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 University is a place where “pebbles are polished, diamonds are dimmed,’ which
itself signifies the significance of tertiary education, this essay evaluates both
sides of argument and _________________.....

 The students are foundation of any nation’s development, who should be

empowered with wide array of knowledge and skills, in such a

 Education is a rudimentary right of each and every citizen.

 Education has transcended national barriers and enhanced its scope globally, in
such circumstances_____________.....

 Education broadens people’s thinking and makes them unbiased.

 Education enriches one’s awareness to life.


 “Education is transmission of civilization.”

 “Education is not the ending but it is the end of beginning.”

 “Education is not process of life but it is life itself.”

 “Encouragement is nine-tenth of education.”

 “Make a candle to get light, read a book to get enlightened.”

 “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

2 Mass Media:

 The role mass media such as news paper, radio, television is to inform, educate
and entertain.

 By doing these, they have profound influence on the life of people.

 The crucial role played by mass media in making people aware about human
rights is a very good example to prove the influence of journalism.

 Developed countries are becoming knowledge based because of progress of

 Democracy and human rights have no existence without media.

 There are basically three modes of media print, electronic and visual.

 The instant delivery of news and accurate prediction has caught up the
imagination of the viewers.


 “Seeing is believing.”

 “ Advertising promotes a materialistic approach to life which tempt people to

consume more of a particular product.”

 “ When you visualize than you materialize.”

 “ In today’s globalised world, it is natural for media to be global and have global


 Most of us never meet prime ministers or presidents, but anyone who is regularly
exposed to the media have an opinion on them. At the time of casting the vote,
we generally decide on the basis of how media portray a candidate.

 The independence of women is greatly due to exposure to mass media.

 In today’s hyper-connected world, it is natural for media to be global and to have

global market.


 The punishment should vary according to age, gender and circumstances under
which crime is committed.

 For some criminals, a long term jail is justifiable, while in case of others,
corrective education and rehabilitation works well.

 The inequalities in income, wealth and opportunities make many people turn to

 Nobody is criminal by birth but some circumstances and the situation of the life
make them criminals.

 However, there are some people who are perennial nuisance to the society. Such
people deserve long term jails, serial killers, rapist and terrorist belong to this

 “Criminals are victims who creates victim.”

 “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”


 The accused of Delhi gang rape case was executed which justifies the victim

 Kasab, the terrorist, who was sentenced death penalty for the notorious terrorist
attack on Taj hotel in Mumbai.

 Vishmay Shah, the son of renowned doctor is imprisoned and rejected for bail for
twelve times by the supreme court in the hit and run case where he was charged
with drink and drive accusation which had cost the life of innocent.


 As per WHO,”Health is the complete state of physical, mental, social and spiritual
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

 People are blindly running behind aggressive materialization which is the root
cause of ever worsening health of the people.

 Excessive intake of fast food, coupled with lack of exercise further accounts to
the issue.

 Mc’ Donald is having 30000 outlets in more than 120 countries itself proves the
growing popularity of fast-foods.

 It is not hygienic as it leads to many disease like obesity, diabetes, hyper tension
and other heart issues.

 In this fast paced life where women are excelling in each and every field, cooking
traditional food has become the thing of past. In sharp contrast, fast food is easy
to cook and avail.

 Add on to this, mental health is a crucial as physical health as in today’s fast

moving world people suffer from rampant stress and the disease like insomnia,
diabetes and heart stroke are on increase.


 As per recent survey, every 7 minutes one person dies because of tuberculosis
which is a curable disease.
 More than 52% of Indian children are malnourished.

 The initiative taken by schools to educate children and their family to fight
against dengue is a good example.

 We should emphasize on organic farming instead of intensive farming.


 “Health is wealth.”

 “Health is not valued till sickness knocks.”

 “Healthy mind dwells into healthy body.”


 We are divined with so many beautiful things on this world and one of them is
animals, which are the important species of flora and fauna.

 We should conserve animals in sanctuary as they find their natural habitat here
which adds to their longevity.

 They are the important member of eco-system,extinction of any of the species

would have significant impact on the food chain.

 For instance, there is Gir sanctuary for the conservation of lion,Ran Thambhor
national park for tigers and endangered species.


 Test on animals is violation of animal rights.

 The pharmaceutical industries and cosmetic industries test their products on

animal before making them available to people.

 Drugs have different effect on people and animals, so such tests are hypothetical.


 Everything undergoes a sea of change over a period of time as change is but


 Nano-technology offers outstanding possibilities in all walks of human life by

reducing waste.

 Nano-technology coupled with bio-technology has made significant progress in

health care, education and environment.
 Perhaps, bio-technology will wipe out poverty which is still worst enemy of

 Afforestation and environmental rehabilitation programs may resolve some of

the problems caused to the environment by human activities.

 Now, the human genome project has become successful and our fight against
many disease has become victorious.

 Cell transplantation instead of organ transplantation has revolutionized the

treatment of disease.

 By getting proactive and futuristic, we can make the changes favorable to us.


