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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Module 6 Assignment:
Career Plan
1) What is your BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world changing goal***)?

To be joyful and in good health. I want to travel the world with whomever my partner
will be, and my friends. Start a family and give them a good life full of adventure and
growth. I want to start fostering animals again and rehabilitate them, and help others.

2) Why is this your BHAG?

This is my BHAG because this is who I am. I want to find the joy in life because it is too
short. I have watch too many people just trucking through life and doing work they do
not enjoy. I do not want that, I want to take care of myself and live life fully.

I want to travel because I haven’t been many places, even in the United States. I want to
see what the world has to offer and what amazing experiences I have yet to see. It would
also be amazing to share those experiences with my significant other and friends. I love
adeventure and sharing it with others. I mostly want to travel to all the National Parks and
explore all the white water rafting.

I want to start a family and be the best parent for them. Show them all the possibilities to
life and all the things they can accomplish. Family means so much to me. I want to live
near my sister so my kids can see their cousins all the time. My sister and I didn’t have
that growing up and deeply with we did. I want to be able to support my family in
whatever way possible. Give them adventures to remember forever.

I want to start taking in animals and fostering them again. My family did this about 8
years ago and I have been missing it so much. Being able to work with such amazing
creatures is fulfilling in all ways possible. You learn so much from animals in how caring
and loving they are.

3) How does your BHAG align with your vision statement from Module 4?

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“To be an inspiring friend and coach for all those around me. To help others grow and
find their passion in life.”

I can see how my BHAG aligns with my vision statement. I have always wanted to help
others and in the process of that create adventures. During all this would bring me joy
because it is my purpose in life. I want to always grow with others in my life. That is
what everything is about. We bring each other up, no matter the circumstances. I will
continue to do my best to live up to all of this. An adventurous, joyful life.

4) How does your BHAG align with your mission statement from Module 4?

“I am dedicated to be a motivating, inspiring, and encouraging human, showing respect

and patience at all times, even if difficult for me.”

My mission statement and BHAG are similar in the aspect of being a good human. Being
there for others when they need me, even if difficult for me. This is fulfilling to me. I find
purpose in this. I want to be an inspiring leader and coach, wherever I am. Whichever
career I take, it needs to have a purpose of helping and growing.

5) List your top five (5) obstacles in order from number 5 being least difficult and
number 1 being most difficult you need to overcome in order to obtain your BHAG
and explain the relevance of each one.

Obstacle 1: Finances – As of right now, my income is not going to allow me to be the

adventurous person I am being pulled to be. I first need to move our of my parents house
and find myself a place. It is about saving money and finding my place. I see this as an
adventure itself. Who knows where I’ll end up living? I could end up across the United
States. I also need a house to be able to start a family and a backyard to foster animals.
My income will greatly impact most of the things I would like to do, but there is a way
around this also. Money is not the most important thing, living life is. Money does not
create happiness, moments do. If I continue to keep this in mind, it will not be an obstacle

Obstacle 2: Health – Many family members have been getting sick. I have to take care of
myself, as I have not been. I have to go for many checkups. I am terrified of the doctors

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and this is what I need to get through. Take care of my body in order to keep pushing
through. I have started by making appointments last week to better my health. This is an
obstacle that I am pushing through.

Obstacle 3: Finding my career – I feel very stuck right now. I see many great job
opportunities pop up and I apply for them, thinking it is meant to be. Nothing has
happened yet. Many of my leaders at Starbucks want me to move up in the company, but
I am not sure if that is what I want to do. It would only be temporary, I wouldn’t have to
be there forever. The reason I am not sure about this is I didn’t want to become a store
manager, and that is the next step. I feel this could be a good step for me, as it is very
early in my life and it is a great opportunity. This obstacle I could quickly get over. This
would then let me help others as well as grow with others.

Obstacle 4: Moving away – another huge wall to me, is living in the town I grew up in. I
have lived here for 14 years, went through school in Knoxville. I love where I live, but
feel stuck. I need to find my place in the world. I am ready for my own adventure.

Obstacle 5: Just plain scared – I am very scared for what is next. Life is changing so
quickly recently. I grew up in the technology age. Who knows what is going to change in
the next 5 years? I also went through all of college during a global pandemic. This is why
it is important to just keep taking each day as it comes. I feel pressured to think so far
ahead sometimes.

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Section 2: Career Visions

1) Analyze the type of career you want to have, in terms of an organizational career or
a protean career, make sure it is clear you understand the concepts as outlined in
the textbook. Why?

I want a protean career, with some aspects of an organizational career. I like the idea of
being self-managed, that is when I put my best work forward. I look at my current
position and this is something I do not want. I want to pursue something more. I like tha
company, Starbucks, but there is something more I could be doing then leading the floor.

2) Analyze your career with an explanation as one that moves you up the organization
or one you develop seeking alternative career paths. If you see yourself taking an
alternative career path, which one(s) sound the most likely? Why?

The most ideal situation for me would be to stay within Starbucks. The path I am on now
would move me to assistant store manager, and then store manager. After store manager,
all the possibilities open up. It is almost endless and is so exciting. There is a position in
organization effectiveness that sounds super interesting to me and I see if being such a
great fit for me, or being an operations coach. Any position that betters the work for
others in the company. These postions fit very well with everything I have found out
about myself in this class.

