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Matches serve us for daily use, from breakfast to being able to make a fire to stay warm. But
something so simple has a very interesting process.

According to the image at the top, the first thing I see is a wooden trunk holding a tape that is
clearly turning, then I can see a chopper that cuts wood into little matchsticks in order to
move to the next process after that we can see the ammonium phosphate tank where the
matches are submerged and finally goes through a dryer to continue with the process. The
matches begin to fall towards a blower that helps them to be transported to a hopper to be
carried through the metal duct then the matches go through the storage area where they are
sorted and then put in the perforated steel belt, there we introduce them, but the machine
must be careful because the sticks are very small.
On the other hand, the chemical mixtures are made, so that the small sticks have a red
head, they are submerged in three different containers and to finish the process the matches
go through the drying area and are finally packed in small cardboard boxes. Normally
packages of 6 units of cardboard boxes are sold but I don't know how many matches each
box would have.

Rosely Itzel Rodriguez Choque

Ingrid Monrroy C.

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