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Falk 1

Isaac Falk

Professor Flores

English Composition II

17 February 2022


The time management, and the overall distribution of the workload for my essay, is

something I could improve upon in the future. I’ve always had a bad tendency to procrastinate,

but it is something that I have been steadily working on and improving. Although the time for

this essay was not managed poorly enough to affect the quality of the essay, distributing the

workload more would have led to less stress overall. In the future, I will be sure to take this into

consideration when writing future essays.

I demonstrated my research skills by using a variety of sources that analyzed the two

different versions of the song. I am not a very musically inclined person, so reading an analysis

of the song from someone who knows what they were talking about was very helpful when it

came to writing the essay. Overall, I used a variety of sources and ultimately came to a consensus

and conclusion based on said sources.

I think I did a pretty good job of critical reading and note taking. I made sure I knew

exactly what the assignment was and the components I needed to do it the right way. Overall,

this is what helped me when it came to actually writing the essay.

Organization is probably the strongest component of my essay. Before writing any word

of the essay, I was sure to create an outline that detailed specifically what was going to be in each

paragraph. When creating the outline, I made sure each paragraph fit the criteria and answered

the questions that needed to be answered while also flowing naturally when reading the essay. I
Falk 2

was also sure to follow the outline strictly when it came down to writing the essay which made

everything organized.

I forgot to add the works cited page at the end of the draft which is something I will

definitely change in my final essay.

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