN Diary Of Horace Wimp'. teams a) Bev Bevan and b)
short? The last time I saw living and working in Lon­ Bureau will give your Ain't No Stopping Us Now. 10 1 1 Can’t Stand Losing You. 2 (JET 150). July 1979; ’Don’t Jeff Lynne support, and
the doctor, he said the don for a couple of years. mother full details on how Crystal Gayle. 13 Trower, 14 Tonic For The Troops. 3 Ran­ Bring Me Down', (JET 153), the total number of singles
eczema would take bet­ He is ignorant and bullies to achieve a court order if Kaya. 16 O’Jays. 19 Moon. 20 dy, 4 Get Back, 5 Dusty, 7 August 1979. released by ELO ever, win
my younger brothers and Nathan Jones. 23 Ferry, 24 Peggy. 8 Nils Lofgren. 9 Oh Albums: on EMI 'ELO'. a copy of ’Discovery' plus
ween one and three years she feels this is a Rain, 25 Out Of Time. 27 Blon­ Boy. 11 Strange Town. 12
to clear up. but if my hair myself and makes my necessary move but she (FHVI 797), December other ELO freebies.
die, 28 Iron. 29 Ste. 30 Not Money. 15 Anne. 17 Ape Man.
loss continues at its pre­ mother's life a misery. He should bear in mind that Fade Away. 35 Yesterday 18 Stranglers. 21 Steely Dan. 1971; 'ELO 2'. (FHDL803). Answers to ‘Feedback’,
sent rate there will be very seems to have changed a this procedure can take Once More. 37 Up The Junc­ 22 EMI. 26 Viva. 31 Train. 32 March 1973; on Jet. ‘On Record Mirror. 40 Long
little left. lot since he last lived at months to finalise. tion. 38 Doll. Wimp. 33 Lene. 34 Devo. 36 Al. The Third Day’. (JET Acre. London WC2.
30 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

Who's got the hump?

faithful. She will do that fact. Can you imagine • Ma they’re trying to outrageous when I've out with me?
anything, anything if he the four of them playing crucify me! — John sunk a few shandies ... WOODY ALLEN, sorry.
digs her out. With his one together again? It would Lennon. • !Aw, get stuffed Brian McInnes. East
good hand he does so. be disastrous to say the Shearlaw... Kilbride.
This takes about 10 days least. I doubt whether Len­ WHAT I DID ON MY • No chance schlubber.
and as the last grains of non and McCartney could
sand are brushed away re-produce the descants HONEYMOON by RATS BATS FLIPPED
she leaps out and throws they used to do, and could ROBIN SMITH MY FRIEND and I decided FLIPPING through your
her arms around him. George Harrison do LAST Saturday I got mar­ to spend the weekend in paper last week I came
‘‘Now do with me what you anything useful at all apart ried. I got married in a Manchester (Schmucks— across an ad for Status
will. Anything," she cries from play a medley of his registry office and it was MM) so we could see the Quo's new album. Then I
wantonly. ‘‘Anything?" he hitl Then what would hap­ nice. Then we had a two Boomtown Rats gigs realised (after a few hours
asks. ^'Anything, she pen? Bad Press and a ruin­ reception and that was at the Apollo. Once inside hard thinking) that the four
confirms. "Could you do ed reputation. I don't think very nice too. My new wife we found we were about girls in the picture are
me a big favour?" he asks. the Press realise how is called Helen. I like her a three miles away from the definitely not Status Quo.
‘‘Anything." she pants. much damage they could lot though she is just like stage and five miles up in L. Barrett. Grove Road,
"Could you hold that do. It's a bit like an old all girls. You know soppy the air... Dunstable, Beds.
camel's head for me?" footballer story. Bobby and wet and wanting Sandra and Irene, York. • Of course they weren't.
D Allen, Ballybutton, Eire. Charlton may have been kisses and huggies all the • LP token winner for a Their suspenders weren't
the greatest midfielder the time. Anyway my mummy stark indictment on the denim. Next.
world has ever seen. What nouveau bourgeoisie that
ANYBODY and daddy came to the
has arisen in rock circles
would happen if he started reception and we ate and I
recently. Buy the Rats'
SEEN MY playing again? He'd col­ had a little too much to
new album with it. FROZEN STIFF? Keep
lapse of a heart attack. drink. Then we went to
yourself really warm this
WELL, THERE were two the last time I looked DESCANT? (Slight exaggeration — Dorset for our honeymoon
winter with Damart the
MM) Thank you John, and it was nice. THE END UNDYING
... so there was this bloke the sands for another I WOULD like to protest Paul, George, Ringo. You warmest underwear in the
riding through the desert three weeks. By this time strongly against the took away the misery of LOVE world. It has been tested
on a camel and he's get­ he Is going crazy with ridiculous rumours con­ the post-war years and WHAT I DID ON MY and approved by climbers
ting more and more desire. Suddenly he hears cerning The Beatles reu­ I DON'T want to be .iade who conquered Mount
gave a whole generation HOLIDAYS by JOHN Immortal through my Everest. It is also ideal if
frustrated. If you know a female voice crying nion. They have been pop­
what I mean. Eventually he •'Help Effendi, help". ping up every so often and
something to be proud of. SHEARLAW (Aged 16 work, I want made you suffer fom
You should just be proud going on 40) immortal through not dy­ rheumatism, bronchitis or
has to er. make love to this There on the other side of I am sick of them. I am a of that. And as for ace pro­
camel and whilst In a dune is a beautiful Arab great admirer of their HELLO my name is ing. (Very good, very good just plain cold In the
moter Kurt Waldheim, indeed. This is more like it bones. Thermal
flagrante delicto, or woman buried up to her music but as far as I'm stick to Rhodesia, the Mid­ Shearlaw and winding
whatever It's called the neck in sand. She tells him concerned it all came to an people up is my game. — MM) Can I be a film star underwear warms the
dle East and SALT II. like Woody Allen and if I cockles of your heart!
camel bites his arm off in a she is the wife of the end on a cold and blustery That's what you're best at. This year I went to the Isle
fit of sexual frenzy. So the Sultan and she is being day on top of No 3 Saville of Skye and I didn't half was do you think Lynn • Thanks to S Spensive,
Huggy Bear and Slim from Glasgow (middle London Road, Bishops
bloke gets back on the left to the scorpions Row (Ah poetry — MM) Panatella, RAF Saxa Vord, upset a few of the locals.
camel and rides across because she has been un­ and people should accept Shetland. Really I'm quite pages RM Oct 6) would go Stortford.

Two blockbuster disco LP’s from Geno Washington and Unyque.
(DJF 20562) LOVES ME’(DJ F 20561)

Record Mirror, October 20,1979 31


Individual group members can be bought
Leading exponents of 'sound-veritejMarantz
-today announced that they are to go on sale separately. Silver clad group leader Ampli Tier
in aid of charity. for example can be bought for £79.90.
The asking price of *£369.50 including VAT for The charity involved is the Distressed Sound
the entire group is expected to cause a tidal Freaks' Benevolent Society which exists to help
wave of eager buyers, so the sale will be victims of silent homes, who lack the means to
conducted on a first come first served basis in equip themselves with decent sound systems.
conjunction with Comet electrical discount stores. •cartridge and rack extra

32 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

“InThroughThe Out Door”

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Make the most of your Boots.

Record Mirror, October 20.1979 33

The information here is LONDON, Kings College, Sur­ Operator

rey Street (01 836 7132), PORTSMOUTH. Polytechnic
correct at time of going to Pressure Shocks (819141). The Smirks
press but may be subject to LONDON, Marquee, Wardour PORT TALBOT, Troubador
change. Please check with Street (01 437 6603). UK Subs <77968), The Jags/Deaf Aids
the venue concerned. LONDON. Maunkberry's. Jer­ PRESTWICH, Town Hall (Ayr
myn Street (01 499 4623). 79234), Another Pretty Face
Charlie Dore / Feed the Enemy / The
LONDON, Moonlight. Railway Numbers I Soviet Tractors Following the release of their second Virgin
Hotel. West Hampstead (01 (RAR) album 'Days in Europa'. THE SKIDS
992 0863). Bombshell READING, Three Tuns (62170), (Richard Jobson pictured right} make their
LONDON. Music Machine. El Seven

TH URS Camden (01 387 0428). Gloria

Mundi I Clones
LONDON, Nashville. Kens­
ROYTON. Assembly Hall.
Roaring 80s
SHEFFIELD. City Hall. (22885).
mark on the gig circuit kicking-off a major 21
- dater at Cleethorpes Winter Gardens
(ThursdayI. moving on to Liverpool Mount-
OCTOBER 18 ington (01 603 6071). Leo Sayer / Mainland Jord Hall (Friday). St Austell New Cornish
Sinceros I The Decoys SHEFFIELD. Limit (730940). Riviera (Saturday!. Great Yarmouth Tif­
ABERDEEN, Capitol (23141). LONDON. Nelsons Rock Club. ReVillos fany's (Monday). Manchester Apollo (Tues­
Gillan / Randy California Wimbledon. Charlie Fawn SHEFFIELD. The Penguin (Ec- day) and Sheffield Top Rank (Wednesday).
And Friends LONDON. New Golden Lion. clesfield 62772). Rip
AYLESBURY, Maxwell Hall Fulham Road (01 835 3942). SOUTHAMPTON. Joiners
Meanwhile, three of the best new British
(88948). Camel The Bumpers Arms (25612), Lip Moves bands on the road this year. THE
Wine Bar (57757). Scissor (01886 41121, Shades (29772). The Stranglers the road with their two-tone package,
Fits LONDON, The Venue, Victoria SOUTHPORT, Riverside. Ues strictly unseated venues only, playing
BIRMINGHAM, Bingley Hall <01 834 5500), Sutherland Ail Lies . Brighton Top Rank (Friday). Swindon Oasis
(021 643 1593). Sham 69 Brothers / Live Wire SOUTHPORT. Scarlsbnck 'Saturday). Bournemouth Stateside Centre
BIRMINGHAM, Golden Eagle, LONDON. White Swan. Nor­ Hotel (38321). Zanathus
Lodge Road <021 554 2686). wood Road. Southall. TORQUAY. Pelican Inn
(Sunday) Exeter University (Monday).
The Au Pairs Injections / The Attendants (22842). Scissor Fits Plymouth Fiesta (Tuesday). All college gigs
BIRMINGHAM, Railway Hotel MANCHESTER. Umist <061 236 WEST RUNTON. Pavilion are open to non - students.
<021 359 3491) Orphan 9114). The Tourists (203). Judie Tzuke Following a year • long songwriting so­
BLACKPOOL, Norbreck Cas­ MIDDLESBROUGH. Town Hall WINDSOR. Blazers (56222). journ. in SUNNY LA. STEVE HARLEY makes
tle (52341). Merton Parkas I (245432). Darts Mary Wilson his first stage appearance in three years at
The Crooks NEW BRIGHTON. Grand WOLVERHAMPTON. Civic London s Hammersmith Odeon. (Saturday),
BRADFORD, Princeville Hotel. Dick Smith Band Hall (21359). Elkie Brooks
(78845). Witchfynde NEWCASTLE. City Hall YORK. University (413128), Ian
with original COCKNEY REBEL members
BRIGHTON. ALHAMBRA (20007), Whitesnake / Carr's Nucleus Stuart and Lindsay Elliot, (percussion and
(27874), The Lambrettas Marseilles drums). Jo Partridge, (guitar), with Iwo of
BRIGHTON, Hungry Years NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE, the musicians featured on Harley s new
<604409), Airport Playground. Central Line
CONTINUED album 'The Candidate' John Giblin (bass).
BRIGHTON. Sherry's (21628). PORTSMOUTH. Locarno Nico Ramsden (second lead guitar), and co­
The Love Machine (25491), Penetration I Local OVER PAGE producer Jimmy Horowitz, (keyboards).
Troubadour (2141). Venom
CHATHAM, Tam O'Shanter
(Medway 402020), Rip
(32594). The Mekons PORTERHOUSE CLUB
Gardens (62925). Skids I
COLNE. Union Hotel (862759),
The Executives / The Reluc­
tant Snowman 19th OCT THEREVILLOS
COVENTRY, Locarno (24570),
Stiff Little Fingers I The Plus NO WAY
COVENTRY. Swansell Tavern
(22536). Deadly Toys
COVENTRY, Nev; Theatre
(23141), Gladys Knight
DERBY. Assembly Hall (31111 Plus DEAF AIDS
x2255). The Undertones I
(5737). Bungalow Bill
DUBLIN, National Stadium
(753371). Lindisfarne
DUNSTABLE. Caesars Palace
(Ulton 51357). The Drifters
EDINBURGH, Astoria Cinema
(031 661 1662). After The Fire
FELTHAM, The Airman. Jeep
GLENROTHES, Rothes Arms | Jet Records in association with Neil Kay |
(753701). The Cadets
GOSPORT. John Peel (281893).
| and the Music Machine present at the I
Garter (422031. Paralex
(3756). State Affair
HULL. Wellington Club
(23262). The Adverts
KIRKALDY. Birksgate Hotel Monday 22nd October
(69219), Squibs
LEICESTER. Baileys (26462).
LEYSDOWN (Isle of Sheppey).
New Island Hotel. Flying
LIVERPOOL, Erics (051 236
7881). Sore Throat I The In­
LONDON. Acklam Hall. Por­
tobello Road (01 960 4590).
The Molesters
LONDON. Brecknock,
Camden (01 485 3073), Angel
LONDON, Bridge House. Can­
ning Town (01 476 2889).
Never Never Band I Streets
LONDON. Cock Tavern.
Fulham (01 385 6021), Johnny
G's Charity Night
LONDON. Dingwalls. Camden
Lock (01 267 4967). Destroy
All Monsters
LONDON, Dominion, Tot­
tenham Court Road (01 580
9562). Sky
LONDON. Ealing Technical
College. London Zoo
LONDON. Greyhound. Fulham
(01 385 0526). Young Ones /
Limited Edition
LONDON, Hammersmith
Odeon (01 748 4081). Lou
LONDON. Hope and Anchor.
Islington (01 359 45TO). The
Bogey Boys
LONDON. 100 Club. Oxford
Street (01 636 0933).
34 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

COVENTRY. Warwick. Univer­ LONDON, Electric Ballroom, NEW BRIGHTON, Empress. SOUTHEND. Top Alex, BICHESTER. Nowhere Club. LEEDS. Haddon Hall (751115),
FROM PAGE 33 sity (27406), The Jags I Deaf Camden (01 485 9006), The Dick Smith Band Grinder Romantlx Leeds Side Effect
Aids Ruts I The Flys I The Pack NEWBURY. RAF Greenham SOUTHPORT, New Theatre BIRMINGHAM. Hare and LEEDS. Jubilee Hotel. Mike
DUDLEY'S. JB's (53597). Gods LONDON, Half Moon. Putney Common. Sheer Elegance (40404). Elkie Brooks Hounds. June Tabor And Absalom

DUNDEE, Art College (25106),
Gang Of Four
DUNSTABLE. Caesars Palace
(01 947 7056). OTs Blues
LONDON, Hammersmith
Odeon (01 748 4081), Lou
University (28402), Chas And
Dave / Trimmer And Jenkins
NEWPORT. Harper Adams
STAFFORD. North Staffs
Polytechnic. The Pirates /
Young Ones
Martin Simpson
BIRMINGHAM. Odeon (021 643
6101). Boomtown Rats I Pro­
LEEDS. University (39071),
LEICESTER. Baileys (26462),
OCTOBER 19 (Luton 51357). The Drifters Agricultural College. Stan Green Dragon (3894), BIRMINGHAM. The Under­ LEICESTER, Polytechnic
ABERAVON. Nine Volts Club DUNDEE. University (23181), LONDON, Hope and Anchor, Arnold Combo Orphan world. (ex-Barbarellas). (25702). The Pirates
(6072), Kidda Band Merton Parkas I The Crooks Islington (01 359 4510). Red NEWPORT. Village (811949), STOCKPORT, Technical Col­ Dangerous Girls LEICESTER. University
DURHAM. University (3404), Beans 'N‘ Rice Saxon lege (061 4807331), The Ac­ BIRMINGHAM. Bogarts (021 (556282). Black Slate
ABERDEEN, University
1572751). After The Fire Still Little Fingers I LONDON, Kings College. Sur­ NORTHAMPTON. Paddocks celerators 6430172), The Out LEYSDOWN. (Isle of Shep-
BARRY, RAF St Athan. JALN Donkeys rey Street (01 836 7132). (51307), Back To Zero SWANSEA. Halford Inn BISHOPS STORTFORD. Triad pey). New Island Hotel,
Band EDINBURGH, University (031 White Magic NORWICH, University of East (53617). The Venom Leisure Centre (56333), Love Machine
BELFAST, Grosvenor Hall 667 0214). Gillan Rady LONDON. Kings Head. Dept­ Anglia (56161). Lene Lovich / UXBRIDGE, Brunel University Take-Away LIVERPOOL, Erics (051 236
(41917), Lindisfarne California And Friends ford. The Afflicted Jane Aire And The (01 893 7188). The Enid BLACKPOOL, Opera House 7881). Red Crayola/Swell
BICESTER, Nowhere Club. GLASGOW. Apollo (041 332 LONDON, Marquee. Wardour Belvederes / The Meteors WATFORD, Red Lion (29208), (25252), Gladys Knight Maps/Spizz Energi (two
The Crash Of 79 9221). Sham 69 Street (01 437 6603), Iron Southern Cross BRADFORD, University, shows).
GLENROTHES, Rothes Arms Maiden / Praying Mantis OXFORD. Oranges and ( 334 66 ). Chas And LONDON, Brecknock.
(753701), Bite The Pillow LONDON, Greenwich Minor Lemons (42660). Romantlx Dave/Trimmer And Jenkins Camden Road (01 485 3073).
sity (021 359 6531). Quartz Cromwell. Deadly Toys
GLOUCESTER. Jamaica Hall, Virus I The New PAISLEY. College of WEST RUNTON. Pavilion BRIDLINGTON. Royal Hall. Boyce Band
BIRMINGHAM. New Inn. Technology. The Solos
Dangerous Girls Sports and Social Club Devices I The Bears (203). Girlschool Matchbox LONDON, Chelsea Coilese.
(27717). Squire LONDON, Moonlight. Railway PRESTON, Polytechnic BRIGHTON, Art College, Manresa Road (01 352 6421),
BIRMINGHAM, Odeon (021 643 (58382), Vienna WEYMOUTH. College ol
6101). Boomtown Rats / Pro­ GUILDFORD, Surrey Universi­ Hotel. West Hampstead (01 Education (Bournemouth Grand Parade. Prag VEC/Au Little Bob Story
ty (71281). Wilko Johnson / 992 0863), The Cleaners I A- PLYMOUTH, Polytechnic Pairs/Chefs/Devil's Dykes LONDON, Dingwalls. Camden
tex 524111). Lip Moves
Metro Gliders Z (21312), The Smirks (Rock Against Corrie). Lock (01 267 4967). Live
BIRMINGHAM. Underworld WINDSOR. Blazers (56222).
LONDON, Music Machine. RETFORD, Porterhouse BRISTOL. Turntable Club. Wire/The Physicals
(ex-Barbarellas), The HUDDERSFIELD, Polytechnic Mary Wilson
Camden (01 387 0428). (704981), Revlllos WOLVERHAMPTON, Temple Bar. Power Ex­ LONDON, Dominion Theatre..
Chords (38156), Killermeters REDRUTH, London Hotel
BISHOPS STORTFORD, Triad IMMINGHAM. County Hotel Classic Nouveaux / Limited Polytechnic (28521). Racing change Tottenham Court Road (01
Edition (215591), Scissor Fits CARDIFF, Grassroots (31700), 580 9562), Sky
Leisure Centre (56333), The (75916), The Vye ROWLEY REGIS, Technical Cars
Devil's Hole Gang IPSWICH. Gaumont (53641), LONDON, Nashville. Kens­ WORCESTER, Grandstand. GBH/Mad Dog LONDON, Duke of Lancaster,
ington (01 603 6071), Angelic College (021 559 5951), The CHATHAM. Tam O'Shanter New Barnet (01 449 0465),
BLACKPOOL, Norbreck Cas­ Camel Denizens Matchbox
tle (52341). Jab Jab KIRKCALDY. Birkes Gate Upstarts / The Wall (400187), May West Zilch
(26636), Chairman Of The
(69219). The Squibs
Club (Eaglescliffe 780093).
LONDON, New Golden Lion.
Fulham Road (01 385 3942),
Jackie Lynton's H D Band
(63204). UK Subs / Cyanide
SHEFFIELD. Crazy Daisy
(24455). Network
Hotel. Spasms
COLCHESTER, Essex Univer-
sity (72462). WllkO
LONDON, Electric Ballroom,
Camden (01 4859006). Purple
Hearts/The Teenbeats/S-
BOURNEMOUTH. Wallisdown Sore Throat LONDON, Queen Mary Col­
SHEFFIELD, The Limit OCTOBER 20 LONDON, Hammersmith
College, Program LEEDS, Playhouse (424111). lege (01 980 4811). Borich Johnson/Metro Glider
(730940). Yancey ABERYSTWYTH. University. COVENTRY, Dog and Trumpet Odeon (01 748 4081). Steve
BRIDLINGTON. Spa Theatre Ian Carr's Nucleus LONDON, Rainbow. Finsbury
Park (01 263 3140), The
SLOUGH, Fulcrum (38669). The Undertones I (21678), Executives Harley
(78258). Leo Sayer I LEEDS, University (39071), The Richard And Linda Thomp­ Killermeters
Mainland Mekons I Agony Column I Stranglers COVENTRY, Lanchester LONDON, Hope and Anchor,
son AYLESBURY, Friars Hall Polytechnic (24166). Tours Islington (01 359 4510),
BRIGHTON, Hanbury Arms, Delta 5 I Statix LONDON, Rock Garden, Co­
vent Garden (01 240 3961), SLOUGH, Langley College (88948). Penetration / Local CUCKFIELD, Kings Head, Patrick Fitzgerald (matinee
The Au Pairs LEICESTER, Baileys (26462). (42203), Negatives / Chaps I Operator
BRIGHTON, Lewes Road Inn, Kandidate Blues Band The Dials for under 18s)
Mystery Girls I Burnz / Cor­ BEDFORD. Civic Theatre DERBY, Bishop Lonsdale Col­ LONDON. 101 Club. St John s
Flying Saucers LIVERPOOL, Erics (051 236 LONDON, Royal Albert, New vettes I Ground Attack (52691). Pressure Shocks
BRIGHTON, Sussex Universi­ 7881). Original Mirrors Cross Road. Rubber Johnny lege (514911), Sore Throat Hill (01 223 8309). The Can­
ty (698114), The Gangsters / LIVERPOOL. Masonic Hall. LONDON, Star And Garter, DEREHAM, Sparrows, The nibals
The Sods I Rabbits Ues All Lies Putney (01 788 0345). Isaac Running Dogs LONDON, Imperial College.
BRIGHTON. Top Rank (25895). LIVERPOOL, Mountford Hall Guillory Band DUBLIN, Stadium (753371), Prince Consort Road (01 589
The Specials I Selector / (051 709 4744), The Skids / LONDON. The Venue, Victoria Dean Friedman 5111). Girlschool
Madness Fingerprintz (01 834 5500), Ohio Players DUNDEE, Technical College LONDON, Kings Head. Dept­
BRISTOL. Hope Chapel Com­ LIVERPOOL. Polytechnic (051 LONDON. Wembley (01 902 (27225), After The Fire ford. The Afflicted
munity Centre. Hotwells. 236 2481). Starjets 1234). Jazz Festival, Samutra EGHAM, Royal Holloway Col­ LONDON. Portobello Base­
Essential Bop / Private LONDON. Bedford College (01 / Art Blakely and the Jazz lege (4455). World Service ment Club. Kensington. The
Dicks I Johnny Klein Band / 486 4400). London Zoo Messengers / Annie Ross / FEATHERSTONE. Details
Double Vision I Apartment / LONDON. Chiswick (01 994 Harry Sounds Sextet Featherstone Rovers Social LONDON. Marquee. Wardour
The Stingrays (Year Ol The 0062). John Bull / Zorro MALDON, Labour Hall. The Club. Flying Saucers Street (01 437 6603). Back To
Child Benelit). LONDON, City Polytechnic. Urge / Dusk GLASGOW, University (041 339 Zero
BRISTOL. University (35035), Whitechapel High Street (01 8697). Merton Parkas/The LONDON, Moonlight. Railway
MANCHESTER, Apollo. Ard-
Judie Tzuke 2471441). Mike Absalom Crooks Hotel, West Hampstead (01
wick (061 273 1112), Gladys
CAMBRIDGE, Corn Exchange LONDON. Cock Tavern, GLASGOW, University Of 992 0863), Split Rlvett/One
Knight Hand Clapping
(68767), Penetration / Local Fulham. Roy Apps / Dave MANCHESTER. Funhouse, Strathclyde (041 552 1270).
Gillan/Randy California And LONDON, Music Machine.
Operator Morrison Birch St. Crass I Polson
Friends Camden (01 387 0428),
CARDIFF, University (396421). LONDON, Dingwalls, Camden Girls I Abdominal Pain
Lock (01 267 4967), MELTON MOWBRAY. Painted GRAVESEND, Red Lion Slade/En Route
The Adverts
CHATHAM, Tam O'Shanter (66127). Zorro LONDON, New Golden Lion,
Bombshell / Tontrix Lady (812121). Light Of The
LONDON, Dominion Theatre, HIGH WYCOMBE, Nags Head. Fulham Road <01 385 3942),
(400187), Nicky Moore Band World
CHELMSFORD. City Tavern Tottenham Court Road (01 MIDDLESBROUGH. Rock STEVE HARLEY: London’s Hammersmith Odeon, London Road (21758). La Debonalres
580 9562), Sky Saturday Captain Slogg/Rhythm LONDON, The Venue. Victoria
(412601). The Pack Garden (45589). The Inmates
Stumbiers (01 834 5500). No Dice

