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Case Analysis Worksheet

This form can be used to organize your thoughts about a case. As you perform your analysis remain open
to the fact that your interpretation of the facts may change and therefore you should constantly revisit
your answers. (Extend the text box for your inputs)

Student Name: SRIJAN KUMAR MAITI_ Roll No: OTPA34


Case Synopsis: Write a Synopsis (brief story) about the Case Study

Gillette initially was able to gain competitive advantage than other companies over time by incremental
innovations. These new creative innovations’ main goal was to attract people to use the products. Also, now a day
the company have the strong presence with a large number of offerings and extended product line which is
supplementing each other in the long run resulting greater customer loyalty and brand recall.

Define the Problem: Describe the type of case and what problem(s) or issue(s) should be the focus for
your analysis.
Type of the case: Industry Landscape & Competitor Dynamics

Problems to be focused on:

1) Product design
2) Product expansion
3) Marketing strategy
4) Customer attraction

5) Advertising

List any outside concepts that can be applied: Write down any principles, frameworks or theories that can
be applied to this case.
SWOT analysis, 4 P analysis of the product, Generation of Revenue Concept

List relevant qualitative data: evidence related to or based on the quality or character of something.
Long lasting coating blades, ergonomic handles, precision heads in premium price.
Case Analysis Worksheet

List relevant quantitative data: evidence related to or based on the amount or number of something.
According to the survey among some students in the class:
 80% Indian men do daily shaving
 Indian men monthly spent 30rs for shaving on average
 Only 20% Indians are concerned about daily grooming
 65% people are using Gillette guard

Describe the results of your analysis: What evidence have you accumulated that supports one
interpretation over another.
According to analysis:
1. A mistake that multinationals make is to push global brands in a one-size-fits-all strategy.
2. Gillette's strategy of spending time and resources understanding Indian consumers’ needs proved to be the key to its

Describe alternative actions: List and prioritize possible recommendations or actions that come out of
your analysis.
Alternative solutions:
 Foreign market expansion
 Sensitivity of Indian market in cultures and tradition
 In-store advertising system
 Loss leader marketing strategy
 Glamorization

Describe your preferred action plan: Write a clear statement of what you would recommend including
short, medium and long-term steps to be carried out.
Preferred action plan:
 First solving the issues at hand
 Encourage cannibalization
 Sponsorship / Promotions
 Benefits
 Celebrity endorsements

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