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Words commonly mispronounced 1. Silent letters can be a problem. The letters in bold are silent in the following words: P psychic /saikik/ psychiatry pneumatic receipt pseudonym psychology b comb/koum/ dumb numb tomb climb womb lamb 1 could/kud/ should calm half talk palm walk salmon chalk hhonour/ons/ honourable honest hour hourly heir heiress t whistle / wisol/ castle listen fasten soften Christmas k knee /ni:/ knife know knob knowledge knot knit Listen to these words. Circle the odd word in each line, and say why it is different. a heir honest hotel hours b perhaps rhyme rhino rhythm c whale when whole white Circle a word in each line which doesn't have a silent letter like the others. a silent g: foreign signature gnome sign b silent k: knot knight banknote know c silent: hymn — solemn condemn autumnal d silenth: whale — when whole white the crossword. All the words have a silent, uae | Find the silent letters in the following words: honour, heiress, yoghurt, exhibition, vehicle, exhausted, receipt, pseudonym, psychology, limb, bomb, debt, doubt, subtle, thumb, crumb, plumber, salmon, soften, ghastly, stalk, yolk, calf, column, handkerchief, muscle, Wednesday, island, sandwich, leopard, buoy, corps, handsome, jroning, bruise, fasten

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