Ï1- Q vXO^eX


Available on r^ord — BEGA 11 ; on cassette

Record Mirror, October 20,1979 35

LONDON, Nashville. Kens­ BRIGHTON. Buccaneer COVENTRY, Climax (20313), GLASGOW. Apollo (041 332 MALVERN, Nags Head (4373). CHATHAM, Tam O'Shanter LONDON. Music Machine.
ington (01 603 6071). Martin (606906). Fan Club The Crash Of 79. 9221). Steve Hackett. The Denizens. (40Q187). Prodigal Son Camden (01-387 0428), Sore
Chamber’s Big Stick BRISTOL. Locarno (26193). DERBY. Assembly Rooms HUDDERSFIELD. Polytechnic. MANCHESTER. Apollo. Ard- DERBY, Romeo And Juliets Throat/Vitus Dance
LONDON, Rainbow, Finsbury Len Lovlch / Jane Aire And (31111 x 2255). Buzzcocks Sore Throat. wick (061 273 1112), The (363151), Clem Curtis And LONDON, Rainbow. Finsbury
Park (01 263 31 40). The Belvederes / The EDINBURGH. Tiffany's (031- IPSWICH, Running Buck, One Skids / Fingerprintz. The Foundations Park (01-263 3140).
Ci m a r o n s / Brown Meteors 556 6292). After The Fire Eyed Jacks. NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, GLASGOW. Technical College Gillan/Randy California
Sugar/Cygnus BRISTOL. St Mathias College. EDINBURGH, Usher Hall (031- LEEDS, Fan Club. Brannigans City Hall (20007), Elkie (041 -332 7090), The And Friends
LONDON, Rock Garden, Co­ Essential Pop 2281155), Elkie Brooks (663252), The Inmates. Brooks. Jags/Deaf Aid
LEICESTER. University NORWICH. Cromwells HARROGATE, Royal Heritage LONDON, Tramshed.
vent Garden (01 240 3961). CANTERBURY. Odeon EXETER, Routes (58615), Woolwich (01-855 3371).
The Bogey Boys (62480), Penetration / Local Saxon (556282), The Enid. (612909), Fischer-Z. Arms. Vardis
EXETER, University (77911), LIVERPOOL, Everyman NORWICH. St Andrews Hall HEREFORD. RAF Hereford, Hibiscus
LONDON. School of Operator LONDON, The Venue. Victoria
Economics (01 405 1977), CARDIFF. Top Rank (26538), The Specials / Selector I Theatre (051 709 4796), (28477), Penetration / Local Credenhiil. Yakety Yak
Psycamesh. Operator. HEREFORD, Rotters Club. (01-834 5500), Merton
Fischer-Z /Roy Sundholm The Undertones / Madness
LONDON, Bridge House, Can­ OXFORD. New Theatre. The Beat/Gods Toys Parkas/The Crooks/Small
Band Killermeters GLASGOW. Apollo (041-332
ning Town (01-476 2889). Billy Boomtown Rats / Protex. HIGH WYCOMBE. Nags Head. Hours
LONDON, Star And Garter. CHATHAM. Tam O'Shanter 9221), Camel
Karloff And The Supremes / PLYMOUTH, Fiesta (20077), London Road (21758). LOUGHBOROUGH University
Putney (01 788 0345). Earl (400187). Interface GRANGEMOUTH,
Dame Starbuck’s Electric The Specials I Selector I hedelic Furs (63171), The Under­
International Hotel (72456),
LONDON. Thames
CHELMSFORD. Football Club.
The Rockin' Shades Another Pretty Face Nomads.
LONDON. Cock Tavern,
^ H. Gaumont (53641).
Leo Sayer/Mainland
MANCHESTER. Apollo. Ard-
Polytechnic. Woolwich (01 CHORLEY. Joiners Arms GREAT YARMOUTH. Tiffany's wick (061-273 1112), Steve
855 0618). London Zoo (70611). VardIs (57018), The Skids I Finger­ Fulham (01-385 6021). John (25491), The Stranglers. LANCASTER, University
Spencer's Alternative. READING. University (860222). (65021), Richard And Linda Hackett
LONDON. The Factory. Chip­ COVENTRY, New Theatre printz MANCHESTER. Phoenix (061-
penham Mews (01 229 0409). (23141), Leo Sayer / LEEDS, Mexboro Arms LONDON. Dingwalls. Camden Original Mirrors. Thompson
Lock <01-267 4967). The LEEDS. University (39071), 2731971), Dick Smith Band
City Twilight Steel Band Mainland (892316). Foxes. Best SCUNTHORPE. Tiffany's
Southside Johnny And The MANCHESTER, University.
LONDON. Three Rabbits. DUNDEE. Caird Hall (28121). Friends Piranhas. (2645), The Pirates.
LONDON, Duke Of Lancaster, SHEFFIELD. City Hall (22885). Asbury Jukes Squat Theatre (061-273
Manor Park (01 478 0660), Gillan / Randy California LIVERPOOL. Erics (051-236 5111), Alberto Y Lost Trios
Spider And Friends 7881). Back To Zero / Sta- New Barnet (01-449 0465). Whitesnake I Marseilles. LIVERPOOL, University (051-
Spider. SHEFFIELD. Fiesta Club 709 4744), Lene Lovich/- Paranoias
(2700), Medusa (Queensway 603326). Slade I LIVERPOOL. Everyman LONDON. Hammersmith (70101), Mary Wilson. Jane Aire And The
Odeon (01-748 4081), Darts. SOUTHEND, Tots, Chas And Belvederes/The Meteors Madisons. High Flames
MANCHESTER, Apollo. Ard- En Route Theatre (051-709 4776). Ian
LONDON, Hope And Anchor. Dave. LONDON, Bridge House, Can­ NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. Ci­
wick (061 273 112), Leo EDINBURGH, Harvey's (031- Carr's Nucleus ty Hall (20007). Camel
Sayer/Mainland 229 1925). Rosetta Stone LIVERPOOL. Mountford Hall Islington (01-359 4510), STOKE HANLEY, Victoria Hall ning Town (01-476 2889),
(24641), Lene Lovich / Jane Del Bromham Band NEWPORT. Stowaway (50978).
MANCHESTER. Funhouse. EXETER. University (77911), (051-709 4744), The Under­ Excel.
Aire And The Belvederes / LONDON, Cock Tavern, UK Subs
Birch Street. Gloria Mundi The Fans tones / Killermeters LONDON. 101 Club, St John's
The Meteors. Fulham (01-385 6021), NORWICH. Arts Centre
MANCHESTER, Polytechnic FIFE. St Andrews University LONDON, Bridge House. Can­ Hill. Clapham (01 223 8309),
SWINDON, Brunel Rooms Alternative Cabaret (60352). The Smirks
(061 273 1162), Armed (73145). Merton Parkas / The ning Town (01-476 2889). London Zoe. NOTTINGHAM. University.
Force/La Mortgage Crooks Small Hours I The Face LONDON, Marquee. Wardour (31384), The Fall. LONDON, Dingwalls, Camden
WORKSOP. Silverdale Club, Lock (01-267 4967). Charlie Portland Building (51311).
MANCHESTER. University GLASGOW. Apollo (041-332 LONDON, Cock Tavern. Street (01-437 6603). The
Dinnington. Strange Days. Ainley And The Misde­ Penetration/ Local
(061 2735111), The Inmates 9221). Elkie Brooks Fulham (01-385 6021). Isaac Adverts.
meanours Operator
MELTON MOWBRAY. Painted HIGH WYCOMBE. Town Hall Guillory Band LONDON. Moonlight. Railway
LONDON, Greyhound. Fulham OXFORD, New Theatre
Lady (Kirby Bellars 812121).
Light Of The World
(26100), Angelic Upstarts
HULL, Grouchos Place.
Humberside Theatre
LONDON, Cornet Of Horse.
Lavender Hill. Battersea.
CSA Rock 'N' Roll Band
LONDON, Dingwalls, Camden
Hotel, West Hampstead (Qi-
992 0863), The Books I The
Rest. WED (01-385 0528). Tennis
Shoes/The Holidays
LONDON, Hammersmith
( 4 4 5 4 4 ).
READING, Hexagon Theatre
Garden (241995). UK Subs/- (23638), Z Men
Lock (01-267 4967). 57 Men /
LONDON, Music Machine, OCTOBER 24 Odeon (01-7484081). Darts (56215), The Enid
Cyanlde IPSWICH. Gaumont (53641). Camden (01-387 0428), REDDITCH. Tracey's (61160).
NORTHAMPTON. County Whitesnake / Marseilles Between Pictures Private Vices I Viva / Colour ASHFORD, Stour Centre LONDON, Hope And Anchor.
(21177). Flscher-Z Islington (01-359 4510), The The Teenbeats
Cricket Club (32917). The LEEDS. Victoria Hotel LONDON, Greyhound. Fulham Vision.
Ruts/The Flys (452884). Best Friends (01-3850526), Borich BATH, Pavilion (25628). Sham Lambrettas SHEFFIELD. Fiesta Club
LONDON, Nashville, Kens­ 69 LONDON. 101 Club. St John's (70101). Mary Wilson
NORTH GREENFORD, (mid-day-2.00). LONDON, Half Moon. Putney. ington (01-603 6071), Vitus
Football Club. Clem Curtis LEEDS. Warehouse. Central Gay And Terry Woods BIRMINGHAM. Bogarts (021- Hill. Clapham (01-223 8309). SHEFFIELD, Top Rank (21927),
Dance / Classix Nouveaux. 643 0172), Quartz The Carpettes The Skids/ Fingerprintz
And The Foundations Line LONDON. Hope And Anchor. LONDON. New Golden Lion,
NOTTINGHAM. Boat Club LEICESTER. De Montfort Hall Islington (01-359 4510). The BIRMINGHAM, Odeon (021-643 LONDON, Lewisham Odeon SHREWSBURY, Music Hall
Fulham Road (01-385 3942). (01-8521331), Gladys Knight
(869032). Lone Star/Angel (27632), Camel Quads I Dangerous Girls The Limmos.
6101), Buzzcocks (52019). The Ruts/The Flys
Street LEICESTER, Granby Hall LONDON, 101 Club, St John's BIRMINGHAM, The Swan. LONDON, London School Of SOUTHAMPTON. University
Hill. Clapham (01-223 8309). LONDON. Rock Garden, Co­ Yardley. Force Economics, Houghton (556291). Racing Cars
NOTTINGHAM, Imperial Hotel (27632), The Stranglers
(42884), Paralex El Seven vent Garden (01-240 3961), BISHOPS STORTFORD. Triad Street (01-405 1977), The UXBRIDGE. Brunel University
LIVERPOOL. Erics (051-236 Sledgehammer.
NOTTINGHAM, Sandpiper 7881), Back To Zero LONDON. Marquee. Wardour Arts Centre (5633). Borich Tours/Original Mirrors (01-893 7188). Cowboys In­
Street (01-437 6603), The LONDON, Shepherds Bush BRADFORD, University LONDON, Marquee. Wardour ternational
(54381), Borich LONDON. Bridge House. Can­
Pretenders Hotel. Shepherds Bush. The (33466), Judie Tzuke Street (01-437 6603). The WAKEFIELD. Dolly Gray's.
NOTTINGHAM, University, ning Town (01-476 2889),
Portland Building (51311). LONDON, Moonlight. Railway Trendies. BRISTOL, The Stonehouse Adverts Shake Appeal
Tour De Force
Matumbl LONDON, Dingwalls, Camden Hotel, West Hampstead (QI- LONDON, The Venue, Victoria (Behind Bunch Of Grapes). LONDON, Moonlight. Railway WOLVERHAMPTON.
OXFORD, Lincoln College, Lock (01-267 4967). Lew 992 0863), Small Hours / The (01-834 5500), Judie Tzuke. The Stingrays Hotel, West Hampstead Polytechnic (28521). Patrik
The Stereotypes Lewis' Reformer / Terminal Face LONDON. Windsor Castle. CANTERBURY. University of (01-9920863). Big Chief Fitzgerald
PERTH, Plough Inn. The Snack Blues Band LONDON. Music Machine. Harrow Road (01-286 8403). Kent (64724). June Tabor LONDON. Royalty. Southgate YORK, Pop Club. Oval Bowl
Cheetahs LONDON, Dominion Theatre, Camden (01-387 0428). Girl / Valentines. And Martin Simpson (01-8886 4112). Froggy (24252), The Inmates
POOLE. Jolly Sailor. Scissor Tottenham Court Road (01- Quartz / Praying Mantis
Fits 580 9562), Leo Kottke LONDON. Nashville, Kens­
PRESTON. The Warehouse. LONDON, Duke Of Lancaster, ington (01-603 6071), Splzz
The Out New Barnet (01-449 0465), Energi / Dr Mix And The
REDDITCH, Redditch College. One Eyed Jacks Remix
The Mekons LONDON, Electric Ballroom, LONDON, New Golden Lion.
RETFORD, Porthouse Camden (01-485 9006), Fulham Road (01-385 3942).
(704981), The Jags/Deaf Sunset Boys Bob Kerr's Whoopee Band
Aids LONDON, Greyhound, Fulham LONDON. Rock Garden. Co­
ROSS ON WYE. Harveys (01-385 0526). Charlie Ainley vent Garden (01-240 3961),
(2638), Starjets LONDON, Hope And Anchor. Dogwatch
SHEFFIELD. Crazy Daisy Islington (01-359 4510), LONDON. The Venue. Victoria
(24455). Network Cuddly Toys (01-834 5500) No Dice
SHEFFIELD. University LONDON, Marquee, Wardour MANCHESTER, Band On The
(24076). Ian Carr's Nucleus Street (01-437 6603), Toyah Wall (061-832 6625). The Vye
SOUTHALL. White Swan, LONDON, Nashville. Kens­ MANCHESTER. Apollo. Ard-
Small Hours ington (01-603 6071), wick (061-2731112). Sham 69
SOUTHEND. Minerva (714691). Question Mark NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE.
Rockhouse/Johnny And LONDON, New Golden Lion. City Hall (20007). Boston
The Jailbirds / Yakety Fulham (01-385 3942), Red NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE.
Yak/Rockin' 50s/Jets (all Beans 'N Rice Gosforth Hotel (856617), The
day) LONDON. Old Swan. Notting Noise Toys / Arthur 2 Stroke
ST ALBANS. City Hall (64511). Hill Gate. Spider With WM7 I The Scared
Whitesnake/ Marseilles LONDON. Queen Elizabeth Bananas / The Builders /
ST AUSTELL. New Cornish Hall. South Bank (01-928 The Interns
Riviera (812725). The 3191). Boys Of The Lough PENZANCE, Demelzas. The
Skids/Fingerprintz LONDON. Rock Garden, Co­ Tourists
STIRLING, University (3171), vent Garden (01-240 3961), RAYLEIGH, Crocs (77003) The
Rezillos/Another Pretty The Decoys Rockin' Shades
LONDON. Tramshed, READING. Cherry's Wine Bar.
STOCKTON. Teesider. Cart Woolwich (01-855 3371), Vin Relay
Green And The Scene Garbutt SHEFFIELD. City Hall (22885).
SWINDON. Greyhound, The LONDON. Windsor Castle. Darts
Pack/Dr Mix And The Remix Harrow Road (01-286 8403). SHEFFIELD, Fiesta Club
SWINDON, Oasis (33404), The Sad Among Strangers (70101), Mary Wilson
Specials/Selecter/ Madness MANCHESTER. Apollo. Ard- STOKE HANLEY, Victoria Hall
TONYPANDY, Naval Club wick (061-2731112), Darts (24641), Whitesnake /
(432068), Kidda Band MANCHESTER, Royal College Mainland
TROON, Concert Hall. Stiff Lit­ Of Music (061-273 4504». Ian SUNDERLAND, Boilermakers
tle Fingers/The Donkeys Carr's Nucleus Club. Matchbox
WEYMOUTH, Pavilion (3225). NEWBRIDGE, Memorial Hall WESTON SUPER MARE,
The Rockin' Shades (243019), Borich Flanagans. Apartment
WINDSOR, Blazers (56222), NOTTINGHAM. Hearty
Mary Wilson Goodfellow (42257), Paralex
Polytechnic (28521), Judie
Square. Matchbox
POOLE, Arts Centre (70521),
WORCHESTER. The Pun­ The Ruts / The Flys OCTOBER 23
chbowl Ronkswood. Deadly PORTSMOUTH, Centre Hotel
Toys (27651), June Tabor And ABERDEEN, Ruffles (29092),
YORK. University (413128). Martin Simpson The Jags / Deaf Aids.
Swell Maps/Essential Logic READING. Cherrys Wine Bar. ABERYSTWYTH. University
Romantix (4242). Richard And Linda
REDCAR. Coatham Bowl Thompson.

