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Eunizel V. Calaluan ABM12.

April 15, 2021

Point of View

Social Responsibility of Entrepreneurs

1. What is the difference between the minimum wage and the living wage? Do you think successful companies are
morally obliged to give wages above the minimum? Explain your answer.

For the differences, minimum wage is the minimum pay per hour for the workers. This is the minimum
amount that is permitted by law which also required the company to pay it to their workers for their work performed
during a given period or hours. On the other hand, living wage refers to the minimum income level that is necessary
for the workers to meet their basic needs. This is the income level that is earned from their job and allows the workers
to afford the things they need to buy for their living like shelter, foods, clothes or their other basic necessities. This
amount is also higher than the minimum wage.

In my own opinion, I think that successful companies are not really morally obliged to give wages above
the minimum but that doesn’t mean they ought not to do it. Successful companies may give a higher wages above the
minimum to their workers as long as it is on their agreement and fair for everyone. Since they are already a successful
company they must know what is certain amount of wages that their workers deserve to receive after all the work
they have done. It is important to know that aside on working for them and making their company stable their
employees should also receive the amount of wages that will make them afford to buy the things they need and to
sustain their families.

2. Television, personalities, athletes, and other celebrities receive unimaginable fees. Meanwhile, teachers receive
very meager salaries. Do you think this is an injustice?

In that case for me, my stand is that is not an injustice. In my own perspective, I can see that the work
that is done by the television personalities, athletes and other celebrities is very different to the work by the teachers
who educate us. We can see that the job of television personalities, athletes and celebrities is to entertain us, they
generate a lot of output from their work which means they can reach out a thousand or a million of people in just
one time since tv is more broadly. While for the teachers, they are also productive but in their case they can only
educate those students who are studying on their school. We can see that both jobs it may be on the television or a
teacher it is not that easy. Though it is also not required to give them the same amount of fees it may be
unimaginable fees or very meager salaries.

But, even though teachers are not necessarily required to receive the same amount like the celebrities still
they shouldn’t receive very meager salaries they don’t deserve. Teachers are very important for every one of us.
Without them, who would educate us? They are also the one reason behind of every success because without them
we can’t learn more broad things. So overall, teachers should not be left out and they should receive the salaries they
deserve because that is the one that will show injustice.

3. Differentiate the stakeholder model of a corporation vs corporate social responsibility (CSR ).

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The stakeholder model of corporation is a model that shows the overall of the organization which includes
the individuals, who can affect or may be affected by the achievement and performance of the organization. It shows
the different group of individuals inside and outside the organization like customers, suppliers, employees,
competitors and many more which may affect or may affected by their firm. On the other hand, the corporate social
responsibility (CSR ) refers to the person’s obligation to consider the effects of his decision and action on the whole
social system.

4. How can companies continue to implement CSR in pandemic?

Every companies can still continue to implement CSR in pandemic wherein they will consider what are the
actions they should make that will help them to know the things that every potential customers needs in this time of
pandemic. They can have their own research or observation through the interest and needs of an individual in this
time of pandemic. With this they can make sure what are the possible effects of their decisions to their companies.

5. What can you say about the business that uses animals for experimentation, entertainment and gaming? Do
you think these businesses are morally objectionable? Why or why not?

The thing that I can say to those businesses that uses animals for their experimentation, entertainment or
even gaming is to STOP IT. And yes these businesses are morally objectionable. Why? It is because they should not
use any kind of animals it may be wild or not for an experiment, entertainment or gaming. They can always have to
search for an alternative and use it. They should not include the innocent animals to their experiments most
especially if it may cause them harm. If we people don’t want to be experimented, those animals also have an
emotions and of course they don’t want to be hurt also. They can’t just tell it to us because they are animals they can
speak but we are humans we should be the one who is more knowledgeable than them.

6. What can you say about the businesses that have padrino system? (Gaining promotion through family
affiliation or friendship).

In this kind of system I can say that it is not really inevitable most especially when it is your family but for
me when it comes to business we should include everything on its right process. Aside from gaining promotion to
someone because he is related to you but you as an owner to be more effective you should look more to those
employees that is not related to you because sometimes those employees who deserve the position are being left out
because the owner can’t see their work or their effort because they just look more onto their relatives to those
employees they know. Always remember it is not only to gain the support of your family, friends or relatives from
promoting them it should also be gaining your company’s reputation by giving the employees the same treatment in
each and every one of them.

7. The prices for almost all commodities rose due to pandemic, especially pork meat. What can you say about the
government setting the maximum price limit for pork meat? Is it fair for both the consumer and seller? Explain.

In this time of pandemic where a lot of individuals lose their jobs I can say that setting the maximum price
limit for pork meat or even other foods or need by an individual is not right. We all know that there’s a lot of
businesses stops their operation due to pandemic for their safety it also means losing the employees job and losing
their source of money. S where do the government think will the individual get their money to pay for that high price
of pork meat or other necessities. In that case I can say that it is not fair mostly for the consumer because in my life

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experience when my dad loses his job due to the pandemic one of our main problem is the money where we will get
the money to buy the things we need? How can we afford high price products in this time of pandemic? Both seller
and consumer experience difficulty in this time of pandemic but they should not only look on the high price of goods
for the economy but also for the capability of an individual to afford those products and continue their living.

8. Comment on how most fast-food chains produce food with an appearance far from its appetizing advertisement.
What type of direct misinterpretation was shown?

The type of direct misinterpretation was shown is the distribution dilemmas most specifically is the
promotion. The fast-food chains produce food with an appearance far from its appetizing advertisement is because
when they make the advertisement of their certain menu they make sure that they will put a lot of effort to make it
more appetizing. Based on what I have watched about the advertisement of fast-food chains for them to make it
more appetizing they put something on the product that is not really part of the ingredients but will help them to
make it more delicious. This is really a misinterpretation because o their promotion through advertisement the
consumer will start to expect something about the product but once they receive it on the actual they may be
disappointed and it may cause a negative impact to the business.

9. Explain how there will be an unfair competition for an ice cream franchise.

There will be an unfair competition for an ice cream franchise when another company uses wrong practices
to gain the product competitiveness. It happens when the other company uses the same trademark that might cause
the consumer confusion. There will be an unfair competition for an ice cream franchise when the other company will
have a false advertising and false representation.

10. What usually causes a breach of contract?

The thing that usually causes the breach of contract is when the one party fails to fulfill their contractual
obligations. One of the main reason of the breach of contract is the continuously not performing the obligation on
time, do not perform in accordance to their agreement and most especially when not performing at all. With this it
may cause a lot of damages to the other party so it is necessary to do the breach of contract.

11. Will it be unethical if honor students are given an unlimited number of absences throughout the semester?

In my own opinion, giving an unlimited number of absences to an honor student throughout the semester is
considered as unethical. Why? It is because it won’t show a fair treatment for all the students. Not because they are
an honor student who excel in academics, represent the school in different competitions, they had a lot of
achievements and awards; it doesn’t mean that it is fair to give them an unlimited number of absences. They are still
a student who should follow the rules of the school. Honor student or not they should experience the fair treatment.

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