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The Academy of Advance Technical Utopia

October 14, 2021


Ms. Isabel Barbosa

Ladies and Gentleman of the Board,

I come before you today to discuss the importance of Teaching and Learning with

According to Costley an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the

Arkansas Tech University:

“Technology is a powerful contributor to learning if it is used to deepen students’

engagement in meaningful and intellectually authentic curriculum. Technology is a tool.
It should be selected when it is the best tool for students to learn. Technology can be a
particularly effective tool for English language learners and can enhance the participation
of children with disabilities. Children in elementary schools should begin to use familiar
technology tools as a part of their academic program. Teachers should model the use of
technology in support of the curriculum so that children can see the appropriate use of
technology and benefit from exposure to more advanced applications that they will use
independently when they are older.” (Costley, 2014, P. 4)

With the above mentioned quote in mind I would like to substantiate my position with the

importance of Teaching and Learning with Technology I will support my stance with five key


1. Technology Engages both Student’s and Teacher’s which Leads to Active Learners.

Technology turns previous passive learners into engaged and interested learners, what used to be

boring paper pencil assignments are now interactive and engaging. Using technology devices

helps to encourage self-directed learning. Technology has turned subjects such as math and

science into exciting and appealing activities.

2. Technology Promotes Learning and Growth of All Individuals.

As a teacher I know that each student learns differently and technology helps support the

diversified learner. There is no other tool in the classroom that can better support struggling or

disabled students than technology. Using technology in the classroom gives all learners a level

playing field. Learners can be better supported with learning difficult concepts and subject

3. Collaboration and Interaction among Learners Increase.

With technology supporting the diversified learners they are now more equipped with strategies

that increase project based learning. Students are more apt to help fellow learners and collaborate

whereas before students were less supportive of each other. Technology integration has many

positively unexpected results within the classroom.

4. Technology Supports College and Career Readiness.

One of the biggest pushes for 2024 is to have our Learners College and Career ready. With this

goal in mind technology has become an integral part of how our world operates every day. It is

imperative that students know how to incorporate technology into their learning. Technology in

the classroom supports learners with research, collaboration, and critical thinking. It is best to

support our learners early on in education so that they are prepared for the world/career a head of


5. Technology Produces Successful Teachers.

Using technology in the classroom supports teachers with delivering and developing engaging

lessons which supports the 21st century learner. Technology allows teachers the value of extra

time to support struggling learners. This valuable time saver better prepares learners for high

stakes testing and improves student growth.

In conclusion, being forced to abandon the use of technology within our school district

would be detrimental to supporting our learners to be College and Career Ready. Please

remember technology should not take over the classroom, but to support teaching and learning.

When teachers are allowed to combine technology with traditional methods of teaching they

become more engaging and supportive of our diverse learners. Abandoning technology is not the

answer to a budget short fall. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Isabel Barbosa, School District Teacher


Costley, K. (2014, October 30). The Positive Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student

Learning. Https://Files.Eric.Ed.Gov. Retrieved October 15, 2021, from


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