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NAME: Juan Carlos Palomino Parime

Katy tells a story to Juan

Katy; It was a Thursday when I was walking desperately. My son was very ill, he
had a fever and he was coughing a lot. I dedicated myself to take care of him and I
lost my job, because they did not want to give me permission, my son was coughing more
and more.

Juan; Wow, so bad

Katy; Yes, because I did not have money, I was investing what I had just in the construction of
my house, I needed for his medications and an artificial respirator, and there was no one
to lend me money. the doctors told me to bring the ones they asked for, or they would
take my son out of the hospital, because there were other sick people to attend.

Juan; How terrible, ¿and what happened?

Katy; When I no longer had anyone to count on, I decided to sell my items, I couldn't borrow
from the bank, I already owed them a lot,

When I was walking with my eyes on the ground, I found 300 soles, I couldn't believe it,
that money was lying there, I almost stepped on it when I saw it. It was rolled up, I took
it I couldn't believe it, I felt very happy, with that I took money for the respirator and a
little medicine, then I went to buy them, when I was already arriving at the hospital, they
called me from work, they told me that my position I was free from work, they were
waiting for me until I came back.

Maybe it was luck, it helped me a lot, I thanked God, my son was healed a few days later,
and I got my job back.

Juan; that good

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