 “Technology is good servant but a bad master.”

 “Technology has made possible to have control over everything except over

 “Necessity is the mother of invention.”



 The world has been suffering from many issues and one of them is
___________....., which should be resolved by the conscious efforts of both
individual and government as, “ Prevention is better than cure.”


 Population has been hiking by leaps and bounds.

 Extensive access to private transportation.

 Excessive industrialization : emissions or toxic gases.

 E-wastage.

 Disposable culture.

 Use of plastic and plastic bags.

 Research on radioactive materials.

 Deforestation is employed for construction and infrastructure.

 Nuclear fusion and research on radio-active material.

 Lack of sewage management.


 Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

 Go green.

 Use of renewable resources.

 The government should ban plastic.

 Garbage disposal

 Civic sense.

 Awareness campaigns.

 Use of public transportation.

Significantly, serious steps are needed to be taken as, “Stich in time saves nine”,


 Travelling is leisure activity which is pursued by rich people of the society who
have higher amount of disposable income.

 Since the origin of species and homo sapiens, people have been travelling to the
different part of the world in search of new pasture, which has made travelling

 Travelling enhances one’s awareness to life and makes people unbiased.

 It pours foreign exchange in the economy of the host country that accounts to
vertical economic growth and horizontal development.

 It is leisure activity which is mainly pursued for fun and recreation.


 It leads to exchange of culture and tradition.

 It allows people to overcome the loopholes of own culture.

 It leads to single culture.

 It enhances horizons of people.

 It pours foreign exchange in the economy of host country.

 It improves diplomatic perpetual relation among two countries.

 It makes war a distance possibility.

 It flourishes domestic businesses.

 It also boosts hospitality, travel and tourism industries.


 It ruins our own culture and tradition.

 Youngsters get addicted to bad habits.

 It damages the environment and human health.

 Deforestation is employed.

 The tourists hamper the heritage sites by touching and pressing.

 Poor population.

 The area gets overcrowded with people.

 It increases the price of basic amenities.


 Culture can be defined as the totality of positive quality of a group of people.

 Culture includes beliefs, rules or behaviour, language and art, style of dress,
religious ritual, political system etc.

 People are not born with culture but they have to acquire it.

 Weddings in India are the time of great celebration, expense and feasting.

 The selection of the spouse depends upon the nature of the family.

 Indians are generally religious and family oriented. Their lives are deep rooted in
traditional spirituality. Families are generally large and it forms the basic unit of
rural Indian society. The elders are respected and cared by the families.

 The father is regarded as head of the family. Women are ready to sacrifice their
personal comfort for welfare of family and guests.Women are generally
respected by both young and old.

 Opinions of elders are considered as the words of wisdom. Here teacher is

mentor and parents are worshiped. We give priority to family and relationship.


 If we look at around the globe, each and every country whether developed, they
are compromised of regional city areas. The ever widening gap between them
has become an issue of debate for most of the countries.

 The growth of countryside, the major concern for most of the economics around
the world, need to be resolved to curtail ever widening gap between city side and


 Illiteracy.

 Prima-facie requirements.

 Education.

 Therapeutic services.

 Electricity.

 Fresh water.

 Transportation.

 Infrastructure.

 Conventional method of agriculture.

 Lack of opportunities.

 Orthodox and superstitious.


 Free compulsory education

 Investment in therapeutic services.

 The government should declare countryside as SEZ.

 The government should invest in five year plans.

 Subsidies and interest free loan.

 Use of technology in agriculture such as drip irrigation.


 A museum is a place to keep antique and interesting objects for the public to see
and observe.

 There are different type of museum such as war museum, science museum and
natural ,history museum.

 The people visit museums for education, enjoyment and entertainment purpose.

 Museum could provide more information that what several books could provide.

 Science museum show us model of several species of flora and fauna.

 War museum show us many weapons used in bygone days and they enable us to
have comparison of them with present weapons.

 Museums conserve our culture, tradition and values of our life.

It depicts our origins and history.


 Art is a national inheritance which is possessed by very few people of the

 Freedom of expression is one of the fundamental rights of every human being,

which is enshrined in the constitutions of all democrats of the world.

 There is a demand for expressions of art as we live in world where stress and
tension are but realities.

 For example, Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa creates different impressions on

people who look at it. In the bygone days when there were no government
interventions, people could produce wonderful work of art.

 History depicts the study of the past which takes a person inside into rise and fall
of civilization.

 It elaborates our culture, tradition and other aspects of the life.

 We can learn from the history about why and how we have changed. Add on to
this, we can learn from the mistakes of our predecessors.

 Music is a kind of tonic which removes stress and helps us to come out of hectic

 It could rejuvenate from our routine life by availing a change as, “ Change is the
spice of life.”

 Music inspires our emotions and gives a sensational delight.


INTRODUCTION: General View or Definition + Opinion at last

Body1: Elaborate Opinion + Example

Body2: Against Opinion + Example

Conclusion: Write around 3 to 4 lines for Conclusion.

