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[MODEL] Research Log #7 - Solutionary Project 2022

Date: Mar. 23, 2022

Name: Christopher Ahmed
Essential Question: How can we control invasive species?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Invasive species cause problems for native ones.
#2: Feral pigs cannot be fully removed from Hawaii.
#3: Invasive species lack predators in Hawaii.

Point that this Source Proves: # 1: Invasive species cause problems for native ones.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Early in the article, it is made clear that “The impacts of invasive species on ecosystem services have attracted
worldwide attention.”

The writers mention that “Ecosystem services are the benefits provided to human society by natural ecosystems, or
more broadly put, the ecosystem processes by which human life is maintained.”

However, solutions may not be so simple, seeing as “Economic valuation of ecosystem services (and goods) typically
involves several components.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This source is different from others I have seen as it focuses on both the economic and natural resource-related
effects of invasive species. Even though my project focuses on the environmental effects of invasive species, it is still
important to remember that humans are affected by our own mistakes as well. Of course, the invasive species are not
trying to create problems for us, they are just trying to survive. However, we are the ones that have introduced them to
these environments, and it is good to see that we are beginning to realize our mistakes on a worldwide scale, as the
article mentions.
The source also mentions that healthy ecosystems and natural habitats benefit humans. It is easy for someone
to say that an unhealthy ecosystem is “only bad for nature” or something along those lines when it is just as
detrimental to us. Consider the water we drink- that comes from nature, doesn’t it? So does a good amount of the food
we consume such as fish. Protecting natural habitats is crucial to our survival.
One of the biggest problems with invasive species management is that- as previously mentioned- people fail to
realize how important a healthy, natural ecosystem is to human beings. When building new land or manufacturing
products, we need to consider things such as whether the animals have enough space, or if we are releasing too much
carbon into the air. We need to prioritize our environment more highly than we currently do when making decisions.
Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Heather Charles and Jeffrey S. Duke. “13 Impacts of Invasive Species on Ecosystem Services” 15 September 2009

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was published within the last 15 years and checks out with other
sources, such as the documentary I watched.

Types of Resources:
• Scholarly publications (Journals) * Conference Proceedings. * Books/ Journals
• Popular sources (News and Magazines) * Government Documents
• Professional/Trade sources. * Thesis & Dissertations

Research Log #__ - Solutionary Project 2022

Essential Question:

Three Points to Prove: #1:



Point that this Source Proves: #

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove)

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

This is a reputable and reliable article because

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