SUN (74420). Judie Tzuke

SHEFFIELD. Top Rank (21927).
BIRMINGHAM. Dlgbeth Civic
Hall (021 235 2434). UK Subs.
BIRMINGHAM. Odeon (021 643
6101). The Undertones /
Club, Oi Band Killermeters.
ABERDEEN, Capitol (23141), STAFFORD. Bingley Hall BISHOPS STORTFORD, Triad
Stiff Little Fingers/The (58060), Boston Arts Centre (56333). Geneva.
Donkeys STALYBRIDGE. Commercial BLACKBURN. King George's
ARBROATH. Condor Club. Hotel. Zanathus Hall (58424). Buzzcocks.
After The Fire BRADFORD, St George s Hall
(32513), Gillan / Randy
BIRMINGHAM. Odeon (021-643
6101), Boomtown
MON California And Friends.
BRIGHTON. Sherry's (21628),
Leisure Centre (56333).
OCTOBER 22 BRISTOL. Crockers (33793),
Tracks ABERDEEN, Capitol (23141) Stingrays.
BOSTON SPA. Youth Club. Steve Hackett CANTERBURY. University Of
Mike Absalom AYR. Pavilion (65489). Gillan / Kent (64724). The Ruts / The
BOURNEMOUTH. Pinecliffe Randy California And Flys.
Bars (426312). Scissor Fits • Friends COVENTRY. Lady Godiva
BOURNEMOUTH. Stateside BIRMINGHAM. Odeon (021-643 (20938). Deadly Toys.
Centre (26636), The Specials 6101), Lene Lovlch / Jane COVENTRY. New Theatre
/ Selector I Madness Aire And The Belvederes (23141). Sham 69.
BOURNEMOUTH. Winter BRIGHTON, Alhambra (27874), EDINBURGH. Odeon (031 667
Gardens (26446). Gladys The Chefs I Kemptown 3805). Camel.
Knight Rockers FARNBOROUGH,
BRADFORD. Princeville BRISTOL. Colston Hall Tumbledown Dicks, Angelic
(78845), One Adult (291768), Gladys Knight Upstarts.
BRADFORD. Royal Standard BRISTOL. Crockers (33793). GATESHEAD. Progressive
(27898). Sore Throat Stingrays Club. Matchbox.
36 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

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Record Mirror, October 20,1979 37

His Gene VI n-

cent/Presley stance
makes him a suitable
mouthpiece for songs like
'Street' — "where the
music hall comes from and
pleas from the heart, I hope it always will" —
LENE LOVICH ■Without You'. Style in­ fine sentiments, old fruit,
JAINE AIRE & THE carnate plus a fast and the superb ‘Saturday
BELVEDERES rhythmic sound emblazon­ Night', astonishingly
THE METEORS ed with some of the best dedicated to John
keyboards you'll hear Travolta.
Sheffield Other highlights which
anywhere. ‘One In A
Polytechnic________ Million People' is similarly revived what at times look­
fast and furious, while the ed to be a restless crowd,
ANOTHER RAMPANT despite the inclusion of
package hits the road and contrasting ‘Too Tender
To Touch is a love song in many Dutch fans, were
first on the first night are 'Hit' and 'Margareta'. The
The Meteors, from a class of its own.
The band are excellent, latter, apart from being his
Holland but I won't hold favourite drink, is the ob­
that against them. Best of but it is Lene who com­
mands and demands all ject of affection in his
their set was a song called latest love song, a dear lit­
'Teenage Hearts' — the attention. She warbles
‘Bird Song' clear and tle ditty which shows Her­
Bowie-esque vocals and man as lover, loner and
sneaky speed-freak distinct, a highlight of the
show before ‘Home’ and loser as well as chemical
controlled street-poet. HERMAN BROOD
Next on were Akron the inevitable encore in
‘Lucky Number'. But perhaps above all
faves The Belvederes, Brood is a prize-fighter
although strictly speaking All in all. no mean feat.
Her vocal triumph is that (he's certainly got the
they are The Edge from build), and this is what
London. It's Jane who’s she surmounts every
obstacle joyously singing keeps him going against either hate Buster thought it was a bad night
from the Ohio town and his own worst enemy,
she makes quite an en­ her tunes of mystery and Bloodvessel, or else, like for them. They lacked
romance. Entertaining and himself. He's also a ge­ myself, you find him so their usual energy and
trance despite her nuine rock 'n' roll eccen­
enjoyable, this has to be repulsive that you can’t there was an air of
diminutive size. With tric and for that we should
one of the tours of this keep your eyes off him. restraint.
noticeably more unison be grateful.
than the clog rockers, the very busy Autumn. Miss it Looking round again, I O.K. Chas Smash was
at your peril. LENE LOVIC H: saxophonist extraordinaire MIKE NICHOLLS was surprised to see how there with the usual in­
band start spryly and the
suspense mounts as Jane AMANDA NICHOLLS noise which might be a rock with the odd trace of rapidly the place had fill­ troduction — but even his
useful palliative for hordes metallic funk as Herman
MADNESS/ECHO & ed. It was positively heav­ dancing flagged half way
bounds into view in black
and white checks for HERMAN BROOD of Detroit teenagers after sings, moans, shouts and T H E B U N- ing with skinheads deter­ through. The band
'Come See About Me'. AND HIS WILD a terminally dull day groans. NYMEN/BAD mined to unleash some themselves didn’t seem to
courtesy of General The fact that he comes aggression. The sad thing be having a good time. Nor
Sing, she can, as the ROMANCE MANNERS was that Echo & The Bun­ did they pose as much.
group surge forward the Motors, but is not a winner over as essentially in­
DESTROY ALL with weekend posers like coherent is part and parcel
Camden Electric nymen were the un­ The air of lunacy was tem­
sound with quirky
keyboards and saxaplen­ MONSTERS you and me. of his totally out to lunch Ballroom fortunate targets. porarily broken. Even the
ty. Up comes 'Wind Me THE PHYSICALS The most exciting part image. Not that this Whoever billed the gig audience, who obviously
of their set was when detracts from the songs, WHILE HUNDREDS of must have had a shortage wanted to dance, were fin­
Up' from the album, Lyceum,London skinheads elbowed and of brain cells. The gentle ding it difficult to move.
followed by 'No More Niagara removed her full- but at times things
Cherry Icing’, one with a A SUPER SCHIZOID length plastic raincoat on­ become faintly chaotic, kicked their way through hypnotic chords of the . I like Madness, and it
cute refrain and very package opening with a ly to reveal that she wasn't the result of poor pacing. the narrow entrance of the Bunnymen could never be must be hard to be funny
entertaining. The single, sadly-depleted Lyceum wearing either black or red At the same time, like Electric Ballroom, Bad described as Mod all the time. The set open­
the Bandwagon's ‘Break­ witnessing the latest con­ stockings 'neath that fabl­ Graham Parker, whose Manners played to the half material. Two numbers in­ ed with ‘One Step' and
ing Down The Walls Of tenders for the junior ed micro-skirt. ‘Pouring It All Out’ was empty hall of people who to the set, and the Bun­ went on to include their
Heartache’ was somewhat league HM crown. I doubt if Herman was performed, the band often had either arrived early or nymen were forced off the magnificent version of
lacking in soul quality but The Physicals sound as wearing stockings either. let themselves down with pushed hardest. stage by the advance of 'Swan Lake', 'Tarzans
pretty good all the same. well as look good, could Our Dutch pal is a big mediocre material. If the virtues of this band mindless nazi morons who Nuts’ (accompanied by
Now for the undoubted do with a little more se­ friend, y’know, at one It's quite amusing that a didn't lie in being original find a sense of identity in nuts thrown at the au­
star of the show. A timed cond guitar from the arty point transporting his self-styled rock ’n’ roll they made up for it by their chanting 'skinheads, dience). the original
theatrical entrance and lead singer and show ad­ macho bassist around on junkie who admits he's great danceability. skinheads’, and closing 'Madness', and finishing
the crowded hall is bark­ mirable restraint in not his shoulders. And the been speeding for the Their assets include a their brains (If they up with 'The Prince’ to
ing at her heels. Musical abusing their undoubted band are rivetting. Not on­ past 15 years should pro­ sax, a trumpet, an organ possess one at all) to guarantee a couple of en­
screams whip up storms capacity to go right over ly are they classily clad, duce songs like 'Dope and an extremely gross anything they cannot cores.
of white noise as the top. More variety and but each member is in­ Sucks' and deliver an anti­ singer. His immense pro­ understand. A lot of ill-feeling sur­
sonorous saxaphone I’ll look forward to seeing strumentally a definitive psychedelic drug rap portions (and sheer After a long interval rounded this gig. and it
figures cut through the 'em again. barn-storming doggone before ‘Stop Messing revolting quality) enable Madness appeared. took its toll on Madness’
flashing light. Destroy All Monsters sonofabitch. They pro­ Around In My Head', but him to become the focal Without being able to pin it performance.
■What Will I Do’, she produce sheet-metal duce heard-hltting heavy there you are. point of the band. You down to anything, I GILL PRINGLE


Featuring the Single "DON’T LET GO” and his classic rendition of “FEVER
38 Record Mirror, October 20,1970

whilst generally having a Boston spaceship
ball on his organ — an Im­ emblem.
TRICKSTER pressive sight costing on­ Best tracks of the night
Rainbow, London ly a mere £100,000 — he were "Peace of Mind”.
donned Dracula gear, ‘‘More Than A Feeling'5
TO THEIR legions of fans, summoned up the old dry and an epic cover of
seeing Boston in London ice and played a Bach can­ Ellmore James's "Stormy
must truly be a vision. This tata as the lights on the Monday” featuring a new
Rainbow is packed, and as organ pipes Illuminated little piece of machinery
soon as the 5 muppet-like according to the change in known as a theramin
millionaires take the stage the scales on the organ which reacts to the hands
the hairy masses push and keys. In fact, with the as it nears the strings of
shove as they vye for a organ Boston had no need the guitar. Of course this
place at the front. The for a stage set as the pipes gadget brought forth much
seating was Immediately themselves occupied a woP^ppers"thSrnaSSed DUFFO not sure whether he Is back ornot?
dispensed with. space as wide as the Rain­
As I had already ex­ bow and their only other Support band Trickster
perienced Camel at Ham­ concession to the were one of those typical
mersmith this week this dinosaur was the ‘‘ER bands” but were But then, music critics find
particular type of techno­ nauseating floating ice. nevertheless musically DUFFO: Country it so difficult to laugh don’t
BARRY GOUDREAU flash wasn’t even a novel­ The rest of the boys competent and really Cousin, London they? If Ian Dury is "pure
ty. So. I’ll lust say that I favour bell sleeved t-shirts deserved the encore that music hall (which he isn't),
the song had a lire and at­ don't exactly dig what they (fans, you can still find never came because of DUFFO hasn't any then Duff could fit easily
PENETRATION tack sadly lacking in much do but they really do it them on most stalls in the time factor involved. credibility. He's not exact­ into that bracket too. This
Top Rank Sheffield of the set, ‘Lovers of good. Soho market). In fact the With 2 encores of "Par­ ly ‘street-lever. Right, Aussie merely entertains,
Outrage' and 'Come into Tom Scholz is the wing merchandising people ty” and the unrecorded well we ll give him ten out he doesn’t preach. Great,
ON THEIR night I'm sure the Open’ were excellent commander here and must have sold one hell of "Television Politician" of ten for that then. He’s another ten out of ten. His
Penetration can provide a as usual, but followed by Elays most of the a lot of t-shlrts because Boston were off into the pretty funny, very songs are truly funny, and
powerful and entertaining yet more tepid new eyboard parts, all of the everyone who wandered night. They were . . . well, ridiculous and immensely he has a persona to
show but the gig I witness­ material. guitar solos and supplies in with Motorhead and all I can say Is uh Boston stoopid. Duffo is a cake­ match. His act is very
ed was well below stan­ some backing vocals. Tom Hawkwind emblazoned don’t look back, faced Aussie on a "High-
dard. Penetration are un­ musical. He does ab­
doubtedly a gifted and got pretty heavy mid-way across their chest came whichever way you look at Soclety" tour of London’s solutely serious versions
It was only with their through the show and out re-stamped with the it. swishest night-spots.
original band. Because of JAMES PARADE of Walker/Righteous Bros
older material that they Presumably the new
Pauline's soaring vocals classics and Iries hard
made any impression on managerial master-plan of
they can attempt ar­ with 'McCarthur Park’ (one
the sparse but faithful THE ANGELIC newmentor Dirty Dai of my personal favourites)
Sheffield audience. rangements and melodies
that would daunt lesser UPSTARTS Llewelyn brother. of which would've been bet­
Pauline Murray was in ex­
cellent voice despite hav­ mortals, and it’s a shame Royal Standard, tiresome Roddy — and ter if the bass-player had
to see them wasting their Bradford friend of the debs. What played the right notes
ing a cold and the band Dai lacks in personality
energies on pretentous which brings -us on to his
played competently Duffo can probably supply
and unimpressive songs. YOU COULDN’T get any band.
enough, but the new and what Duffo lacks in
songs meandered They must learn to mix closer to street level than
the Royal Standard pub looks — well! Anyway, Oh. dear, th“ey looked
hopelessly in a morrass of their new found desire to presumably we’ll be see­ terrible. Honestly, it was
contrived arrangements experiment with the even if you burrowed six
feet under ground. The ing Duffo in Dempster and like looking at Chilli Willi
and irrevelant time directness and grit that Lady Olga’s column short­ meeting a British funk
Changes. They seem to characterised their first Upstarts had to walk in
from the back of the small ly If not in the Top Ten. sesssion combo for a jam.
have become a slave to album. A pity this, because Ugh. Duffo. your band
vacuous technique. They owe it to room fighting their way
past the 100 or so people Duff’s comic cameos such played with no feeling.
Ironically it was only themselves to raise as 'Noses Run In My Fami­ They were untidy musical­
during ‘Free Money', Penetration out of the rut at the front of the stage.
"We play here ‘cos ly' or John and Brenda Go ly and looked drab. I don't
which was played without they have played To LA* are the kind of reckon the debs will go for
drums, due to a ripped themselves into and you're an f’n brilliant au­
dience." shouts vocalist debased wit that could that will they? C'mon Dai,
bass drum skin, that the create the unique and stir­ turn him into the new Roll tidy them up.for God's
band actually arrived. ring music that they are Mensi to the gathering of
hard core punk. Wrong! Harris or Ken Dodd. Pro­ sake. Will Anne and
They were trying, they capable of. bably a role that he Charles go for Duffo? Will
were desperate and thus JACK BOWERS they play here because no
- one else will have them. wouldn’t take to at all but Princess Grace? Has he
They were supposed to be one which I'm sure Dai made the Margaret con­
at the nearby Palm Cove would be quite pleased to nection yet? Is he in the
but the venue was hurried­ push him into. Tatler? Been invited to
ly rescheduled when the Since this clown’s ap­ Buck House? Doing the
Cove realised what they'd pearance on OGWT last "Royal Variety” is he?
booked. summer he has been Well he should be Dai, he
The volume was way spurned and insulted pro­ really should. Catch him
above tolerable and the bably more than any soon kids. If you can af--
MENSI an Angelic Upstart foreigner since Ian Smith. ford to. JAMES PARADE
speaker columns were do­
ing their own dance dent, anti - IRA, anti - tory, me instantly into a belated
routine much to the anti - pop stars, anti - Cliff Richard fan. while /RITZ
dismay of Mensi who police and anti - music ‘Nowhere Left To Hide'
pointed frantically until press. "The music papers sent me scurrying to a luslc Machine, London
somebody came along hate us but they can’t ex­ compartment in the gents.
and arranged them into a plain why we get in the After ‘Murder of Liddle A FULL night this. Off to was almost empty. Rock
safer stack. see the 'Alien' then on to venues can be miserable
charts,” yells Mensi at the Towers' with the moronic
Mensi is the kind of boy start of ‘Teenage Warn­ shouts of "Police killed the Music Machine to see places but when no one
who every mother has ing', featuring him doing Liddle Towers" I was left Write. What a let down the turns up. they frighten me.
nightmares about their his headbanging impres­ with a headache that my 'Alien' was. Apart from Too many places to hide
teenage daughters br­ sions and holding the extra strong paracetamol The Thing jumping out of and everywhere to jive.
inging home. He’s coarse, mike out for some kids to couldn't shift. I recom­ John Hurt's chest and Only you don't want to
sing into. A wise move, mend you go to see this blood spurting all over the because the few that are
crude and obscene, sink­
they sounded better! band — when the batteries place I didn’t find the film there are will stare at you.
ing to make naive political
in your hearing aid are flat. all that frightening. But when the pubs close a
comments between The Angelic version of
MARTIN ASHE More eerie was walking respectable amount of
numbers. He’s anti - stun- The Young Ones turned
into a Music Machine that fans arrive and Write,
while the going's good,
CAMEL: Hammersmith Odeon, London take to the stage. Clothes
of many colours and
AS JIMMY PURSEY would say to Private Eye, it is very designs checks.
easy to take the mickey . . . and Camel, with their stripes, a wedding dress
music and image a few million miles left of hip are (on a bloke!) and
ALI of Stiff Little Fingers. prime targets. numerous pairs of odd
But though Camel are not usually credited with the shaped sunglasses. They
nants of chords thrash like kind of music which sends manic hordes rushing down must have shares In
STIFF LITTLE dying fish. It cannot be to the nearest record emporium some of their new Foster Grants.
FINGERS denied that they have material looks as if it might just manage that — par­ They're a bit clever, are
credibility, or that the set ticularly their new single, ‘Radio Romance', with its Write. Not the sort of funny
Bristol Locarno has a certain refinement compelling almost disco beat and strong melody. clever but the old art
about it, rather like neat But unfortunately they declined to give Ham­ school type clever. Too
FILL THE place with paintwork on a 16 ton mersmith more than a whiff of their new — found many things seem to hap­
punks, put SLF on stage, weight. potency and instead stuck to tried and tested numbers pen at once, you're hot
light the blue paper and The justification for all which although satisfied their die-hard fans were sure who to concentrate
retire; ‘Alternative Ulster' this and an expression of unlikely to win over fresh blood — including myself. on. They've obviously
explodes Into action, and sincerity appeared in a They are without a doubt musically excellent — with been brought up as a TV
Mister you better like it, number called 'Johnny every member more than gifted in his own field, but as generation — Britain's
because it's gonna be Was', which is simply the show opened it was as if the crowd was watching a answer to the Tubes? —
pushed between your rivetting — a fast military re-run of an old TV favourite — the cast and plot are the but the humour doesn't
ears. drum beat overlaid with same but there's little to bring out the old sparks of ex­ really come across. Even
Even though punk pro­ slashing guitar riffs and citement. though they take a long
test is showing signs of traces of reggae rhythm. Even Camel themselves seemed fairly indifferent time to warm up, their
decay, It would be untrue Without doubt their best towards the proceedings for the most part with only music and songs eventual­
to maintain that punk Is number mainly because of drummer Andy Ward snowing any great enthusiasm, ly hit you. It wasn't until
dead when you've seen it's sensitivity. It's ironic though admittedly, unless the roadies were holding a •TV Times’ that they gain­
SLF in action and the reac­ that you can't seem to relay race across the stage they were bugged by more ed my full attention,
tion they get. which in fact pogo to it. but then pogo than their fair share of sound problems. before that I was concern­
:was surprisingly civilised; isn't exactly one of the Strangely enough, it just took one song to do what ed with some idiot in the
less than a gallon of gob. more elegant art forms of the smoke bombs and flashes had failed to do — audience who seemed to
at the most. the seventies: the amount galvanise them into action. That song was the superb be in a world of his own
There is no prominent of movement corresponds new number ‘Your Love Is Stranger Than Mine’ which and every now and again
feature of the music, its an with the volume as much with its lilting tune would have made the perfect follow­ would hurl abuse at the
attack on all fronts, neither as the tempo; enough of up to Cliff’s recent smash. band.
infinitive or derivative a each was laid on though, But the inspiration behind those songs was sadly They won me through in
relentless wall of sound in to give everyone STIFF lacking among the rest of the show. On record Camel the end but it was only
which lyrics become LITTLE LEGS. FRED have always been good and are getting better, but live I WRITZ not as scary slightly better than the
meaningless and rem­ WILLIAMS can live with or without them. KELLY PIKE as the Alien? •Allen’. ALF MARTIN
Record Mirror, October 20,1979 39

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Opti Flashcube ..
40 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

Remember “Funky Stuff?’ “Jungle Boogie?

“Open Sesame” and “Hollywood Swingin’”?



Above: the Squire Pro-120 amplifier

some new goodies
on the market. Three
new speakers and an
amplifier from Roger
Squire's, so here's

ARE BACK WITH the lowdown.

