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My grandfather (Papa’s dad) or Lolo Daddy as we used to call him was diagnosed with cancer

when I was still very little. He was my favorite lolo since he was the only living grandparent that I
had growing up. I was barely seven years old at that time but I could still remember his face, his
voice and the way he speaks. I only knew that he had a disease called “cancer” but I didn’t
know that he was already terminally diagnosed. Months before his death, he was frequently
hospitalized and eventually developed dementia along the way. I could still remember the time
when he couldn’t recognize my father but immediately recognized me and my younger sister.
He told us that we are his favorite grandchildren. I remember smiling at him shyly because I
didn’t know how to react. But my innocent mind back then was unaware that I was about to lose
my cherished grandfather. I wish I could turn back time so I could reply that he is also my
favorite. That experience was very fleeting but it did affect me greatly growing up because that
thought made me realize that I am loved no matter what.

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