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Directions: Fill in each part of the App Lesson with your own original ideas.

look at the samples provided on Moodle. Provide 3 to 4 apps/steps for students to
complete along with a creative title, helpful description, and relevant SC teaching
standards. There must be one app per step.
Title: Foods and Health
Relevant SC Standards:
Standard 1: “Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and
disease prevention to enhance health” (NHES, 2007).
N-1.1.1 Identify the food groups.
N-1.1.2 Explain the importance of choosing healthy foods and beverages,
including water.
Description: This app lesson will develop first grade students' knowledge of the
basic food groups and healthy eating habits.
Instructional Objective: Students will be able to decipher the different food
groups as well as learn skills to further a healthy eating habit from watching
videos, interacting in games, as well as going into further detail of the food groups
within a meal.
Step 1: Students will watch the following YouTube video on the smartboard and
write down the five different food groups on a piece of paper as well as notes they
think would be important to remember about the food groups.
Step 2: Students will use an interactive Nearpod lesson to further quiz their
knowledge on healthy eating and the food groups.
Step 3: Students will then create a drawn presentation in groups by drawing and
labeling a healthy dinner that includes one food from each food group as well as a
healthy drink. They will then present their dinner to the class with further

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