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People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.

Winnie the Poo said that and I do hope that

you will never follow his daily routine.

The thing is that the ideal formula of success is actually to do something every day. However, the word
“something” isn`t actually the right word choice. Doing something is not enough. What I mean is: if I
wanted to become fitter and started reading books instead of exercising that wouldn`t be the best
choice. It wouldn`t make me even a step closer to my goal. That`s why we have to be more specific.

First thing first, we should set a goal. It`s really important to formulate your wishes in a right way. For
example, saying that you want to master English or become successful won`t give you the slightest
thought of how to achieve the goal. How would you know that you have already accomplished it? How
does mastering English feel like? How does success smell or feel?

I mean to say that you have to be more precise. The goal has to be real. Think about it this way. If I say
that I want to learn all the irregular verbs that will at least give me a hint on what I should do. I would
make a plan of the process and start following it. What`s best is that I would definitely know if I achieved

What I am trying to say is that you have to be concrete about what you want and then you will
absolutely know by what means it should be accomplished.

Last but not least, I just want to remind you what Thomas Edison said: “Success is 1% inspiration and
99% perspiration”. I hope his words would make a great moto for you.

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