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Using the Internet

Can you imagine today’s societies without using the Internet? Since it is
considered to be one of the greatest discoveries of the last century for many reasons,
it would be almost impossible. However, although it has definitely made our lives
better, we should be careful when using it.
One of the main advantages is that it has allowed us to communicate with people
from all over the world. It has enhanced the way we interact with each other, as it
provides instant communication. For instance, you can make foreign friends online just
in a few minutes. Furthermore, it is very useful for getting any kind of information
quickly. This is because there is a great deal of websites which provide reliable content
on whatever matter you need, such as science, music or languages.
On the other hand, it is argued that people should be more careful when using the
Internet. Firstly, because interaction with an unkonwn person can be really dangerous,
especially for children and women who can, for example, end up being rapped or
sexually abused. Secondly, some of the information available online is not reliable at
all. Consequently, it can be harmful for people unless they make sure it is reliable
To sum up, even though people should make a responsible use of the Internet, I
strongly believe that it has become the most important tool nowadays, especially
because it has made things faster and easier for everyone.

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