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Hi, I’m Licia Troisi and I just want to tell you some stuff about me.

I was born on November

25th, 1980 in Ostia, a little place by the sea near Rome. I have nothing really special to say
about my childhood, except my passion for writing.At the age of 7 I wrote some tales that my
parents collected in a little blue book.When I was 8, I tried to write something bigger, and a
20 pages book came out (a gigantic feat, isn’t it?). It was titled “Sindy & Mindy” and
resembled a tear-jerker japanese cartoon that I used to love as a child.Later on, I set my mind
on writing some kind of “Little Women” book, but fortunately I gave up.After my classical
studies at high school, I started to write a lot while getting my astrophysic degree.I gave it a
try with poetry, but that wasn’t really for me. So again, I wrote some tales even if I was
worried about not having a good story to tell. Then at the age of 21, I started to put down
Cronache del Mondo Emerso (Chronicles from the Emerged World), my first trilogy. I used
to write at night, just after studying all day long, and it took me a year and a half to complete
it.Out of the blue I sent the manuscript to the biggest italian publisher, Mondadori, and they
accepted it.In April 2004 my first book, Nihal della Terra del Vento (Nihal from the Land of
the Wind), was published and just few months later, in October, the second one came along,
titled La missione di Sennar (Sennar’s Mission).A year after the last one, Il talismano del
potere (The Power Talisman) was out in bookstores to complete the trilogy.In 2005, thanks to
the success of the first three books, I started writing my second trilogy, Le Guerre del Mondo
Emerso (Emerged World Wars), set in the very same world I had previously created, but
shifted forty years ahead in time and featuring new characters. In the meantime, I wrote two
new books, one set in Rome about a girl that hosted the spirit of a dragon inside her and titled
La Ragazza Drago (The Dragon Girl), and another one about ecomafia (i.e. crimes committed
against nature), a fantasy taking place in a city called Malva and therefore called I Dannati di
Malva (The Damned from Malva). Last year I started to write a new trilogy, my third one, Le
Leggende del Mondo Emerso (Emerged World Legends).In April 2007, I got married so I
now happen to be wife, a writer, an astrophysicist – right now, I’m a PhD student at the
Second University of Rome, Tor Vergata – and a mom too: in December 2009 my daughter
Irene was born. But writing and astrophysic are not my only passion. I like music, which I
listen to whenever and wherever possible. I like movies, comics and I read a lot for the simple
reason that it’s impossible to write books without being fond of them. I own a wonderful
sword in my dining room and I collect fantasy action figures. My house is quite full of
dragons, by the way.Special thanksKudos to Paolo Barbieri for the covers in my books!

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