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basic: 1a) cross-pollination

1b) pollen grains arrive at the stigma of another flower of the same kind, pollen grains are stimulated
by sugary solution secreted by the stigma to germinate and form a pollen tube, the pollen tube
carrying male gametes secretes enzymes which digests the tissue of the style and ovary, the pollen
tube enters the ovary through the micropyle, tip of pollen grain bursts and releases the male gamete
into the ovule to fuse with female gametes.
2i) 1) plumule
2) leaves, stem, shoot, fruits and flowers
ii) region B contains starch, amylase converts the stored starch into simpler sugars which can be used
in respiration for synthesis of energy for cell division, cells in the radicle grows into the root by cell
division using the energy produced for the absorption of minerals and water, growth of the plumule by
cell division into shoot and leaves allows the plant to process photosynthesis to produce glucose for
3) the tip of coleoptile, from set-up I, II and III,we can conclude that the tip is responsible for the
detection of light because only the set-up with the tip still intact showed bending, set-up I, showed
bending, in set-up IV, the plant shows bending even with only its tip exposed, concluding areas below
the tip could not be responsible for detecting unilateral light.
intermediate: 1a)(i) degree of bending of coleoptile
(ii) no, auxin diffuses into the agar block in both experimental set-up and is placed on decapitated
coleoptiles, auxin can then diffuse from the agar block down the coleoptile, hypothesis A states that
light destroys auxin in the illuminated side of the plant, according to the hypothesis, the agar block
placed in light should have lesser concentration of auxin resulting in less growth, hence bending of
coleoptile should be less as auxin promotes growth, though this is not the case, degree of bending is
the same as agar block kept in darkness, the experiment proved hypothesis A to be wrong, so
hypothesis A is incorrect and not supported by the experiment.
b)(i) auxins from either side can not move to opposite sides of the agar block, therefore there is no
uneven distribution of auxin in the agar.
(ii) when unilateral light hits the left side of the tip, auxins move from illuminated side (left) to the
shaded side (right) diffusing into the agar block, thus the right side of the agar block has a higher
concentration of auxin then the left side. as more auxins are in the right agar block in results of uneven
distribution of auxins, with auxins incapable of moving across left and right of agar blocks due to the
mica plate, the decapitated coleoptile receiving the right agar block showed a larger degree of bending
because a higher concentration of auxin promoted more growth compared to the other coleoptile
receiving the left agar block with less concentration of auxin.
2. water activates enzymes in the cotyledon that break down stored food into simpler forms by
hydrolysis, food can be used in respiration to provide energy for growth. provides a medium to
transport soluble food to the radicle and plumule.
3a) type-q flower, the position of stigma of type-q flower is the same as the anther of type-p flower,
the butterfly carrying the pollen grain at the middle of its sucking tube collected from the anther of
type-p flower with touch upon the stigma of flower type-q when collecting nectar.
b) ensure cross-pollinations, to increase the genetic variation of offspring
advanced: 1a) to show the tip of the coleoptile is responsible for the production of a transmission
signal that is responsible for promotion of growth.
b) the signal promoting growth is a chemical, the chemical can diffuse into the agar block then back
into the coleoptile to the region of elongation, higher concentration of the chemical at one side of the
coleoptile (shaded side) lead to bending of coleoptile due to more growth at that side.
2. variations in a population can be obtained from fertilization, meiosis and mutations.
meiosis is a type of cell division where genetically different daughter cells are produced due
to independent assortment of chromosomes and crossing over of sister chromatids, these sequences all
lead up to genetically different daughter cells then its parents, bringing upon genetic variation among
offspring and parents, as each daughter cell is genetically different, this increases diversity in variation
of gametes, variation of population can be obtained from these gametes after fertilization and produce
offspring. during fertilization, one gamete from each parent fuses together to give a zygote, random
fertilization occurs, further increasing variation among offspring and parents, thus population.
mutation, such as gene mutation, is the change in DNA sequence, change in DNA sequence
can be brought to offspring through sexual reproduction, change in sequence can increase variation of
variation of population can allow different roles of individuals within the population, despite
diverse environmental conditions, resources can be more available as more choices are provided even
if some are lost during these environmental changes, for example the carnivorous plant.
variation of population can also help population cope with environmental changes by natural
selection, natural selection is the process where individuals with distinct traits favored by the
environment survive where one's with undesirable traits die.

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