The speakers are all part
of Squire's 1979 "D"

A HOT NEW ALBUM range, all of uniform

design and varying power
— the D80, D100 and D160.
Each has special “flap
porting" to emphasise the
bass frequencies, so that
the driving, thumping bass
of your records is upfront.
Each of the speakers also
has a built-in horn, or
hot ns, which extend the
treble frequencies up to has two jack sockets, for chassis of the D80, D160 is pedance 15 ohms, connec­
16kHz and beyond, to simple connection to 12in, and 15in for the D100. tion 2 x jack socket, its
make sure that the top end other speakers, and each The D80 has a frequency size is 730 x 470 x 300mm,
of the sound is really hi-fi. one comes with a free response of 48Hz-20kHz. and its weight 23kg. The
The rear of the speakers transit cover. The speaker Power 80W RMS, im­ price including VAT is
The D1 00 has a
response of 46Hz-16KHz.
Power 100W RMS. Im­
pedance 8 ohms, connec­
tion, like the D80 and all
Produced by Eumir Deodato. the others, is 2 x jack
sockets. The size: 810 x
Title track also available 530 x 300mm. The weight:
as a single. 25kg. The price: £90.85.
Tne D160's frequency
Ladies’ Night 12" Single-KOOL 12 response Is 46Hz-20kHz.
Ladies’ Night 7" Single - KOOL 7 Power 160W RMS, im­
pedance 8 ohms, size 1060
Ladies’ Night Album-6372 763 x 520 x 330mm, weight
36kg, price, £155.25. The
D160 recently won a Disco
International award as
"The Best Disco Speaker
Of 1979".
The most powerful
model in the range is the
D200, with a frequency
response of 46Hz-16kHz,
power 200W RMS, im­
pedance 4 ohms. It
measures 1240 x 550 x
330mm, weighs 57 kg and
costs £189.75.
The new amp is the
Squire Pro 120, with a
power of 120W RMS into 4
ohms. This is precision
made particularly for ma­
jor roadshow discos and
club Installations. It has a
"click top” gain control on
the front panel, and an
LED ladder for output
level, so that all your set­
tings stay in place. The
short circuit protection
facility is particularly ad­
vanced. and the amp can
withstand heavy driving on
maximum power for long
spells. Squire call this
their top of the range
Mono Slave Amp. It
measures 520 x 285 x
140mm, weighs 12.5kg and
costs £120.75.
Branches of Roger
Squire’s are in London,
Bristol, Manchester and
Glasgow, with the mail
order centre at the Barnet
Trading Estate.
The D160 speaker
Record Mirror. October 20.1979 41

Bright translucent colours. 89 SCOTFORTH ROAD • LANCASTER

tions on dipping and mixing

to obtain any other colour of
Tel 0524-62634
Effects, Projectors, Strobes, Sound-to-Light Controllers, Sequencers, Fog
Newbury Disco
spectrum. £4.50 P&P inch or
500 ml tine, state colour
required. £4.50 each P&P Ind.
Cheques and POs to:
Machines, Mirrorballs, Pyroflash Systems, Fibre Optics, Ropelights, Fuzzlights,
Bubble Machines, Piezo Horns,Microphones, Discostands.
Part of the product range available from Northern Lights
Distributors for the following manufacturers
938 Blackhoath Road
Greenwich. London SE10
Mail Ordar only ploaso
43b Bartholomew Street
dovetailed disco
RECORDING All Prices include VAT
RECORD & DISCO Berkshire
CASES Make cheques or PO


etc. payable to:
CENTRE Tel: (0635) 47537
Approx (200 ... £9.75
Approx (300).. £12.00 273 Stourbridge Rd, NEW DISCOUNT SYSTEM
______ Approx (500).. £15.00 Holly Hall. Dudley.
I Approx LP(65). £9.75 West Midlands
UK only Tel: (0314)77837 UP
CITRONIC - FAL Now open 6 days a week
Monday Saturday


9am 5pm.
Other times by arrangement.
STEREO CONSOLE WITH BUILT IN ri/r Enquiries outside normal hours please ring
* COMPLETE DISCO WITH LIGHTS FROM £13 Large stocks of the latest discotheque sound
I DISCOLAND DISCOLAND, * Send SAE for Hire List'lnformation ano lighting equipment plus Record Bar
Export Enquiries Welcome
Open 6 Full Days 9-7
specialising in Disco Music.
o 377 LEWISHAM HIGH STREET, LONDON SE13 o * We accept Barclaycard 8 Access

TELEPHONE 01 690 2205
co 350 RAYNERS LANE, PINNER, MIDDX. Hire Purchase arranged (usually within an
o 01-868 8637 hour).
. £6W
> . i-j in uku
Access and Barclay Card facilities.
.£350 £35


. £250 tn TEL: 01-560 0520

. £350 tn
Lyon torse lOOw Wilt . £350 £5$
S *1
. £220 £22
o or |uil £17.34 aaonlh. CRIOIT OfPOSIT OMIT £35.00 «
Several rig design and alternative lantern» to suit your budget, du» the^
o omorlng LS808 lighting mixer. Ploose send 9p addressed envelope tor J


Pair Simms watts - 4 -x-
12 + -hom cabinet................. ..£240
Simms watts 200w valve amplifier (choice of 2 at) .
August M D1 consola 4GC..........................................
o Jingle Master NAB Jingle Machine CW jingles.. ..
Project Liquidator 250 (old model)........................... . PACKAGE ;
o Project SAC 4 sequencer..........................................
Simms watts condenser microphone with Phantom V ■ +£45OP4>.
Ol SCOLANO 01490 2205/4 Power unit.........................................................

August M D3 console 125 watt . . ...................
Pair mini blns.........................................................
Pro|oct Bubble3machine......................................
* Secondhand microphone stands from...............


. .£150

Cash HP
I only
Atlantis TD300S
* PhiRps cassette recorder 7 band stereo graphic Auto/sound sequencer, r
equaliser + 200/150w amp.......................... ..£793
Jupltor mono......................................................... . £379 2 Four-way Light boxes,
..£456 ban and ALL plugs, leads and
Saturn 30OS Inc.2 x 16Ow amp. .. . ..£816 ■ bulbs
WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR NEW Atlantia stereo GE.........................
Atlantis stereo 300 ine 2 x 160 amp
. . £530 tua •
STOCK, SO THERE ARE PLENTY OF Adonti« TD Philipe Tape deck . £833
£ Now available Simm» mixer»
£19 *

Saturn.......................................... .

. . £220

M **»t.
DISCOPOWER « Pr shop sollad mini blns.. .
. £200
. £5
3 LIVINGSTONE PLACE, NEWPORT, Ice Bubble machine..................... . . £45 fSetolP'“*
GWENT-Tel. 56908 Jingles (set of 20 on 8 track) ....
and L««!’

Shop soiled 4 channel sound to light unit......................... £56

If you bulft your own cab we have cab makers parts In stock. F Unbeatable
Fret cloths, vynei. corpora. handles, casters. Inflatable dolls e
7 ! offßr at

WHEN PAYING FOR 1 Jw £30. Gaffe tape £3.25 per roll. Largo variety of silly sound effects.
' L- plus LOTS
T-Wachinee £85.00
Come In and blow one.
gear AND
accessories SUCHsuch AS SIS Jinotaj
c.^,ts £3.60 - 20 JINGLE SlNGkW>
Jirpfo c^.w
£8500 - Jlrpte
Cassette Pecks both editions £25.00 BUBBLE MACHINES £34.00, ]
MIC BOOM STANDS £16.60. DISCO STANDS £28.00. Multi-
wey Plus. Sockets. Lamps, Cables. Lamps. Cables, etc. etc. etc.
SEND LARGE S.A.E. for CATALOGUE Personal callers welcomed
Suitable for both the profewional
and the amataur
•• Sturdy, compact, stool cased unit
Send cheque/postal order payable to:
complete with 13 amp plug fitted

BARGAIN j SOLD, EXCHANGED • Full safety protection circuits
• Includes 8 pin Bulgin plug

81 PORTLAND ROAD, LONDON SE26. 01-664 3200

I • 1000W max. load per channel
42 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

ONE WAY featuring Al Hud­ subtle 41/82-84 bpm sax sam­ ROKOTTO: 'Somebody's
son: 'Music' (LP 'One Way' US
MCA MCA-3178). A1 & The
Been Sleeping In My Bed’
(State STAT 96).
Partners by their new name York sound. Mel Torme's 'Glide', a bass'snapped but phasized' LP (US Polydor PD- Disappointingly retrogressive
have a surprisingly subdued •Cornin’ Home Baby’ getting energy diffused I17’/2bpm 1-6227). The prettily swaying 135bpm 7ln revival of 100 Proof
set, all six long tracks being an emptily thumping I28bpm "rock” clapper. 1l4-H5bpm 'Dancin' Love Af­ (Aged In Soul's) old soul
cut with annoyingly low chix 'n syndrums treatment, LAKESIDE: 'Pull My Strings' fair' was originally reviewed stormer.
volume. However, this muddi- the title track being an 123bpm (LP ‘Rough Riders' US Solar off promo 12ln but the ex­ TEDDY PENDERGRASS: Do
ly smacking funky "rock" j.g- chix-sung cool clopper, and BXL1-3490). Staccato chanted Crusaders trombonist's whole Me' (Phil Int PIR 7927).
gler does cut through and both the 124 bpm ’City Of bass-snapped clapping LP proves to b-e interestingly Romping bass - driven but
starts at H6bpm before Dreams' and 12414bpm 'Kid­ 123bpm "rock" chugger. varied. 'I Want'cha To Dance’ otherwise sparsely arranged
reaching 120-121 bpm obvious­ nappin' Lover' being simple while galloping hoofbeat ef­ is an "are you ready” — in- 130bpm skipper, due on 12in.
ly to mix with the I16bpm ‘You monotonous thudders, fects intro the Isleys-type troed exciting I23bpm P'funk GRANT SANTINO: 'L.O.V.E.'
Can Do It' US 12in (ideally SLY & THE FAMILY STONE: smacking 'It's A Disco Night’ - charger with speeded-up (Polydor 2059168). Muzzily
through the rhythm after 'Dance To The Music' (US style 133-134bpm title track. "Chipmunk” voices. 'Get The booming I25bpm 7in bumper,
"come on” halfway) — the full Epic 48-50794). John Luongo - Ants Out Ya Pants' a jerkily jit­ only on promo 12in. to prove
version here is at H7bpm — remixed 127bpm I2in restruc­ (LP 'In A Temple Garden' US tering 117-1l8-1l9-l20bpm that his pectorals are still his
while 'Come Dance With Me' turing of their '68 classic now heavy funk churner with stac­ strong point.
CTI 7088). Exotically throbbing
is a gently lurching 117-118- gallops along with long rhythm cato beat-riding scat. 'So In NOSTROMO: 'Alien' (Bronze
1i3bpm mellow jazz sax In­
119-120bpm strutter. The rest bits and arguably less im­ Love With You’ a slow-starting BRO 80). Heavy handed
strumental with freaky syn­
are quietly attractive slowies, mediate punch (plus there’s pleasant 115-117-118bpm I24bpm«synthesized clodhop­
thetics over a clopping rhythm
'Now That I Found You' being an album ol remixed oldies outro, 'Bismillah' being an brassy instrumental jogger, per. also on12in.
a pleasant 111 (intro)-l 13- just like it — out now odd romping conga tempo 'For You' a squeakily sung at­ BILLY PRESTON & SYREETA:
112bpm swayer. ‘I Am Under presumably to counteract I24bpm sax squawker and tractive 115bpm loper, and 'With You I'm Born Again'
Your Spell' a lovely logging Sly’s new Warner Bros pro­ 'Honky Tonk' a roaring 130- 'Feel Tho Fire' a semi-slow (Motown TMG 1159).
107-108-110bpm swayer with duct). but it worked well every 136bpm revival of Bill Dog­ 48/97bpm funk j iggl e r. Tempo-less dead slow lushy
pretty piano over softly time after ‘There'll Always Be gett’s 1956 clas'sic. NATURE’S DIVINE: 'I Just orchestrated MoR yawner,
wheezling synthesizer, and ACaister'! Can't Control Myself (Infinity flipped on 7in by Billy's ex­
'Guess You Didn't Know' a PRINCE: ‘I Wanna Be Your HERB ALPERT: Street Life' 50027). Michael Stokes-
(LP 'Rise' US A&M SP-4790). citing 114-121-123bpm syn­
dead slow 15/30bpm synth- Lover’ (US Warner Bros WBS produced ticking and plopping thesizer blazer. ‘Sock-lt.
backed smoocher. 49056). Emotions type jerkily The Crusaders get the 'Rise' slow 4O’Z?/81bpm old fashion­
treatment to become another Rocket'.
HERBIE MANN: 'Walk On The strutting 11 9 -11 5 b p m ed soul swayer, a US soul hit MINNIE RIPERTON: Lover
heavily thudding 89bpm in­ CHEESECAKE CORNER — or something! — kicks off the
Wild Side' (LP 'Yellow Fever' squeaker, due on 12in (when on 7in but circulated here on And Friend' (Capitol CL 16102). Caister report with a stunning action shot ol Primrose Hill in ac­
US Atlantic SD 19252). it’ll be reviewed anew) but strumental. short at only 5:01;
promo 12in. Stevie Wonder - backed tion as one half of the Doris Vincent - partnered 'Ladies’ Night'
Dynamite subtly “rocking” debuted with some success at but a good speed-spin ac­
BELL 8 JAMES: 'Only Make Natalie Cole - type 125bpm 7in duo, who swished from ballroom to ballroom to lead the sweaty
122bpm instrumental of Lou Caisteron 7in, cording to Gary Allan (Liver­
Believe' LP (US A&M SP-4784). soul sv/inger. throngs In the 2nd National Soul Weekender’s off'-^t anthem,
Reed's lune isn't PLEASURE: ‘The Real Thing' pool McMillan's). Other tracks Although mainly male-sung
did not impress me as being ’JONES GIRLS: 'You Made Me 'There'll Always Be A Caister'. Yes, last Frid* fho funky
recognisable until the "doop (US Fantasy D-146). Now on this set reeks of Emotions in­ Love You' (Phil Int PIR 7843).
Sood dancers, though some hordes descended once again on Ladbrokes' holiday camp on
de-doo” chix come in and it 12in. the brassily staccato fluence, especially on the Boogie ooglelsh I3ibpm 7in the Norfolk shore, except this time there were over 5,000 of
builds through throbbing per­ strutter chops perfectly out of >cks like 'em. slow strutting I16-117bpm bubbler. them spread over not only the chalet camp but also the Silver
cussion, but apart from his 102 Michael Jackson's 'Don't STAN GETZ: You. Me And '(Babe) You Don't Love Me MARLENA SHAW: 'Love Dan­ Sands caravan camp next door . . . and although there were
(Intro)-I04-I07-I08-112-115 Stop’, especially if you skip The Spring’ (LP 'Children Of Like You Should’ jogger and cin'' (CBS 7766). Impersonally three music venues in the main camp it was the Silver Sands
(outro) bpm remake of the the 123bpm first half and swap The World' US Columbia JC fast exciting torassily spiky hustling 129bpm 7in galloper. ballroom that came to be considered the best. All the main DJs
Meters' sinuously funky 'Hey both records’ mid-way pauses 35992). Further to last week’s 66/132 (intro) - I36bpm — Chris Hill, Robbie Vincent, Greg Edwards. Sean French,
Pocky A-Way' iiggler the jazz so that this 124-I25bpm "uh- review, it now seems that ‘Shakedown', with stereo Chris Brown. Jeff Young. Froggy, Tom Holland, Brother Louie,
flautist otherwise favours an
uncluttered lightweight New
huh. get down” last part takes
over! Officially the A-side Is
Chris Hill is pushing this track,
a specialist Spyro Gyra-style
"jet” effects. The jerkily
swaying I16bpm title track has
BREAKERS Les Knott — moved about between the different venues so that
they all shared the load (none was big enough for everyone),
a long organ and cymbals in­ BUBBLING UNDER the UK but the final Finale of the day always ended up amongst tho
tro, while ‘Say It's Gonna Last Disco 90 (page 47) with In­
caravanners. Even more than that before the accent was on
Forever' is a sax-introed plea­ creased support are anything goes, and with such a large crowd of hell - bent kids it
sant slow 52/'105-55/110bpm Cleveland Eaton 'The Birm­

November HiFi for Pleasure jogger.

(US Emergency EMDS 6503).
ingham Train' / 'Free At Last'
/ 'Get Off (US Ovation LP), 7th
Wonder 'Do It With Your Body'
was likely that something would give. Mainly It was chalet win­
dows that did, though they weren't necessarily broken on pur­
pose. The fun went in waves: Friday night it was pillow fights,
Saturday it was water attacks. Not just water pistols, but

WIN the
Synthetically burbling and (US Parachute LP), Marvels
dustbins, with people lying In ambush to give others a soaking.
powerfully clapping and 'Sh-Boom' (Dimples 12in), Jay Chris Hill, his assistant Snell, promoter Adrian Webb and
smacking 127bpm pop disco Hoggard 'West End Dancer'
others were charged at by a hundred egg and flour - hurling
12in pounder with an in­ (US Arista GRP LP). Cameo 'I kids, who then emptied water through their fleeing Range
strumental flip that's already Just Want To Be' (US
Rover's open sunroof! It wasn't meant viciously, although they
preferred by some. Chocolate City 12in), Isaac
weren't to know that the "stars” were staying in a hotel with
Hayes 'Fever' I 'Don’t Let Go’

latest Trio
MAX BERLIN: ‘World Wide only one bathroom between 12 people, so the clean - up would
Party' LP (US Emergency EM (US Polydor LP), James
Brown 'Star Generation' take time. When everyone had gone and only the "stars” re­
LP 7502). Classed as an LP mained. there was an exclusive buffet on Sunday night when
although really 12in length, (Polydor I2in), Funkadelic
the jocks (and their ladies) behaved in remarkably similar and
the two side-long frantic '(not just) Knee Deep' (US
silly fashion, with Greg Edwards pushing a chocolate cake Into
foreign “visits” (in Voyage Warner Bros LP), Kool & The
Gang 'Hangin' Out' / Snell's face and Robbie’s wife getting Greg back in return! At

style) have the same exciting­ this event also it was tried to establish just what "THE"
ly pounding 136-I37bpm beat 'Tonight's The Night’ (Mer­ Caister record had been (in April it was McFadden &
for pop fans. cury LP), Herb Alpert 'Street
Whitehead), and although it seemed as if Kool & The Gang had
TAANA GARDNER: 'When Life' / 'Rotation' I '1980' (US
dominated the weekend tho voting came out in favour of
You Touch Me' (US West End A&M LP). Addrisi Brothers
Michael Jackson’s ‘Off The Wall'. Full details of the other con­
WE 107). Larry Levan-mlxetf ‘Ghost Dancer' (Scotti Bros
tenders and a more complete account of the silliness next
eye-cued long slow 437?bpm 12ln), Gibson Brothers Que
week, but don't forget that all this is happening again at
Intro to a clomping 13l-l35bpm Sera Mi Vida' / 'Better Do It
Showstopper Promotions’ other overflow weekender in Corn­
Salsa' (Island 12in / LP).