3) Discuss and explain if you see yourself working an alternative or flexible work
schedule/arrangement? If so, which ones and why?

Definitely, yes, as of right now I am. I want to be more in control of when I work,
however. I enjoy having a non-traditional schedule, but would like one that is flexible.
Going more into this, I do think I would enjoy knowing exactly which days I would work
though. This is why having the freedom to choose is enticing to me, as long as I get the
hours in.

4) Research and post current, or past, job postings from your local area, across the
country, or from around the world which illustrate how you might reach your
BHAG. Be sure to provide the Job Title, a small description and why it supports
your BHAG when you provide the URL. Websites such as CareerBuilder, Monster,
or Indeed might be a good place to begin. Also, career-specific websites such as
Nilles 5 or often have job postings. Provide 2 listings for each of the
following time periods:

a. 2 years from today

i. Starbucks Assistant Store Manager

Grow a successful business, as well as team. This position would be a

small stepping stone into what I am striving for.
This position would help me learn to inspire others behind the scenes,
since I wouldn’t be on the floor as much. This position supposts my
BHAG in terms of helping others grow.

ii. Starbucks Store Manager

Grow your team and inspire in all you do. Shows strong leadership skills
and ability to make great decisions for the better of the team.

This is the position that I would obtain after six months of being an
assistant store manager. This role will open up many possibilities for me
in regards to positins within Starbucks that are extremely interesting to

b. 5 years from today

i. Siren Retail Operation Lead

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This would be a fun position to be able to move to Seattle, all the way
across the country for me. I would assist many leaders in operational
success. Ensuring excellence in all we do at the Roastery.

ii. Partner Resources (HR) Coordinator

Be an HR coordinator for Starbucks partners. This would be a great

position beucase I have been a partner for almost 4 years. This position is
also in Seattle. Give support to all partners.

c. 10 years from today

i. Dir Regional Operations

This position would allow me to develop future leaders. This sounds so

amazing. Being there for others and inspiring them. Develop these leaders
and lead them to success.

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d. BHAG Achievement Year

i. Being a stay at home mom

I want to be able to stay home for a couple of years with my children.

Watch them grow and succeed. This sounds really nice for me because I
have always wanted to be a mom. Onve they get a bit older and are going
to school is when I would go back into the workforce.

1) Critically think about and then list out (not a narrative format) the interim steps or
milestones you have laid out for yourself that will aid you in reaching your BHAG
(you should have at least 10 to earn a rating of excellent and be referenced by time)

1. Graduate from ASU

Timeline – One week, this will help me to further my career as I will not be busy with
fulltime schoolwork.

2. Travel

Timeline – one week, take this summer to adventure to National Parks

3. Move up in Starbucks to Assistant Store Manager

Timeline – 3 months

4. Move to Nashville

Timeline – 6 months, this will aid me in adventure and leaving my hometown

5. Move to Store Manager in Nashville

Timeline – 6 months

6. Start fostering/volunteering

Timeline – one-two years, this one will take time to get back into my life

7. Become a Siren Retail Operations Lead

Timeline – 5-6 years, this will be a big move and I do not want to rush it.

8. Move up to a Partner Resources Manager

Timeline – 8-9 years, this would most likely be a remote job so I could stay in Seattle or
move elsewhere.

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9. Become a Dir Regional Operations

Timeline – 10-13 years, I am setting high expectations for myself because I know I can
push myself to achieve these.

10. Become a parent

Timeline – sometime in the near future. Who knows when it will happen, but hopefully it
will for me.

2. In addition to career-related roles, consider your other life roles in relation to

your career goals. Revisit your responses to the Identities Exercise that you
completed in Module 1 of the course. Based on your long-term strategy what are
the 3 most precious things you are willing to sacrifice, besides time, to achieve
your BHAG? Why?

Sacrifice 1 – Career – If my current job is not going well or I feel I am not getting the
most potential out of it. I am willing to move on. There are so many opportunities out
there. It may be a difficult decision at first, but in the long run would be good for me. If
the job is not bringing me joy anymore, it is time to move somewhere better. A job that is
fulfilling happiness and growth is extremely important to me. No one should ever feel
they have to stay somewhere.

Sacrifice 2 – Location – If a job were to require me to move somewhere I would be so up

for it. This is exciting to me. Living in other cities is important to me at the age I am. I am
young and want to experience what other places have to offer. All the experiences that
are yet to come. Moving is a sacrifice I am willing to take.

Sacrifice 3 – I do not know what to call this one, but if something happens where I have
to leave my career for my family. This is something I am willing to do. Yes, I have
worked so hard to get to where I am and will eventually be, but family is first. I will drop
everything for them.

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1) What is your #1 Goal? To travel the United States

a. Specific – I plan on starting to travel this summer

b. Measurable -

c. Attainable – this is possible because I already have plane tickets for many
vacations and many plans to adventure

d. Relevant – this matters to me because everyone deserves to get out and see the
world. I am doing this for the person that has been working so hard the last 24
years of their life.

e. Time-Based – this will be a lifetime goal. It will continue on forever, no limit.

2) What is your #2 Goal? To reach corporate level within Starbucks

(Insert your #2 Goal above and provide short answers below describing your goal in
terms of the SMART model. Finally, provide a Gantt chart using the tools provided).

a. Specific – I plan to start climbing the ladder starting in July

b. Measurable -

c. A

d. R

e. T

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