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Isaac Cotnoir

Adv. Methods

Entire Practicum Reflection

Throughout my time visiting, observing Mr. [name redacted], and teaching at East

Rockingham High School, I have learned a lot about music education. As a high school student,

one does not have the same appreciation and attention to detail for the type of education they

are getting. However, as an adult college student coming into a high school, I had a different

and renewed perspective of how the classroom was run.

There were a lot of things that I really enjoyed about Mr. [name redacted]’s classroom

atmosphere and teaching, and there were some things that I noticed I would not take into my

own classroom as well. Having both of these perspectives is a great eye opener as a future

teacher, and really makes me think critically about what my teaching philosophy is and how I

may properly execute it.

My favorite aspect of Mr. [name redacted]’s program is that all of his students feel

comfortable in his classroom. I had the privilege of observing both his jazz band and his

percussion ensemble, and I can say in both that there is a great energy that his students have

that he fosters and maintains. Some students enjoy it so much that they are in both jazz band

and percussion ensemble, even if percussion is a secondary instrument to them.

Something I noticed that I would not take into my teaching in the future was the fact

that Mr. [name redacted]’s students very often played out of turn and talked out of turn as

well. I am sure that there could be a plethora of reasons for this occurrence, but I have a

feeling it is due in large part to the fact that there were not strong enough boundaries set at the
beginning of the class. If these rules are not enforced with enough fervor, then the students

make it a habit to continue to play and practice their parts while instruction is being given.

All in all, I am very glad that I was able to come into Mr. [name redacted]’s classroom

and observe his teaching and hear his ensembles play. As I near student teaching, I am anxious

and excited to continue learning and teaching students in the future.

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