BODY1: Write paragraph with following opening phrase;

 To begin with,

 At the outset,

 To commence with,

 In the inception,

 First and foremost,

BODY2: Write paragraph with following opening phrase;

 In contrast,

 In contradiction to,

 On the other hand,

 The school of thoughts believes,

 With reference to above points

CONCLUSION: Start with following phrases;

 Agglomerating all the points

 Elaborated

 Discussed

 Mentioned

 In nutshell

 To arrive at an acceptable conclusion

EXAMPLE: Start example with following phrases;

 To cite an example

 To take an example

 For instance

 To exemplify

 For example


 Many Numerous

 So Hence, Thus
 Very Extremely

 Sometimes Occasionally, Seldom

 Some A few, quite a few

 Basic Fundamental

 Need Amenities


 Sexagenarians: age group between 60-69

 Septuagenarians: age group between 70-79

 Octogenarians: age above 80

 Abundant:

 Destitute: extremely poor

 Humanitarian: human welfare

 Rehabilitation

 Ameliorate: to make better

 Exacerbate: to make worse

 Exaggerate: to hype

 Dilute: make weaker

 Banal: very common

 Insipid: dull, boring, vapid

 Obsolete: out of fashion

 Felony : crime, offence

 Offender : criminal, perpetrator, culprit

 Victim : sufferer

 Accused : convict

 Jail : prison, cell

 Incarcerate : to put someone in jail

 Racism : discrimination on basis of color

 Consequence : outcome, aftermath

 Consequential : important, significant

 Dispensable : replaceable

 Indispensable : vital, necessary

 Inevitable : sure

 Elucidate : explain

 Noxious : harmful

 Congregation : gathering

 Rampant : uncontrolled

 Adequate : sufficient

 Thwart : stop

 Passionate : eager, energetic, intense

 Velocity : speed, pace, tempo

 Inculcate : introduce, implant, foster

 Optimum : ideal, best, perfect

 Ceaseless : unending, constant, endless, continual

 Oblivious : unaware, unconscious, ignorant

 Incessant : constant, continual, endless

 Woes: problem, difficulty, trial, burden

 Abandon: leave, desert, ditch

 Ubiquitous : omnipresent, everywhere, all over

 Engender: create, produce, generate, provoke, trigger

 Implement: execute, apply, put in action

 Feeble: weak, puny, delicate, helpless

 Incontrovertible: undeniable, unquestionable

 Insidious: cunning, crafty, sloe effect

 Bestow: gift, present, grant

 Opulent: luxurious, palatial, lavish, rich, magnificent

 Exhort: urge, encourage, push, pressure

 Mammoth: huge, big

 Exquisite: happiness, bliss, joyful, euphoria

 Sanctity: purity, holiness, blessedness, saintliness, goodness

 Veracity: truthfulness, realism, authenticity, faithfulness

 Deconsecrate: to make it impure

 Encompass: to include, contain, enclose, encircle

 Transcend: go beyond, rise above, cut across

 Repercussion(negative way): result, effect, outcome, by product, consequence

 Mesmerize: spellbind, charm, fascinate, dazzle

 Suppress: defeat, conquer, vanquish, crush, quell

 Cultivate: try to improve or develop


One of the most effective ways to write an introduction is paraphrasing keywords  to change
topic into new one.

Keywords are the words related to the writing topic, and throughout the article we have to
repeat these keywords again and again. Of course, every IELTS learner knows not to repeat
identically but must paraphrase these keywords.

However, when referring to the keywords, you must find ways to paraphrase keywords and back
to think, you will lose time. Your mind might sometimes goes blank and you sometimes cannot
come up with any replaced words and you would lose your head. Then, a little trick to save time
is :Write down the keywords and paraphrasing ways for them before starting to write your essay,
then while writing, whenever you have to repeat the keywords, just look up and select from
vocabularies above.

Take the topic below as a prime example:

As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or

Based on this subject, I have identified 3 keywords : “making money”, “ businesses”  and “social
responsibilities” needed to be repeated several times in Task 2. So, before you write, you should
create a list of synonyms or related words to paraphrase them as follows:

Making money = increase income = increase revenue = generate/make profit

Businesses = enterprises = corporations = companies = firms

Social responsibilities = guarantee their responsibilities in society = be responsible = take over

social responsibilities = socially responsible manner

Once you get a list above, while writing, you can quickly look up and select a phrase in the list.
This will help you save time without being interrupted to think

For each keywords you need 2 -3 paraphrase ways, each of which can be repeated 2-3 times,
don’t need  too many

In case your vocabulary is not good enough to paraphrase effectively , there will be several easy
tips for you without wasting time.

Using synonyms :

For example : It can be difficult to choose a suitable course for students straight after school .

Paraphrase :
Difficult = hard = challenging

Choose = select = pick up

Suitable course = appropriate course = available course

2. Changing word forms:

Difficult to choose = difficult choice  = hard choice

Be responsible = hold/take responsibility for

3. Using “It is”: is one of the best online studying IELTS recently

–> It is said that is one of the best online studying IELTS recently

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