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Astha Kumari

Btech-Cse spz CCVT

Statement of Purpose

Hard work is the most important key to success. Achievements without hard work are
impossible. An idle person can never gain anything if they sit and wait for a better
opportunity to come.  Therefore it has been an incessant endeavour of mine to holistically
grab the opportunity to enhance my knowledge of various technologies and trends to come.
Studying new things. Being knowledgeable about technological shifts or any ongoing subject
and proactively seeking new opportunities to develop and grow are the best ways to describe
me. These opportunities could be in the form of training, a conference, listening to a speaker,
or taking on a new project, but the motivation is to increase my knowledge of the field.

Having an interest in programming, pushed me to challenge myself intellectually beyond the

bounds of my course and begin learning online. With introductory free online courses
Completing the course gave new aspects to my limited understanding of the subject. I knew
I'd found something I could do for the rest of my life and make a profession out of it. I
decided to pursue an undergraduate degree in computer science with a specialization in cloud
computing and virtualization because of my passion and zeal to study the huge computer

While working on my pre-final year project, I also had the opportunity to intern at IBM,
where I learned about the various cloud computing platform and gained an insight into
hosting a dynamic website on the AWS platform, and worked with cutting-edge development

I am confident in my ability to keep up with the rigorous environment and adaptability. I

further feel that, as a result of my industry and research expertise, as well as my passion for
utilizing language technology for cloud services, I can offer creative ideas to any institution's
relevant cloud-based efforts. To strengthen my career competence, I am well-prepared and
devoted to completing my graduate degree in computer science with a specialty in cloud
computing and virtualization at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies.

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