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More broadly, welfare may also encompass efforts to provide a basic level of 

well-being through
free or subsidized social services such as healthcare, education, vocational training and public
housing.[10][11] In a welfare state, the State assumes responsibility for the health, education, and
welfare of society, providing a range of social services such as those described. [11]
The first codified universal government welfare was instituted in the 7th century (634 CE) in the
time of the Rashidun caliph Umar.[12] The first welfare state was Imperial Germany (1871–1918),
where the Bismarck government introduced social security in 1889.[13] In the early 20th century,
the United Kingdom introduced social security around 1913, and adopted the welfare state with
the National Insurance Act 1946, during the Attlee government (1945–51).[11] In the countries of
western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, social welfare is mainly provided by the
government out of the national tax revenues

Far more than just a fantastic idea, A startup necessitates a

significant amount of time, discipline, devotion, and, most
importantly, funding. According to a 2016 British Business Bank
survey, more than 60% of startups require external financial
rounds to establish a firm foothold in the market. 

Regardless of its disposition or size, every startup requires

funds to turn its innovative ideas into reality. The majority of
companies and startups fail due to an inability to raise sufficient
money at the right time. A startup undergoing rapid expansion
goes through the following funding stages:

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