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LOZ Arisiees A 7 . E Me Hote on fhe witval of Carng9 and shoco et tn Explise Liteeatn, Fe wvival of Cearndgy tn tts broaolesl sense Cans vin 7 y 4 radial enlightenment of He herman pruind ey. ye i es . oarenesy of the pvddle ager, Tht names ae Qud humantshr are applied to Me race petted. Tt cp the mrovercenl Of toans?tton from Ble BCE Doe xte0 modern world. The Rena éssance | ee Qn mactec Y fact was an Eceropean phenomenon 2 et world of ort and Lforatrre. Atrally, tha ten ' Renaésiance' Sipndedes * rebirth’. n Renatsrance" 2 5 a Ia Freuel means » rebirth" gud from Whe Freeck ioed we ptt cue word " Reualrrance" Eng hire Luetng Fe 19 ceufeery phe Enplick Betm u Reuaéicsanee : Ves a s wes first ceed fe dlerort be cortain ‘Slortoat periods, te 16% 46 | aoukurier bp Thal, and Sle 16-174 eeu furter ty Englaud Fhe Feeu ok word, horsever orizinall cant from Shae Thalitn wen fee birth, | whiek Rieabret ba J Whe frest tre tle Stallan word Rbnascéba appears in a text fhat characterizes art cp YP Giorgio Vasaci'c Preface fro hip Liver Y He babtyt, a Work written (0 (5 bexeyPsed jn ($6g, i hang afte Vaser? on ployp Pe word ,, rénacclba" % Gleecrébes the act produced éy Finty (a the 75 # though Me 16% contarter fhe poom , Retrabstauce " by applied b Eccropean art from fle 76 te the fp bh Cnturkes jn pur modern ort ficlorter, One force o immecse importance fn ble Roenatsscuce wor tle nour enoewtedge oS Me wortd g which wos obtained thrdugh an trout, fhe ee, f d oS bhe \ a aud works of BEL Y bee olastiee Peo - a Vie perso ee 8 cw hes ton, ) ging awstons 2 Th 4, aud Bhe Ylen pprored 20 ble sheoly fea. he ost op th. Seman secu cer oS Peis, poy ot Renelrcane pasa Ok 4 latholic ft tee wrflerr in Stag le ce tle cultivation . He core, fetearct eter itPetuation of fa iY Bierosey prieney fo Maen, etrared Centted Fa hteveotual ( Pe .* humautals pr Meee Onc heen, fitaties Aone a as y whith hear Aeberes ts Leonardo fhe ccample te Elercen tin tH advecated i. an? Qud Leow Sta bro Se PE cere? Le Concept io. ces a ceesrby ee pol vf cli PL furmnaiuiomn ie BG, Map be Hic the be Lectuat nov, eo LUAESANCE WAP att itt ey ies KH0t9 02 fuinanifan. M 04 rwloh ee wortaly suhpeetr te. medieval He, fous (ose teal bed ee € tines, ee lad cecegaied Me, at A peteetares hoped fo wwe waderstandiy oy their tet to fpovease fleie pee art refle mre ae: a Cc Om ordicts farreata/ an ~rnatsscnror artists pea seecles Of perspootis i i Vita ue. fo drew from Live rodets. Yhés eae ef, Pe sch i "s. Yhis reade tC possthle poet Uae tel cae: ody pore i oe ua ficoiy ape ‘oiitl of a Cie / 2 0 fhrough the” (éteralirre y BOVEY ord achion Oo Cl fur eu | Mee that. 76 co ce Y Clircbethan #2 ound porsron Coleen beep eat e Renatspan ce ca Gare adéscoverse! fie Wee ee aud! Vase t several Paventions ond fé. Werte fparl = descovertes Foo fom lace ’, (LEE [pe eee zational aud sclentifite picht oY ges ton? u Alake aud appeal fo the quest fee Hel eG. a of rian" became et fe ideal » many wrbtees, Paton tt Ye high Pttect o bir Lettuce. i Yhe Rerakrsane pat a ferviad period x veplan culliral , artistic, pocetteat aud Rpetorte , Rebirdi” following fla Keédalle sper ees aeseribed os kere place from te Cin bry to ble eh century Fle i ct promoted the rwdlircovery g ; philosophy, Etenature oud art! Q Ye