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Middle Semester Test

Subject : English for Specific Purposes

Credit : 2
Lecturer : Elwin P. Zebua, S.Pd.,M.Ed
Semester /class / year : VI / A,B,C / 2020-2021
Form : Essay (Take-Home)
Duration : Wednesday (10.00) – Thursday (10.00)

Direction : Read the following questions carefully and answer them as correctly as possible. No
plagiarism and copy-paste-act. Good luck.

1. There are three factors that influenced the history of ESP. How? (elaborate by providing
2 theories from experts. Your answer is 1000 words, maximum).
2. There are expectation toward future teachers in ESP. Explain them. (elaborate by
providing 2 theories from experts. Your answer is 1000 words, maximum).
3. Explain this diagram below (elaborate by providing 2 theories from experts. Your answer
is 1000 words, maximum):

Note: - Type the answers in A4 paper (2,2,2,2), single space, Candara 12 pt. font. Printed, and submitted
to the lecturer via class-commissary.
- Your answers are max. 3 pages
- Any absences of theories is a fail.

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