in this month’s
pounder on twin-pack 12in LP wall at Perrin Sands next weekend too, October 26-28. Reckon
set, with a remixed I26bpm Ashford & Simpson ‘Stay
the locks'll wear raincoats and sou'westers for that!
'Work That Body’ on the other Free' I ‘Nobody Knows'
disc. (Warner Bros LP), Eumir
Deodato 'Whistle Bump' (US
Warner Bros 12ln), Freda
UK NEWIES Payne 'Band Of Gold' (Infer­ SUGARHILL GANG ‘Rapper's Delight’ has already won a US

fantastic £1,200 HUDSON PEOPLE: Boogie

On Downtown" (Virgin VS
30112). Totally exhilarating
brassy instrumental bounder
(forget the awful chix on the
no). Isley Brothers 'Shout'
(RCA 12ln). Chanson 'Rock
Don't Stop' / 'Make It Happen'
(US Ariola LP), One Way
'Dance' (US MCA LP). T-
Connectlon 'Danger Zone' I
gold disc for New York sales alone. DJ rapping being the new
craze — and last Thursday at Mayfair Gullivers the members of
FL8 took turns to rap along over the record as if it was their
own! ... Shalamar ‘The Second Time Around' has been remix­
ed for I2in instead of 'Right In The Socket' (which remains

vocal A-side) winds along in much bettor)... Jupiter Beyond and Lowrell are on UK 12in ear­
Brass Construction style etc (US Dash LP). Billy ly November, Millie & Ike’s ‘Feels Like The First Time’ I2in is
through 126 - 131 - 127 • 130 - Preston & Syreeta ‘With You due next week, and Dusty Springfield ‘Baby Blue’ will be on
127 - 130 - 133 bpm until the I'm Born Again' (Motown), limited 12in after all... Sylvester's next is 'Can't S^d Dancin'',
12ln practically takes off at the David Fathead Newman 'One a shrieking 131-128bpm pounder, more coherent tKan of late ...
end! Easily the biggest newie Step At A Time' / ‘The Buggs' Brass Construction's currently reviving 'Movin'' oldie is 120-
at Caister, it has immediate I ‘Rock Me Baby' (US Prestige 131 bpm. with a 20 bet soft intro from first noise to main rhythm
impact and will obviously be LP), Teena Marie 'Don’t Look (if you want to be clever!) ... Caister jocks kept telling me how
Plus all you need to know about some really superb tuners from huge. Back' (Motown 12in), Gonzalez Atmosfear and 'Expansions' mix together perfectly, evidently
JVC, Mitsubishi, Pioneer, Sansui, Sony, Trio, including Philip's ISLEY BROTHERS: ‘It’s A 'Move It To The Music' I 'Peo­ forgetting who told them! ... Sally Ormsby is back st RCA, fill­
Disco Night (Rock Don’t Stop) ple's Party' (Sidewalk 12in), ing in as disco plugger just one day a week ... Bill Grainger has
exciting, new Black Tulip range. (Parts 1 & 2)' (Epic EPC 13- Charanga 79 'Good Times' (US set up Fire Island Disco Promotions based at 29 Waterloo
7911). Emphatically clapping TR 12ln), Karen Silver 'Hold Street, Glasgow G2 6BZ (041-221 7282), to service Scottish jocks
The latest hifi news, pages of reviews, letters, advice and fast 133 bpm jittery Junker, On I'm Comin" / 'Hot Stuff with all aspects of disco promotion, and is even mentioning a
so much more to make sure you get the sort of pleasure you finally on UK 12in, really (Arista 12ln), Carlos Romanos possible Scottish DJ convention (undeterred by his visit to
deserve from your hifi. got'em “rocking” at Caister! ‘Are You Ready (Inst)’ (PVK Frenchies!)... Sheila Hutchinson somehow got separated from
ANITA WARD: 'Don't Drop My 12in), Dance People 'Fly sisters Wanda & Jeanette in last week's Emotions caption,
Love' (TK TKR 13-7562). Away’ (Satril I2ln), Ray An­ while new in the Disco 90 at 87 was Sly Dunbar ‘Rasta Fiesta'
Clonking 126 bpm cowbell in­ thony 'Cosmopolitan London' (now at number 70) ... Northern Soul is alive and well in Lon­
tro becomes a bass and (Vasko 12in), Joe Sample don, the Southgate Rhythm & Soul Society start a new venue
backbeat driven 125 bpm 12m •There Are Many Stops Along this Friday (19) at the old Klooks Kieek location, the West
pop churner with Anita's shrill The Way’ (MCA LP). Anita Hampstead Railway Hotel, free members — hip with an SAE
wailing cutting through the Ward 'Don't Drop My Love' from Randy Cozens. 273 Chase Road. London N14 ... Frenchies
smoother support. (TK 12ln). Vernon Burch ‘Get open a new up-market over 21’s weekly Thursday venue next
DAN-1: ‘Monkey Chop' (Island Up' I ‘Never Can Find The Thursday (25), The Apartment, at Farnborough Recreation Cen­
WIP 6520). Gently bubbling 112 Way' (US Chocolate City LP), tre. with prizes including a Paris weekend for two ... 15 - year -
bpm 7in jogger, more old-style Brass Construction ‘Movin'* old Jo Field, whose big sisters Sally and Jude were wearing
Real Thing than the reggae (UA LP), George McCrae nappies at Caister. Is frustrated by being too young for most
you'd expect, with syndrums 'Don't You Feel My Love' clubs but raves about the upfront funk of DJ Chris Green at the
and simple catchily swaying (TK/US 12in), Mary Wilson no age limit Oracle Club in Watford ... Jon Taylor started an
Illi. 'Red Hof (Motown 12in). under 18’s night this last Monday at Norwich Cromwells ...
UMBERTO TOZZI: 'Gloria' Nature’s Divine 'Never Felt Graham Thornton, Tea Council Young DJ winner, has now
(Epic EPC 7416). Somehow This Way Before’ (US Infinity landed the 2 to 6am early morning DJ slot daily on Birm­
restrained yet steadily LP), Sly & The Family Stone ingham's BRMB commercial station, starting in December ...
speeding 133 bpm 7in original 'Dance To The Music’ (US Sonny Rollins, veteran avant garde jazz saxist, is in line for a
of the Europop smash covered Epic 12ln), Prince Buster ‘Al 12ln soon, while his contemporary (now of 'Dr Jackyll And Mr
here by Jonathan King, this Capone' (Blue Beat), Inner Funk' fame), Jackie McLean plays Chalk Farm Round House
has already showed up as a Circle 'We 'A' Rockers' (Island next Friday (26) as part of the 9th Camden Jazz Week — but
disco breaker on import. 12in). don't go expecting disco! ...
Record Mirror, October 20,1979 43

------------------------------- CUTOUT-----------------------------
Personal penfriends. — Write for contains latesr news on Ken. 42 Bath Road.
free details: Pen-Friend Radio Caroline. Radio Del Balbriggan. Co. Dublin.
YOUNG MAN 20, seeks Service. P1 27 SF-20801 Mare and the seizure of


nice intelligent young lady Turku 80, Finland.
18-24 for lasting and CONFIDENTIAL IN­
Radio Mi Amigo. There's a Wanted
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Blondes preferred but not ages and interests nation­ pirates. Citizen's band information wanted ->■
essential. Must like pop

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music. Winchester area Dating Confidential (Dept tions of the sixties. All in for possible fanlet, SAE
only — Box no. 2133. Rd), 64 Maldon Road. Lon­ for replay. Box No 2123.
Britain's most informative
TOTTON I SOUTHAMP­ don W3. radio magazine. 25p from ABBA TICKETS required 2
TON area — Girl 5ft 8ins PENFRIENDS GALORE: all Flagstone. West Heath or 3 any concert, good

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sincere friendship must Chorley. Lancs. October 20th, 11 am. Lancs.
like sport, concerts etc. ROCK JOURNALISM, Bluecoat Chambers. ABBA TICKETS for Lon­
Photo please — Box no. photography? Booklet by School Lane, Liverpool. don performance. Ring
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NORTH AMERICAN Club. start your career. £1.30 to: 6597. CLIFF RICHARD tickets.
For anyone interested in Intro Books. PO Box 3. STEVE HARLEY’S new 2/3 Manchester,
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page magazine of op­
portunities send 50p P.O.
to — North American Club.
hour service for homosex­
uals, information, advice
of official fan club — SAE
to Crystal. 15 Chepstow
Close, Grangewood Farm.
Downing Grove. Preston
Road. Hull.
They're the famous four-DEBBIE HARRY, Chesterfield, Derbyshire. certs & outings reply. Jan,
5 Dixon Street, Glasgow. and entertainments guide 37 Broome Avenue. East
G1 4AL. on —01-837 7324,________
ROD STEWART, BOB GELDOF, PAULA WILL ANYONE from Situations Vacant ¡Goscote, Leicester.

YATES, and they're YOURS just by Bournemouth I Special Notice JUNIOR SALES assistant
for Wembley. Saturday,
Southampton area going 10th November — Taunton
UNICORN BOLAN required for help disco
collecting four coupons from Record Mirror. to Abba concert Wembley
magazine — have you gt centre. Five day week. A 83767.
8th November please TRAMPS COLOUR poster.
your October/November knowledge of discos and
phone Dave on Wimborne electrics would be useful 45 Grange Road. Saltford.
issue? 40p + large SAE
883819. Trying to arrange a
WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO to get this exclusive collection mini-bus.
from 20 Eastleigh Avenue. but is not essential. — Bristol.
S. Harrow. Middlesex. Phone Watford 44822.
of 4 posters. KEVIN 20, quiet bloke,
ERIC FAUL NER, a very GOOD SINGER wants wanted for Wembley con­
For readers who have only collected 3 out of the seeks girlfriend, good band. Rock/melody cert. M. Bennett. 39
happy birthday for Oc­
anywhere write — 30 quickly. — Phone Jenny. Netherton Road. Padstow,
4 coupons, today's special bonus coupon will enable you tober 21st please Rikki,
Winterbottom Avenue. Beaconsfield 4834 after Cornwall.
don't get any sexier, I just
to send off for your free posters. A bonus coupon may Hartlepool.
can't stand it! Take care six. Lead guitarist, URGENTLY ONE copy
only be used in place of any one coupon, numbered 1 -4, Club. Introductions ar­
babe, be seeing ya soon, bassist, rhythm, drummer. ‘Duke of Earl' — Gene
love + xxx your best CENTRAL' LONDON Chandler's in v.g.c. Con­
that you have not managed to collect. Now you have a ranged by post for all friend Lorraine. Nor­ discotheque requires tact Hall 041 423 1001, after
complete set of four coupons put them in an envelope and ages. Postage stamp for smart, attractive 7.30 pm.
thampton. P.S. can't wait
free colour brochure to —
send them to us together with the completed order form Miss Chidgey, New
to get into that elevator. female/male D.J. Records
below and a postal order or cheque for £1, to cover Horizons' 124/RM Keys
ONKY I love you more and equipment provided. Musical Services
each day. Kayt. — For full details, phone
postage and packaging, made payable to Avenue, Bristol. BS7 0HL. BOLAN'S T. REXMAS 01-629 4619. DEMO TAPES wanted for
QUIET GUY 29 seeks slim U.S. market. Full
SPOTLIGHT PUBLICATIONS at the following address: affectionate female 18-28
boogie: tickets now
available £1.50 non
D.J.’s WANTED with con­
tacts, gear supplied. — copyright protection.
Record Mirror Poster Offer, PO Box 16, Harlow, for a lasting relationship —
members. £1.25 members. Romford 63680. Tapes and written en­
Box no. 2131.
Essex CM170HE. 2 GIRLS 18, seek male
SAE for tickets or tnfo to T. EARN AT home and be quiries to: “Boscom", 102
Rex Appreciation Society, your own boss. Send SAE Newgate Street. London.
________________________ POSTERS OFFER ORDER FORM__________________________ penfriends 18-21. maybe today to Star Enterprises. EC1.
148 Wennington Road,
meet. Midlands if possi­ Box No 2129. LYRICS WANTED by
Southport, Merseyside, or
Cut out this form and send to Record Mirror Poster Offer. PO Box 16, ble. all letters answered. LYRIC WRITERS required music publishing house-
T. Rex Easy Action, 40
Harlow. Essex CM17 OHE. Photo appreciated — Box by recording company. — 11 St Albans Avenue. Lon­
Langdale Road, Liverpool.
Please send me one set of Record Mirror posters, I enclose a complete set of four no. 2130. Tanx! Details (SAE): 30 Sneyd don. W4.
coupons (A special bonus coupon may replace any one of the four coupons) and NORTHAMPTON GUY 30, Hall Road. Bloxwich. Staf­ ABSOLUTELY FREE.
a postal order or cheque for €1.00 made payable to SPOTLIGHT PUBLICATIONS. seeks girl 17-26 for ge- COSMIC DANCER fordshire. “Twenty Songwriting
Send album to:- (Please write in capitals) nulne friendship ISSUE 13 (The Lost Issue) MAKE £25 to £35 a week Questions Answered" in a
anywhere. Please write to OUT NOW. Exclusive addressing mailing com­ booklet explaining
— Brian. 50 Avon Drive, Sieve Took interview mission circulars at home copyright, promotion,
Name-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - —— Northampton. NN5 7HZ. 35p4S.A.E. in your spare time. — publishing, recording con­
Address__________________________________________________ ___________________ OPPOSITE SEX partners 17 WEST PARK AVENUE Send SAE for first work tracts. royalties, song con­
found!!! It’s free at giFTONVILLE, WARGATE parcel. Details HBO/Ser- tests, setting lyrics to
I.N.T.E.R.D.A.T.E! Rush SLADE MAKE 'em feel the vices. 45 Sandringham music without payment
letters describing yourself noise. Good luck cos I luv Road. Norwich, Norfolk. etc., free from — Interna­
_______________________________________________________ Age-------------------------------- + SAE to Box 2009, NOR8LG. tional Songwriters
you. Sue.
Please answer the following question. Record Mirror (or) — 40 CLIFF RICHARD. Happy LYRIC WRITERS required Association (RM),
Long Acre, London WC2. birthday October 14th. by recording company. — Limerick City. Ireland.
How long have you been reading Record Mirror?
DOVELINC PENFRIENDS Great to see you and Details (SAE): 30 Sneyd
and partners catalogue,
4 weeks?_____ 6 months?______ 1 year?______or longer?
500 names. 450
Shadows in charts again. Hall Road. Bloxwich. Staf­ SituationsWantei
Please repeat your name and address clearly for return Tim I.O. W. fordshire.
photographs. 100 pages. GROOVER. TANX for 29th RECORD COMPANY EXPERIENCED D.J. seeks
Name Only £5. Send stamp for il­ Love all ya Boianites and secretaries. Are you on pub residency in London
lustrated brochure. — satin soul. Marc. — Wild our books? — MEMO Emp area. Contact. Stacy on
Address_____________________________________________________ _____ ___________ Dovelinc A/6, PO Box 100, apple girl. Glasgow. Agy 734 5774-5. 499-2929 daytime.
Haywards Heath, Sussex. EXPERIENCED D.J. seeks
service, over 51,660 Is Britam ^^A ’ II
m succoss u Records Wanted residency or to work on
good roadshow any area
members, all ages, all in­ magazine on the subject
STATUS QUO singles on considered. Contact Male,
From Record Mirror. PO Box 16. Harlow. Essex. AND PART GLOSSY We
terests, stamp for details cover, in depth. ALL offshore Pye. “Tune To The 28 Alfred Avenue, Bedl-
I to: IPCR, 37A Hatherleigh station», citizens' bend radio Music'' and "Make Me ington, North I Land.
Road. Ruislip Manor. Mid­ and the land based pirates
Issue Eleven has many A4 Stay A Bit Longer." — Yet- VERSATILE LYRIC writer
OFFER RULES AND REGULATIONS This offer is exclusive to readers of dlesex. size pages for just 30p. in­ minster 872417. seeks musicians, bands,
Record Mirror. JANE SCOTT, genuine, cluding postage Send PO'»/ WHITE EMERALD POR- vocalists, publishers etc.,
Employees and their families of Spotlight Publications Ltd., and any subsidiary friends, introductions, op­ Cheques to:
Free Broadcast Movement THCAWL dealers of se­ with view to working rela­
or associated company are not eligible for this offer. posite sex. with sincerity PO Box 319 cond hand albums, send tionship. Box No. 2127.
The complete set of four coupons, numbered 1 -4, will be published in and thoughtfulness. — Edenbridge. Kent SAE for price quote
Record Mirror and will allow the bearer to receive one set of posters. Details free. Stamp to: GARY NUMAN, the princi­ stating condition etc.
The offer is open to all readers of Record Mirror in the UK and BFPO districts Jane Scott, 3/RM, North ple of success. You gave a Callers welcome. — 53A
while stocks last. Street, Quadrant, great concert on your re­ Newton, Nottage Road,
Brighton, Sussex, BN1
Postal requests are to be accompanied by £1 per poster collection.
cent tour, I really enjoyed Porthcawl. South Wales. SWAP
The publishers of Record Mirror cannot be held responsible for the non-receipt it, you have a real talent — OLIVIA NEWTON John LP,
of orders or guarantee the arrival of postal delivery of posters. HOW TO get girlfriends. I know your so fragile but Music Makes My Day'
The closing date for all orders is 22nd October. No orders will be accepted after What to say. how to over­ please don't break too cassette or record. State
that date. come shyness, how to easily — A ‘friend' — but price. — Mr D. Newton. 3 OR
Posters will be despatched to readers from 19th November. Orders received after date any girl you fancy. — not electric' X. Elm Tree Road. Cosby,
the closing date or after stocks have ended will be refunded with postage. SAE for free details: Mat­ BILLY ANDREWS has Leicester.
chrite Publications. gone to America. Do not BAKERLOO LINE -
All orders must be received by us no later than 22nd October. All posters
will be despatched to readers from 19th November. Allow 28 days for
School Road, Frampton, send any more mail. Bakerloo phone 01 421 SELL
Cotterell, Bristol BS17 MARK STEVENS, happy 2322, also anything in­
delivery from this date within the UK while stocks last.
2BX. birthday for November teresting.

..RECORD, 10th. New Seekers thanks

for a great time in Bo'ness
- on%n:diiu aionv.... = and Edinburgh — we love
bought — exchanged. lOp
- £2.20 each cash paid (10p
i You don't just have to
I buy or sell something.

Dateline. Europe*» large«. you — Caryll. Sue, Mary - £2.50 exchanged). Ab­ ’Why not put an
most successful computer ■
■ dating service has $0.000 ■ XXXX. solutely NONE refused. advert in to swap your
| members. At least 6 would love | MARC BOLAN. Beltane Bring in ANY quantity in goods with something
Ito meet you - now. -> Humane you'll come again ANY condition to Record
Write for free details to. to this earth. I’ll always — Tape Exchange. 38 Not­ you want? See
Dateline, Dept. (RM) :
■ 23 Abingdon Road, London W8.I keep Marc in my heart. ting Gate, London W11 (01 coupon
I or Phone 01-937 6503. f Boogie on forever. Hot 727 3539). ANY LPs,
love, Colin Bruce, Hun­ cassettes may be sent
tington. with SAE for cash.
44 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

