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Carnival of the Animals: The Swans

Mr. Pierce

Objectives: Students will be able to move to the music in a way that fits to the music.

Standards Addressed:
Cr.1.K.b With guidance, generate musical ideas (such as movements or motives).
Pr.2.K With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts (such as
high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in a variety of music selected for performance.
Re.2.K With guidance, demonstrate how a specific music concept (such as beat or melodic
direction) is used in music.

Materials of Instruction: musicplayonline, recorder, projector, book,

Lesson Sequence:

- Welcome the students, have them sit quietly on their dot criss-cross applesauce.

Activity 1:
- Read the story on swans.
- Ask questions about the story.

Activity 2:
- Show the introduction video.
- Think, Pair, Share
- Did you hear some loud sounds? Soft sounds?
- What did the music sound like?

Activity 3:
- Watch the Listening Map video.
- Why does it go up and down?
- Does the music sound higher and lower at some parts?
- Can you move your hand up and down when you hear it in the music?

Activity 4:
- Move to the music
- Explain how we can move to the music in the right way.
- Quietly.

Activity 5:
- Pass out packets
- Let students come get crayons.
- Let them color their packets.

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