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Blanca Varela (1926 – 2009)

Blanca Leonor Varela Gonzales, was a Peruvian poet, considered one of

the most important poetic voices of the genre in Latin America. He was
born on August 10, 1926 in the city of Lima in Peru. He died on March 12,
2009 at the age of 82.
She was the first woman to obtain the City of Granada Federico García
Lorca International Poetry Prize, in 2006.
She was a student of Literature and Education at the Faculty of Letters and
Human Sciences of the UNMSM, in 1943. In this space she would meet
renowned poets and artists such as Jorge Eduardo Eielson, Sebastián
Salazar Bondy and Fernando de Szyszlo.
Many of his works were translated into German, French, English, Italian,
Portuguese, and Russian; which means an enormous recognition of his
work in the world. It was also considered a Medal of Honor by the
National Institute of Culture of Peru.

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