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Christina School May 2022


Mrs. DeCarlo | Ms. Murrihy

Important Dates

May 19: $1.00

Dress Down
May 27:
Classes May? No Way!
May 30: No Can you believe that we are in our
School- final weeks of school? Time sure
Memorial Day does fly by pretty fast. We are
June 9: Last making every day count by learning
Day of School many new things and introducing
11:30 Dismissal new topics in every subject. Please
continue to work on these new
concepts at home with your child.
Keep to a good, consistent routine
even if you need to change things
up due to sports games/practices.

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St. Christina School May 2022
Hail Mary
Full of Grace
Subject Highlights
Phonics/Spelling: We will be reviewing
all the Intensive Phonics sounds and
rules learned this year. We are
introducing the special vowel sounds
(au,aw), (ou,ow), (oi,oy), (oo). Practice
decoding (sounding out) words with long
and short vowel sounds at home.

Reading: The students have grown so

much in their reading abilities since the
May is the month start of the year. They are reading in
to honor Mary, all subject areas as well as their readers.
mother of Jesus. They are using their phonics skills to help
A statue of Mary them read and they’re doing great!
will be traveling Continue to read the weekly story
to each selection at home every week to prepare
classroom for the Friday test.
throughout the Math: We are finishing our chapter on
month. Every time and measurement. Next we will
Monday the learn about two-dimensional and three-
school will read a dimensional shapes and equal parts.
prayer that Continue to practice the addition and
honors Mary subtraction facts 5-10 minutes each
during morning night. The students need to know their
announcements. facts for second grade and to be
successful in math.

Religion: We are learning about

Sacraments and how they are special
celebrations of God’s love. We will end
the year learning about the celebration

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St. Christina School May 2022

of the Mass and how we share God’s love with others. We go to

Mass weekly and hope you attend Mass as a family on the

As of May 1st the students may wear their gym shorts on gym
days and navy dress shorts on the other days.
Please remind your child that it is important to continue to use
manners and to treat others with kindness!

Thanks for your continued support!

Mrs. DeCarlo & Ms. Murrihy

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