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To improve air quality in Medellin , they argue that these are accurate and aim to meet the
objectives , however , they called attention to the entities responsible for implementing to
accelerate the development of programs and projects , achieve greater effectiveness and
contribute to being a sustainable city in the future. They requested to work on citizen culture
so that people are aware that walking will help health and air problems in the capital of
antioquia. We want cities full of green spaces to enjoy and with more people in fewer cars. It
is estimated that in Medellin there are three cars for every inhabitant, and each of those cars
remain parked at the time. That's why in some cities, a third of the land is used for parking.
Not for homes, schools or parks, but to store cars. Would we have more parks instead of
parking lots?We believe that the solution to reduce pollution and traffic is very simple: share.
During these days of restriction, we invite you to share your trip and split the fare within For
every trip you make r dividing your rate, we will plant* a tree in Medellin with the help of the
Siembre un Árbol foundation. We dream of a city with more people in fewer cars and full of
green spaces to enjoy. You follow us?With the technology in our hands, we can start to
make every private car a shared car, reclaim our cities and protect the environment.Many
people are responsible for air pollution. We tend to think that PM is produced by
automobiles : first , because we are not experts on the subject and second , because when
there are preventive measures in medellin , the circulation of vehicles is restricted.

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