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Dunya aakhirat ki khaiti hy

Proof of Hereafter
1. Recording of Thoughts and Actions
Conscious → Sub-Conscious → Unconscious
Every action is recorded:
i. when light reaches
ii. every action leaves impact: inventions based upon these
iii. Every sound permanently exists
1. God is not useless and He doesn’t do useless things
2. CCTVs and cameras
3. more than 90% not used here

2. Complete Justice does not Prevail

Some hard work throughout the life, some do nothing
Some did crime and not caught, some did not…
Reward of hard work is not fully provided
Crimes cannot be fully punished: killer of more than one person?

Action = Reward
if Action ≠ Reward
if Here = Hereafter
and x + y ≠ 0 (equation is not balanced)

Good vs Evil
A person lives a pious life, other criminal life
Good life: follows good path
Bad life: use every technique to gain benefits
If no hereafter then:
i. Evil > Good
ii. how to convince people to do good?
But: Good ≠ Bad

Fulfilling Wishes
whishes are placed by God
two possibilities
1. fulfilling wishes
2. one fair chance
or justice will be prevailed

Perfection of worlds
everything in this world has stages
knowledge, wealth, power, status
existence of imperfection means perfection must exist
‫نسلُو َن ۔۔ قَالُوا ََي َويأ لَنَا َمن بَ َعثَنَا ِمن َّم أرقَ ِد َن َه َذا َما‬ ‫الصوِر فَإِ َذا هم ِمن أاْلَج َد ِ‬
‫اث إِ َ َٰل رِِِّبِم ي ِ‬
‫َ أَ‬ ‫ُ ِّ َ أ‬ ‫َونُِف َخ ِِف ُّ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ُرَض ُرو َن ۔۔ فَاأليَ أوَم ََّل‬ ‫صأي َحةً َواح َد ًة فَإِ َذا ُه أم ََج ٌ‬
‫يع لَّ َديأنَا ُأم َ‬ ‫ت إََِّّل َ‬ ‫ص َد َق األ ُم أر َسلُو َن ۔۔ إِن َكانَ أ‬ ‫حَ ُن َو َ‬‫الر أ ٰ‬
‫َو َع َد َّ‬
‫س َشأي ئًا َوََّل ُأُت َزأو َن إََِّّل َما ُكنُُ أم تَ أع َملُو َن‬‫تُظألَ ُم نَ أف ٌ‬
‫اور (جس وقت) صور پ ھونکا جائے گا یہ قبروں سے (نکل کر) ا ین‬
‫ے یروردگار کی طرف دوڑ یڑیں گے ۔ کہبں گے اے ہے‬
‫ہمبں ہماری خوایگاہوں سے کس نے (جگا) اٹھایا؟ یہ وہی تو ہے ج س کا خدا نے وعدہ کیا تھا اور ییغمبروں نے سچ‬

‫کہا تھا ۔ صرف ایک زور کی آواز کا ہونا ہوگا کہ سب کے سب ہمارے رویرو آجاضر ہوں گے ۔ اس روز کسی شخص یر‬

‫ے تم کام کرتے ت ھ‬
‫ے‬ ‫ے گا جی س‬
‫کچھ ظلم نہبں کیا جائے گا اور تم کو یدلہ ویسا ہی مل‬
Eternity of Paradise and Hell
paradise is forever – no disagreement
reason: reward is forever

famous opinion: hell is forever (based on Hadith)
infmous opinion: hell is not forever

َ ٔ
1. Unlike paradise, the word forever (َ‫ )ایدا‬is generally missing

2. Exception Rule: ‫اال ما شاء اہلل‬

but, except, ‫ لیکن‬،‫ اال‬،‫مگر‬

3. Long Duration is mentioned: ‫الیثبن فیھا احقایا‬

4. Everything is counted, the sins are also counted


1. Reward is forever, but punishment is not forever
2. Wordly punishments mentioned by religion are also not forever
3. Everything in this universe is finite => sins are finite
responsible for his shirk and his children
4. Perfect Justice => Punishment = Crime

Mujadad Alif Thani
Effects of Hereafter
1. Temptation of Good Deeds
for benefits
for showoff
for fear
for greed
Hereafter tempts us to do good, when there may be no immediate benefit, no one seeing…
The good may seem harmful in short run
The good may seem waste of resources
example: a student, a teacher

2. Avoiding Bad Deeds

to avoid harm
to gain benefits
for fear
Hereafter tempt to avoid bad deed when there is no apparently check-and-balance

3. Bravery
It makes a person brave
ready to sacrifice his most precious thing
used for good and bad purposes
examples: firefighters, suicide bombers
most misused concepts: to take people’s money and use them for their benefit

4. Patience
Make a person responsible
Hold him against revolt
An oppressed has two choice: suicide and aggression against system
Hereafter holds him
‫مبں نے اینا معاملہ اہلل کے سبرد کر دیا ہے‬

5. Sense of Responsibility
Makes a person responsible
Thinks twice before making decisions
Creates a balanced system

6. Sustaining the Systems of the World

No Hereafter: no system can survive
‫دنیا آخرت کی کھیتی ہے‬
Here (dunya) exists and sustains due to Aakhirat
Hereafter (aakhirat) depends upon actions of the world
No hereafter:
people will either kill each other or suicide
people will go to utmost length against each other
Nothing can survive in this way

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