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Bachillerato de Bellas Artes

English 4th year

Prof. María Cecilia Carattoli


We use infinitive after should or shouldn’t.


Give advice for these situations using should/shouldn’t:

1. I can’t stop playing computer games all afternoon and I’m not doing
very well at school.
2. My parents want to take my mobile away from me because I phone
my friends all day and I don’t do my homework.
3. My girlfriend says I pay more attention to my mobile phone than to
her and now she doesn’t want to talk to me.
4. I can’t stop using my mobile phone all day because I am scared to
lose my friends.
5. I can’t pay attention in class because I’m connected to my favourite
social networks all the time and now my teacher says it’s not
probable that I will pass the subject.
6. I’m playing a new exciting game online and I stopped doing sports
with my friends. They are worried about me because they think I’m
becoming a computer addict.
7. My friends say I’m antisocial because I don’t like social networking. I
prefer to meet them in the club or park and do sports or just hang
out with them outside. Now they are angry with me and don’t call me
to go out any more.
8. My parents are worried about me, they say I’m not eating well and I
am underweight. I have lost eight kilos in two months because I am
online all day. But I can’t help it, when I go online I forget about
eating and anything else.

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