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Objective: To experience different types of feedback “styles”

and get a feeling for how the receiver is affected by these

Directions: Ask for 4 volunteers from the team. Write their

name on a flipchart or whiteboard. Inform each student that
they will be called back into the room one at a time to search
for a hidden golf ball. Inform the remaining students in the
room on the role they will play as each of the 4 volunteers re-
enters the room.

Volunteer #1: Silent feedback; everyone is to remain silent

and motionless. Hide the ball in not too difficult spot. Allow
2-3 minutes to find.
Volunteer #2: Negative feedback; negative feedback
should be centered around things that the team may have
heard at one point or another about their performance.
Hide ball in slightly more difficult spot. Allow 2-3 minutes to
Volunteer #3: Positive feedback; encouragement is given.
Hide ball in an even more difficult spot. Allow 2-3 minutes
to find.
Volunteer #4: Specific feedback; participants provide
specific hints for finding the ball without giving it away. Can
respond to yes or no questions. Hide ball in an extremely
difficult spot. Allow 2-3 minutes to find.
1. How did you feel when looking for the ball?

2. What did you think/feel as a result of your feedback?

3. How did the feedback you received affect your


4. How did the feedback you received make you feel about the
individuals that were giving it to you?

5. If this was the feedback you received every day, how do you
think it would impact your desire or ability to work well with
your teammates and coach?
Objective: To practice personal-disclosure and mutual-

Directions: This activity allows up to disclose a piece of our

identity that is not “obvious” to others. You will be asked to
share why certain parts of your identity are important for
you to disclose.

“My name is _ and I am from _. One thing you cannot tell

just by looking at me is _. This is important for me to tell
you because _.”
1. What are 1-2 words that describe what this activity was
like for you?

2. How did you feel when you said your statement?

3. How did you decide what to share about yourself?

4. Did any of your peers’ responses surprise you?

5. How can you find out meaningful information about

your peers in the future? What is the value in that?

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