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Winter 1

Isaac Winter

Prof. Flores

English 1201

30 January 2022

Summary of “Kanye West- ‘Follow God’” by Jody Rosen

Jody Rosen, a professional writer, recently wrote an article about Kanye West titled "He

joins a long line of secular artists to take up the gospel" where he breaks down a few verses of

the song, ‘Follow God’. The author identifies several other well-known artists who have turned

away from fame and fortune and sought solace in a relationship with God. Their artistry

illustrated this through their gospel albums. Looking specifically at Kanye West, his lyrics in the

album ‘Jesus Is King’ have similarities to the previous album ‘The life of Pablo’, the repetition

of lyrics has a different meaning than they did before.

Furthermore, Rosen tells us that West has a history of struggling with his relationship

with God. Jody explains that West has gone from calling himself God to worshipping him. The

author leaves us with the impression that Kanye doesn’t do well with a scripted course, he is a lot

more effective in expressing himself when he isn't forced to stick with his script and speaks

straight from the hear

Winter 2

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a chronic condition that includes impulsiveness,

hyperactivity and the struggle to pay attention to things. ADHD can be seen in the early stages of
someone's childhood.

Taking Adderall is something that can help someone who has ADHD, especially in places like
school. For my uncle, he didn't get to experience taking Adderall in high school due to not being
diagnosed with ADHD. So, he decided to self medicate himself with Marijuana to help him with
daily occurrences and to focus in school. This made me want to dig deeper into Adderall and
truly see what the drug can do to you, positively or negatively, which is why my research essay
is about Adderall.

Works Cited

Rosen, Jody. “25 Songs That Matter Now.” The New York Times, The New York Times,

12 Mar. 2020,


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