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web.php -> locates at routes/web.

php => it contains the navigating links from views

to controller and vice-verse

controllers -> locates at app\http\controller => it contains the methods to

perform some actions.

view -> locates at resources\views\ => it contains frontend blade code ( html
codes )

models -> locates at app\mode1.php or app\Models\model.php => it describes the

database table

website -> three users => admin, author, user


1. laravel framework

2. Frontend: Bootstrap,html5,css3

3. Server Language : PHP (object-oriented language) not a scripting language

4. backend : mysql (elquoent queries) -> object orient queries

5. support library: composer

6. Server: Xampp,[Wampp, Mampp] -> we require one server to run web application,
one server to store our web application data, ftp,..etc

how to build our project:


1. install xampp

2. install composer

3. create laravel project using composer

4. update database details in laravel project (.env)

5. run the project. (Implementation our code )


Stripe payment integration - card

Important concepts in application

/login -> view( front page) -> it locates at

-> controller( action page) -> it locates at app\Http\Controllers\Auth\

/register -> view( front page) -> it locates at

-> controller( action page) -> it locates at app\Http\Controllers\Auth\

why type of encryption or hashing are using?

bcrypt library to perform hashing to our data ( eg: password hashing)

How we are differentiating users?

by using roles (Mapping)


by using middleware

middleware checking

for admin -> app/Http/middleware

cart functionality:

package: bumbummen99/shoppingcart

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