PHOTOGRAPHS 101ns x dollar bills. SAE for
- ULTRARE LIMITED EDI­ November 8th. Offers. — Police. Mods. Blondie. Spectacular record offers.
8ins b/w close-ups; Kate details. — D. Charker. 20 TIONS. - "GRACELAND 0632 744535. Angelic Upstarts. Boom­ Are the records you want
"PIN ON badges, patches, Bush. Bluejays. Yes, Zep­ Elmvale Drive, Hutton, ARCHIVES" — "BEHIND CONCERT town Rats, Kate Bush, hard to get? We may have
crystals, enamels and Weston - Super - Mare. CLOSED DOORS'' - PHOTOGRAPHS; 10in x Garry Newman. Ian Drury them. We have managed
pelin. Wings. Stones.
things. Mister Tee's new Dylan. Queen, Stewart. Avon. "THE BURBANK SES­ 8in b/w close-ups: Kate Blockheads, Stranglers. to get our hands on hun­
list out now. Mod, new Genesis, Hackett, Gabriel, WHO T-SHIRTS, badges, SIONS" - “ELVIS ON Bush, Bluejays, Joel, Sid Viscious. Damned, dreds of singles and LP’s.
wave, rock + some bloody Renaissance, BJH, stickers. — Send SAE tc TOUR" - “THE ED Osmonds. Essex, Eagles. Ramones, Sex Pistols. By artists like “SEX
stupid designs. Send Osmonds. Essex. Giltrap. The Who Club. PO Box. SULLIVAN SHOWS" - Roxy. Quo. Zeppelin, Motorhead, Led Zepplin, PISTOLS". “BLONDIE".
large SAE for details of 107A London N6 5RU. "THE DORSEY BROAD­ Denver, Queen, Stones. Queen. Rush. Thin Lizzy, “THE STRANGLERS",
Quo. Joel. Eagles.
free badges, monthly Denver. — SAE for details: GENESIS T-SHIRTS, CASTS” - PLUS! PLUS! Dylan, Genesis, Yes, AC/DC, Quo, Bowie, Black plus lots of others. For full
draw, offers etc. — Mister books, badges, etc. — RARE LAS VEGAS CON­ Straits. Wings, Stewart. Sabbath. Black/White. list send SAE to Record
G. Smith. 21 Manningtree
Tee. Dept 90. 66 Stoney Close. Wimbledon, SW19 Send SAE to Genesis In­ CERTS. HAWAII BENEFIT Elton, Bad Co. Beach S.M.L. T/Shirts. £2.75, Offers, PO Box 12, In­
Lane. Kidderminster, 6ST. formation, PO Box 107, - PLUS! PLUS! ELVIS Boys; SAE for details G. S/Shirts, £4.95. Post free. verness.
Worcs. London N6 5RU. LIVE IN PITTSBURGH, IN­ Smith, 21 Manning Tree Gentry, Dept. A. BOWIE COLLECTORS.
ABBA SIX best arenas Fri
SEX PISTOLS T-Shirts GAHy NUMAN Teeshirts. DIANAPOLIS, NIAGARA Close, Wimbledon. SW19 Queensway, Billingham, Huge private collection
9th, Sat 10th. will split, of­
(state which one) SML, £3 £3. Sweatshirts £4.95. FALLS. CHICAGO PLUS! 6ST. Cleveland. containing most rarities
fers.-01-837 5554.
— T.l.T.S., 12 Blenheim (S.M.L Ex-L). cheques / COMPLETE CONCERTS GARY NEWMAN. LED ABBA TICKETS swop or must go. Just send wants
Street, Newcastle on RUSH 2112 T-shirts. SML. PO's — Sprintprint, 120 FROM 1971-1977!! -PLUS! sell. — 14 Hunters and offers or SAE for auc­
£3. — T.I.T.S., 12 Blenheim ZEPPELIN (Knebworths),
Tyne. Shaftesbury Avenue, PLUS! FANTASTICALLY Who. AC/DC, Stranglers Avenue. Barnsley. S. tion list. - Box No 2125.
XTC (LOGO) T-shirts. Street, Newcastle on Swindon, Wilts. RARE CONCERT TOUR Yorks. SINGLES-50.000 oldies/
(Wembley), Police,
SML, £3. - T.I.T.S.. 12 Tyne. MONKEES MONTHLY’S obscurities — Send 25p for
THE POLICE Teeshirts PHOTO SETS IN SUPERB Gabriel, Wild Horses
Blenheim Street, Newcas­ FREE LIST of over 300 from February 1967. No 1 massive list. — Rox 255.
£3,00, sweatshirts £4.95 COLOUR — SUPER (Reading), Roxy Music.
tle on Tyne. great metal pin ons — (S.M.L. Ex-L). Cheques / to March 1969. No 26. All in Liscard Road, Wallasey,
CLOSE-UPS & ACTION! Scorpions, Rush. Lizzy.
LED ZEPPELIN (LOGO) punk. mod. rock, Ted soul PO's to — Sprintprint, 120 mint condition. Offers, Merseyside.
Send £1 FOR SAMPLE Dire Straits. Quo,
T-shirts, SML. £3. - jokes. Send I1p stamped Shaftesbury Avenue, Dave Roberts. 6/6 Matson SINGLES SALES. - 50 per
COLOUR PHOTO & Motorhead, Judas Priest.
T.I.T.S.. 12 Blenheim self addressed envelope Swindon, Wilts. Lane, Gloucester. GL4 cent OFF. Large SAE —
DETAILS! LARGE SAE to Jam. 1979 Colour concert
Street, Newcastle on to: — Photosouvenirs, (B), COMICS BY post. Marvel. 9DT. Tel: 421929. TSM Records. 220 Victoria
(E.P. International — RM). photographs. Also Blon­
Tyne. 23 Leicester Road, DC imports. Warrens. DIRTY RECORDS? Road West, Cleveleys.
2 Newbuildings. Milverton. die. Bowie. Genesis, Yes,
PANDORA'S BOX offer Fansworth, Manchester. Howard. Conan, Freak Hassle? Clean with an Blackpool.
Somerset. Ribow, Queen, Dylan, Pur­
five different badges for £1 UFOS. FAMOUS flying Brothers, Heavy Metal, PERSONALISED E.A.R.C! Dual piezo — HIT SINGLES, 1957/79.
ple. Sabbath, Olivia, etc.
and SAE. State groups re­ saucer photograph, BADGES. Send any cut­ electric cleaning action bargain priced. Large;
Undergrounds. 45p each. £4 for 10. Send
quired, 78-80 Wellgate. badge, comprehensive Distributed Marvels. Write ting, photograph, drawing SAE for list or with order eliminates static simply SAE. Also singles bought,
Rotherham. S60 2LR. booklists, etc. Send £1 to: for free catalogue of new to be professionally made and effectively. Send £7.50 any quantity. — 100 Ar­
to: Alan Perry, PO Box 4.
TUBEWAY ARMY — UFOS. 47 Belsize comics plus comic news into 2’/zin metal badges. now. — Anthron. 87 chers Road. Eastleigh.
Upton, W i r r a I ,
REPLICAS, T-shirts. SML. Square, London NW3. fanzine. — Fandom 30p each, 5 different £1., 12 Dunsmure Road. London. Hampshire.
Merseyside. L49 6LE.
£3. — T.I.T.S.. 12 Blenheim STATUS QUO. Logo T- Publications, P.O. Box 53. different. £2 post paid. — N16 5PT. LPs FROM 30p. 45 s from
Street. Newcastle on shirts. SML. £3. — T.l.T.S., 16 Wimbledon Arcade. Photobadges. 55 Nether- MOTORHEAD: Limited of­ 10p. SAE 24 Beauford
November 5th. 31
Tyne. 12 Blenheim Street, London. SW191PR. field Avenue. Eastbourne. fer of Reading '79 silver Avenue, Blackpool.
Cotherstone Road.
THE WHO - WEMBLEY - Newcastle on Tyne. ONE INCH badges. 25p DJ FAN clubs, your details Durham, DH1 5YN. skull shirts. ONLY official CASSETTES FOR sale.
August 1979, T-shirts, T-SHIRTS. DESTROY filth. post free Jam (2), Pistols up to 30 letters printed on band shirt. Black/Silver. Secondhand, fully
YOUR DISCO or private
SML. £3. - T.I.T.S.. 12 Swastika (motif), Sham 69 (5). Stranglers (2), Clash panel, push button pens. Send SAE to Motorhead, guaranteed. Send SAE for
name / address printed on
Blenheim Street, Newcas­ (bloodstained), Skids, (Police) Sham (2), Buzz­ — J. Pens. 18 Deakins c/o Great Western Road. list to: Dave Banks, 36
white, self-adhesive
tle on Tyne. Clash. Jam (bloodstain­ cocks (6). Bowie (3), 999, Road, Hay Mills. Birm­ London. W9. Spital Lane. Chesterfield.
labels. Identify records,
ANGELIC UPSTARTS. ed), Generation X. Devo (2). Plus many more. ingham 825 8DZ. FOREIGN CUTTINGS SINGLES 1100 Ex-disco
cassettes, invoices —
Logo T-shirts, SML, £3. — Adverts, XTC. Small, Send SAE for full list of 256 STIFF LITTLE FINGERS, collections: Devo. collection, boxed, v.g.c.
hundreds of uses! 1,000
T.I.T.S.. 12 Blenheim medium, large, £2 plus 25p badges, plus patches, T-Shirts, SML. £3. — Costello. Zappa, Sabbath. £440 o.n.o. — Farn (Kent)
supplied in handy
Street. Newcastle on p&p. — Stuart Reynolds, scarves, stickers, pro­ T.l.T.S.. 12 Blenheim Nazereth. Uriah Heep, 54977.
dispenser. £4.95 postpaid!
Lyne. 36A Thornhill Road, grammes. — Badge Co, 59 Street. Newcastle on Dire Straits, Procol MOLDLESS OLDIES.
Cheques I POs:
CHEAP TRICK, Logo T- Rastrick Brighouse. Piccadilly, Manchester. Tyne. Harum. Traffic, Ten Years 1000's available. 1955/78.
Jomacast. Dept RM, PO
shirts, SML, £3. - T.l.T.S.. Yorkshire. PERSONALISED STRANGLERS, LIVE After, Foreigner, Clapton, Imports re-releases, col­
Box 39, Banbury. Oxon.
12 Blenheim Street, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN BADGES. Metal (X-CERT) T-shirt. SML. £3. Stevie Wonder, Ronstadt, lector’s original UK labels,
Samples SAE
Newcastle on Tyne. T-shirts. SML. £3. - cellophane covered 2’/? — T.l.T.S., 12 Blenheim ABBA. TWO Wembley Animals. Santana, many singles, EP’s LP's. —
JOKES, FART powder, im­ T.I.T.S., 12 Blenheim ins diameter. Your wor­ Street. Newcastle on Tickets. November 7th others: SAE: Mycett. 136 SAE: Diskrey. 86/87
itation sick, crappalot tea Street, Newcastle on ding and / or artwork Tyne. both together. — Colin I s I i n g w o r d Road. Western Road. Hove.
bags, bloody mouth chew­ Tyne. printed in black on varied SPRINGSTEEN, HE’S THE Baker. 41 Impington. Will­ Brighton, Sussex. Sussex. Callers welcome.
ing gum, exploding pens, NEVER MIND THE coloured backgrounds. ONE T-Shirt. SML. £3. - ingham Way. Kingston.
smoke, stink bombs, punk BOLLOCKS T-shirts. SML,
£3. — T.I.T.S.. 12 Blenheim
Prices per design: 50p T.l.T.S., 12 Blenheim Surrey. KT1 3HZ. Records For Sale
hairspray, cigarette each, 3-£1.40. 6-E2.50. 12- Street. Newcastle on JOHNS CHILDREN and
bangers, mucky pup, Street, Newcastle on £3.50, 25-£6. 5O-£1O. 100- Tyne. UNIQUE AMERICAN com­
Bolan items. — Box No
garlic caramels, red hot
sweets, saucy sugar when
melts little willie floats to
ROCK 'N' ROLL T-shirts.
£15. 200-£24, 500-£50, 1000- ABBA WEMBLEY.
£95. or send any photo, November. — 07 0635
cutting, or drawing to be 67850.
ABBA TICKET for sale
Wembley 8th. Want offers.
pilation including Tyran­
nosaurus Rex’s Cat-Black,
perfect. Offers. — 71
top, Hitler masks, sea SML. £3. — T.I.T.S., 12 Noelgate, Aughton, Orm-
made into individual ABBA STAFFORD, two — Phone 01-868 9115, after
monkey, now wonder
pets, big bang guns, over
hundred super jokes,
Blenheim Street. Newcas­
tle on Tyne.
badge. 25p each, 6 dif­ best seats. Offers. 0978 /
ferent £1, 14 for £2! Full 822284.
brochure of all our ser­ T. SHIRTS. Destroy. Filth,
5 pm.
TARTANS In red, yellow,
skirk. Lancs.
singles. — SAE Box No
saucy posters, novelties, T-shirts, stickers printed 2126.
vices sent free with every Swastika (motif), Sham 69 or green. Also PLAIN
magic tricks. Send SAE for to your own design. — TWENTY BRAND new dif­
colourful brochure and
FREE gift to: — Jokers
Send SAE to Winston Pro­
motion. 9 Hatton Place.
Hatton Garden, London
order. All prices include (Bloodstained), Skids,
P&P. — M. Nickson, 3 Ball Clash, Jam (Bloodstain­
Avenue. Wal lasey, ed), Generation X.
BLACK drill, all with
bumflaps, zips, leg straps.
SIZES - guys 26. 28. 30.
ferent twelve Inch singles.
£10, Incl p & p. — M. J.
Roulston, 27 Miss Park
Corner, (Dept R), 167 Win­ Merseyside. Adverts, XTC. Small, 32. Girl’s 8.10. 12. 14. Only
chester Road, Bristol BS4 EC1N 8RU. 01-405 Boulevard. Glasgow G52
UK SUBS OFFICIAL MER- Medium, Large. £2 plus £19.00. BONDAGE T-
3NF. 0906/4127. C H A N D I S I N G . 25p p&p. Stuart Reynolds,
“Tomorrows Girls’’ 36a Thornhill Road,
badges. T-shirts, stickers, Rastrick, Brighouse.
SHIRTS, small or medium.
£5.95. LEOPARD
TROUSERS - Fur fabric,
12in AND 7in records for
sale. SAE for lists. — Flat
drainpipes (for best look 4, 34 Selden Road, Wor­
"Another Kind of Blues". Yorkshire.
Badges, T-shirts, stickers, COLOUR CONCERT order smallest size you thing. Sussex.
colour posters, PHOTOGRAPHS - ONLY
photographs etc. Send £2.99 per pack of 10 prints
SAE for FREE LISTING of (excl p&p). TOP BANDS &
can). Guys, sizes 24, 26,
28. 30, 32. 34. Girls — 8. 10.
12. 14. 16. £19. T-Shirts.
Dealers! This is the largest
list of all time. 76 pages of
up to date available Mer­ ARTISTS pictured live on Siouxsie. Adam Ant, Sid n’ Soul. Funk. Disco. R *N' R,
Jazz; and oldies. Over
chandise and prices to: stage. Aerosmith; Barclay
UK SUBS PRODUCTS. PO James Harvest; Blondie.
Box 12. Guildford. Surrey. Boomtown Rats: Elkie
Nancy, specials. S.M.L.,
£3.50. LEOPARD - print or
TIGER - stripe, on red or
4,500 records listed. SAE
+ 25p to Vinyl junkie. 26
Luxor Road, Leeds 8.
THIN LIZZY, BLACK ROSE Brooks: Camel; Clash; Ian yellow. £4. Medium.
T-shirts. SML, £3. — Dury & Blockheads: The Yorkshire.
ROCKERS — The film’s
T.I.T.S., 12 Blenheim Enid; Dr Feelgood; Rory
Street, Newcastle on Gallagher: Generation X:
Tyne. John Miles & Band; Bill
just out — Rockers' T-
Shirts. S.M.L.. £3.35. All
items post free, money
for sale, fully guaranteed.
25p for lists to: Dave
01-836 1522
MOTORHEAD. OVERKILL Nelson’s Red Noise; Jen­ cheerfully refunded if not Banks. 36 Spital Lane.
T-Shirts. SML. £3. T.l.T.S., ny Haan; George Hatcher satisfied. — B. Leach, 50D Chesterfield.
12 Blenheim Street, Band: Steve Hillage: (Basement) Redcliffe
Newcastle on Tyne. Judas Priest; Osibisa; Gardens, Chelsea. Lon­
T.l.T.S. — SWEAT Graham Parker & Rumour; don. SW10. ARE YOU A TOP D.J.?
SHIRTS, same designs as Suzi Quatro; Rezillos; RUSH: Official tour
on our T-Shirts, only £4.95. Runaways: Siouxsie & souvenirs from ‘79 Euro’ Have you got Personality?
- Tell it shirts. — T.l.T.S., Banshees: Slits; Squeeze; tour/Bingley Hall. Send Do you mix well?
12 Blenheim Street, Stranglers; Thin Lizzy; SAE to: Rush, c/o 15 Great Do you play tomorrow's music today?
Newcastle on Tyne. UFO; Whitesnake etc. ALL Western Road, London. Are you worth a minimum of £4,000 per annum?
RUSH TOUR OF THE top-quality aphotos by W9. Do you wish to join an established and
HEMISPHERES T-Shirts, professional TIES, GOOD quality, black, progressive Company with expanding interests
SML. £3. - T.l.T.S., 12 photographers. Exclusive slim, silk screened logos, in Discotheques?
Blenheim Street. Newcas­ pack contains 10 different mod's Jam, Who, Secret
tle on Tyne. prints — size 5in x 3’/zin, of Affair, Madness, Sid. Then ring (reverse charge) Colin Mogie
WRIST BANDS, black same band — FOR ONLY £1.50. Post paid or call at on Middlesbrough 210486/7
leather. 2 ’/? i n wide, £2.99. plus p&p: per pack shop. — Pattens. 60A Bow between 2.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m.
pointed brass, studs, UK/12p; Overseas/25p. Road, London. E3.
tough thong lacing, just Buy now — Send remit­ MOTORHEAD: COLLEC­
£1.50 (tow for £2.80). Send tance to: Gigpix Colour­ TORS ITEM. Limited offer
SAE for fantastic packs (P47) PO Box 22, 15 of Iron fist and the hordes
catalogue of studded Marks Road, Wokingham, from hell' T. Shirts as sold
belts, wrist bands and Berkshire, RG1 1NW (or at the Music Machine
fuitar straps. — Seagull send SAE for catalogue 30/9/79. Black/White.
rading Company (Dept detailing photo range Send SAE to Motorhead,
R). 9 Terminus Road, featuring many other top c/o 15 Great Western
Eastbourne. Sussex. bands). Road, London. W9.
Record Mirror, October 20,1979 45


re -• ■ =
NO. 7 £1.20
DEB 19 £1.20

£4 incIP/P
SET OF 12 (Free Badge with
ANN 5x3 COL SET OF 8 (5x3) each T-Shirt)
£2.45 BOLAN MINI DRESS j alternative design
£S.70 ¡nd. £3.70 inc.
fers please. — 33 Rich­ SAE. — Paul Davies,
Records For Sale mond Street, New Crugan C.S.. Llanbedrog,
SHAUN CASSIDY picture Brighton. Merseyside. Ywynedd, North Wales.
OLDIES. SAE. — Pay Cot­ DO YOU collect records? EASTWOOD (7)
disc. 'Hard Love.’ — Irene B/W—£1.10
Wall, 60 Kings Road. tage, Furnace, Ashbur­ My latest catalogue lists
Wilmslow, Cheshire. nham. Battle, Sussex. hundreds of top hits from
BEATLES CUSTOM ALWAYS OVER 15,000 the 50‘s 60’s and 70's, all
recording. ‘‘Get Back" singles in stock. Recent brand new! SAE to: Tim
single. SAE for details. — ex-juke box hits at bargain Heath, 112 Stonedale, Sut­
prices, plus brand new ton Hill, Telford. Salop. DEBBIES GROUP
Martyn, 39 Snowdrop Ho. 20-£1.20
Close. Broadfield, 45’s from past 25 years. POLICE PICTURE disc-of­ . b I
Crawley. Sussex. Send 12p stamp for giant fers to Katie Dennis. 22 J. WAYNE £1.20 NEW OLIVIA K. BUSH 4 £1.30
ECHOES FROM THE PAST list. — Gemini Records. Hillway. Tranmere Park. No. 8 £1,20
collectors original issue 123 George Street. Guiseley, Leeds. Also JAM
singles. 1957 - 1976, SAE. Mablethorpe. L i n- many other picture discs. £1.30
REBOUND SOUND. 8 Vic­ colnshire. 12in + oldies, send for £1.45 £1.20
toria Road. Knaphill, Wok­ SINGLES 1965-79 (no list), list.
ing. Surrey. send requirements with MARC BOLAN, third MB II Full length £2.4$
YOU WANT it we got it. SAE for express quote. degree (Decca) demo.
probably the best list of Thousands available. — John's Children — Go Go
new wave, and punk Regent Enterprises. 31 Giri. Desdemona. Offers
rarities you're likely to see Lakelock Drive, Stanley. phone Steve 01-449 3400.
this century 12in coloured Wakefield.
for sale. Larry Lurex NEW JACKLYN No. 6 £1.20
vinyl, promos, demos, all PRIVATE COLLECTION of SMITH No. 4 £1.20
at set prices SAE, or IRC, (Queen) and Smile (B. May DEBBIE 3 £1.20
old singles SAE for lists to
83 Heather Way, Stanley, + R. Taylor). £10 pair. £6
167 Castle Road. KISS £2.25
County Durham. each. — Dave Walmsley.
Salisbury, Wilts.
ALL TYPES of LP. As new PO Box 61. Liverpool. L69
for sale, send SAE + 5p
for list. — 57 Stokewell
stamp for massive priced
list to: 129 Brixham Road.
NEW LP's 5 0 p !
Guaranteed bargains.
Road, West Melton,
Rotherham. South
Yorkshire. S636NF.
Welling, Kent.
BLONDIE 12in and LP’s
Presence, Denis £8 each.
Lists SAE. — Crowne, PO
Box 39, Banbury. Oxon.