Reno? otae oe pearch for nets Wwayr . beleeving, new ways ¥ fete aud uUntlert faust. Ste Universe, Yhe Keuatrsanee was be Ob tna typ GF the pmooteen world iy te oneoe Of geegraphy, SCEe ce, politics, eetipion , cocteby aud atl. Vie Renaissance fy tte 168 centwre gait a great venpulce fo Literory roduckion aud ty Ma wide: of Q more pate gatary of olrarcatic authors flan tle world haz” ter peeu, te Work of Shoxcespenre sfauds Pee —erninent. Conelu son Me ape oY Cenodssarce Ct wat beleweo! Mat & ba” maker his eon glerkiny, flan | jrenge power oud poten tha Coby, Sf he | g ines hie pottuthdily he cau be fe mort ee fet aud wialbhfert ax lr Me world, 7k rp at~o conspdered Mat mau cp peartee x “n usiverse, The oritees Ren tl a ae Yke Meokemésl as a Comedy of Hunbers. MelhenéEst te comedy by bxplivh Fie, Bee Jousou, Fiest eee fy (600 Ps Kea, it i genera Consiotvea Ma's bert avd port character ts tre ae. ek Taylor Cotretdge believed that (t had One OF bh fierce post ecpeet plots (n Cterbtene. he plays clive fulfilment of the Clttsical cunitior vivld glepeetton Of human have made it one of the Renatsranec Plays Cexpept the pores 0 Thar estpeare) Ore a@ Continuing life oa stape’ apart fom a period ¥ negleel Aerip the Vielordan era. Characters: 1 kovec?é: A eich mau, Jlaster of fhe Louse 2. Mereny J Face: Ye butlee of fovewtt (cheat #1) CPUs: The ‘alelemict' (cheat #2) - Commeon: F prostitute (cleat #3) of pee # law clere and social climber GB ree 1 A tobaccontst. A teadesman with ambfhour- ¥. Sr Epreure Mammon. 4 rch aud greedy Knight Coorenup for the Ph.elosophee's Sforne. 8. Serky: A seeptic. He actompontes Opfeure Yammon, g. Teébulation Wholesome: ff fasloe of bersterdam ( es BS fo. antas; - ecly ?tad. 1. Dame Pinadt Ahrith Widow. o Kastecll: Proteer Of Dame Poiout. Lovewit handled yee pir house fo her butlic, dererny, while Leavin for him bop- yerd fn Loudoun. perecuy % Kuown by te nave oY Face in this ploy: He liver with Subtle, a seppostd abehern’ st, aud a prorbrbube naned Roll Comenon (no fovewit's EE ede aa Aotese, They rn a major pratid busines fr the fowse. Chen Fi play opeus Where au arguncat re Getter free had btle Hat cout frccer Merouplen ot play. Yhe cement ie based ou Oho a ae “POrtauce or the frsiucst Bley rera, tack Nielel yp. Sout hee macy Doll conmein bebeveen aud Tevolvep stor couplice aud compel bob bo hake Fr hawals. Meaiush Pee , tleve ts cuock on tHe gloor Fle first peel oY te a begal clere, turers. Sublle facet ple Mole o id ene “while face plays tle role oY Case play " in face! Vicki 4- Qappee shoews “p. He wauts Salle touse his miapic go kelp hin win at porbling. Subtle teldy feat he ber bo eren Cle favor Y Guece of Fatrver. Vicki 2- Ore. show up. He Pays & lof o poate bo Le so i So Mat Subtle crac cope er bo felt him how MS bo Set cep his nee fobacco shop. ; F Victim a ‘Sire Epteure Mavi p.0On 4. paynp Sabb le a fot tr be Manumor Shows up wet Surely whe fbelsover Alebery tt fare aud Seebtle Ga fraud, Mammon iy fold that Qott aa lady scholar! tthko hap come to the toeeze tp be “heated g yradnese. (Mammon fits attracted fo Lol/. Vietns 0, the 4H one a couple p Peccéaue named “Franias avd Trébula tion Wholeforre . They alse waut tte Picllosopiee's Stone. Drupprr Comes back wht "kastroé who séstee cadleo! Game Pléout. She Ba rh Plow Face aud Subtle bol nant f ; meet bere aid ca hor. Yhew Store FAT over her. Doppee utuar for mettinp he Fatry Qereon (Qot/ tn disguise). He ¢r blenofoleed, pireled ar bo cuate ble phPlosopher? stone Gara Woe “he lim veleablen poe renee 14 Marron sb.pess Up to weet te nap Ouy Sthotor' Copper lected tn fle Cabliroor. Nar poof her costume Quo mechs Mammon. cs Beterens wht, hes Sstee, Qame (Veaut. Gngit Sebtle fight vive iar. Bd rhowe up Aésguised asa Spanish naa. wv a Qubsr b> meet Soff but 1 “ntroduceof be COCA Act/ ate Warcosoe 2 Des pretense oh bat become totally mad. Meg Q& Sudlolen, theee us aun etplostou, amncoy S td that the alekeruy Cab blew up because he SPaned by pettinp plysicatlty chtimate witt, Gots. eaves. Onurcon te ey removed hic géngetoe aud toll Came Pin ny Subtle auof Face ore Cou arbtirtr, Fle of driven COON HZ. occas, Aovew?t returne hone. Per neighbors tel) hin Heat yu peept. have tech yiktims start shouts UP ond eu [Face ee foreed fo kel/ evccey batty 2 i raster.” Lovewrt. voit res 20 forgive him ¢ / face helps hima poe ble wea eet ane ae li aint, VibEle aud Coll teave coup by—hautled as Face fel) Mam that the Cope are on ttuetr way. lovew lt fe marrted fo Dace Plinut witle Che help Of his ter. Phen Jorsou in the pli ae, vautéres and folséer tows ow CR Ce osive zed can wae utterly sbuptd oud brusr Le igt SPARE ab chtnery aud ¢ou-artests, Johsou shows what happers when pue ride beter ho Sex advantage over anotter man. Vhe blree tou onrtists try Fo Achésve sevcctse Hero but get nobtlup in the eud. u Melarnist ridicules the Y human befupc. tp he Bott. rrastee ( Covewitiaud servant ( Feerry | ORR op per buen ik aud greedy » Pott oY Klee CACE ethics aud pets bouadaries. a Vésceses 2a ta Set AKI NCR ( Fla play ¢ Dae pag! aed y Hf A 7 b effort ante terler Ree acct Ute fo avewpe le te shery of Pel ony Ay, Bee ae ree bfntt Hamtet kup but prince of Ge ie ner ae Be tea le ated “6 Dea rnavede Mii fate 2 eee Claude fore the play as [aiming ve See ee an f a noth Ve ae se fat be tay 0 ae pm Ht H LS. oe Soller tice Banttok appears to forse le artol?, P apree fo ¢ fatier soldier ; Std tag Letts We ell Ee fla dead tiv / ay) about Vis larntet lee has yee pout yw Vie father's deat stop actiy £6 alésgusted Feat ats by hinced) Hartel say! ceiguted Hat Ka ase ariad He ee aud her gags eS Dh ee eh. Uae tte Yo, Bee fall Gah, os, a coe CUO bls y fo Convince eo IP , ¢ 4 2 e ce her F m ne ah Me rec 0 pone Beis it hue. Gphe lie cu lie iy Wwhae : Locate Y, Hphe lia ly bi vee he wants ! lamlet sees A pees nok fo ee ik alt : lu at geal wv fate bo Yh fan (50 says that tuho says be & adel ae pouring Poison Fi zt , Clacidine oe Wanlels Poe rev in ig eo reeecleced! OB fetle wage pen blows a Aeon LPS 2 ne he may find ot has & 2 fice ca Ophelia pe ps unpel pa ee é See bur after . wr fattee Pee EG bes aud fe sens th she reburatol hut Ree a hy ae eG is: Ae ee love Leffeep 71. landers 1100 Lenton pale hep were aie aud esse (pheliay and yee Ya mee = Ee up Kim. Clacdlee goue rade I Guellolens: paul Gy Lee ucloens een, Sores . Geeteuole @: L220 fo spend tr, frbeads Se Kosen ected Pp rue wiFte Hl g Mantet} Ctant, culty he's bleu moe a Eel) Key bo fin ae aay Resenc aux "S owt Aud tegpedy le Sh acecplnn cal nh SE ae ma Sa Gueble agi teen , Supp L sleen hy fo cheer Hamte l up by held Y hiny Bae Leas hag oreiwed at the ch Pla Clecédep