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Plugged In?

But Still Feeling Drained?

Try Multi-family Group Therapy

What is MFGT? Why MFGT?
Therapy including adults Only 4.6% of adolescents
and children from multiple were still addicted after
families MFGT
A long-term effective Only 6.4% became re-
treatment for internet addicted after a follow-up
addiction (Liu, Fang, Yan, study
Zhou, Yuan, Lan, Liu, 2015). Helps parents understand
Improves need satisfaction your internet use (Cañas,
Liu, Q. X., Fang, X. Y., Yan, N., Zhou, Z. K., Yuan, X. J., Lan, J., &
Liu, C. Y. (2015). Multi-family group therapy for adolescent
Internet addiction: Exploring the underlying mechanisms.
Addictive Behaviors, 42, 1-8.

Cañas, E., & Estévez, E. (2021). Intervention Programs for the

Problematic Use of the Internet and Technological Devices: A
Systematic Review. Electronics, 10(23), 2923. MDPI AG.

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