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Goal 5/ Part 1

1. Lesson plans for a week for both a Toddler and Pre-K Classroom
a. Toddler Classroom- Theme: Colors
Monday- Tuesday- Wednesday- Thursday- Friday-
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue

Language & Dianne Ginger Ginger Ginger Ginger

Literacy White’s Swift’s Swift’s Swift’s Swift’s
“Who Eats “Little “Little “Little “Little Blue
Orange?”; Orange Yellow Green Boat”;
and Ginger Truck”; Bee”; and Frog”; and Michael
Swift’s and Emily Emily Casey and Laura Hall’s Red:
“Little Red Gravett’s & Alyssa Vaccaro “A
Barn” “Orange King’s “I Seeger’s Crayon’s
Pear Apple Choose “Green” Story
Bear” Yellow”

Cognition & Place Place Place Place Place

Knowledge various various various various various
large colored colored cups colored colored
colored pom Plastic bears on a table plastic rings plastic beads
poms and and Orange and have on the table in a
Jumbo Red plastic cups them pick and have container
Lego’s so they can out only the them use and have
upside down put only the Yellow ones only the them pick
on a table so Orange and make a Green ones out only the
they can put bears in the tower out of and toss Blue ones to
only the red cups them them into a glue onto a
pom poms green bin on picture of a
into the the other blueberries
Lego’s side of the

Social Have the Have the Have the Have the Have the
Emotional children sit children children children go children
in groups of take turns in share while outside with play catch
2 and share a group of 2 they play a buddy and with a blue
while using with yellow collect ball with a
playing with different building Green items partner
only Red Orange blocks in that you
Lego’s mediums of groups of 2 have hidden
art to color a in various
page, such places and
as with put their in
crayons, their group’s
colored basket
pencils, and

Physical & Sensory Sensory Sensory Sensory Sensory

Motor table play table play table play table play table play
with Red with Orange with Yellow with Green with Blue
foods mixed foods mixed foods mixed foods mixed foods mixed
together like together like together like together like together
red apples, oranges, pineapple green like,
grapes, persimmons, chunks, grapes, peas, blueberries,
pitted oranges bell bananas, pears, etc.; blue jello,
cherries, peppers, corn, lemon, Looking etc.;
etc.; etc.; etc.; outside for Looking
Looking Looking Looking Green things outside for
outside for outside for outside for Blue things
Red things Orange Yellow
things things

b. Pre-K Classroom- Theme: Colors

Monday- Tuesday- Wednesday- Thursday- Friday-
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue

Language & Jessica Dianna Tiffany Renato Christopher

Literacy Young’s Hutts Papageorge’s Moriconi‘s Duke’s
“My Blue Is Aston’s “An “My Yellow “The Very “Lucy's Blue
Happy” Orange in Balloon” Hungry Day”
January” Plant”

Cognition Give a Getting a Play Pin the Make a Dye pieces

& group of 3 long sheet Petal on the caterpillar of macaroni
Knowledge children a of paper, Sunflower. with Green different
bucket with outline Have the plastic cups colors and
5 various children pick and give the have the
unmatched Orange out only children an children
pairs of Red objects and yellow array of only use the
socks with then collect flower petal colored blue ones to
different them in a cut-outs from marbles and make
patterns or basket and a cup of have them macaroni
shades of give them to different feed the necklaces
Red that the kids to colored caterpillar
they can match up petals that only the
match the Orange they can green
together object with stick onto a marbles
its’ outline Sunflower
cut-out that’s
missing its’

Social Baking soda Sing and Teach Have them Using paper
Emotional and Vinegar move to the manners and watch or cups to
Colors and song If politeness by participate show
Emotions You’re making in a puppet emotion
activity: Happy and “dishes” with show where different
Toilet paper You Know different on puppet is faces of
rolls with It” but Yellow foods “Green with people who
baking soda replace the cut-out and envy” and are feeling
placed on word glued on the other Blue: 2
the bottom “happy” paper plates puppets try paper cups
and faces of with and then to are used
different “Orange” passing int to understand with a body
emotions on and do one child at a and have the and different
the front, movements time and other puppet “Blue” faces
then putting that can be asking them tell them that are cut
a drop of related to if they would why and out and
different emotions like some of what it glued on the
colors for associated that food and means to be cups- the
the different with Orange have them “green with body on one
emotions, like energy respond with envy” cup and the
ie. red for and running either “No, faces evenly
anger, and around a bit thank you” spaced on
then pouring or happiness or “Yes, the other
vinegar on and saying please” and cup; the one
them so “Hooray” then continue with the
they passing it body has a
“explode” onto the small square
with other cut out so
emotion and children until you can put
color you get the other
through all of cup inside it
the “dishes” to be able to
see the faces
twisting the
inner cup

Physical & Eating red Peeling and Peeling and Picking Eating and
Motor apple slices eating eating a Green squishing up
and using Oranges and Banana and Grapes off some
Apples cut making playing with of the Blueberries
in half sensory lemon bushel and fishing
horizontally bags with scented branches using
with Red Orange Yellow and playing magnets for
ink as colored gel playdough Leap Frog only Blue
stamps and orange inside outside with fish in a
shapes or cut-out basin filled
letters that Green Lily- with Blue
they must pads colored
move to a water and
certain area many
of the colored fish
sensory bag
marked by
drawn on
the outside

2. Plan a Budget for a preschool of 50 children

3. List forms that are required in the child’s folder
a. Accident/Incident reports
b. Immunization/Vaccination records
c. Medical History form
d. Parents’ written authorization of who’re allowed to pick-up the child from the
e. Emergency contacts
f. Notes on attendance or tardiness
g. Notes on their behavior/ observation records and concerns
4. List forms that are required in the employee’s folder
a. Performance evaluations
b. Receipt or signed acknowledgement of the employee handbook
c. Application and/or resume
d. Emergency contacts
e. Notes on attendance or tardiness
f. Medical History form
5. Competency Standard #5- To ensure a well-run, purposeful program that is responsive
to participant needs
a. Functional Area #12- Program Management
i. One of my goals in the functional area of program management is to
make sure that I support the learning and development of the children in
my care through proper observation, planning, and documentation and by
exercising my communication and organizational skills to allow for the
best and most beneficial learning environment. This is an important goal
for the age group of children in my care because they are still young and
they need a lot of structure in order to function at their best and so that
they don’t get overwhelmed and act out since they are still learning to
control their actions and emotions and don’t know what to do when things
are organized and there is no clear plan for them. One of the ways I do this
is by making sure that all necessary documentation is present and up to
date in their folders and by keeping organized lesson plans that the
children and I can follow throughout the day to ensure they are learning as
much but as best as they can while having fun doing it.

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