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Study of Wave Characteristics Using Surface Water Modeling System (Cg Wawe)

Software at Tinobu Beach, Lasolo Konawe Utara

Yusran Latimba1, Ahmad Syarif Sukri2, Tryanti Sundi Putri3

Jurusan Teknik Sipil Program Studi Teknik Kelautan

Email :; ;


  Tinobu Beach problems have occurred such as coastal erosion, erosion can occur naturally
or due to human activities, Tinobu beach has deposited which can cause coastline advancement,
silting of river mouths which causes river flow can cause flooding. The purpose of this study
was to determine the wave height in the forecasting of Tinobu beach waves by converting wind
data. and bathymetry.

The results of this study are the wave height and the maximum significant wave period in
the deep sea from the east is 0.81 meters and 3.26 seconds. In this study the wave propagation
that I simulate is propagation in the East direction with the angle of incidence in the 90-degree
field model . Then from the direction of this angina I took a period of 3.26 seconds by equating
it to the wave forecasting conditions on the results of the analysis of the recalculation period
with a period of 25 years.

Keywords: Waves, Water Modeling, beaches.

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