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Camarillo 1

Isabella Camarillo

Ms. McCann

English 1302.203

3 May 2022

Final Reflection

At the start of the semester for English 1302 I wanted to be prepared when starting the

three essays throughout the essay. Many of the homework we had done had helped me in

practicing for the upcoming essay and in that I can prepare myself in any essay I have. As of now

from essay one to essay three there was a lot of improvement to where I can see how I grew as a

writer. Essay one was where I felt that being a mediocre writer was okay because as I had two

other essays to go, I had time to fix mistakes from essay one. From that I had talked about how

Lemon water can improve yourself in many ways. Essay two was where I had the chance to be

okay but not as great, making it so that I was still improving in being a writer. Essay two was

where I talked about athletes who sustain ACL injuries and have many other methods in helping

them in recovering. Many researchers have said that doing certain producers can help them

overall be to where they used to be. And essay three was where I had to finish strong and write

more extensively, making it so that I did improve on my writing skills. Essay three was

somewhat was essay two was about, but giving a more in depth on the psychological side with

athletes that get hurt.

When starting each and every essay I wanted to have an argumentative side where I

wanted the audiences to see from my point of view. And from that there are many diverse
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perspectives in discussions, the construction of an argument can benefit me in a variety of ways

when writing an essay. You can choose one side in writing where you have a chance of letting

the audience see your side and possibly changing their minds to a different side of the argument.

From this, I was able to have an advantage in the future when writing essays with many aspects

to an argument, but making it so that the readers have a change of heart from the beginning to the

end of the essay. And because I was able to show my side of the essay I had was to and not to

write when writing essays. In the end, I was saying that having an essay that shows your side of

what you are trying to say is my best type of writing. I am able to get all the information from

many different sources and still use a bit that may counteract my side; giving both sides on the

topic so people can decide for themselves on what they think.

In other words, at the start of the semester I knew that English 1302 was not going to be

as hard since I had the hang of it from last semester in English 1301. Even though I needed the

improvement and time to fix the errors I knew what was needed in every essay. The topic for

essay one was about what the substance of Lemon Water would do to a person if they were to be

drinking it every day for a week. The effects came out as a positive turnout and became very

effective. The effects had helped clear my skin and helped my digestive system throughout the

day. In the first two days I knew I was not going to see the results right after I had ingested the

lemon water, but after three days the effects had really benefited me. For some Lemon water

would not help in the long-term but only has a short-term effect. After the whole process and

experiment I did feel the need to continue without writing down how it was still helping me in

that time. In the end, Lemon water had overall helped me in ways I did not think was possible.

And if anything, I would gladly hop on the train to start drinking lemon water again to help me.
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As for essay two, I have always been interested in injuries when it comes to athletes

because that is what I am planning to work on as an adult. Being an athletic trainer has always

been my dream job and as I was writing my second essay for 1302, I was excited to learn the

injuries that athletes can sustain. In that I had learned way more than I thought I could not in

learning about ACL’s. Reading articles about it has opened my eyes in making me realize that

there is more to it when getting hurt. The athlete goes into this long journey in just trying to

recover and getting back to their normal mindset, where they can do the things they could do

before. The second essay of this semester had helped me in discovering many things on how it

can really take a toll on a person.

When writing the essay, I became more aware of how there are many parts within athletes

who have injuries. Trials and experiments were happening in a way researchers were able to see

what ways became effective with ACL’s injuries in athletes. Starting this essay, I was a little

nervous about where I wanted to start and in what aspect I wanted to focus on. As I was writing

the essay there was some trouble in connecting everything in a way it was not confusing for the

most part and to the readers who can have the chance to read my essay. At the end of the essay I

was confident in how I ended the essay and how I felt the paragraphs in the essay flowed the

right way and people were able to get what I was trying to say overall. Even though I had times

where I just did not want to write and all I wanted to do was lay down, I had the willpower of

sitting down and writing my essay so it can be an amazing essay.

In essay three, the same topic was still talked about, but it became more specific on

whether the psychological part can do to an athlete’s injury. This essay was a bit hard to talk

about as in some article they would talk about the same thing, resulting in me repeating some

aspects when it came to writing the essay. With that, I for one did not realize that when returning
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back to a sport, one would have to have three aspects in determining if the athlete is ready to

return. The three factors of that were, emotions, confidence in performing, and risk-appraisal;

with that if one was not at the normal reading then the athlete was not to go back to their sport.

