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R. Castillo St., Agdao, Davao City

School I.D. 405570

Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Dominant Approaches and Ideas in the Social Sciences 11
(Q4 for WEEK 1)
Ms. Mariel Diane O. Insoy

Name: Sakura Hayata Date: _______________________

Grade&Section: 11- OLFA Score: ______________________

B. FIRM-UP Activity 1: MOTIVATION ppt slide #4

By taking into account the people around you in order for them to understand what you're trying to say.
Make certain that your message does not contradict itself or leave any false impressions. Make an effort to
connect with others. Grasp their attention so they will listen to you. Explanation should be precise, and
complex ideas should be avoided as they may confuse them.

C. DEEPEN Activity 2: REFLECTION ppt #9 page 66

I define a unified community as one that shares the same intentions and goals. Which hold
societies together, but simple traditions or religious duties also keep people in check. The
precise cause of social anxiety is unknown. However, current research suggests that it is
caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Bullying is one example of a
negative experience that may contribute to this disorder.

Students Signature above Printed Name: Parents Signature above Printed Name:

Sakura Hayata Carmen Hayata

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