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bow Pho 4 Fetterman, MUSIS9 Dr. Hochmiller 6 October 2021 i ne 0 Private Lesson for Tenor Voice Observation ‘During my observation in this lesson, I noticed some interesting things that will be “helpful to me in my teaching journey. This was a preparation lesson for the student's hearing for their senior recital. ‘They started with warm-ups, Their warm-ups consisted of a few exercises, tone of them being an exercise on the five-vowel sequence. This is a very important part of warm- ups because correet formation of vowels is imperative for good regonange. The student was also experiencing some nasal sounds, so they worked on the “O” vowel up and down a five-note scale, After this, the accompanist came into the lesson, and they went through the repertoire for the venior recital, During the singing of the repertoire, the student sang without music so he could try to work on his stage presence. They worked very briefly on each song because there were so many songs to get through, After each run through of each song, they worked a few things from the song. The main thing they were working on, especially with the songs that were ina foreign language, was diction. The student was having trouble with corrections of diction, but he and did not give up trying. Something else that the student had trouble with 8 persist ‘vas his fidgeting during singing. I was very hard for him to stand still, Something the voice teacher and accompanist hoth urged him to do was practice standing still white he is practicing his music, It will make ita fot more natural for him to stand stil if that is what he ip used to doing. Something that also helps is standing in the crook of the piano, The student can put his nil the piano, and it will make him feel more grounded, hand on the lid lot leas likely to fidget. This is very important for performances because when a singer is moving around on stage, it makes the performance look generally uneasy and nervous, which is something that is very distracting for an audience member. Honor Code: I affirm that I have upheld the highest principles of honesty and integrity and I have ‘not witnessed a violation of the Honor Code, -Sally Fetterman

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