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Mario Alvarado

Professor McCann

English 1302. 203

22 February 2022

Appio et al. Activity

Al Neuharth once said, “The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your

perspective.” Perspective is something very small that can outright change the entire meaning of

something. However, besides changing things, perspective can bring a variety of aspects to the


In Search mechanisms and innovation: An analysis across multiple perspectives, Appio

et al. presents three different perspectives; the impact of how, where, and locus/loci affects a

study’s results (2). What Appio et al. try to get across to their audience is that analyzing many

perspectives can lead to different interpretations, which can increase the span of conclusions that

can be made from the research. For example, one of the arguments made by Appio et al. is that

only analyzing one perspective doesn’t allow for comparisons to be made (2). Appio et al. use

input from many other sources; evident from their extensive “References” list to support their

stance on the importance of including different perspectives when it comes to researching or

carrying out studies.

In conclusion, Appio et al. tackle the common issue of neglecting other perspectives and

explain and advocate the benefits of considering other points of view. Appio et al. are able to dig

deep and back their statements of considering other points of view. It is essential to consider

other positions as this leads to better, multiple, outputs rather than a single output.
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Work Cited

Appio, Francesco P. et al. “Search mechanisms and innovation: An analysis across multiple

perspectives.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, vol. 120, 2017, Accessed 20 February 2022.

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