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My life before the pandemic

When I went out before the pandemic I didn't go to the store with a face mask, I
didn't use antibacterial gel, and I didn't worry about cleanliness. I bought  food at
the store with no delivery service.
I often visited my grandmother, I had to get on the bus and travel for 1 hour, the
bus left me a few blocks from my grandmother's house, I walked the rest to spend
a few hours with her.  Two years ago before the pandemic started I used to go out
with my friends and we ate in places other than my home like it is now. I miss my
friends and the places where I ate.

My homeworks before the pandemic were very few and easy to solve, in addition
to learning in the classroom it was much better to solve them, on the other hand,
before I did not have to write or search for information in pdf documents.
Another problem is that I did not have to upload these tasks to a platform where
the Internet plays an important role for punctual delivery, for these and more
reasons the homeworks before the pandemic were better.

Also with the pandemic, there were regularly many outings with friends on
weekends such as lunch, dinner and activities such as going on trips to
communities near the city to distract themselves and get out of comfort.This was
for a while until the pandemic arrived, because after that, meetings with people
could no longer be held.

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