Within these three factors, there was a task in making sure the athlete was ready and with that

only 20 percent were not ready and the rest were on the go to return. I did really like writing

essay three, as I was able to look further in with athletes who sustained major injuries. And

because of this research I am more aware of how the psychological factor does take a toll on an

athlete and how they are recovering from an injury that took them out. When I was writing essay

three, I did notice, and from others as well, there was a good amount of information being

repeated; from this it had made my essay very confusing and repetitive. At first, I did not know

how I could fix it but then I did catch on that I am able to switch the paragraphs around making it

so that all I did was add on the previous paragraph that I had talked about. With those two essays

I had done about athletes who had suffered from ACL’s, I learned more than I thought I would

have done and for that I am thankful.

From all the essays I had written there came the comments and help I had while creating

my essays which had impacted my writing skills in a good way. I believe that when I had

received my professor's comments, they were very similar, as there have been similar blunders I

couldn't avoid. Things like omitting the first-person words were changed, and I was able to

remove them in the essays that followed the first. The thing that may be different is how there

was no repetition in the first two essays, which made the essay quite confusing. As I receive this

feedback, I'll learn how to better prepare myself so that I don't repeat anything I've already said

and that my sentences flow smoothly. The many comments I had received helped me go through

on how I was as a writer and how I developed in a good way. The start of 1302 I had some errors
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just like in 1301, but towards the end this became less of a problem because I had practiced and

had time fixing my errors as the semester went by.

In between that, the homework that we had to do at the start of the semester had helped a

lot to where I had gotten the hang out writing as a writer. The practice of writing has helped me

catch many of the errors where I know for a fact I would not have noticed if it was not for the

homework. Especially the homework on where I wrote multiple thesis statements and had to

choose from there on what route I wanted to go with my essay. The homework where I had to

write many thesis statements had made me think it was a waste of time. I had already known

what I was going to write at the start, yet when finishing the homework, I decided that this was a

really great help on how I wanted to structure my final essay of the semester. From now on I

would like to start with exercises of creating multiple thesis statements and going with whichever

one will help me strengthen my introduction of my essays.

Besides the “Moving from subject to thesis statement” homework I did really enjoy

working on the Annotated Bibliography as it helped me find other sources in my second essay.

At the start of doing the Annotated Bibliography I thought that it was going to be a major waste

of time as I was worrying about what I was going to talk about in my essay 2. When I heard that

we needed to do annotated bibliography for every source we found I thought it was going to be

very hard and I felt that I was going to do a bad job with that. Finding the ten sources for essay 2

was very time consuming which did lead me a bit stressed, but towards the end I found much

information about injuries athletes endure that I would have not known if it was not for the

Annotated Bibliography. I am also very thankful that I got to do an Annotated Bibliography as I

now know how to do one and if there is another class where I would need to have one I will be

prepared and ready for it. Even though I did kind of cram in doing it I would know not to do that,
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since making an Annotated Bibliography is very time consuming, yet very worthwhile in the end

of making an essay.

As I had started my website, I wanted to keep the theme of books and still have some

pictures connecting to my topic essays. The colors I chose were mixed with greens, blues,

purples, and browns. I knew from the start of doing the website since I had already done one last

semester and it taught me I should never procrastinate and have all my work in a separate file in

a way I could look for my essays, invention worksheet and reflections. While making the

portfolio I was a bit over it since it was a lot of waiting for my pictures to upload. In between the

makings of the website, it has logged me out to where I could not remember my password and I

had spent twenty minutes working on figuring out my password. At the end I did eventually find

a way and continued my website. The way I wanted to end my portfolio was where I was a book

having different chapters of all my three essays. One consisted of the homework; reflections and

the three different drafts of the three essays English 1302 had required.

To conclude, I wanted to be prepared when starting the three essays for English 1302 at

the beginning of the semester. Many of the homework assignments we completed had aided me

in practicing for a future essay and in preparing for any essay I would have. From essay one to

essay three, there was a significant improvement in terms of how I evolved as a writer. And in

the end I was able to achieve my goal. It did not matter that I was lazy or too stressed in writing

my essays but the way I was able to get it done and have it written in a formal way.

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