TRASH - ROXY (12in) and 100's 12in and LP's Rush QUO - LIZZY JAMES 22 MOOR STREET
Bill Bentley - Kilburn and 'Hemispheres' (Pic). Elton £2.2$ DEAN BIRMINGHAM DEB
High Road (Ian Drury), of­ single (pic), £4.50 each. B/W £2.35 No 14
MARILYN ADD 35p post/packing for 1/2
EVERY ★★★★★★ MONROE Posters, 5p each extra one SCORPIONS 5ft Giant
B/W £2.25 £1.30 £1.30

HARLEQUIN PICTURE you've always promised Discotronics, 14 Heysham BRITISH BARRY 9.15 am to 3.15 pm except
yourself. Our studio is a Road. Morecambe, Lan­ MANILOW fan club. SAE Wednesday and Sunday.
DJ's dream. It's profes­ cashire. 13 Beaufort Way, Ewell,
TELLS sionally equipped and DISCOTRONICS BUY Surrey KTIT 2PS.
68 ST. PETERSGATE, STOCKPORT together with our expert disco equipment too! — OFFICIAL UK Subs Fan Penfriends
help and advice it could Morecambe 420779 / Club. — Send SAE to PO
land you a job in radio, for 414880 Box 12, Guildford. Surrey.
POSTERS £1.30 each + P&p 35p. AU nrw ond pr»,ioeilr wipyblilhed. audition tapes, pro­ JINGLE MACHINE S3000 wanted. — Box no. 2100.
gramme and.jingle recor­ professional ‘Nab' Car­
Gary Numan STORY ding, Nab carting or just tridge playback and record Mobile Discos
The Police
Sex Pistols studio practise time, call unit as new, £180 worth GEMINI DISCO for all oc­
DJ Jingles
Debbie Harry RTI Productions on — 01- double. - Call 01-940 5969.
Scorpion casions. 01-8989437. EXCLUSIVE OFFER (100
940 5969 for more details.
CJ SOUNDS, any occa­ RADIO JINGLES). The pro­
Fan Clubs duction charge of these
NEW NEW Giant Posters from 'Pace' £2.50 + poi» (SOp)
Disco Equipment sion. — Romford 63680.
VFMO 226 0077. jingles were at least six or
DISCOSOUND ing Hancock collectors? — DISCOTHEQUES. - 01-965 seven times what they I
Pink Floyd ROADSTAR Console fetur- East Cheam Fanatics? 2991 I 2826. will cost you. This is a
Marilyn Monroe Why not add a picture ing built-in (350w) stereo (THRM) 2 Newbuildings, KEITH LAYTON'S Stereo once only offer, so act
amp — 3 way light unit and Milverton, Somerset. Roadshow. Professional now while stocks last. For
to your personal Discotheques. 01-521 full details send SAE. —
Dolby stereo cassette. KEITH EMERSON
Column advert. See Ten months old. Im­ 2322. To: Radio Jingles, PO Box
information wanted —
COLOUR ROCK CONCERT Photos 5" x 4" io nt. £430 (pest «*) coupon below maculate condition £500. STEVE DAY-01-524 4976. 12. Inverness.
Obscure, commonplace,
Gary Numan Debbie Harry — Telephone 051 526 9751. for possible. Fanlet, SAE DAVE JANSEN.
Elvis Presley David Bowie FOR SALE 200w soundout 4010.
stereo disco, four
for reply Box No 2122.
BLONDIE OFFICIAL fan CLOUD 9.-01 368 7447. For Hire
ELVIS CALENDAR 1980. £2.75 p.«Mip speakers plus add-on PRIVATE PARTIES. - 328 DISCO HIRE, lowest rates,
Club. — SAE to PO Box 63,
horns, full light show, London W2 3BZ. 3058 after 5 pm. no deposit. —
BOOKS Postage & Packing in Brackets three projectors, fog bub­ STATUS QUO official sup­ Discotronics, Morecambe
Elvis 1980 Annual £1.75156pl; Lrleb Times of Blondie £1.25126p); Boo
ble and jingle machines porters club. — SAE to PO Equip. For Sale 420779 I 414880.
Gees Authorised Biography 160 pages £2.95 (60p>; The New Best ot £2,000 ono. Ilketshall Box 63, London W2 3BZ. DISCO EQUIPMENT, PA
Dolly Parton Songbook 90 pages £3.95 I45pl. Dolly Parton Personal (Suffolk) 227 or 355. THE WHO official club. - HAMMOND VS250 £300. systems, sound to light
D J STUDIOS------------
Portrait £1.96 I25pl; Elvis Illustrated Biography 120 pages £3.95 (70p>; DISCOTRONICS CASH 'N' Send SAE for details to Roland SH2000 Synth £500. units, reasonable rates. —
Etvis In his own words £2.95 (45pl; Lou Reed Rock & Roll Animal 96p NOW'S THE TIME to do Leslie 760 £400. or £1,000
I25p); Bob Dylan Illustrated Record 120 pages £4.95 <60p); Genesis CARRY, free catalogues, The Who Club, PO Box Newham Audio Services.
Evolution of a Rock Band £5.50 I75p); The Complete Bootlegs that radio audition tape keenest prices. — 107A, London N6 5TU. the lot. — Epping 77515 01-534 4064.
Discography £2.25 (35p). Decade ot the Who £4.50 (£1.00); Tommy
The Movie £2.96 (60p>; Beatles Sono Book 1967-1970 <2 95 (40p).
Beatles Song Book 1962 1966 £2 95 l«p). Rolling Stones File £3.50
<50p): Mersey Beat (The Beatles) £2.50 (60p); Marc Bolan A Tribute
<2.95 (60p); The Bee Gees Story £1.95 (50p); Clint East wood (All
American anti hero) £2 50 (60p), George Harrison Yesterday b Today
£1.96 (50pl: Linda Ronstadt I by V Sinclair) £1.95 (SOp); Abba Voulez
Vous Songbook £3.50 |75p), ELO Anthology Songbook £4.96 <75p);
SMALLS — order form
Songs of David Bowie £3.95 I75p); David Bowie Words & Pics £2.50
(45p|; Life b Times ot Bowie £1.2S(45p); Life & Times of Frank Zappa Rates & Conditions PLEASE PUBLISH my advertisement under the heading
96p (30p>; Buzzcocks Songs £2.50 !30pl. The Sex Pistols File £2.50
I35pl; Beatles Illustrated Record £3.25 I66p); The Cobb Book Effective from 16th October 1978 insertion(s) commencing issue dated..................................
(Cartoons by Ron Cobb) £2.95 ISOpI: The Complete Elvis Songbook
£4 95 (75p); The Elvis Memorial Album £1.95 |40pl; Private Elvia I enclose a cheque/postal orderfor............... M..................... to cover the cost made payable to RECORD
(Army Daya) £2.95 (60p>; The Clash Songbook £3.50 I55p). Views by Under the Headings:
Roger Dean Hardback £9.95 I£1.00); led Zeppelin Story P'Back 75p FAN CLUBS. PEN FRIENDS. SITUATIONS MIRROR
post; The ELO Fanzine 50p inc post; The Sex Pistols Fanzine 85p inc RECORDS WANTED. INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE.
post. Marc Bolan Fanzine 66p inc post; The Farrah Fawcett Majors TUITION. SPECIAL NOTICE. RECORDS WANTED. ACCEPTED
Poster Mag 60p Inc post 33' x 24’. The Blondie Poster Mag 60p Inc SITUATIONS WANTED.
post 33’ x 24"; The Abba Poster Mag 60p inc post 33" x 24" The Elvis and any other private, trade announcements lOp per
Poster Mag 60p Inc post 33’ x 24"; The Roger Daltry Poster Mag 60p word
inc post 33’ x 24"; The Kate Jackson Poster Mag Wp inc post 33" x After first two,
24"; The Rod Stewart Poster Mag 60p inc post 33' x 24"; Dylan in his all words in BOLD type 5p per word extra
Own Words £2.96 (55pl; Beatles In Their Own Words £2.96 I56p);
Elvis in his Own Words £2.96 (S6pl; Rod Stewart Life on the Town BOX NUMBERS
£3.50 (60p); Rolling Stones Illustrated Record £2.96 I65pl; Yessongs Allow two words plus SOp service fee
£3.95 (40p); Ian Dury Songbook <3.50 (45pl; Who's Who In Rock £3.50
<56p); Never Mind the Bollocks Songbook £350 (45p). Bowie Station SEMI DISPLAY advertising
to Station £4.95 (60pl; All Mod Cons - The Jam <2.50 (35p): Tno Jam £7.25 per single column 'nch
Songbook £1.96 l30p); The Blondie Poster Mag No 2 (with £2.90 per single column centimetre
Saxophone); The Planet Story by Harry Harrison £5.50 (70pl; Elvis
the Legend Lives On IMag) £1,00 inc post; The Abba Annual 1980 SERIES DISCOUNTS
£1.75 post (60p); Th» Rush/Motorhead Mag 85p post inc; Bob Dylan. 5% for 6 insertions
Rolling Thunder Log Book £1.75 (60p); Blondie Picture This 13.95 7% for 13 insertions
I45p); Bruce Springsteen Story £2.50 ISOpI; Elvis Come Home (Mag) »0% for 26 insertions Name.............................................................................................................................................
£2.25 (20p); Elvis in.Canada IMag) £2.25 (20p); Elvis Years (Magi "56 1291 for 52 insertions
•57 58 '59 '60 £225 each 120p); Bob Dylan by Milas £1.50 (30p). Elvis
Quizbook 90p 120p). Quadrophonie Mag 45p (30p); Roxy Music'»: -Send completed form with Cheque'Postal O'de> to:
Address .................. ...... .. .. w..... |................................................................
Greatest Hits £2.96 (50p). Wings Over USA £3.25 (80pl Small Ads Dept. Record Mirror. 40 Long Acre.
London WC2E 9JT. Name and address vyben Included in advert must be paid for
46 Record Mirror, October 20,1979

REGGATTA DE BLANC. Police A&M 1 2 RISE. Herb Alpert A&M
2 1 DON'T STOP 'TIL YOU GET ENOUGH. Michael Jackson Epic 1
2 2 EAT TO THE BEAT. Blondie Chrysalis
— 3 7 POPMUZIK.M Sire 1
3 WHATEVER YOU WANT. Status Ouo Vertigo
SAIL ON. Commodores Motown S
4 THE LONG RUN. Eagles Asylum
10 OFF THE WALL. Michael Jackson Ep< 5 6 I'LL NEVER LOVE THIS WAY AGAIN. Dionne Warwick Arista I
6 3 THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE. Gary Numan Beggars Banquet 6 8 DIM ALL THE LIGHTS. Donna Summer Casablanca i
7 OCEANS OF FANTASY. Boney M Atlantic/Hansa 7 3 SAD EYES. Robert John EMI g
8 7 DISCOVERY. Electric Light Orchestra Jet 8 5 MY SHARONA. The Knack Capitol I
9 9 15 HEARTACHE TONIGHT. Eagles Asylum 1
10 38 STILL. Commodores Motown E
10 8 STRING OF HITS. Shadows EMI
DOWN TO EARTH. Rainbow Polydor 11 11 HEAVEN MUST HAVE SENT YOU. Bonnie Pointer Motown i
11 15
12 PARRALLEL LINES. Blondie Chrysalis 12 14 YOU DECORATED MY LIFE. Kenny Rogers United Artists I
13 9 LONESOME LOSER. Little River Ban<j Capitol E
13 16 IN THROUGH THE OUT DOOR, Led Zeppelin Swan Song
14 18 DIRTY WHITE BOY. Foreigner Atlantic E
14 19 GREATEST HITS 1972-78.10CC Mercury
15 40 TUSK. Fleetwood Mac Warner Bros Ë

15 6 THE RAVEN. Stranglers United Artists
16 54 Virgin 16 28 PLEASE DON'T GO. KC & The Sunshine Banf TK :
17 I AM. Earth Wmd & Fire CBS 17 17 SPOOKY, Atlanta Rhylhm Section Polydor ’
18 14 BREAKFAST IN AMERICA. Supertramp A&M 18 20 LOVIN' TOUCHIN'. SQUEEZIN'. Journey Columbia g
19 — MR UNIVERSE. Gillan Acrobat 19 22 GOOD GIRLS DON' T. The Knack Capitol S
1 1 VIDEO KILLED THE RADIO STAR. Buggies Island 34 SURVIVAL. Bob Marley & The Wailers Island 20 26 HOLD ON. lan Gomm Stiff/Epic
20 United Artists 1
2 1 MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE. Police A&M 21 12 UNLEASHED IN THE EAST. Judas Priest CBS 21 21 GET IT RIGHT NEXT TIME, Gerry Rafferty
3 DON'T STOP TIL YOU GET ENOUGH. Michael Jackson Epic 22 — Charisma 22 24 COME TO ME. France Joli Prelude E
3 DREAMING. Blondie Chrysalis 23 39 I'M THE MAN. Joe Jackson A&M 23 23 WHERE WERE YOU WHEN IWAS FALLING IN LOVE, Lobo MCA/Curb
5 9 ONE DAY AT A TIME. Lona Martell Pye 24 — LENA'S MUSIC ALBUM. Lena Martell Pye 24 27 1 KNOW A HEARTACHE WHEN 1 SEE ONE, Jennifer Warnes Arista
6 11 EVERYDAY HURTS. Sad Cafe RCA 24 CBS 25 32 THIS NIGHT WON'T LAST FOREVER. Michael Johnson America 1
32 WAR OF THE WORLDS. Joff Wayne's Musical Version
7 6 SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE. Rainbow Polydor 26 13 ROCK N' ROLL JUVENILE. Cliff Richard EMI 26 42 BABE. Styx A&M
8 5 WHATEVER YOU V/ANT. Status Ouo Vertigo 27 66 NOT THAT 1 AM BIASED. Max Boyce EMI 27 33 GOTTA SERVE SOMEBODY. Bob Dylan Columbia
9 26 WHEN YOU'RE IN LOVE. Dr Hook Capitol 28 27 MIDNIGHT MAGIC. Commodores Tamla Motown 28 31 MIDNIGHT WIND. John Stcwarl RSO
10 16 CHOSEN FEW. Dooleys GTO 29 17 REPLICAS. Tubeway Army Beggars Banquet 29 12 CRUEL TO BE KINO. Nick Lowe Columbia
11 18 QUEEN OF HEARTS. Dave Edmunds Swan Song 30 41 FACADES. Sad Cafe RCA 30 10 AFTER THE LOVE HAS GONE. Earth. Wind and Fire Arc
12 23 OK FRED. Erroll Dunkley Scope 31 23 OUADROPHENIA, Original Soundtrack Polydor 1 1 31 25 DEPENDIN' ON YOU. The Ooobio Brothers V/arner Bros
13 10 KATE BUSH LIVE ON STAGE. Kate Bush EMI 32 42 KENNY ROGERS SINGLES ALBUM. Kenny Rogers United Artists 1 I 32 45 IF YOU REMEMBER ME, Chris Thompson Planet
14 7 CARS, Gary Numan Beggars Banquet 33 35 BAT OUT OF HELL. Meat Loaf Epic 1 I 33 37 SO GOOD SO RIGHT. Brenda Russell Horizon
15 15 YOU CAN DO IT. Al Hudson and The Partners MCA 34 26 MANILOW MAGIC. Barry Manilow AristaI I 34 41 BROKEN HEARTEDME, Anne Murray Capitol
16 8 IF I SAID YOU HAO A BEAUTIFUL BODY. Bellamy Brothers V/arner Bros 35 25 NIGHT OWL. Gerry Rafferty United Artists 1 I 35 57 SHIPS. Barry Manilow Arista
17 28 BACK OF MY HANO. Jags Island 36 36 LAST THE WHOLE NIGHT LONG. James Last Polydor 1 ] 36 36 FOUND A CURE. Ashford 4 Simpson Warner Bros
18 30 TUSK. Fleetwood Mac Reprise 37 50 WE ARE FAMILY. Sister Sledge AtlanticI fl 37 43 YOU'RE ONLY LONELY. JDSoutner Columbia
19 14 CRUEL TO BE KIND. Nick Lowe Radar 38 20 VOULEZ VOUS. Abba EP* 1 I 38 47 FINS. Jimmy Buffett MCA
20 27 THE DEVIL WENT DOWN TO GEORGIA. Charlie Daniels Band Epic 39 22 THE ADVENTURES OF THE HERSHAM BOYS. Sham 69 Polydor 1 I 39 13 DON'T BRING ME DOWN. Electric Light Orchestra Jet
21 36 THE GREAT ROCK AND ROLL SWINDLE. Sex Pistols Virgin 40 — ONE VOICE. Barry Manilow I
Arista I <0 48 RAINBOW CONNECTION. Kermit The Frog Atlantic
22 19 THE PRINCE. Madness 2 Tone 41 21 ANOTHER KIND OF BLUES. UK Subs 1
Gem I 41 16 BORN TO BE ALIVE. Patrick Hernandez Columbia
23 51 MY FORBIDDEN LOVER. Chic Atlantic 42 67 RISQUE. Chic 1
Atlantic 1 42 46 STREET LIFE. Crusaders MCA
24 21 TIME FOR ACTION. Secret Affair I Spy 43 31 WELCOME TO THE CRUISE. Judie Tzuke 1
Rocket 1 43 50 PLEASE DON'T LEAVE. Lauren Wood Warner Bros
25 34 STAR. Earth Wind and Fire CBS 44 37 LIVE AND LEARN. Elkie Brooks A&M1 1 44 19 THE BOSS. Diana Ross Motown
26 12 LOVE'S GOT A HOLD ON ME. Dollar Carrere 45 24 SLOW TRAIN COMING. Bob Dylan I
CBS 1 45 5-1 VICTIM OF LOVE. Elton John MCA
27 47 GONNA GET ALONG WITHOUT YOU NOW. Viola Wills Ariola/Hansa 46 29 LOVE HUNTER. Whitesnake 1
United Artists I 46 29 ARROW THROUGH ME, Wings Columbia
28 37 MAKING PLANS FOR NIGEL. XTC Virgin 47 40 STORMWATCH. Jethro Tull 1
Chrysalis I 47 49 SURE KNOW SOMETHING. Kiss Casablanca
29 54 LUTON AIRPORT. Cats UK WEA 48 60 RUMOURS. Fleetwood Mac 1
Warner Bros I 48 53 LET ME KNOW (I Have A Right), Gloria Gaynor Polydor
30 NEV/ GIMME GIMME GIMME, Abba Epic 49 — THE UNRECORDED JASPER CARROTT. Jasper Carrott DJM 1 I 49 60 HALF THE WAY. Crystal Gayfe Columbia
31 42 CHARADE, Skids Virgin 50 30 MANIFESTO. Roxy Music Polydor 1 I 50 61 5:15. The Who Polydor
32 25 SLAP AND TICKLE. Squeeze A&M 51 45 SHOOTING STARS. Dollar Carrere 1 I 51 51 LEAD ME ON. Maxine Nightingale Windsong
33 NEW CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE. Queen EMI 52 38 SKY.Sky Ariola 1 1 52 52 REASON TO BE. Kansas Kirshner/CBS
34 17 STRUT YOUR FUNKY STUFF. Frantique Phtl Int 53 57 THE VERY BEST OF LEO SAYER. Leo Sayer Chrysalis 1 I 53 56 DREAMING. Blondie Chrysalis
35 40 SPIRIT BODY AND SOUL. Nolan Sisters Epic 54 61 OUT OF THE BLUE. Electric Light Orchestra Jet I I 54 70 TAKE THE LONG WAY HOME. Supertramp A&M
36 20 DON'T BRING ME DOWN. ELO Jet 55 51 THE KICK INSIDE. Kate Bush EMI 1 1 55 68 BETTER LOVE NEXT TIME. Dr Hook Capitol
37 41 LET ME KNOW (I HAVE A RIGHT), Gloria Gaynor Polydor 56 33 STREET LIFE. Crusaders MCA 1 1 56 67 STARRY EYES. The Records Virgin
38 13 SAIL ON. Commodores Tamla Motown 57 46 DREAM POLICE. Cheap Trick Epic I I 57 69 DREAM POLICE. Cheap Trick Epic
1 58 58
39 39 SING A HAPPY SONG. O'Jays Phil Int 58 — VICTIM OF LOVE. Elton John Rocket I DO YOU THINK I'M DISCO. Steve Dahl Ovation
40 NEV/ NUCLEAR DEVICE (WIZARDOF AUS), Stranglers United Artists 59 56 DART ATTACK.Darts Magnet 1 J 59 - NO MORE TEARS.
41 29 DIM ALL THE LIGHTS. Donna Summer Casablanca 60 71 ENTERTAINMENT. Gang of Four EMI I Barbra Streisand & Donna Summer Columbia'Casablanca
42 33 DON'T BE A DUMMY. John Duncann Vertigo 61 — THE UNDERTONES. The Undertones Sire I I 60 72 MY FORBIDDEN LOVER. Chic Atlantic
I 61 73
43 NEW SMASH IT UP. Damned Chiswick 62 70 JOE'S GARAGE ACT 1. Frank Zappa CBS 1 I NEED A LOVER. John Cougar Riva
44 63 I DON'T WANT TO BE A FREAK. Dynasty Solar 63 62 LIVE KILLERS. Queen S EMI 1 1 62 65 DAMNED IF I DO. The Alan Parsons Project Arista
45 52 THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME. Headboys RSO 63 44 HERE, Leo Sayer Chrysalis 1 I 63 74 I WANT YOU TONIGHT. Pablo Cruise A&M
46 NEW SHE'S IN LOVE WITH YOU. Suzi Quatro RAK 65 49 BAD GIRLS. Donna Summer Casablanca 1 I 64 - IF YOU WANT IT. Nitellyte Arrola
47 64 ON MY RADIO. Selector 2 Tone 66 75 CITY TO CITY. Gerry Rafferty United Artists 1 I 65 75 WHO LISTENS TO THE RADIO. The Sports Arista
48 35 POINT OF VIEW. Matumbl Matumbi 67 63 MORNING DANCE. SpyroGyra Infinity 1 1 66 30 ROLENE.Moon Martin Capitol
49 24 STREET LIFE. Crusaders MCA 68 71 INTO THE MUSIC. Van Morrison Vertigo I 1 67 34 BAD CASE OF LOVING YOU. Robert Palmer Island
50 58 HEARTACHE TONIGHT. Eagles Asylum 69 55 COMING UP FOR AIR. Penetration Virgin 1 I 68 35 DRIVERS SEAT. Sniff 'N' The Tears Atlantic
51 73 THE SPARROW. Ramblers Decca 70 47 THE BEST OF THE DOOLEYS. The Dooleys GTO 1 1 69 — CRUISIN'. Smokey Robinson Tamia
52 66 RISE, Herb Alpert A&M 71 48 TUBEWAY ARMY. Tubeway Army Beggars Banquet 1 1 70 - HIGHWAY TO HELL, AC/DC Atlantic
53 32 THE LONELIEST MAN IN THE WORLD, Tourists Logo 72 28 THE BEST DISCO ALBUM IN THE WORLD. Various WEA I 1 71 - IT'S ALL I CAN DO. The Cars Elektra
54 31 REGGAE FOR IT NOW. BUI Lovelady Charisma 73 53 NIGHTFLIGHT TO VENUS. Boney M Ailantic/Hansa 1 I 72 - LADIES NIGHT. Kool 8 The Gang De-Lite
55 48 JUMP THE GUN. Three Degrees Ariola 74 58 BRIDGES. John Williams Lotus 1 {I 73 - COOL CHANGE. Little River Band Capitol
56 45 SUMAHAMA. Beach Boys Caribou 75 « NEVER MIND THE BOLLOCKS HERE'S THE SEX PISTOLS. Sex 1 I 74 - PRETTY GIRLS. Melissa Manchester Arista
57 44 STRAW DOGS. Still Little Fingers Chrysalis Pistols Virgin 1 I 75 - CONFUSION. Electric Light Orchestra
58 NEW SARAH. Thin Lizzy Vertigo
59 22 WE DON’T TALK ANY MORE. Cliff Richard EMI
60 NEW MEMORIES. Public Image Ltd. Virgin
Capitol THE INCREDIBLE run of albums debuting at number one
67 NEV/ BIRD SONG. Lene Lovich Stiff continues this week with Police’s 'Reggata De Blanc' problem is due
Specially devel
68 57 GHOST DANCER. Adrissi Brothers Scotti Brothers (white Reggae) dramatically capturing tne top spot from
69 NEW BABY BLUE. Dusty Springfield Mercury Blondie's 'tat To The Beat’. The Police album sold at a
70 NEW FREEDOM'S PRISONER. Steve Harley EMI phenomenal rate last week and should have no trouble in
71 NEW CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF YOUR LOVE. Darts Magnet attaining platinum status (300,000 sales) — a figure achiev­
72 59 NO ONE GETS THE PRIZE. Diana Ross Tamla Motown ed by Blondie in less than two weeks, though Debbie and
73 NEW BRIGHT SIDE OF THE ROAD. Van Morrison Mercury the gang will be hard-pushed to equal the sales of their witt sell for £7.50 ...
74 NEW SAD EYES. Robert John EMI previous 'Parallel Lines' album which recently topped the
75 50 ANGEL EYES. Roxy Music Polydor million mark ...
a means of relaxing,
One question which I'm frequently asked is "How many nils did
The Beatles have In America? The Fab Four were easily the most
successful British act ever to hit the States with a total ot 63

was on January 18, 1964 when ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand' s from London and one from Kenfucky make up Giri

