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Unit – 4 Question Bank

Outline the importance of High-level Languages.

Outline the problems with Machine Language.
What are mnemonics? Why is it referred to as the Next evolutionary Step in programming?
How do High Level Languages facilitate abstraction?
Give any two examples of High Level Programming Languages?
Define Semantics, Grammar, and Syntax.
Distinguish Semantics and Syntax.
Outline the importance of Unambiguity in Computer Languages.
What are the 4 stages of Decision making whilst solving a problem.
Give any two examples of mathematical problems that remain unsolved.
What is the full form of CAPTCHA?
What is an Algorithm? List any 2 properties that an Algorithm must have.
List the ways in which an Algorithm may be expressed.
Define Pseudocode, Programming Language, and Flowchart.
Why is it important to follow the correct order of steps when thinking
What do you understand by top-down design?
What is modular programming? Give examples of two programming languages that support
Modular Programming.
Define: Sub procedures and Identifiers.
What are conditional decisions/statements?
What is an iteration?
Why are Boolean tests important?

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