hell have ble actors perfor” - Pt meimier dhe rumder 9 pur fatiee. Ce hin 1 10 See F Clauolius anette bo cal foe, B Bae he says Vhe a right aoguatly be ey Ch clev¥l Clearodléts's reaction bo tie play |“ Cae Up ble Mastery Claecdlitth, Creebicrse Pia, lonteip want te best the Blcory Slat Parcel A Rekinp cra Cecauze fe tf Loyestee $0 Yhey Le} on a neetinp fobween Uarslet nud Gpelia Hantit & yerg nasty bo (otella acd belks hee Fhe whould ge COPE Q nit Afhee hearinp flrs Clare tice dlecthes Hanctet fyuot (no love le doerttinc Pambletly obrened wth semething gus! rnc be pteives Har et poses a threat fo him he closides bo ceud “im to Exptand that euewinp the actors perform Yhe Play” Hamlet repeested. thew Clatediup seer o scene where a King & muredceed by havinp potion poured fn Mit cae he Becomes So pred 18 he gete up aud leaves. Aameel sees ther reaction aS proo nat Clardice gid Indeed murder jee father, thon Claoltus te by birisedf be poet: he vuunrceerd Uantrt's fatisr le betes bo pray for forgiveness but MM can 't seem be mace (rite “do Fe Harrbet comes inks tu vcan bek/ud hin wit & Sood but he declter not fo KP heir beeauze he ttener Claeidéus will go Sealght fo hoaven Ef he cles while he's pedying anal EET Airw bs go to kel/ Plamdet gotr “bovsee Mire moble2 not nowrap Fat she's given folontus pexmisten te Wh “bektad a tapeliry cud be listen to their conversation. Hambet raver her Sh clown aiund fells fur she's not Covry Ubi Lae Phew hon how bad che reatly of. feetrude gtr Perghtiued nud cals out for help heortnp Keel mvelecn (call i a 0 — ————————— Cuddy 6 hin, Morstean fey fo wher Hamte t up ty felt, “ group Of actors has arritved at tu ch He Plo Clecéde hutlt have Ce actors prfer™ Bete minfor Be mundor of fats fat eae 70 he 2 te fee if Clauoliud wacet bo bb avol Ph0e73 uk, he says He ghort nigtet 0 chery, be Hancdyy 74 a . . ie “ Cle ap cevil Claucliis's reaction b fa ply Ar itp the mastery Claudius, Geepiule avo , oto n teep wat f> Fest the bloory Bhat Harntel ach Tp tre decanse le te Lovesice so tley fy on aw eccebinp bebueen Hamlet aud Yhelie. flamtet 4 ving nary $0 Optella aud bells ler She pliold ge become q@ meer after hearinp bers Claucteces dlectaes Hamlet fonot fr love le doerttinc Handel obsessed wht something gro! once be fines Hartel poses a threat fo “him he clesfeles bo seud Lim fo Enptand tat pyeninp tle acters pirferm the play” Howmtet ropuested. When Claredius reer % seen Wier a Kinp i nowrdle eed by haviep, poco pourtd in hit caz he beeones so ape That fe gets up dud leaves. Hamlet seer tis reaction a proo hat Claudéiue gid Indeed nuvdee his father! when Clauctler tb by hinsedp le adedt be rurcereed Hamet' fattir te tetes fo pray for zotvences but be can't Seem fe mia hineey CAE Yornbet comes into tle roan bekiad him with 2 Mord but he dectder not tp nhl lim beoauze he Hiner Claudéug wll go steatght bo heaven {f he clées while he's praying andl he wont Aim be to hell Hamlet goes bo See irr otter not cvowstup Cat she's given falontus peemision to hide “belinda tapeltey cud to Césten be Beir 3 conversation. Hamlet prover ler, sft cletsn aud fells ber Shes not teoutap Until be howe her how bad che reatly ay. Geetewde gets Lerghtened ud calls out for help heart np her, folontus catty oe ee for help teo a Panter, thinctip | Mantel, think vp Cte Claud. fad £4 eae ete Vieise clock a pesrkoy FS cond arth ce Covne %P, 7 that shi lamlel Cel his Ham le it owt ey wlll Cle : eats hoe tt he Bea Ma ce, Ved vr farcbius he pots, iearaces USES ru, ze thins (¢ cad ip rund oi rea fee eo es, rn aloo promise hot ee fet, much better h about ee ee eh ee i chick ghost 52 LD us Pilece ~ tot? 22. fo get priieern yd. sc ara? bac Be cut Phe 7 2 2 Et ae ee i bo baat fo ck ay a, La ‘ s be ote oes sd, ine ee ch every ees ge beet bis pee. Line nd wht Kocede Ps iver vo Cue lirace f he Se nerantz Ph Osco larntLt fo 1 Canora S ays e's given Gulldous for7 E euler boday °, oes hbtete Pee. a - frnrveglit ordezinp Fl Se a bores fete m8, totely Affee 0 f he Kip y bi loved ens nol followh goerep ta Celle i eee ne ee ee fodioe peas ar (nga nity é ces, for ee Oty Ceoeee/ (cieemes mont acer ee ee Ceara £25 wetuc Bad 1s sis ae Horatio ea ge fice! him Classe ce eae tl er el tt oat seem ou ‘abirete! a Grom Hanted ts es oes oe Peale aust ee he ages ee cud ete ae SO was yal mare te whiek be Sa; also recetve & Let fe Nia Wn TD, Pe. tyr atttied bnew Ben : _ they WP ao they Knot oa bo see Claoliug Fb ee lice an pag a ws eal didn't ie pate ae Ger Feels “ae fo Kil! him far er witht in ae wleeeun ero bec pie pen ms: aggUp Ophelia. a grove lige Stak Ophelia Zp ee lon wt bh oe grave Hamlet kale avd Jove Mae en oe Char ctius, Geetrd ge aud Lace tes grein QRrive to bury Oplrtéa they tay beee (athe , beat before oes at J nt pu bee lace tes leaps fo info ta grec Yo hug her one puore Etre Madmite? finally veatterd who tay'te CGY faze Starts sien g hap Wat no oue Gved ophe Lhe note tne Jd he and he did he Jumps (nto He grave too Aw Caer tee fight until Clesy're pulled apart Parsee Cllr Horetio Mat ou aap Euplawd ft ag fa etter that whould have Leutenced fim be Heath ond wrote a replacement teltine the Kip gf Cuetind to pot Roseuceantz Gulbleusletn to deh th ( mauanped Yo get fre tuviuy fla pire te attack aug thon he aeketrce fo Ceamark. A cour bee nared war Onze fo teceupts them thufte Hamltl boa feucnyp patteh with Cnertes bo be beld in front of the Wap aud Aesecn Ydlet aorees before ble mate Lacetes petsons ble Tip of his ‘swordand Chudtur pores a ceep of wine. Harultt gets the first bit Clacedteer be goip bo pve hire & preciors pearl asa termed aud Me drops fhe peazd, cn to the Potton cup and offers lt te Hamlet but Mantes days kes ye ready bo olzinn yet Warn let gee be ceeond 47. Ce picks up the porsoued cup deine fron tb before ee ean step here Caceles finally petr a hit woiacliap at with a porson sword avd they bork tyttid avd Stact grappling wht each otter, (pn the solple blu, exchange Sword sand Uambet wpunve baerber wlth bts potsoned one Gertruae collapses aud says she's ber potso ned laer tes coufeses to Harbet he petsoucd Ble p word aud Lay: Hoy're bot gotup bo abe he blames Claudius for The chee. Homlet Yea be Claudius wht Se olen Steercl am forces him bo drine from the polso cup: Clacedl Pus cltes, Caertes oles sayinp he's Sorry foe trhen he's Lone nm tet telly Dera bre to ttinain Eekincl aud tely tle beets aborer-eveeytlity that Was happrwed Mca he dies ber bin berasa prince sh Woeway preives wuPth Ate a on & USF to Claud Cus how he seer that we wlpte royal family ig dee s whe cesT Ee Ce EGA CCE inclécd be Claims bla

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