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It is of utmost importance to realize the benefits as well as the detriments
that social networks cause us, because one is already dependent on the
platforms they offer us for interaction with family and friends.

We were told about Jaron the creator of the book 10 reasons to delete
social networks, which tells us about two main applications Google and
Facebook, if you do not pay for the product you are the product, based on
consumerism where humans are traded,

They know a lot about our tastes, thoughts, feelings, own characteristics
that even we would not have defined, these have a doll that represent us to
determine what to show us and that we call attention, even determine that
publication is important to us with the time we take to read them, they
measure the time of attention we take.

Goal of attention, growth and publicity

We are part of an experiment, where we reach a point of being dependent

on social networks and this kind of platforms make us believe that they give
us a value and even give us a false attention, our value is measured by the
amount of interactions or likes we can get.

Through our publications or photos, the same applications are like a drug
we are already programmed, but not prepared because since it was created
in 2013 to 2015 have been increasing the number of people in depression,
the number of suicides were increasing.

What many of us think that we have to depend on cell phones and all the
social networks which make us dependent on them beyond the content of
the applications make us unable to relate to others.

People which we do not notice because depending on applications or bad

information of a content makes us change the things that we think or things
that are not correct.

It is a reality when we think that at some point machines will take over the
world what many do not know is that this is already a reality today.

They did not understand how in twirler the news spread 6 times more than
when they went on the air, it is something incredible the capacity that has
for its propagation.

YouTube management works

One of the problems of Facebook is that the government or people with high
powers make movements or propagate views with their own interests,
manipulating people with false movements and only obtaining their own

Manipulation in social networks has generated a lot of controversy in

different media, since many comment that what these people do is not
manipulation but people who use these tools that are social networks to
their advantage.

To say that technology is an existential threat is a great affirmation, since

around us is that technology and unfortunately the misuse that we give it
goes to the disadvantage of ourselves or all those who use it, which
becomes a latent threat.

Several statements could be made about the use and the effect that is
caused by the use of social networks, it might seem that the creators of
these platforms are even selfish for only thinking about the lucrative part
that the future of our children, while the economy works that way we leave

These markets should be banned or delimited, like many markets that have
spread around the world, it is a short-term thinking to believe that
somehow using world resources will generate us comforts, without realizing
that at some point these resources will be exhausted, it is a selfish thinking
on the part of entrepreneurs.

A healthy society is to get out of this way of business, we do not have to be

treated as a resource to be extracted, we are being a product for them.

It should be noted that the right way to generate resources for companies
is not by capturing all our attention, taking away our power over our

Getting us all to stop using social networks is difficult, but perhaps not by
giving our full attention, defining some exact times for their use, so that we
are the ones who control these platforms and we are the ones they control.

Not agreeing to the suggestions that YouTube shows us on our devices and
choosing on our own is a way to fight these human currents.

Nowadays we can be zombies in social networks in which we let ourselves

be guided by the social networks and we do not realize what is behind as
we become addictive to the platforms and it becomes difficult for us to leave

It is also important to know that we could stop all the chaos we are creating
within the social circle if only we become aware of how to use the networks
in a productive way in which we should not create more problems and help
each other in a reciprocal way.

Ingles Español

Logarithm Logaritmo

Dopamine Dopamina

Generation Z Generacion Z

Hashtag Hashtag

Publicarions Publicaciones

Chatter Charla

Coverage Cobertura

Social Networks Redes Sociales

Marketing Mercadeo

Degital Platform Plataforma D

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