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Ben Kutz

EDFD 461

Digital Ethnography Project

Journal #1


Something that has shaped my decision to be a teacher is the value of always putting my best
effort forward. I feel like being a teacher suits many of the talents and abilities I’ve been given very well,
and I can use them to their fullest potential through teaching. Another thing that pushed me to be a
teacher is the fact that many of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and immediate family are teachers. Growing
up around teachers in my family always had me picturing how interesting and gratifying it would be to
be a teacher.


When it comes to history, I think the most important topic to use is interests. History today
might not be everyone’s favorite school subject and many students find it boring. Relying on the
students’ interests, it might be more beneficial to teach the class in an individualized way that focuses
on certain people in history and how they acted and reacted to the events taking place. The students
might find they have more in common with historical figures than they think. Another way to make
history more interesting is by having students role-play historical events.


As for Erikson’s stages of social development, his concept can be used to explain how a student
from a difficult home life could be not progressing as fast as others through the stages. For example, a
student with a parent that is too hard on his child or uses them for labor around the house would most
likely cause some problems. This student might be in the Identity vs. Role Confusion stage for longer
than others. They might be contemplating what is right for themselves and who they want to be:
conform to the life their parents want for them or break away from them? Other students might have
already passed this stage and are in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage, while students with a difficult home
life haven’t. On the other side, a student with a solid home life will most likely progress quickly to the
Good Boy/ Girl stage of Kohlberg’s moral development. Having strong and positive parents should make
their children want to gain their satisfaction and trust. This could lead to the classroom as these
students will feel the same way toward their teacher as they do their parents. Concerning the
Sociological Framework Diagram, a student’s traditions could cause them to be made fun of which
would bring a negative effect on the classroom. He or she might feel like the classroom is just another
place to be made fun of and not feel comfortable in it, leading to a negative influence on their learning.


Mark Kutz

St. John’s Lutheran School, Nodine, MN

observing, grading, tutoring, conducting spelling tests, supervising recess, etc.

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