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Risk management is the collection of culture, processes and structures that are directed
towards recognizing probable chances as managing hostile effects. It can be clear as an
efficient application of management policies, actions and practices. The risk management
also integrates some other tasks, such as recognizing, evaluating, assessing, monitoring and
reviewing the risk. Commonly the combined identification, investigation and assessment
tasks are folded into what is known as risk assessment. Inappropriate design of the working
environment is one of the vital reasons for today’s high level of risky circumstances which
have the latent to distress human beings, assets and the environment. This damage can be
triggered either through periods of ordinary tasks or succeeding the event of incidental events
which are getting progressively calamitous. Risk can be resolved and clarified from multiple
points of view contingent upon the goal and viewpoint of a discussion. Kaplan and Garrick
[1] expressed that a hazard is a vulnerability connected with harm or a mishap. They imply
that something that is uncertain doesn't need to continue a risk be that as it may, if an event is
considered as both dubious and a loss is incorporated, it very well may be characterized as a
risk. Thompson Jr [2] interpret a risk in the following way ―The potential for
acknowledgment of undesirable, ominous results to human life, comfort, property, or nature‖.
K.Zsidisin [3] as comprehended from this definition risk is a nonalluring state, which is
something other authors don't agree with. Risk can be a state where there is a probability of a
misfortune yet in addition a desire for gain. Kaplan and Garrick [1] since one could never
concur for the hazard if there were no way of a success. To understand the endurance of a
risk, one must know about both the increase and decrease brought about and along these lines
a risk can be considered as individual and comparative with the observer. The idea of a
HAZOP study previously performed to distinguish potential risks present in facilities that
oversee profoundly risky materials. The point was to dispense with any source prompting
significant mishaps, for example, dangerous discharges, blasts, and flames. In any case,
throughout the years, HAZOP application is stretched out to different sorts of facilities in
light of its accomplishment in recognizing hazards, yet additionally operational issues. Thus,
Lyons, Adams [4] adopted HAZOP for medical diagnostic system ,while Jagtman, Hale[5] for road safety measures and Fthenakis[6] for risk analysis in photovoltaic
facilities, among others. This assortment of use shows how HAZOP has grown considered as
a successful method to improve numerous sorts of frameworks. In this sense, it is critical to
restrict the extent of the survey to considering the advancement of HAZOP research from its
beginning stage to the present day on issues about synthetic procedures, representing the
OSHA PSM Rule, (1992) and the SEVESO Directive (2003). HAZOP considers developed
from the Imperial Chemical Industries Critical analysis procedure figured in the mid-1960s.
A decade later, HAZOP was distributed officially as a controlled method to finds deviations
from the structure objectives. Lawley [7] characterized and portrayed the standards basic to
complete operability studies and Hazard Analysis because of the expanding intricacy of new
procedures that couldn't be analyzed appropriately utilizing the ordinary methodologies
dependent on equipmentoriented practices. Galante[8] presents few strategies, which
could be, after some examination is collapsed into two bigger groups, with respect to the
methodology and the technique for record the outcomes: analysis in trees and in spread
sheets. The plans of hazard analysis in trees are focusing on decide a manacle of risks in all
the activities. Schuhmacher, M [9] TNO Red Book shows the fault tree analysis
procedure, which is a substantial case of "analysis in trees" plot. fault trees can build its level
of multifaceted nature utilizing a factual methodology, mean and standard deviation for every
likelihood utilized in the counts. McCoy [10] other sort of plan is the utilization of
spread sheets that can oversee in different manners. Some of them are utilized for preliminary
identification, for example, the HAZID. Although Haddad [11] expect to recognize a
pecking order among risks, for example, the Hazard Matrix and some analyst report the full
extent of the hazard management, for example, HAZOP and Risk framework. The cement
production line is perfect case of the continuous industry sector and it will be utilized to show
that the lean way of thinking is material to all unique association types. There are various
difficulties looking by the cement production line in the present focused conditions; one of
the serious issue is the capacity of the cement manufacturing plant how to get to hazard and
how it tends to be control in this study will complete for both Qualitative Risk Analysis as
well as Semi Quantitative Risk Analysis for finding and organizing risks in Cement
Industries. The subjective methodology can be measured utilizing a hazard structure and its
parameters of recurrence and seriousness. Semi quantitative analyses are utilized to survey a
few different types of hazard, which doesn't require a total mathematical model. From the
literature, it is observed that most of the researches done for the Risk Analysis in cement
industries are either Qualitative Risk analysis base, Semi Quantitative Risk Analysis or
Quantitative Risk Analysis base. Khaviya and Kavitha [12] and Hwang, Jo [13] use
Qualitative Risk analysis for identification and evaluation of different hazards. Kotek and
Tabas [14] and Agrawal, Jain [15] used word classifications such as high, medium or
low, or more full descriptions of probability and consequences. While in quantitative risk
analysis is the analysis of chance and consequence of risk. Karahan andAkosman [16] and
Kumar and Mishra [17] allocate values of occurrence to numerous risks identified, in order,
to compute the level of risk. While in this research we will carry out for both qualitative risk
analysis as well as Semi Quantitative Risk Analysis for identifying and prioritizing risks in
Cement Industries. The subjective methodology can be measured utilizing a hazard structure
and its parameters of recurrence and seriousness. Semi quantitative analysis gives a
progressively predictable and thorough way to deal with surveying and looking at hazards,
including techniques for hazard management, contrasted and a subjective evaluation and
wipes out specific ambiguities and irregularities, which can deliver subjective hazard
analysis.Semi quantitative analysis requires at least the same quantum of information from
subjective analysis. This work gives another strategy by coordinating HAZOP and Risk
Matrix which aims to give a detail risk management considering to pervious researches either
qualitative or quantitative analysis of hazards is carried out while this research aims to
quantify the hazards consequences and severity and gives a proper remedial action in order to
avoid such hazards. The qualitative analysis will help to identify the structure and parameters
of the hazards.

