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Name : Ferdiriana Kohe Babys

Class : IV B

NIM : 2001020189

1. Henry Sweet (1845-1912) who is credited with founding the modern science of phonetics
( father of modern phonetics ).
2. “Seen speech” is an alphabetic symbol from Alexander Graham Bell’s
3. Benefits of Analphabetic Notation System developed by Jaspersen is Greek alphabets,
Arabic numeric signs, and Latin alphabets.
4. a. Charles Butler : created and publish The English Grammar and reformed spelling by
simplifying digraphs.
b. Henry Sweet : created with founding the modern science of phonetic
c. Jaspersen : created a set of symbol which were made of Greek alphabets, Arabic
numeric signs and Latin al[habets
d. Karl Richard : express a number of African languages
e. Johan August Lundell : created a phonetic system for Swedish dialects
f. Bremer : created a phonetic system for Germany dialects
5. a . Articulatory phonetics : is concerned with the production of phones(speech sounds)
and consequently the anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism, the process of
articulation using vocal organs, and the description of phones based properties of the
speech mechanism.
b . Acoustic phonetics is the description and interpretation of the variations in the air
pressure which are transmitted as a result of vocal organ activity.
c . Auditory phonetics begins with vibration the result from variations in air pressure,
focusing on the numerous involved in the conversion of the sound wave to mechanical
vibration through the structure of the ear generating an electrical signal carried by the
auditory nerve to the brain.
6. Two kinds of pulmonic air that is Egressive and Ingressive.
Egressive is outward flowing pulmonic air.
Ingressive is air flowing into the lungs
7. Sound ”S”
8. “ Consonants, flaps, trills, nasals,ect”

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