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ai am Vanessa Atehortua .

and i am an administreichon estudents and diiis ar may

deily rutins

from mondeys tu sondeys

ay often get ap at six eiem
ay meik da bed at sixteen eiem
somtaims ay teik a shawer at sextury eiem
hay olweys brosh my thiith with tuud peist and i get drest at six fifty eiam
ay iusualy practis in the morning at seven eiem in the gym
iusualy in the morning i have brekfast at nai eiem
i olways du jauswork. at ten eiem
i often hav lanch at tuelv twenty faiv piem
den hay gou tu class at wan piem
somtaims hay liv class ad four piem
i du my jomwork after i it may dinner ads six piem
after dad, hay always eslip at eight piem

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