 Critical factors of manufacturing sustainability

Long term sustainability goal can be achieved with the help of detailed policy making. The
research community has supported the manufacturing sector by furnishing literature on
sustainability policies. The key areas which require sustainable organizational policies are:
continuous improvement, knowledge management, and continuous learning (Chanyagorn and
Kungwannarongkun, 2011, Glover et al., 2014, Dassisti et al., 2012). However, holistic
sustainability considerations require unambiguous policies for other areas also. Particularly in
the area of people management (starting from supplier to consumer, involving each of the
stakeholder), research and development, environmental policies, investments, social
responsibility, and non-renewable resources. The framework based on research and policy
can handle effectively the complex sustainability of manufacturing (Abbasi and Nilsson,
2012). Further, total product life cycle consideration in an integrated manner is a key for
sustainability (Herrmann et al., 2007). Product sustainability also plays an important role in
organizational performance. The key aspects of product sustainability are material selection,
its manufacturing process, sourcing, transportation and delivery, use phase consideration,
reverse logistics, and 3R (Brockhaus et al., 2016). Availability of immaculate data on total
product life cycle and its supply chain is among one of the vital barriers of product
sustainability (Veleva et al., 2003). The product sustainability is also closely related to
processes adopted for its production, use, and disposal. Sustainability of manufacturing
process has a vast dependability on several aspects such as OEE (overall equipment
efficiency), process waste, supplementary material, rework, process sequence, etc. OEE has
been used in the literature to discuss the capability of manufacturing (Jaegler and Burlat,
2014). Agile manufacturing is said to be a supportive tool for production process
responsiveness (Gunasekaran, 1998). The research community has provided solution for
waste eliminations in manufacturing environment (Verrier et al., 2014, Chiarini, 2014).


