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Patrick Palmer Uses His Own Experiences to Create Guides for Hands-On


A man who lost the love of his life to brain cancer is helping other caregivers by penning down his
experience and challenges.

New York, NY May 01, 2022 --( Patrick Palmer has devoted his life to inspiring and aiding
people in starting their journey as caregivers. He has written books for this purpose, based on his five
years of first-hand experience.

Caring for a suffering loved one can be a perplexing life challenge, especially when a terminal disease is
crushing a loved one. Finding motivation and strength through the words of someone who has gone
through the same phase has always been a great assistance for humans.

However, no one ever anticipates caregiving until it becomes a necessity. Therefore, many of those
embarking on this journey due to their loved one’s unexpected medical condition don’t have enough
knowledge about caregiving and lack awareness to prepare themselves. Caregiving guides can help cover
this aspect and provide awareness for caregivers.

Patrick Palmer was previously YMCA CEO and a pilot, but after his wife, Angela, lost her battle for life
to a brain tumor (glioblastoma multiforme), his life took a 360-degree turn, and he became a full-time
writer and cancer research advocate. Palmer is now known as one of the best caregiving authors across
the globe.

As a cancer and caregiving advocate, he used his real-life experience to write highly inspirational books,
especially for families of people with cancer or people serving the role of a caregiver. After his wife’s
departure, he has focused his life on helping caregivers of patients with chronic illness with the help that
he never had.

The author has about five years of caregiving experience. Palmer was there with his wife Angela; when
she went under 13 hours of surgery, 42 oral chemotherapy treatments, and 30 radiation therapies, the
author experienced all sorts of emotions and physical challenges. Palmer has launched three books till
now, and all of his books are an asset to the caregiving community.

He wrote, "A Husband’s Guide to Hands-On Caregiving" when he realized that there wasn’t much help
available for male caregivers because most caregivers are women. The author wrote his first book to help
husbands and other male caregivers overcome their challenges.

Palmer wrote, "Are You Prepared to Be a Caregiver" to help people start their caregiving journey for a
loved one diagnosed with chronic disease or has become disabled. The readers can explore the meaning
of being a caregiver, assess their abilities and prepare themselves through this read.

Palmer wrote, "The Healing of a Caregiver" as the sequel of his first book. After losing his wife, the

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healing was a struggle on its own. The readers who have suffered a loved one’s loss can relate to Palmer’s
challenges and circumstances to recover from the loss. The book helps readers comprehend their grieving
process and embark on the healing journey.

Palmer’s books help readers ponder that they are not alone; others have gone through similar pain and
struggle. The author has paid tribute to his wife Angela by writing books in support for caregivers of
cancer patients.

Palmer’s book "A Husband’s Guide to Hands-On Caregiving: Hard-Earned Lessons for Men—and
Women—Caring for a Loved One at Home" scored a spot in Upjourney’s 24 best books on Caregiving in
2020. The Upjourney article stated the following words for the book “Caregiving from a loving husband’s
perspective helped his wife, a 10-year breast survivor, then diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor;
shares their journey and lessons learned. A clear and concise resource, chronicles actions taken to ensure
that his wife was cared for appropriately.”

While talking about the launch of the books, the publisher of Patrick Palmer’s books said, “Patrick’s
words have left me teary-eyed. He has portrayed his challenges and struggles in such beautiful words that
anyone can find guidance from them. Seeing a person devoting his life to providing ease to chronic illness
fighters strengthens my faith in humanity and kindness. I am sure Angela must be so proud of him in

The author has not only limited his support to providing knowledge through books but is also actively
involved in raising funds for brain cancer research. Palmer raises funds under the banner of ‘Angela and
Patrick Palmer Research Fund for Brain Cancer’ that goes to the Neuro-Oncology at the Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute in Boston. Palmer hopes that one day his funds will help find a cure for brain cancer.

People looking for a guide on caregiving can get their hands on Patrick Palmer’s books through the links
provided below.

About Patrick Palmer

Patrick Palmer is an author and cancer activist, trying to help cancer patients and the caregiving
community in every possible way. The author was previously an airline pilot and YMCA CEO. He lost
his wife Angela to glioblastoma multiforme - a brain tumor after a fight of 4.5 years. Since then, he has
written three books for caregivers and is actively raising funds for brain cancer research. Devoting his life
as a cancer research advocate and educator for the caregiving community is his way to tribute his wife by
helping other humans.

Contact Details
-Are You Prepared to Be a Caregiver? Buy from here:
-A Husband’s Guide to Hands-On Caregiving Buy from here:

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-The Healing of a Caregiver Buy from here:

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Contact Information:

Patrick Palmer
(617) 803-7230
Contact via Email

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