OW (WT debuted at 45. Two weeks later it was Number One. The rest of
the Beatles' American hits were: She Loves You' (1), 'Please
Please Me' (3), 'I Saw Her Standing There' (14), ‘My Bonnie' (26).
‘From Me To You’ (41). Twist & Shout' (2), 'Roll Over Beethoven'
" - ----------- 'Sweet Talk' is currently at*

Magnet Records is fast developing a time - warp fixation,

(68), 'Can't Buy Mo Love’ (1), ‘All My Loving’ (45), 'Do You Want the hugely successful Deris already doo - wopping their
To Know A Secret?' (2). 'You Can't Do That' (48), 'Thank You Girl’ several fifties and sixties style hit singles. Magnet
1 Michael Jackson (35), 'There’s A Place’ (74). Love Me Do' (1), 'Why?' (88) 'PS I Love ed The Flirts, three girls whose music imitates the Phil
2 Al Hudson & Partners Love You’ (10), Four By The Beatles (EP) (92). ’Sie Liebt Dlch' (97). sound of the sixties. A single by the girls has already been releas­
3 Frantique ‘A Hard Day’s Night' (1), ’Ain't She Sweet’ (19). 'I Should Have ed. The final part of the trilogy Is Matchbox, long recognised as
FEEL THE REAL David Bendeth Known Better' (53). 'And I Love Her' (12). 'I'll Cry Instead’ (25). 'If I the most authentic rockabilly group in the country. Matchbox,
Gene Chandler Fell' (53), ‘I'm Happy Just To Dance With You' (95). 'Matchbox’ though, are unique in that despite their style, their Infectious ag-
(17). 'Slow Down’ (25). ‘I Feel Fine’ (1), 'She's A Woman’ (4), ‘Eigtv
Days A Week’ (1). 'I Don’t Want To Spoil The Party' (39), 4 By The their new sit..._
7 SEXY CREAM Slick Beatles (68). Ticket To Ride' (1), 'Yes It Is' (46). 'Help' (1), 'Yester­ ard of the forthcoming album entitf-
8 DANCIN'AND PRANCIN' Candido day’ (1). ‘Act Naturally’ (47). 'We Can Work It Out' (1). 'Day Trip­ ed simply -Matchbox' ...
9 IT'S CALLED THE ROCK Edwin Starr per' (5). 'Nowhere Man’ (3). 'What Goes On' (81). ‘Paperback Janis lan first rose to fame with ’Society's Child’ a controversial
10 GONE. GONE. GONE Johnny Mathis Writer' (1). 'Rain' (23), ‘Yellow Submarine' (2). 'Eleanor Rigby’ (11) US hit of 1967 which was banned by most Radio stations. Jania
11 BABY BABA BOOGIE Gap Band ■Strawberry Fields Forever' (8), ‘Penny Lane' (1). 'All You Need Is was only 15 years old at the time but her incisive Idictment of
12 STAR Earth Wind & Fire Love' (1), 'Baby You're A Rich Man’ (34). ‘Hello Goodbye’ (1), ‘I society's altitude to a biack/white relationship was considered too
Paulinho Da Costa
Am The Walrus' (56), ‘Lady Madonna' (4), ‘The Inner Light' (96). hot to handle. Nevertheless, the record managed to peak at a
13 DEJAVU 'Hey Judo' (1). 'Revolution' (12). ‘Get Back' (1). ‘DonfLet Me
14 STREET LIFE Crusaders creditable 14 on Billboard’s US countdown. Janis faded from view
Down' (35). 'The Ballad of John & Yoko’ (8). 'Something' (1). 'Let It only to re-emerge with a US smash, 'At Seventeen', In 1975. A fur­
15 JUMPTHEGUN Three Degrees Be’ (1). *The Long & Winding Road' (1), 'Got To Get You Into My ther spell of failure has pointed Janis in yet another direction. Her
Life’ (7). '& Ob - La - DI Ob - La - Da’ (49). new single 'Fly Too High' was co-written and produced by
Complied by POWERHOUSE HEAVY METAL ROADSHOW Tel: 01-368 9852 Giorgio Moroder, though CBS maintain it's "not disco". Anomer
Stove Wonder's first album since September 1976. ’The Secret
Life Of Plants' has once again hit problems. Originally scheduled Moroder production. Tne Three Degrees' Jump The Gun' is now
for release some 14 months ago, the album has undergone digital
Record Mirror, October 20,1979 47

1 DON'T STOP'TIL YOU GET ENOUGH. Michael Jackson Epic
IN THROUGH THE OUT DOOR. Led Zeppelin Swan Song 2 8 YOU CAN DO IT, Al Hudson and Partners MCA DON'T STOP 'TIL YOU GET ENOUGH. Michael Jackson Epic 12in
THE LONG RUN. Eagles Asylum 3 5 THIS TIME BABY. Jackie Moore CBS YOU CAN DO IT. Al Hudson 4 The Parmers MCA12in
GET THE KNACK. The Knack Capitol 4 4 STREET LIFE. Crusaders MCA STRUT YOUR FUNKY STUFF. Franttque Phil Int 1Zin
MIDNIGHT MAGIC. Commodores Motown 5 6 STRUT YOUR FUNKY STUFF. Frantiquo Phil Int STREET UFE. Crusaders MCA12ln
OFF THE WALL. Michael Jackson Epic 6 2 SAIL ON. Commodores Motown DEJA VU/LOVE TILL THE ENDOF TIME.
HEAD GAMES. Foreigner Atlantic 7 3 FEEL THE REAL. David Bendeth Sidewalk Paulinho da Costa Pablo 12in
DREAM POLICE. Cheap Trick Epk 8 7 WHEN YOU'RE NUMBER ONE. Gene Chandler Chi-Sound FEEL THE REAL. David B»ndeth Sidewalk I2in
SLOW TRAIN COMING. Bob Dylan Columbia 9 13 PUT YOUR BODY IN IT. Stephanie Mills 20th Cent RISE. Herb Alpert A4M 12in
BREAKFAST IN AMERICA, Supertramp ASM 10 16 SING A HAPPY SONG. O’Jays Phil Int LADIES' NIGHT. Kool 4 The Gang Mercury 12in
RUST NEVER SLEEPS. Neil Young 4 Crazy Horse Reprise 12 11 GONE GONE GONE. Johnny Mathis CBS 1 DON'T WANT TO BE A FREAK. Dynasty Solar 12in
Arista 13 — DIM ALL THE LIGHTS. Donna Sumirer Casablanca
DIONNE. Dionne Warwick
Arista 14 12 CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOUR LOVE.Tamiko Jones Polydor
EVE. The Alan Parsons Project THIS TIME BABY. Jackie Moore CBS12in
ASM 15 - OOH WHAT A LIFE. Gibson Brothers Island
RISE, Herb Alpert SEXY CREAM. Slick Fantasy IZin
MCA 16 - STAR. Earth Wind 4 Fire CBS
VOLCANO. Jimmy Buffett STAR. Earth Wind & Fire CBS
PIR t7 10 IT’S CALLED THE ROCK. Edwin Sta r 20th Cent
Casablanca 18 15 FOUND A CURE. Ashford 4 Simpson Warner Bros
BAD GIRLS. Donna Summer DIM ALL THE LIGHTS, Donna Summer Casablanca 1 Zin
KENNY. Kenny Rogers United Artists 19 - POINT OF VIEW. Matumbi Matumbi
WHEN YOU'RE NUMBER 1, Gene Chandler Chi-Sound 12ln
Atlantic 20 — DEJA VU. Paulinho Da Costa Pablo Today
RISQUE. Chic IT'SCALLEDTHE ROCK. Edwin Starr 20th Century-Fox 12in
CANDY-O. Cars Elektra Compiled by: BLUES 4 SOUL. 153 Praed Street. London W2 Tel 01-402 6897. OOH I WHAT A LIFE, Gibson Brothers Island 12in
THE BOSS. Diana Ross Motown HOW HIGH, Cognac Electric 12in
I AM. Earth, Wind 4 Fire Arc
FEAR OF MUSIC. Talking Heads Sire
CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOUR LOVE. Tamiko Jones Polydor 12in
STORMWATCH. Jethro Tull Chrysalis
Columbia SAIL ON. Commodores Motown
IT'S A DISCO NIGHT. Isley Brothers Epic 12ln
JOE'S GARAGE, Frank Zappa Zappa
STAY FREE. Ashford 4 Simpson 1 KNEE DEEP. Funkadelic Warner Bros.
Capitol THE RIGHT TIME FOR US. Shalamar US Solar LP
FIRST UNDER THE WIRE. Little River Band 2 2 DON'T STOP TIL YOU GET ENOUGH. Michael Jackson Epic FOUND A CURE. Ashlord & Simpson Warner Bros IZin
FLIRTIN' WITH DISASTER. Molly Hatchet Epic 3 LADIES NIGHT. Kool 4 Tho Gang De-Llte REACHIN' OUT (FOR YOUR LOVE). Loo Moore US Source 12ln
31 48 - COMEDY IS NOT PRETTY. Steve Martin Warner Bros.
6 RISE. Herb Alpert ASM BABY BABA BOOGIE. Gap Band Mercury I2in
32 - ONE VOICE. Barry Manilow Arista
5 3 1JUST WANT TO BE, Cameo Chocolate City GONE GONE GONE. Johnny Mathis CBS 12ln
FRANCE JOLI. France Joli Prelude 6 5 IDOLOVEYOU. GO Arista SING A HAPPY SONG. O'Jays Phil Int
LABOUR OF LUST. Nick Lowe Columbia
7 FOUND A CURE. Ashford 4 Simpscn Warner Bros. MY FORBIDDEN LOVER. Chic Atlantici Zin
FICKLE HEART. Sniff 'N' The Tears Atlantic 8 8 FIRECRACKER, Mass Production Cotillion
LADIES NIGHT. Kool 4 The 6ang De-Lite
9 11 BREAK MY HEART. David Ruffin Warner Bros
RESTLESS NIGHTS. Karla Bonoff Columbia ANGEL EYES. Roxy Music Polydor 12ín
11 9 SAIL ON. Commodores Motown
UNCLE JAM WANTS YOU. Funkadellc Warner Bros. 12 18 RUM OR TEQUILA?, Stix Hooper US MCA LP
CRUISIN', Smokey Robinson Tamia
BOOGIE MOTEL. Foghat BearsviHo 13 19 POINT OF VIEW, Matumbi Matumbi 12in
1 JUST CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF. Nature's Divine Infinity
THE RECORDS Virgin 14 15 JINGO/DANCIN' 4 PRANCHIN', Candido Salsoul I2in
COME GO WITH ME, Toddy Ponder jrass PIR
15 17 BETWEEN YOU BABY AND ME. Culls Mayfield 4 Lmda Clifford RSO
16 20 DIM ALL THE LIGHTS. Donna Summer Casablanca
DISCOVERY. Electric Light Orchestra Jet SHE'S OUT OF MY LIFE. Michael Jackson Epic LP
17 14 THE BOSS. Diana Ross Motown
45 32 SECRETS. Robert Palmer Island GOOD TIMES. Chic Atlantic 12m
18 13 AFTER THE LOVE HAS GONE. EartT Wind & Fire Arc
THE MUPPETS. Soundtrack Atlantic COME ON AND DO IT, Poussez Vanguard 12in
19 — SO GOOD, SO RIGHT. Brenda Russell Horizon
— LOVE ANO FRIEND, Minnie Riperton Capitol
48 33 STREET LIFE. Crusaders MCA LOVIN', Stephanie Mills 20th Century-Fox 1Zin
49 34 WHAT CHA GONNA DO WITH MY LOVE. Stephanie Mills 20th Century I WANNA DO THE DO.’Bobby Rush Phil Int 12ln
50 - THE GLOW. Bonnie Raitt Warner Bros. GET UP AND BOOGIE. Freddie James US Warner BrosIZin
EAT TO THE BEAT. Blondie Chrysalis
52 52 CHEAP TRICK AT BUDOKAN. Cheap Trick Epic
OK FRED. Errol Dunkley Scope 12in
53 36 DISCO NIGHT. GQ Arista
54 39 REALITY WHAT A CONCEPT. Robin Williams Casablanca
FRUIT MUSIC. Lonnie Liston Smith US Columbia LP
55 — KEEP THE FIRE. Kenny Loggins Columbia
GROOVE ME. Fern Kinney WEA/USTK12ln
56 56 MINUTE BY MINUTE. Ooob<c Brothers Warner Bros.
MOVE ON UP. UP. UP. Destinati©© Butterfly THE RIVER DRIVE, Jupiter Beyond USAZOl2m
57 58 RICKIE LEE JONES, Riekie Lee Jonos Warner Bros.
58 42 MORNING DANCE. Spyro Gyra Infinity
HARMONY/OOOH LA LA. Suzi Lana Elektra WEAR IT OUT. Stargard US Warner Bros 12in
59 59 LOVE DRIVE. Scorpions Mercury
POP MUZIK. M SWEET TALK. Robin Beck US Mercury 1 Zin
60 60 FIGHT DIRTY. Charlie Arista
COME TO ME. France Joli Prelude DANCING LADY/FEEL THE HEAT. Bill Summers Prestige IZin
62 62 -BOP TILL YOU DROP. Ry Cooder Warner Bros.
BEAT OF THE NIGHT. Fever Fantasy SUNCHASER. Eddie Henderson Capitol/Tower LP
63 64 TEDDY. Teddy Pendergrass PIR
LADIES NIGHT. Kool 4 The Gang De-lito AFTER THE LOVE IS GONE. Earth Wind 4 Fire CBS
64 LIVE AND SLEAZY. Village People Casablanca
THE BREAK. Kat Mandu
65 66 B-52's Warner Bros.
FANTASY. Brum Pagan Elektra
66 68 THIGHS AND WHISPERS. Bette Midler Atlantic DANCING IN OUTERSPACE. Atmosfear Elite 12ln
67 67 SECRET OMEN. Cameo Chocolate City REGGAE FOR IT NOW. Bill Lovelady Charisma
E—MC< Giorgio Moroder Casablanca
68 — QUADROPHENIA, Soundtrack Polydor GONNA GET ALONG WITHOUT YOU NOW. Viola Wills Ariola Hansa
FOUND A CURE. Ashford & Simpscn Warner
69 70 THE JUKES. Southside Johnny 4 Asbury Jukes Mercury EXPANSIONS. Lonnio Liston Smith RCA12»n
PUT YOUR FEET TO THE BEAT. The Ritchie Family Casablanca
70 - ROBERT JOHN EMI America NO ONE GETS THE PRIZE. Diana Ross Motown
WHEN YOU TOUCH ME. TaanaGartner West End
71 74 STREET MACHINE. Sammy Hagar Capitol THE BREAK. Kat Mandu USTK12m
MUSIC MAN/REVENGE. Revanche Atlantic
72 72 PRIORITY. Pointer Sisters Planet SWITCH. Benelux 4 Nancy Deo Scope IZin
SADNESS IN MY EYES. Duncan Sisters Earmarc
73 — 8.39. WEATHER REPORT Arc/Columbia CHASE ME. ConFunkShun Mercury IZin
ANOTHER CHA CHA. Santa Esmeralda Casablanca
74 49 STUDIO 54. Various Artists Casablanca I'LL TELL YOU, Sergio Mendes Brasil '88 US Elektra 1Zin
DEPUTY OF LOVE. Don Armando's Second Avenue Rhumba Band ZE
75 — VAN HALEN II. Van Halen Warner Bros. JUST A FEELING, Stanley Clarke US Epic 1 Zin
TAKE A CHANCE. Queen Samantha

SHAKER SONG. Spyro Gyra Infinity 12in

63 81 JUMP THE GUN. Three Degrees Ariola 12in
DON'T YOU WANT MY LOVE. Debbie Jacobs MCA 12in/LP
FINO MY WAY, Cameo Casablanca 12ln
CHRISSY BOY (aka Chris Foreman - guitar)ol MADNESS STRATEGY. Archie Bell & The Drells Phtl Int/US 12in
ISRAELITES Desmond Dekker
SMOKEY JOE'S CAFE Smokey Robinson 4 The Miracles
WHAT YOU WAITIN' FOR. Rose Royce Whitfield LP
68 72 NO ONE HOME. Lalo Schifrin US Tabul2in
I'M WALKING Fats Domino
HOUND DOG Elvis Presley
YOUR BODY WORKIN'. Kleeer Atlantic 12in
70 87 RASTA AESTA, Sly Dunbar Virgin's Front Line 12in
54/46 WAS MY NUMBER The Maylels
ON MY RADIO The Selector
I'M STILL WAITING Diana Ross 71 42 MAKIN' IT. David Naughton RSO12ln
ROADRUNNER Junior Walker 4 The All Stars 72 71 ROLL-HER SKATER. Sterling Motown 12in
73 70 THE EVE OF THE WAR. Jeff Wayne CBS12in
Wayne Henderson US Polydor LP/12ln promo
75 — INTRO-DISCO. Discotheque Mercury 12in
TEN YEARS AGO (October 18.1969) 76 82 I SHOULD BE DANCING. Emotions CBS
ONE YEAR AGO (October 21.1978)
1 I'LL NEVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN Bobbie Gentry 77 - THERE’S A REASON, Hl-Tension Island 12in
SUMMER NIGHTS John-I -Travolta/Olivia Newton-John 78 63 AMERICAN HEARTS. Billy Ocean GTO 12in
RASPUTIN 79 - RAPPER'S DELIGHT. Sugarhill Gang USSugarhill 12in
Jane Birkin and Sergo Gainsbourg
LUCKY STARS Dean Friedman
3 I’M GONNA MAKE YOU MINE Lou Christie 80 SWISS KISS. Patrick Juvet Casablanca I2>n
SANDY John Travolta
4 A BOY NAMED SUE Johnny Cash
SWEET TALKIN' WOMAN Electric Light Orchestra NEW YORK CITY. Miroslav Vitous Warner Brosl2in
6 NOBODY'S CHILD Karen Young 81
I CAN'T STOP LOVIN' YOU Leo Sayer DOIN' THE DOG. Creme D’Cocoa US Venture 12m
7 LAY LADY LAY Bob Dylan 82
8 SPACE ODDITY David Bowie
RAT TRAP Boomtown Rats SHOW/ROCK THAT!. Earth Wind 4 Fire CBSLP
9 OHV/ELL Fleetwood Mac
FIVE YEARS AGO (October 19.1974) BUTTER, Twenny nine I Lonny White US Elektra LP
FIFTEEN YEARS AGO (October 17.1964) Ice 12in
85 80 MOVE UP STARSKY. The Mexican©
1 SAD SWEET DREAMER Sweet Sensation 1 OH PRETTY WOMAN Roy Orbison Polydor 12in
86 - LET ME KNOW (I HAVE A RIGHT). Gloria Gaynor
3 FAR FAR AWAY Slade 3 WHERE DID OUR LOVE GO The Supremes Arista GRP 12in/LP
4 GEE BABY Peter Shelley 4 THE WEDDING Julie Rogers Atlantic 12»n/LP
5 ANNIE S SONG John Denver 5 RAGDOLL The Four Seasons Atlantic
The Animats 90 - PUT YOUR FEET TO THE BEAT. Rllo^amily US Casablanca 12in
9 I GET A KICK OUT OF YOU Gary Shcarsion 9 WE RE THROUGH The Hollies
10 REGGAE TUNE Andy Fairweather Low 10 I WON'T FORGET YOU____________________ Jim Reeves

48 Record Mirrar, October 20,1979


His new album featuring the single

Album HISPD125
Aucxn Cassette REWND125 n i. ukoled by
lííCWW Sin9le XPRES 21 phonogram
t'll.lAtH '

RM 59mmx275mm

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