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6 Selecting and Evaluating Digital Tools & Resources Candidates collaborate with teachers

and administrators to select and evaluate digital tools and resources for accuracy, suitability, and

compatibility with the school technology infrastructure.

The goal of the Evaluating Emerging Technologies Assessment (EETA) was to become

more efficient technology leaders by evaluating technology that we would like to see

implemented in our school or districts. We were then required to prepare a formal presentation

that we would deliver to our principal or school board to convince them to fund and adopt the

emerging technology we selected. To complete this presentation, I researched emerging

technologies that I felt our school could benefit from implementing. Through this research, I was

able to identify all of the equipment and software needed to facilitate the technology. Identified

potential strengths and weaknesses of implement the technology, researched was to allocate

funding to carry out this technology plan, and collaborated with staff members to determine the

overall accuracy, suitability, and compatibility of using GSuite applications schoolwide. I

completed the project proposal independently but collaborated closely with out school’s staff,

media center specialist, and the head of our technology department for our county.

In order to complete the EETA, I had to do extensive research into what it meant to

rollout technology integration school wide. I had to make sure the implementation process was in

line with and could further support our school and county’s mission and vision statement. I also

successfully created a time frame for the rollout process, found possible technology support

solutions, determined the cost of the implementation process, identifies possible funding sources,

and analyzed our school’s goals to determine if the technology would be effective source for

enhancing student learning in the classroom. This process demonstrates my ability to

successfully carry out standard 3.6 in regards to evaluating the effective use of emerging

technologies and their compatibility, suitability, and accuracy with in school.

While completing this artifact, I learned about all of the steps that go into attempting to

integrate technology on a larger scale. I learned the value of researching and collaborating with

different people who hold different positions within the school system. The feedback,

collaboration, and research that took place as I learned what it meant to properly evaluate

technology, were extremely beneficial to further development in technology instruction. If I were

to make any changes to this artifact, I would choose a technology program that was on a smaller

scale. The process for evaluating the implementation for something as large as G-suits was

extensive. It means changing over emails, our data back drives, and so much more.

The work that went into creating this artifact impacted school improvement and faculty

development tremendously, as I made new connections and collaborated with people beyond our

school. If the new emerging technology I selected were to be rolled out, it would further impact

student learning by encouraging student collaboration and granting students access to wider

range of technology integration. These impacts could potentially be assessed through either the

continuation of future collaboration or the increase in student collaboration at Warner Robins

Middle School.

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