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Javerrick Aus n

Final Essay

Applied Studies

Final Assignment

Coming from a place where I come from which is not the best place to grow up I have

seen so much. I have also learned so much from the individuals that raised me and that I looked

up to from a very young age. My grandparents and parents speci cally ins lled in me work ethic

and how to really grind every day. I have everything in me that I need to succeed and this was

learned behavior because I say the people I love work hard and really make it in life. I saw my

parents make something out of nothing and be great and what they do in their respec ve

career choices. They were the people to really show me the ropes and teach me how to

navigate through life and deal with di erent people and di erent cultures.

We can remember always going to work with parents meaning both my mother and my

father and seeing them interact with di erent co workers and higher leadership and strive to be

in those same posi ons. Fast forward to 20 years later they are exactly where they wanted to be

in life. Career wise we never knew exactly what it was that we wanted to do, but they knew that

things would be great. Certain things were taught that i gravitated towards because the severity

of them. For instance, watching someone you grew up your whole life watching and really

idolizing do hard work and see how they made di erent moves really can be a huge impact on

your life.



Making certain adjustments and making e orts to be the greatest version of yourself

when you become an adult means so much to the ones you love. These traits you learn prepare

you for the real world and for the corporate world. By enlis ng in the military at a young age

made me the man that currently sits here and writes this paper today. Certain member of the

military family really groomed me and had me under their wings and I had no clue what I was

ge ng myself into. This was the greatest choice of any that has ever been made. Learning and

being a part of something greater than yourself really teaches you humility and how to put

others before yourself. These are all core values that have been applied to current situa ons

and career moves that have been made.

Career choices that have been made in families everywhere can depend on many things

and changes come with these choices. A er being in the military for a number of years you can

become immune to the situa on and the daily occurrences of being away from family and

friends. This really forces you to stay more connected and really appreciate the me you have

with them. The military really is a beast and each career eld has its own lingo and di erent

standards that you are to be held to in the midst of all the craziness.

My memory of the military and all the ins tu onaliza on of it all which is not a bad or

good thing. This can really make you more disciplined and more direct in future endeavors if you

so choose. It is very hard to shake the s gma and the habits that are formed in being in this

environment because it doesn’t always transi on to corporate work environments if that is the

route you want to change. There are many challenges that one will go through while

transi oning from the military to a corporate environment. Many service members do this

smoothly and others have trouble because it is such a di erent way of living. Literally, you live

and breathe everything military and it is a great career eld but it can also brainwash you to

thinking this is the only route to take in life once you are in this work environment.



If anyone chooses to make a leap of faith and move on to another career it is normally

something in the same eld or in some capacity the military way of thinking. For example,

police o cers, or background inves ga ons, or even contrac ng posi ons oversees in theater.

These are all careers that could have been great careers for someone in a combat type of

posi on while serving in the military. Although these are great posi ons to have they don’t

always have the same type of challenges that a regular 9-5 o ce posi on would have. You can

apply the same tac cs and therefore you would have trouble adjus ng to the di erent cultures

and prac ces of the respec ve companies you choose to work for in the long run.

Being able to start a new posi on for a new company and really get a sense of what that

par cular company is about can be challenging at rst. This has happened to everyone that

bean I the military at one point in their careers post military. There can be a great sense of

con dence going into certain career but once you are there you have to do your research and

really take everything with a grain of salt. This basically means don’t take anything for granted

and don’t take anything personal. This is a me to really sit back and get to know the culture of

whatever environment you are in.

The most challenging thing would probably being is incorpora ng yourself in the mix of

things in a very ght knit group of members. This has been a rst-hand experience that is

currently an ongoing challenge for most people. Being able to maneuver these situa ons can be

tricky and really discouraging at mes. The mission is to stay moving forward and keep a laser

focus on the fact that being the best employee and being the best co worker is what is most

important. If you really want to succeed in whatever career choice you choose, it is wise to stay

down through the good mes and the bad mes. Things will o en be challenging and you will

get tested during the process.




These are all inevitable but only the strong survive and make it through to see the other

side. Many of us have been through certain situa ons where we did not know if we were going

to make it through in our careers but more mes than not we s ck it out and make it. Being a

part of a community and really doing great work is important, but also enjoying what you do

will make you work so much harder. By actually doing great work and really being your tru self

will a ract people to want to be around you and being a nice person and about your business

you can always get no ced by the upper management. Working hard should be something that

we all strive for and something that we all want to do in life.

Being in a new work/ community environment has its good days and it has its bad days

and we have to look at the posi ves and accept the challenges. We can all succeed and really

grab the bull by the horn and do great things in our careers. Some mes the work may be easy

and the people di cult or vice versa. As long as we celebrate the small victories we ill all



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