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THE UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND, DIVISION OF : STUDENT AFFAIRS THINK BIC WE DO MEMORIAL Uno 210Memeral Ure, STUDENT nvoLvEMeNT AND CENTER FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP OEVELOPMENT 3 ngson RICQRGY USA peaOLATA2T26 AOLSTASSIT muted 2 Supervisor’s Evaluation of Student Placement Final Fieldwork Feedback HDF 417 Leadership Practicum Student: Date: OL A Source Supervisor AW\QUIdQ Ora Directions: Please take the time to rate the student performance based on the scales and questions provided. Your input is greatly appreciated and is necessary in order to give the student an academic grade for this section of their academic experience. Please rate the intern’s performance on all the criteria given below. Rate them as if you were giving feedback to a new employee, keeping in mind that this is a student intern who may have worked under some restricted conditions. Code: 0=No Knowledge 1=Below Expectations 2= Acceptable 3 = Above Expectations Part 1 WORK HABITS AND ATTITUDE OF SELF O11 Les. 1s punctual and dependent (| Has a pleasant, positive demeanor Dresses neatly and appropriately /| Is self-reliant (as appropriate) (| Hooks for new responsibilities and takes initiative (| Demonstrates an active desire to lear from placement organization Has an open mind; does not rush to judgment V/| Accepts and makes positive use of feedback | Understands and accepts necessity of some dull and repetitive tasks Willing to accept new challenges ‘Demonstrates problem solving orientation The University ‘of Rhode Island is an equal opportunity employer committed to the principles of affirmative action a ae

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