The internet is booming and plays an indispensable role in global business operations. The
manufacturing industry is based on an old, traditional model; however, increasing use of
online technology provides plants with an opportunity for further development. To achieve
better market performance and development, manufacturing businesses rely on offering their
products at competitive prices to target customers. By developing a third-party trading
platform via the internet, service providers can manage resources and deliver products to
meet customer demands, while enhancing and simplifying the transaction process. For this
reason, combining the management of various processes in a cement plant in an online
system could benefit the industry as a whole.

Building an electronic procurement platform

In the manufacturing industry, the cost-control process is one of the key aspects of a business
management strategy. Procurement generally constitutes the majority of the total production
cost, while the practice of reducing purchasing expenses impacts a company’s profit margin.
The operational phase in a cement plant involves the purchase of raw materials, equipment
spare parts, and other necessary resources. Control of the purchase of supplies through an
ERP system can transform the purchasing model to the form of electronic procurement,
which is operated through the internet. As the internet is a universal platform for information
exchange, a cement plant is able to publish tender enquiries that can reach suppliers
internationally. This broadens the procurement process, resulting in fair and open competition
between suppliers, while increasing the possibility of acquiring the most suitable and cost
effective resources for the plant.

Cloud management and stock optimisation

A cement plant prepares adequate raw materials and develops systems to reserve stock to
improve the sustainability of production lines, while maintaining production capacity.
Though storing a certain level of stock is in compliance with management strategies, an
abundance of stock can result from the inflexibility of a store system design (based on one
Cloud computing technology, which uses a network of remote servers to store, manage, and
process data, in plant management systems could become a possible solution to achieve
online “cloud management” for manufacturers with full regional coverage. This management
system could be shared and accessed by plants in the same region to reduce a single unit’s
spending on heavy-equipment and stocks of raw materials, while overseeing the risks of
maintenance shutdown.

Creating brands and internet-distribution platforms

The e-commerce boom has resulted in multiple marketing channels, giving cement
manufacturers a new trading platform to increase sales volumes, study marketing trends,
collect customer feedback and improve their initial production plans. Online marketing offers
huge benefits to the cement industry in terms of personalising different brands for network
expansion, and provides alternatives for pricing management and regional production
planning. This has the potential to bring customers into the realm of “big data”, allowing
companies to analyse markets and customer behaviour, while optimising output quality and
production efficiency.

Information technology on operational management

From an operational perspective, cement plants possess superior information technology
infrastructure, especially those that have implemented ERP software and automated control
systems, and reached a higher level of process-oriented management and computerised
production. The connection of operational issues, valuable knowledge obtained through the
interior IT management system and expert internet diagnostics results in the development of a
new system that can obtain more broad and detailed reference data within the cement

Cement plant optimisation: big data

To reevaluate a plant’s production efficiency, energy savings, emissions reduction,
equipment utilisation, technique application and other factors affecting operations,
manufacturers choose to optimise their original models for design and production. The
traditional method for model optimisation begins with research from an industry association
or administration department, merged with collected market feedback. The plant would
subsequently develop a draft project for the upgrade requirements in terms of business
development and management. In addition, consulting companies would also take part in the
process to provide the best possible solution for reevaluating the plant design. However, there
are disadvantages to this method, namely that there is no way to accurately assess the
performance of each carefully drafted and planned solution for the future optimised plant at
the development stage.
In the age of big data, new technology and innovation provides a number of options to
minimise such uncertainties – for example, by entering plant data into a specially designed
system (run through the internet) and benchmarking energy consumption, maintenance
expenses, production cost efficiency, emissions index, and other external criteria against
identical sized plants located in similar regions and at similar altitudes. This online method
has the potential to obtain data that accurately documents the current plant performance,
technique involvement, potential improvement, well-maintained equipment, and the parts that
need replacing or optimising. The acquisition of the above data through an open internet
platform, with a particular focus on the cement industry, plays a vital role in drafting a
remodelling project and identifying the best solution. Using this system, a manufacturer could
obtain an online simulation of the cement production line, output capacity and design
visualisation ahead of the reconstruction. This helps the company to estimate the plant’s
future performance in regional markets, assess the impacts of remodelling and control the
process of the plant optimisation.

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