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Personal Statement

April 18, 2022

Throughout my life I’ve always been very creative. When I was little my friends would
go play outside while I’d stay inside with the teacher and draw. I’ve always loved art class; I
took it throughout middle school and am currently enrolled in a drawing class. I have probably
around a hundred pieces of artwork I made throughout my childhood that my mom has saved in
the attic. I’m glad she saved them because I think it’s fun to look back on them. Drawing is like a
safe space to me, when I’m drawing It’s kind of like a get away place for me, it gives me peace.
As a child, I was never quite sure what I wanted to be when I grew up. I remember when
I was little that I had my mind stuck on being a veterinarian, but what kid doesn’t want to work
with pets. As I grew older, I wanted to become a doctor because I learned that they make a lot of
money from watching Grey’s Anatomy. I stuck with wanting to be a doctor for a while but
overtime that changed as well. Over quarantine I started to really get into the arts, such as
drawing and painting. I started painting some cool pictures on canvases and started drawing in
some sketchbooks. I never really showed anyone my artwork because I’ve always been insecure
about it. You can ask all my friends and family and they’ll tell you that I don’t like to share my
artwork. The main reason why I don’t like to share them is because they hold a strong meaning,
but also because of the insecurity I have about them as well.
It wasn’t until last semester; I showed my friend some of my drawings and she told me
that they were incredible. To hear someone, call my artwork incredible, honestly changed my
whole perspective on my drawings. I decided to show some family members as well and they all
said similar feedback as well. So, I then decided to share them on social media, and I got a lot of
positive feedback that boosted my confidence in drawing a lot. I think because I never really had
gotten any feedback on my artwork before, I had always thought that it wasn’t very good. This
affected my life in a very positive way because it gave me a huge boost in confidence. This
allowed me to start sharing more of my work with others and I’m really happy about that
because it has gotten me to where I am today.
Since then, I started to become interested in jobs in the art field, just because I feel like
It’s something that would make me happy in my future. I told myself that I didn’t want to go into
a job just for the money, I wanted to go into a job that I have a passion for and enjoy. That’s
when I started looking into graphic design. I was kind of hesitant at first because graphic design
consists of digital design, and I was very unfamiliar with that. I still decided to do my mentorship
in graphic design and I’m so glad I chose to. Everything about this job is perfect for me because
it consists of drawing and once I got the hang of the digital part, it became super fun to me. I’m
glad that I chose this career field and kind of stepped out of my comfort zone with the whole
digital art because I learned that I actually enjoy it. I also learned a new skill as well which can
be very useful to me in my future.

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